The Exalted Name Watch thread




Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Of course people HAVE used that thread to 1) take names and sit on them 2) take names to trade with 3) say "I have such and such name and I plan to just sit on it and keep it formyself"
But we're better than that here! We're VIP's!

*tilts head back and lifts nose into the air*

Good day to you!

*walks out*

pohsyb: so of all people you must be most excited about the veats
Arachnos Commander: actually, I am
pohsyb: I mean you kinda were one already anyways ^_^
Arachnos Commander:



Originally Posted by Commander View Post
But we're better than that here! We're VIP's!

*tilts head back and lifts nose into the air*

Good day to you!

*walks out*

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



(So glad one of these has been made here, I love the Virtue Name Watch thread! Reading through it gives some great character name ideas!)


Poison Arrow
Aegis Angel




Lapis Lazuli
Face Plant
Sacred Shield
Miss Cue
Dark Demon
Weeping Widow



Thanks to an apparent bug last night, I lost a name I really wanted when I tried to remake the character. The name sat unclaimed from about 7 PM ET last night until the start of maintence this morning (I know because I kept checking to see if it was associated with a global name and it wasn't).

When I tried again to get it after maintenance this morning, I found it was taken and a global name was associated with it, so...

If whoever snagged the name "Dawn of Time" this morning isn't in love with it, I'd really love to take it off your hands. I took it the first night to level pact with another character. I'm willing to talk trade either on Exalted, or, I also have the name on Virtue and I'd be willing to trade you the name on Virtue for the name on Exalted since I can't get the name of the counterpart character on Virtue.

If you happen to see this, please send me a PM. I'll also try sending you a tell in game.

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



Originally Posted by mousedroid View Post
Thanks to an apparent bug last night, I lost a name I really wanted when I tried to remake the character. The name sat unclaimed from about 7 PM ET last night until the start of maintence this morning (I know because I kept checking to see if it was associated with a global name and it wasn't).

When I tried again to get it after maintenance this morning, I found it was taken and a global name was associated with it, so...
This happened to me as well. I filed a petition, was told I'd receive a response within 24 hours, and then waited four days and heard nothing.



Originally Posted by Selenir View Post
This happened to me as well. I filed a petition, was told I'd receive a response within 24 hours, and then waited four days and heard nothing.
Yeah I filed a petition to, and got the same initial response, but I can't imagine them taking the name away from another player. My only hope was they'd respond before someone grabbed it, or the maintenance this morning would fix the bug. Well, apparently it did, for what little good it did me.

The global name of the account is the same as the forum name of a fairly active poster, so I'm going to try to PM them and see if they'll be nice enough to free it up or trade for it. Still not happy that a bug caused me to lose it though, and now I'm paranoid about trying to reroll any of my other Exalted characters. Or any characters on any servers for that matter.

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



Originally Posted by mousedroid View Post
Yeah I filed a petition to, and got the same initial response, but I can't imagine them taking the name away from another player. My only hope was they'd respond before someone grabbed it, or the maintenance this morning would fix the bug. Well, apparently it did, for what little good it did me.

The global name of the account is the same as the forum name of a fairly active poster, so I'm going to try to PM them and see if they'll be nice enough to free it up or trade for it. Still not happy that a bug caused me to lose it though.
Same. I don't hold a grudge against the player, just the horribly stupid glitch which robbed me of the name I wanted more than any other in this game. I really hope I get it back.

The name I lost is held by "@Mr. Fantastico". Does anyone know his forum handle, or know him personally? I've sent him a few tells explaining my situation and am really hoping that he'll be willing to give the name back to me.





Needed the slots for other names



Originally Posted by Selenir View Post
This happened to me as well. I filed a petition, was told I'd receive a response within 24 hours, and then waited four days and heard nothing.
I got my response. They claim the other play got the name in the time between me deleting the character and recreating it, which is total baloney. I have two accounts and had the character recreated on the second account before deleting it on the first account. The span of time the other player would have had to grab the name would've been less than 10 seconds.

And it also doesn't explain why the name was not associated with a global name for the next 12+ hours.

Ah well, I guess I'll have to hope for kindness from the new owner.

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



If you have a naming style like mine, you might like:


Cheat Sheet
Cheat Master

Sadly, I have no room.

Favorite Hero: Computer (Empathy/Energy Blast Defender)

Favorite Villain: Gimp Computer (Fire Control/Psionic Assault Dominator)



Originally Posted by mousedroid View Post
I got my response. They claim the other play got the name in the time between me deleting the character and recreating it, which is total baloney. I have two accounts and had the character recreated on the second account before deleting it on the first account. The span of time the other player would have had to grab the name would've been less than 10 seconds.

And it also doesn't explain why the name was not associated with a global name for the next 12+ hours.

Ah well, I guess I'll have to hope for kindness from the new owner.
Yeah, they've got a major glitch and I think they don't want us to know about it.



Originally Posted by Selenir View Post
Yeah, they've got a major glitch and I think they don't want us to know about it.
And the worst thing is, they don't care. When I followed up the the first response, the GM wrote back to basically say, "Yeah, during high traffic times like the upcoming Freedom influx of new players, 'abnomalies' may occur during the naming process."

And then I got a familiar refrain - "Just get creative and find a similar name and have fun."

Um sorry, but when you're trying to create a team called Nick of Time and Dawn of Time, renaming Dawn of time as Mildred of Time, or Dawn Chronology, or Prehistoric Dawn has about the same impact as a team called Sodium Chloride Crystals and Pepper.

Oh well. Anyone want the name: Nick of Time?

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



I am not at home so I can't check, but did you consider making them Irish and going with "Nick O'Time" and "Dawn O'Time"? Given you wouldn't be able to transfer them due to the evil '.



Originally Posted by mousedroid View Post
And the worst thing is, they don't care. When I followed up the the first response, the GM wrote back to basically say, "Yeah, during high traffic times like the upcoming Freedom influx of new players, 'abnomalies' may occur during the naming process."

And then I got a familiar refrain - "Just get creative and find a similar name and have fun."

Um sorry, but when you're trying to create a team called Nick of Time and Dawn of Time, renaming Dawn of time as Mildred of Time, or Dawn Chronology, or Prehistoric Dawn has about the same impact as a team called Sodium Chloride Crystals and Pepper.

Oh well. Anyone want the name: Nick of Time?
Oh man, if I'd gotten that line... god, that's just bloody insulting. That's like an airline losing a priceless collectable baseball card, and saying, "Here's a bent Ivysaur Pokemon card. They're kinda the same, so now you're reimbursed."

I also have now gotten the absolute lie, "Oh, someone got the name in-between when you deleted it and remade it." Sorry GMs, but that's literally not possible. Sure, the chance of it happening is astronomical, but even if you accept that it happened, that doesn't explain why:

1. The name was still listed as "available and reserved."
2. No character by that name ever logged on following the name becoming unavailable.
3. The character name was unclaimed by any global account.
4. The character did not exist on the server, since a /friend command didn't connect with anything.
5. The name became "unavailable" later, yet still had no character associated with it.
6. When the name was "available and reserved" on my main account, trying to reserve the name on another account returned a red X and a "name unavailable" message. But when I unreserved the name, I was suddenly able to reserve it on the OTHER account, and then got an X and the "unavailable" message on the main account.

Something MAJOR screwed up in the first few hours of Exalted, and they are trying to keep us from knowing what.



The plot thickens... dun, Dun, DUN!

The player with the name Dawn of Time returned my in-game tell and was very nice about the situation, but was unsure if they wanted to give up the name. S/he said they'd let me know if they decided to.

The other player also said something very strange and disturbing - s/he first got the name Dawn of Time around the same time I did - within 15 minutes of Exalted going live. As far as I can tell, that means one of three things:

1) The other player is fibbing, which I don't think is the case since there is no reason to,
2) The other player and I snagged the name at EXACTLY the same instant, and it somehow allowed us both to have it, the odds against which are astronomical, or

3) The name reserve system was/is somehow allowing two people to reserve the same name.

If possibilty #3 is what happened, that could mean that anyone could lose any name at any point they remake a character that someone else snagged the same name on.

Anyway, back to name watching...

P.S.: What you described in your items 1-6 is exactly what I experienced too, Selenir.

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



someone else posted about ending up with the same name as someone when they both seemingly tried to reserve the same name at the same time .



Originally Posted by mousedroid View Post
The plot thickens... dun, Dun, DUN!

The player with the name Dawn of Time returned my in-game tell and was very nice about the situation, but was unsure if they wanted to give up the name. S/he said they'd let me know if they decided to.

The other player also said something very strange and disturbing - s/he first got the name Dawn of Time around the same time I did - within 15 minutes of Exalted going live. As far as I can tell, that means one of three things:

1) The other player is fibbing, which I don't think is the case since there is no reason to,
2) The other player and I snagged the name at EXACTLY the same instant, and it somehow allowed us both to have it, the odds against which are astronomical, or

3) The name reserve system was/is somehow allowing two people to reserve the same name.

If possibilty #3 is what happened, that could mean that anyone could lose any name at any point they remake a character that someone else snagged the same name on.

Anyway, back to name watching...

P.S.: What you described in your items 1-6 is exactly what I experienced too, Selenir.
It's more likely that when Exalted came online it was immediately inundated and overloaded with people making toons to lock in names and the system couldn't process/check all the names at that time as efficiently as it normally does.



Crap. Sounds like I need to make sure I actually have the name I was most excited about.

Almost makes you just want to play the guy in the black spandex until you can get to a trainer to customize the appearance. So if you never delete it of your own accord and someone else does have the exact same name... What happens then?

Thanks for eight fun years, Paragon.



Originally Posted by ChrisMoses View Post
Crap. Sounds like I need to make sure I actually have the name I was most excited about.

Almost makes you just want to play the guy in the black spandex until you can get to a trainer to customize the appearance. So if you never delete it of your own accord and someone else does have the exact same name... What happens then?
Who knows at this point. As long as neither of you ever deletes them, you should both get to keep the name.

The thing is, the GM who originally responded to my request claimed that someone snagged the name during the 5-10 second window of opportunity between me deleting the original character, and trying to enter the game with the new version. Another GM claimed that they can see the exact time and date when a character is created, so if they actually saw the creation of the other player's character as occurring immediately after I deleted mine, but s/he had actually created the character days earlier, then maybe they were both in limbo the whole time.

I don't know, but it's making me very paranoid about rerolling any other characters on Exalted.

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



Originally Posted by ChrisMoses View Post
Almost makes you just want to play the guy in the black spandex until you can get to a trainer to customize the appearance.
That's exactly what I did with my Exalted names, pick the right powersets and origins, load in as blank slate. Redeem a tailor token later and make a costume at Ms. Liberty



Originally Posted by mousedroid View Post
If possibilty #3 is what happened, that could mean that anyone could lose any name at any point they remake a character that someone else snagged the same name on.
I can confirm that this is possible.

Two of my friends have the same name on Exalted.



Originally Posted by Kai View Post
That's exactly what I did with my Exalted names, pick the right powersets and origins, load in as blank slate. Redeem a tailor token later and make a costume at Ms. Liberty

Yeah, unfortunately I just grabbed random power sets on a lot of my characters figuring that I'd take the time to reroll them during a quiet time after the mad rush had died down. Of course at that time, I wasn't aware of the fact that you could reserve the name at origin screen and thus proceed a little less frantically.

Fortunately, with this one exception, I've rerolled most of the characters with names I really wanted with no glitches.

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



That's... a really odd glitch. o_0
It almost makes me want to check over my list when the servers come back up to see if anyone else ended up with any of my crew's names.

It would just be an odd-ball humor thing to end up on a team with another Whisper or a second Merlin, since those two's power-sets and such are set and I have no intention of re-rolling them. The possibility of losing Huginn and Muninn (Who aren't in their "final form" yet, since I'm not sure what I want to do with them-) to this bug is a scary thought, though.

The fear. I has it.

@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...



Interesting. I tried to snag 'Silas' on Exalted but wasn't able to. The character creator said the name was taken, but /getglobalname and /friend turned up nada, saying the character/global doesn't exist.

If you try to make a character called Statesman it'll tell you in character creation that it's taken, but ingame if you try to find out who has it it says the character doesn't exist. I figured maybe Silas was taken like that, though I don't know of any Silas NPC.

Might be this bug instead? Who knows.

In any case, when it comes to Silases (Silae? Silii?) accept no substitute

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Twice I've received the little green check mark when seeing if a name was available on Exalted but when I got to the very end of the character creator to enter the game or tutorial, it said the name was already taken.

Legion of Valor / Fallen Legion (Victory server) /

Pagan Priest - L50 Dark/Dark Defender