Hardest Master of...
Just because it took many, many runs to finally get. I am most proud of Master of Keyes.
Liberty Server (@enderbean)
Arcs on Live
#1460 Hometown Rivalry
it varies per toon for me lol
ive nearly solo'd MoITF when i still hear of teams failing it on occasion (although on the forums i know most poeple are OP here lol)
keyes trial/badges fill me with such hate and disgust i prolly have to say thats the hardest MO badge, most of the other ones were cakewalk
(i have to agree the lambda badges are stupid in design too and i know a lot of poeple who got all 3 badges (antacid, well stocked, lambda looter) when it was bugged so all 3 awarded at once)
most of the other tfs i do not think are that difficult to get MOs with the right buffs/team

Got all Master of badges but for lambda, undergroud and keyes that cause i dont like doing itrials as been get slots unlocked and swap shards to threads yer i know long way doing things.
Master of badge proud of have to be master of LGTF as love that TF/SF
Kittens ftw

I'd say hardest three, from easiest to hardest, for me would be:
- Underground (the badge req's really aren't hard, they just require solid coordination; the Avatar timed kill badge is a crap shoot though, but it's feasible)
- Lambda (Marauder kill without grenades is a beast, especially with the clock ticking and Unstoppable popping up, sometimes two or three times).
- Keyes (Sheer number of steps in an essentially open field of three identical regions gives people logic lobotomies after having complete these requirements, and Green Beam is the crap shoot of all crap shoots)

@TURGENEV - Freedom Server / IRON / B.A.N.E / HORDE

Turg Fiction: Ghost in the Machine Acts III & IV coming 2012!
Turg Fiction: IX is now LIVE on Architect Entertainment!
From easy to hard:
LGTF - the hami but can get some people although EoEs make this much easier
LRSF - The final fight can be tricky
Underground - Just because it's still new and some people may not be aware of the bombs/seedling bits
Keyes - Ugh...
The rest are all pretty easy especially if you don't mind taking more than 1 run for some of the badges, such as on Tin Mage, BAF.
Octavian Vanguard
@ohmsEU and @ohms 2
Badging character: Bimble on the Union server, Badgehunter.com and City Info Tracker.
Kahn (Quad AV final fight but you easily fight them one at a time)
Imperious (Easily manageable AV situations)
Lady Grey (The Hamidon is the hardest part for the Mo badge)
Apex (Final AV fight on a timer)
Underground (The timing on the final fight and bombs may be difficult)
BAF (Some teamwork/timing required)
Tin Mage (Director 11's fight although easier with incarnates now)
Cuda (The extended ambushes make this an easy one to mess up)
Lambda (Fighting Maurader's res without nades sucks)
Statesman (Multiple hard AVs, easy to make mistakes)
Lord Recluse (Final AV's fight, unless well orchestrated could make you fail)
Keyes (Avoids the Green Stuff badge..and Loves a Challenge..old school master rules on new content sucks)
As far as which I'm proudest of I can't really say. I'll probably be proudest of MoKeyes because that's the only one I don't have yet.

Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀
It also depends on the makeup of the team, even though you don't need the perfect team, a few builds or At's make a big difference in how easy and hard they are.
No holds/ not enough melee damage on a LGTF will either fail or drag that part out.
Having a pema mind dom on a LRSF makes it a cakewalk.
Having a cold on a STF can pretty much kill Ghost Widows heal makes her pretty easy to heal meaning less stacking of holds on your meat sheild
My ranking on the 4 hardest ones with a normal type team are
1. Keyes - nuff said
2. Underground - just because its new I see this moving down soon
3. LRSF - I still think this is the hardest old school TF around for just a normal group of players and builds.
4. LGTF - Even though its only 1 mission that's hard, with so many people that are used to speeding this and are used to just going crazy during the Hami part, its pretty easy to still die.
5. All the other ones I have done multiple times with a bunch of different toons, so I would rate them below these 4.
All the
Freedom Server - Main = Lil Bug & way too many alts to list
It also depends on the makeup of the team, even though you don't need the perfect team, a few builds or At's make a big difference in how easy and hard they are.
That's why when I came up with my list in my last post I assumed a level playing field with every Mo attempt in question being attempted by an adequately balanced set of ATs/Powersets that would work best for the particular run.
Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀
Keyes is currently the worst of the bunch by far.
Lambda is next since fighting Marauder without grenades can be tricky if players on team can't compensate for no grenades.
Underground: it's new, given time people will run it blindfolded.
I see Keyes as the hardest.
I don't find the Underground badges to be as difficult as Keyes.
For me it'd be (easiest to hardest):
Apex - can't lose through deaths, easy to get without even trying for it.
TinM - relatively easy to get without even trying for it, as long as people enter the warehouse on time.
Kahn - nothing really threatening in the whole TF, final AVs pop one by one and won't be too much trouble with anyone decent at keeping aggro.
ITF - while it remains easy, ambushes can kill a sloppy squishie.
LRSF - the AV fights themselves are easy as long as you have a decent aggro toon, the biggest threats are either a squishie getting too cocky and PBAoE'd to death during those fights, or getting killed by robots in mission 2 or the longbow inc in mission 4.
STF - the tree part can get squishies killed, as well as the ambushes during Dr Aeon's mission. No real challenge otherwise if you play it cheap and safe with Recluse (i.e. jetpack taunt).
Barracuda - either requires a defender or mastermind, heavily incarnated alts, or more than 4 players. Lots of ambushes.
LGTF - players with mez powers are almost mandatory for that one.
BAF - need at least 12 players to start. High chance to have someone screw up.
Lambda - less restrictive than BAF, but harder. Squishies can get killed relatively easily unless there's more than the minimum and/or people with multiple level shifts.
Keyes - as many players required as BAF and the unwillingness of the playerbase to run it at all, combined with an overreliance on heals easily makes this one of the hardest one if not the hardest to get.
UG - no clue, I haven't even done the trial yet, but hearing friends saying how long it takes and it being heal based once again, I'm inclined to assume it might follow the same pattern as Keyes, with very few people willing to do it at all.
I would rate Keyes the hardest with Lambda close behind. Keyes because the badges just don't make sense. Damage Anti-Matter to 10% and then try to complete it ... Why!???. Stand around tapping your foot and let Anti-Matter fully heal 3 times in final fight ... Why!??? At least the door badge and avoid the green stuff make some sense even if they are tricky to get. There may be other badges awarded for doing crazy stuff but these seem above and beyond to me. Almost like awarding badges for griefing a trial.
The three main lambda badges are just messed up. They should only have one run where you can't use grenades or acid and allow you to use just grenades and just acid on the other two (even if you have to get them from the courtyard). Just don't have the patience to beat my head against that wall three times so I haven't done it.
UG - no clue, I haven't even done the trial yet, but hearing friends saying how long it takes and it being heal based once again, I'm inclined to assume it might follow the same pattern as Keyes, with very few people willing to do it at all.

Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀
Just like the title, what do you think is the hardest "Master of..." badge to get is...and why?
My ranking from easy to hard is this - Imperious / Lady Grey (These are both pretty easy, altough Lady Grey's Hami mission is tricky) Kahn (Quad AV's at the end make it slightly harder than a ITF) Tin Mage (Director 11's fight..although easier with incarnates now) BAF (you could almost do it sleeping, but the final fight needs some degree of timing) Apex (Final AV fight on a timer, puts pressure to get it done, some just can't do it) Barracuda (Last room fight, with no deaths can be a real killer) Lord Recluse (Final AV's fight, unless well orchestrated could make you fail) Statesman (Ghost Widow..enough said) Lambda (Fighting Maurader's res without nades sucks..bad) Underground (LONG...the timing on the final fight may be difficult, not alot of teams have the coordination for the bomb run) Keyes (Avoids the Green Stuff badge..and Loves a Challenge..old school master rules on new content sucks) What kind of ranking do you have? Which "Master of.." badge are you most pround of? |
1666 characters : Master of Apex's Task Force
929 characters : Master of the B.A.F.
744 characters : Master of the Imperious Task Force
591 characters : Master of the 5th Column Task Force
580 characters : Master of Statesman's Task Force
469 characters : Master of Tin Mage's Task Force
392 characters : Master of Lord Recluse's Strike Force
383 characters : Master of Lady Grey's Task Force
328 characters : Master of the 5th Column Strike Force
271 characters : Master of Lambda Sector
14 characters : Master of Keyes Island Reactor
I would place Master of Underground between Lambda and Keyes currently. The MoUG attempts on Triumph seem to be in the "fail stages" with 2 fails for every success.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters
As of July 11th, City Information Terminal had the following number of characters tracked with each badge:
1666 characters : Master of Apex's Task Force 929 characters : Master of the B.A.F. 744 characters : Master of the Imperious Task Force 591 characters : Master of the 5th Column Task Force 580 characters : Master of Statesman's Task Force 469 characters : Master of Tin Mage's Task Force 392 characters : Master of Lord Recluse's Strike Force 383 characters : Master of Lady Grey's Task Force 328 characters : Master of the 5th Column Strike Force 271 characters : Master of Lambda Sector 14 characters : Master of Keyes Island Reactor I would place Master of Underground between Lambda and Keyes currently. The MoUG attempts on Triumph seem to be in the "fail stages" with 2 fails for every success. |

I think the only thing you have to factor in is the fact that some of these Mo badges have been around for a lot longer than others so there may be more of those listed here just because there's been more time for people to get them.
Also I still think as time goes on the Underground Trial will end up rating as one of the "easier" Mo badges. I think it's "hard" right now just because it's new - the actual things you have to do to get the side badges are relatively straightforward in that one.
Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀
Just like the title, what do you think is the hardest "Master of..." badge to get is...and why?
I think all the Master badges that require zero deaths are on one tier: Master of ITF, Master of STF, Master of LRSF, Master of 5SF, Master of 5TF, Master of LGTF. Which ones are easier or harder depend mostly on team composition. But for all of them, if you have enough overkill to do the task force at all, you have enough to do it without getting killed if you're moderately careful.
I think Master of Apex is easier, and Master of Tin Mage is harder that the zero-defeat badges mostly due to the Director 11 fight. Either you know how to do it or you don't, and accidents can happen even with nearly perfect tactics. Its also harder to assemble an Tin Mage than, say, an ITF.
I think both Master of BAF and Master of Lambda are harder than Master of TM: BAF because of Separated and Lambda because of Lambda Looter, both of which I think is harder than Dodger.
Keyes is definitely harder than MoLam or MoBAF due to both Green Stuff and Loves a Challenge are at least as hard if not harder than Separated and Lambda Looter, because in both cases everyone (or at least everyone engaged in the last fight) must all perform perfectly. That isn't true for Separated and Dodger.
I don't have MoUnderground yet, but based on what I've seen once people get the hang of it my guess is MoU will probably be roughly on par with MoLam and MoBAF.
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Think that Underground with practice will have same difficulty as BAF. It can be easily failed, but with enough people knowing what need to be done almost every other run will be Mo. Bombs are not hard if people don't rush, and Avatar fight badge needs same coordination as BAF one.
Keys and Lambda - I don't even want to try, especially Keys.
"If you want to win you must not lose."
"Easiest way to turn defeat into a victory is to put on the enemy's uniform"
"Better strategic retreat than dishonorable defeat"
I think the only thing you have to factor in is the fact that some of these Mo badges have been around for a lot longer than others so there may be more of those listed here just because there's been more time for people to get them.
48.67 - Master of the B.A.F. - (1168 characters / 24 weeks)
44.79 - Master of Apex's Task Force - (1881 characters / 42 weeks)
43.00 - Master of the Underground - (43 characters / 1 week)
15.33 - Master of Lambda Sector - (368 characters / 24 weeks)
14.40 - Master of Tin Mage's Task Force - (605 characters / 42 weeks)
8.45 - Master of the Imperious Task Force - (887 characters / 105 weeks)
6.58 - Master of the 5th Column Task Force - (691 characters / 105 weeks)
6.42 - Master of Lady Grey's Task Force - (469 characters / 73 weeks)
6.33 - Master of Keyes Island Reactor - (76 characters / 12 weeks)
3.74 - Master of the 5th Column Strike Force - (393 characters / 105 weeks)
3.39 - Master of Statesman's Task Force - (675 characters / 199 weeks)
2.34 - Master of Lord Recluse's Strike Force - (465 characters / 199 weeks)
Surely these numbers have and will change over time, but it's interesting to me how this list shows the disparity between Master badges with similar quantites (like Lord Recluse and Lady Grey) that have significantly different ratios based on the amount of time they've been available. Nearly 175% more people have earned MoLG than MoLR in 37% of the time.
Also, BAF and Apex are apparently just crazy-easy, or just massively over-run. Or both.
Blondeshell (1381 badges) - My other badge hunters
VidiotMaps Master Cartographer
MArc #87989 - Enter, The Conglomerate
Invention Salvage Distribution Charts
This got me thinking a little bit, so I quickly crunched some numbers. Using CIT numbers as of today, and factoring in the time that each badge has been available, here are the rankings for each Master badge.
48.67 - Master of the B.A.F. - (1168 characters / 24 weeks) 44.79 - Master of Apex's Task Force - (1881 characters / 42 weeks) 43.00 - Master of the Underground - (43 characters / 1 week) 15.33 - Master of Lambda Sector - (368 characters / 24 weeks) 14.40 - Master of Tin Mage's Task Force - (605 characters / 42 weeks) 8.45 - Master of the Imperious Task Force - (887 characters / 105 weeks) 6.58 - Master of the 5th Column Task Force - (691 characters / 105 weeks) 6.42 - Master of Lady Grey's Task Force - (469 characters / 73 weeks) 6.33 - Master of Keyes Island Reactor - (76 characters / 12 weeks) 3.74 - Master of the 5th Column Strike Force - (393 characters / 105 weeks) 3.39 - Master of Statesman's Task Force - (675 characters / 199 weeks) 2.34 - Master of Lord Recluse's Strike Force - (465 characters / 199 weeks) Surely these numbers have and will change over time, but it's interesting to me how this list shows the disparity between Master badges with similar quantites (like Lord Recluse and Lady Grey) that have significantly different ratios based on the amount of time they've been available. Nearly 175% more people have earned MoLG than MoLR in 37% of the time. Also, BAF and Apex are apparently just crazy-easy, or just massively over-run. Or both. |
Yes but the LGTF has two missions that can be "accelerated" to conclusion, so unless someone is horrendously careless or an enemy gets a lucky shot in mishes 1-3 and 5, the only real obstacle is the weakened Hami in mish 4. Once past mish 4, the badge is practically won. Compare that to the last mish of the LR with the entire Phalanx that if not handled right will mass aggro onto the group.
I think the data Snow Globe and Blondeshell provided give us some valuable insight into this discussion. Ultimately any list like this is still going to have a bit of subjective vagueness to it because there will always be some factors that can't be totally agreed upon like which ones of these are more "popular" than others. But regardless of all that I think we can probably generally agree that for the time being Keyes is the hardest.

Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀
MoLRSF is a joke because of perma mind doms, if you don't know someone that can play one for your group then its not too bad if you have alot of buffs/debuffs rolling in your group, if you don't have either of the above then you should rethink your group comp. MoSTF is pretty easy if you have some solid buffing going on, and can be earned without even trying for it on speed runs with people that know what theyre doing. These 2 masters difficulty depends heavily on what kind of group composition you are running (heavy amounts of support = easier run) and if you have competant players (the ones who know when to pop break frees and greens)
MoKhan is extremely easy and can be done with 4-8 people easily, the AVs at the end don't hit that hard at all. MoCuda on the other hand is probably the most annoying master badge to get for people (apart from lamda/keyes), as with the ambushes at the end while fighting reich its better to clear all ambushes before actually fighting him, as getting dropped to 1 hp by reich then getting unlucky even at softcap defense being hit by some random 5th column dude happens way more than you'd think it would or could -_-
It is more common that a regular apex run will achieve master than it is for it to not, this is definitely by far the easiest master.
Master Tin Mage's Midnight Dodger can be done with nukes/shivs or just softcapping your whole team with colds/bubblers/veats/etc and melting him, he can go down real fast with a good group lessening the time that people need to worry about getting hit by a bomb.
LGTF has hami, which can be annoying with an uncoordinated or weak team, but can be allieviated by using EoEs and/or retreating after x number of mito kills.
Master of Underground honestly isnt that difficult and I think as time goes on it will show to be even more and more easy as people get more familiar with the trial.
Havent done Lambda and Keyes master runs yet as I havent been playing the game, but theyre the hardest from what I can tell just looking at the badge requirements and knowing the fights.
Yep, I'd say Master of the Keyes trial is the hardest.
I thought the UG trial would be harder to get the Master of badge but...nope..surprisingly I'm glad it's not hard to get (beyond some coordination from people).
Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
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Based on the number of attempts it took to get the badge, I'd agree with everyone else and say that Keyes is the toughest. It took my team something like 25 attempts to get that badge. I lost the exact count after a while. However, in terms of player coordination I would say that the Underground trial is worse.
With Keyes, we usually went with the minimum requirement of 12 people because less people meant a greater chance of success on the final two badges. With the underground trial, that really isn't an option at present because we need the damage, buff, and debuff output of a larger league to take down the war walkers and the avatar. That makes team coordination much tougher. So far, I've tried for the underground badges about 15 times and still haven't gotten all of them. Just about every time, one of the following things happens - Someone will run off during the bomb phase and trigger a bomb, or people will use regen and defense buffs while confused and fighting the avatar, making him unbeatable, or the person with desdemona goes afk and a patrol kills her. I've even had the avatar kill desdemona several times after an otherwise successful badge run.
I think most of those failures are due to team coordination, which will likely get better over time as people get more used to the trial. Assuming that they even want to run it at all, that is. In just the last week, I've seen the number of Underground trial runs drop quite a bit - and that is regular trial runs.
Well you certainly can't argue too much against cold hard facts.
![]() I think the only thing you have to factor in is the fact that some of these Mo badges have been around for a lot longer than others so there may be more of those listed here just because there's been more time for people to get them. Also I still think as time goes on the Underground Trial will end up rating as one of the "easier" Mo badges. I think it's "hard" right now just because it's new - the actual things you have to do to get the side badges are relatively straightforward in that one. |
Badge Name 07/11/2011 09/21/2011 Difference Master of Apex's Task Force 1,666 1,882 216 Master of the B.A.F. 929 1,175 246 Master of the Imperious Task Force 744 887 143 Master of the 5th Column Task Force 591 691 100 Master of Statesman's Task Force 580 676 96 Master of Tin Mage's Task Force 469 605 136 Master of Lady Grey's Task Force 383 469 86 Master of Lord Recluse's Strike Force 392 466 74 Master of the 5th Column Strike Force 328 393 65 Master of Lambda Sector 271 368 97 Master of Keyes Island Reactor 14 76 62 Master of the Underground 0 46 46

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters
Just like the title, what do you think is the hardest "Master of..." badge to get is...and why?
My ranking from easy to hard is this -
Imperious / Lady Grey (These are both pretty easy, altough Lady Grey's Hami mission is tricky)
Kahn (Quad AV's at the end make it slightly harder than a ITF)
Tin Mage (Director 11's fight..although easier with incarnates now)
BAF (you could almost do it sleeping, but the final fight needs some degree of timing)
Apex (Final AV fight on a timer, puts pressure to get it done, some just can't do it)
Barracuda (Last room fight, with no deaths can be a real killer)
Lord Recluse (Final AV's fight, unless well orchestrated could make you fail)
Statesman (Ghost Widow..enough said)
Lambda (Fighting Maurader's res without nades sucks..bad)
Underground (LONG...the timing on the final fight may be difficult, not alot of teams have the coordination for the bomb run)
Keyes (Avoids the Green Stuff badge..and Loves a Challenge..old school master rules on new content sucks)
What kind of ranking do you have? Which "Master of.." badge are you most pround of?