Think they're ever add new Travel Power?
I don’t see it happening, at least not for a while. I don’t really want to say it will never happen though though.
Over all, outside of maybe a couple of themes we have most of it covered when it comes to the broad travel powers. In fact outside of Spiderman and his web...ness (and that has been depicted as useless if there aren’t any tall buildings, so who the hell wants that?) i can’t think of any comic characters that have something other than super speed (flash, of course he REALLY has super the nerdgasmic infinite mass punch), flight (almost everyone) jumping (hulk, that all i can think of) and then teleportation (nightcrawler, and quite a few characters have abilities similar to the new teleport power).
I REALLY think we need some way to edit the appearance though.
"I have ridden the mighty moon worm!"
-Al Gore
Fiery Aura is only good for farming, I'm cereal
Actually I would like the swing but just because I would still like a travel power that a Natural character (story wise of course) can use without the aid of something like a jetpack or hacking into the medical bay teleporters or something along those lines. I'm using the Ninja Run at the moment and it's nice that it stacks with Swift but at the same time it'd be nice to see something like the grappling hook or vehicles.
Of course that's just me being picky :-P
@Animorph 2
Also known as;
Maverick, Living Phantom, Role-Player, Live-Wyre, Eagle Eye, Toy-Man, Cartoon, Jetfire, Reflex, Mer-Man, Spartacus, Step, Reaver...
I heard that there was supposedly a Dev showing off an early version of a wall climbing travel power... I'm not sure if it's true, but that might be happening sometime soon in the future.
I think with Freedom & the Paragon Market on the horizon, the Devs will know that a new travel power would sell like hot cakes... we all know literally* everyone would be willing to pay several bucks for something like that.
And, you could say there's a 'vehicle' that's going to be in i21... the Hoverboard (as a temp power in the market)! Sure, not a car or batmobile, but it's still a vehicle (and, really, we could make a case for jet packs being vehicles if we wanted to be smart ***** ).
*On the internet, "literally" is a synonym of "figuratively"
Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!
In fact outside of Spiderman and his web...ness (and that has been depicted as useless if there arent any tall buildings, so who the hell wants that?)
Then he told me he was playing a new MMO that had a very similar power...

I'd take a Swinging power even if you could swing where there are no buildings. Let me handwave away what "makes no sense" on my own thank you...
I already handwave the fact I can 'Superjump' hundreds of yards off a surface of water. Honestly, I don't jump on water most of the time because breaks immersion - I'd probably do similiar with swinging. Now if I'm on a TF or whatever and we're hurrying to the next mission, then whatever, get there as fast as possible.
Oh, dotn get me wrong. I would love a swinging set JUST because its rediculous that you can use it when there is nothing to hook onto. I was just saying that the only power i can think of that we dont have is generally depicted as...not great.
As for jumping on water, i think its badass. And i totally think SS REALLY needs to be able to run on it (but i understand its likely way more work than its worth to do that) >.<
"I have ridden the mighty moon worm!"
-Al Gore
Fiery Aura is only good for farming, I'm cereal
[Rocket Board]
I'd take a Swinging power even if you could swing where there are no buildings. Let me handwave away what "makes no sense" on my own thank you...
I already handwave the fact I can 'Superjump' hundreds of yards off a surface of water. Honestly, I don't jump on water most of the time because breaks immersion - I'd probably do similiar with swinging. Now if I'm on a TF or whatever and we're hurrying to the next mission, then whatever, get there as fast as possible. |
Vehicles would be awesome. I'd love a motorcycle for my natural origin toons. I'd make it a recipe or a purchasable (as in inf ... not paragon points) temporary power that you would lose if you ran it into the water.
Another superhero mmo has the swing power. It's fun, it's one of the very few things I miss from that game. The grappling hook goes off the top of the screen somewhere and latches onto something ... (maybe to low flying, silent airplanes that coincidentally go where you were going anywhere).
Vehicles would be awesome. I'd love a motorcycle for my natural origin toons. I'd make it a recipe or a purchasable (as in inf ... not paragon points) temporary power that you would lose if you ran it into the water. |
Or a more Batman where the character has a bike, car, boat, jet that can be summoned outdoors as needed. Well maybe the bike might be fun, and fit, indoors as well.
I would enjoy seeing a vehicle based power set, the motor bike that includes guns, rockets, etc.
How about spring shoes? :::boing boing boing boing boing boing boing boing:::
Founder of A.G.O.N.Y. Supergroup on Victory
Member of Thought Sanctum VG on Victory
Member of St0rm Batallion SG on Guardian
Another superhero mmo has the swing power. It's fun, it's one of the very few things I miss from that game. The grappling hook goes off the top of the screen somewhere and latches onto something ... (maybe to low flying, silent airplanes that coincidentally go where you were going anywhere).
Miss Arc #147491: Rise of Bedlam
AKA Iron Smoke @Champion Server
"I have ridden the mighty moon worm!"
-Al Gore
Fiery Aura is only good for farming, I'm cereal
Astral Projection.
I'd love to see new travel powers, especially grappling hook.
While not a new travel power, the path auras introduced to vets in Freedom make the travel powers we do have seem fresh and new.

Actually I would like the swing but just because I would still like a travel power that a Natural character (story wise of course) can use without the aid of something like a jetpack or hacking into the medical bay teleporters or something along those lines. I'm using the Ninja Run at the moment and it's nice that it stacks with Swift but at the same time it'd be nice to see something like the grappling hook or vehicles.
I think different poses, and different items/animations would be cool, it's much more believable to have a jetpack flip pop out from under your clothes and flip open vs all of a sudden having a jetpack on. or having smaller options that could be left on even when not in use. Just some ideas.
*On the internet, "literally" is a synonym of "figuratively"

+1 to Kitsune against everyone! Funny.
"Hi, my name is Ail. I make people sick."
A partial selection from my 50's on Freedom: Ail = Ice/Traps, Luck = Street Justice/Super Reflexes Stalker, Mist = Bane, Pixy = Trick Arrow/Archery, Pure = Gravity/Energy, Smoke = Fire/Fire Dominator
@Animorph 2
Also known as;
Maverick, Living Phantom, Role-Player, Live-Wyre, Eagle Eye, Toy-Man, Cartoon, Jetfire, Reflex, Mer-Man, Spartacus, Step, Reaver...
There is burrowing other than swing. But I would like to have phaseshift power set even if not as a total travel power.
I wonder how hard it would be to have a 'Swinging' power somehow check to see if you're near tall structures. If you are, then the zip-line effect takes over; you wouldn't see the end of your line as it really wouldn't be attached to anything. It'd just sorta fade away, but you have the immersion effect of being near buildings, towers, etc. and 'swinging' from them.
You wouldn't actually use high structures, just have to be relatively near them, and they wouldn't effect your travel path, other than if you got too far from them, then the secondary travel effect takes over.
The secondary effect would be an acrobatic run/jump movement, similiar in stats to ninja/beast run, but with more acrobatic animations. Once you near a tall structure, the swinging effects takes over once more.
As far as how high you can go? Ideally, not higher than the closest structure; of course this is assuming the game engine can sense this stuff anyway...
Again not fully realistic, but then, I can super-jump a hundred yards, then change directions full 180 in mid air, even landing back where I started. So much for hyper-realism...
Seven years and four scores ago..
Okay that sounded old. Now on to the topic at hand! I am in complete and utter agreement about swinging as a new travel power! Good lord, there are quite a few toons that could benefit from this! Lately I've been getting OUT of the taking a travel power gig, that is since flight is still slow (before issue 21 and afterburner!). I don't know how difficult it would be to make this.. but I DO agree that it'd be a boon to have this in the game.
I suppose we just need to tell the Devs in the nicest way possible.. and with many many cheese cakes.. that we'd like to be able to swing through the city. Pardon me.. I must now begin baking the first of the cheesecakes..
Mitey Marvel
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
Just curious on what others think. I know we've gotten new 'travel powers' in terms of beast and ninja runs and such but I mean full 4 (or 5 come i21) powers per set Travel Powers that can be enhanced and such?
@Animorph 2
Also known as;
Maverick, Living Phantom, Role-Player, Live-Wyre, Eagle Eye, Toy-Man, Cartoon, Jetfire, Reflex, Mer-Man, Spartacus, Step, Reaver...