Time to retire TOs?




Originally Posted by Venture View Post
The entire old-school enhancement system should be shot in the head and buried in a shallow grave outside Terlingua. IOs make it unnecessary.
That I disagree with. IOs take game time that I don't always have. I have a couple of guys IOed out, but many of my characters that I mutz around with have no IOs at all. SOs give you the choices to modify and flavor a power without spending real time on it. Keep them, just make the system simple.



I'm thinking that TOs may serve more of a purpose once the initial frenzy has abated a touch and players totally new to the game (and some returnees) join. Not everyone will run the new sewer trials all the time - there's still other stuff that can be done - so I'd be very reluctant to see any changes to the system while it's still new and shiny.

But that said some simplification to the whole Enhancement system would be good. Personally I'd love to see a drop down for SOs/DOs based on Origin so that only those available can be selected - that would make life a lot easier. (And changing ambiguous colours would help a lot especially when the symbol's the same... Defence/Resistance is especially true here.)

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Originally Posted by Venture View Post
The entire old-school enhancement system should be shot in the head and buried in a shallow grave outside Terlingua. IOs make it unnecessary.
Except for F2P and some Premium players.



Originally Posted by Carnifax_NA View Post
Erm, they knew it goes off when the fridge is closed, right?
Even if something is 'off' it still draws power when it is plugged in and completing a circuit.



Originally Posted by FredrikSvanberg View Post
I've wanted a simpler enhancement system for years, so, signed.

While we're at it, can we remove the origin requirement from SOs as well, so any origin character can use any SO enhancement?

If they won't do that at least get rid of the stupid confusing names on the DO's and SO's, or add the basic name to avoid confusion.



Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
Even if something is 'off' it still draws power when it is plugged in and completing a circuit.
The only way to turn an incandescent light bulb off IS to break the circuit, so when one is off, it really is off.

I guess maybe they save a tiny bit of money by not having it turn on when the door is opened, but I can't imagine it would be much.



Originally Posted by Venture View Post
The entire old-school enhancement system should be shot in the head and buried in a shallow grave outside Terlingua. IOs make it unnecessary.
I can't buy iiOs in stores for a nominal price without relying on random drops or an even more random player-run marketplace. As long as this remains true, the "entire old-school enhancement system" has a vital place in the game. But, hey, if you want to argue in favour of selling commons in stores for SO prices, then hell yes I'll buy them!

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Carnifax_NA View Post
Erm, they knew it goes off when the fridge is closed, right?
If I gave a list of every insane OCD thing they did to save money, I'd be here all day. Apparently, the three pennies every two years in saved electricity costs was worth it to them.

Kind of like humping across Steel Canyon to sell my magic/natural DOs



Originally Posted by Jophiel View Post
Kind of like humping across Steel Canyon to sell my magic/natural DOs
That would be interesting to see...

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Jophiel View Post
If I gave a list of every insane OCD thing they did to save money, I'd be here all day. Apparently, the three pennies every two years in saved electricity costs was worth it to them.
Hey, if it was depression era, that'd be worth a lot more.

And Sam... not what you think.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
And Sam... not what you think.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



The confusing enhancement names drive me nuts. I never role play origins for my characters. I make them all Mutant because of the easy to understand enhancement names.

I like this combination of ideas from this thread:

1) Drop DOs entirely.

2) Make TOs as strong as DOs, which simplifies the game for newcomers.

3) Rename all enhancements so that they include their function in the name, e.g. "Smite of Hermes (Knockback)"

Freedom: Blazing Larb, Fiery Fulcrum, Sardan Reborn, Arctic-Frenzy, Wasabi Sam, Mr Smashtastic.



Playing a free member in beta, I was made painfully aware of the fact that pretty much all of the points made in this thread apply only to VIP's and people renting an invention license.

The reason is that salvage replaced most DO/SO drops. If you do not have an inventions license then you do not receive salvage.

Until I hit level 20 and started getting tip missions, which are reasonably lucrative, my freem hero was living hand-to-mouth most of the time. Even then, I had to supplement my inf by, essentially, farming the sewer trial and I still did not have enough info to fully slot out at level 27.

Yes, freems and preems will be very concerned with taking their handful of loot drops to the right store to get top dollar for them, though that is mitigated a bit by making Mender Roebuck available at level 14 (provided you become entrusted with the secret).

I WAS able to send email with attachments from my VIP to my freem. I filed it as a bug, but I'm unsure that it was actually considered a bug rather than working as intended. If you have friends that are freems/preems then you may find that you can email inf to them and be their sugar daddy, so to speak.

Otherwise, yeah; enhancement drops will be extremely valuable and there are far too few of them to make up for the salvage and recipe drops that we vets take for granted nowadays.



Personally, since their inception I've thought the basic IOs (sans the crafting process) should have replaced the TO/DO/SO system.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



i personally dont slot anything until lvl 22 when i can get SOs, if we got SOs earlier i might actually buy them

as for the odd naming and different origin stuff, i think its fine, but what helped me make it easier was Neo Shadowdreams enhancement standardization icon pack, with that the only thing i have to worry about is the picture and what origin it is which simplifies the whole process (for those interested, the thread he started about it is here)



Originally Posted by Venture View Post
The entire old-school enhancement system should be shot in the head and buried in a shallow grave outside Terlingua. IOs make it unnecessary.
Early last year, I happened to notice that there was a lot of Terlingua, TX land being offered on eBay. I wondered why. There isn't much now, by the way.

Teams are the number one killer of soloists.



I wouldn't get rid of TOs, however, I would like to see them take a page from the IO system and be made levelless, equivalent to an even-con TO. This would mean that anyone who bought them would at least get benefit from them from 1 until whenever they chose to upgrade to DOs/SOs/IOs. This would let the player buy a set to get some basic functionality, run through the DFB sewer trial, and not have to worry about zipping past the point when they break on you.

Frankly, that's something I'd like to see implemented through all tiers of enhancements, but I think because it treads so closely to territory claimed by the IO system, TOs are likely the only place where the devs are likely to risk implementing, given that they provide such a weak enhancement and are obsoleted fairly quickly. Honestly, I've always found CoH's system of making you weaker as you level up to be fairly wrongheaded.

I'll also second (eighth/ninth?) the call for a standardization of DO and SO names. There's tricks to find your way through the menus, like remembering colours or realizing that they're ordered alphabetically by function, but it's a layer of unnecessary obfuscation and doesn't add enough verisimilitude to make up for the loss of functionality. (I'm wearing 15 gauntlets, 3 helmets and 10 earrings, huh? Serge must be having a fit!)

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Sartre once said, "Hell is other people." What does that make an MMO?



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
(And possibly DOs?)
Yes and no. TO's should be de-emphasized a lot.

TO's should be removed from all vendors outside of Atlas Park, Mercy and Nova Praetoria. I know when I first started playing I found it really confusing that I had to scroll past the TOs on a vendor to get to the better DOs. Vendors should sell just one type of Enhancement. In fact I was continuing to use TOs for a long time because I didn't realize that better enhancements were available.

In addition, TO's should not drop after level 12 content. Just get rid of them. Recently in game on live, I had a character receive a level 20 TO. What the heck is the point? A drop after level 12 should be a DO or an SO. You can reduce the drop rate of DOs relative to TOs if you like, to compensate for the fact they're worth more than TOs. But don't plug up my inventory with TOs, which really do not sell worth anything, imo.

Too many types of enhancements, too many options. It's just confusing. Simplify the market for new players please. And for old ones too.



Originally Posted by Basilisk View Post
I'll also second (eighth/ninth?) the call for a standardization of DO and SO names.

Tenthed! I'd prefer a drop down filter, that allowed me to just look at Damage IOs, or Accuracy, etc. Then you don't have to go through the work of renaming everything, just add a standard filter UI for all vendors and you're done.

Also, for super vendors, allow me to filter by origin too. So Natural + Damage, or Science + Accuracy, etc.



I'd be for getting rid of DOs, if SOs could be slotted by any character but at 50% effectiveness (the effectiveness of a DO) when slotted by a character other than the matching origin.

I think training enhancements should actually be used for training in the workings of the enhancement system; they should be extremely cheap, so that players can experiment and see how their character performs with different aspects enhanced. Another idea I've had is that from levels 1 through 10 you should be able to right-click an enhancement slot and buy/upgrade a training enhancement for that slot, right there on the enhancement screen.



Originally Posted by Venture View Post
The entire old-school enhancement system should be shot in the head and buried in a shallow grave outside Terlingua. IOs make it unnecessary.
Absolutely not! I use SO's on all my chars up to level 47, and THEN I slot level 50 IO's. And even that isn't required, really.

The Invention Origin enhancement system is completely optional. As the devs designed it. Let it stay that way.

Oh, and get off my lawn! *unscrewed the refigerator light bulb*



My Enhancement Simplification for Dummies would be this...

- Get rid of TOs/DOs/SOs.
- Let F2P/Premium players use common IOs.
- Let crafted common IOs drop when a TO/DO/SO would drop instead.
- IOs from sets are only usable for players with access to them.



No I use TOs and DOs on my characters. Some don't recognize their value, but I do. And I don't want to be stuck doing several DFBs on each character just to get them enhanced. One time on one character is more than enough.

If a secondary source of low-level SOs is desired, there's always the market which should be filling up with low level SOs people would rather sell than use and the AE could be modified to sell low-level SOs for Tickets (like it did on its launch).

TOs and DOs are highly undervalued.

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WARNING: I bold names.



Devs do this:

Make TOs numerically identical to SOs.

Replace SOs and DOs with TOs.

Voila. Suddenly the enhancement system is simple. This removes:

-TO/DO/SO/IO/Purple/PVPIO/etc confusions. It just becomes TO/IO/Rare

-Removes all the complicated stupid names of SOs/DOs.

-Removes the complication of SOs/DOs being origin specific.

-Is easier to implement than renaming EVERY DO AND SO IN THE GAME. All you're doing is giving TOs the value of SOs and selling them everywhere. It will make the enhancement system VERY SIMPLE, which will compliment the VERY COMPLICATED invention system.

As for what you can use the SO stores for - use them as vendors for costumes/places for contacts. It makes much more sense for magical contacts to be in a magic shop...than it does for them to be chilling in the street 24/7.



Originally Posted by Carnifax_NA View Post
Does anyone still worry about the fact they could run 1.5 miles to the Mutant Shop in order to sell those two SOs for slightly more?
Except back in the pre-IO days that extra Inf could mean buying another SO during your Level 27-33 hump days when Inf was tight (40% Vs 26% or a bit over 50% more).

Onto other points.

I have no idea if Inf is still a problem because a lucky Salvage or Recipe drop could finance a player with SOs past that hump and beyond. Take away Recipe and Salvage drops and you're back to selling SOs that aren't your origin to bring in a little extra coin.

Also the need to repurchase your enhancements was one of the two ways to siphon inf off a character back in those days. It was a pain in the butt that wasn't a problem once you got past Level 35, unless you were a costume junkie and spent all your inf at ICON.

Also don't forget that the various PvE groups that show up later in the game are designed around the idea that the characters are now using SOs Vs DOs or DOs Vs TOs as well as likely number of slots in your powers for that level. A sliding enhancement scale would need to reflect these major shifts in power. Have the level 1 to 15 enhancement scale from a -3 TO to +3 TO in value, level 12-30 from -3 DO to +3 DO in value and level 27-45 from -3 SO to +3 SO. Have the last few levels (46-50) scale up to a hypothetical +4 SO (+20%). Lasts forever, no level rot, no combining, just replacement.

And while I hate the idea of force role playing, keep the discounts/premiums at the origin stores. I know some people may simply treat their character as Melee/Burst Damage or Range/AoE generic MMO classification but this is a Super Hero MMO and origin is an aspect as much as alignment or faction is in another MMO. If that's too annoying for you, sorry.

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