Which AT & Powersets do you NOT like?




After seeing the thread here, it got me to thinking, "well, what about the opposite?"

Which powersets or ATs just don't click for you?

For me, while I love My Tanks and Brutes, I cannot stand Stone Armor. Phenomenal survivability just doesn't mean much to me when you're defeated by a 3" curb.

AT-wise, though, hands down my least favourite is Masterminds. It took me almost 6 years to get the one I had mad shortly after CoV launch to 50 and despite several powerset combo attempts, the AT simply didn't click for me. Worst was my Necromancy/FF that I got to 25 before deleting it in disgust.

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My least favorite AT is probably Defenders. Occasionally, I'll find a combo I like, but they're definitely not set up like many of the others where I could just hypothetically combine any two sets and be ready to go to town. The increased buff power is nice, but the damage is too anemic when you don't go out of your way to join teams like me. For what it's worth, though, I still find Corruptors mighty fun.

Least favorite powerset? Yeah, Stone Armor's pretty high up there, I'd have to say. Before Granite, it's like a weaker Willpower at twice the endurance cost. After Granite, it's nice, sure, but it doesn't surpass any of the other sets to a degree that fits its penalties. Kind of neat in concept, lousy in execution.



i personally dont like most hero ATs

tankers are too low dmg and i get near same surviveability on a brute

scrappers get about same dmg as a brute but lower caps (lower dmg cap, lower resist cap, lower hp cap)

defenders are too low dmg for me but i like the offense/debuff combo so i have lot of corrs

blasters are too much of a glass cannon for me, they have almost no mitigation except for pure dmg and what you build

PBs because they are gimped compared to WS (i like WS a lot more)

i think the only villain AT that im kinda meh on is stalkers since most of those sets i can just make a brute anyway



I don't really dislike any of the ATs, but I feel like I just don't "get" Controllers or Warshades. I'm no good at playing them, and don't really enjoy the process.

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Defenders are my least-favorite AT. I've tried many different combinations and just can't get into them. I currently have 1 Defender, a level 41 TA/Archery, who I enjoy playing occasionally. Basically, I like the character rather than the actual powers/abilities.

He does okay on teams, but I never feel like I'm contributing a LOT. Also, he's my only alt who's never been able to solo a mission--ever.

Dominators SHOULD be my favorite to play (controls coupled with damage!). I kind of find them boring, though, and I don't know why.

For individual powersets, I'm not a big fan of Stone Armor (too many penalties), Willpower (effective but dull--the insurance salesman of the game), /Poison (the existing or the new), Sonic/ for Blasters (purely for the sound effects), and most Ice/ or /Ice (again, for the sound effects).

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I know, I know, they can do some awesome things. They have Illusion Control which admittedly is pretty cool. And every now and then I watch someone on my team play one and think, "I need to make one of those!"

And it will never make it past level 20. I don't know what it is about them, but I can't stand playing them. It's not the control primary, because I like Doms just fine. It's not the buffing secondary because I have multiple Corruptors and a Defender. But for some reason combining them just drives me crazy.

I'm also not that fond of Tanks. Brutes are what Tanks want to be when they grow up. I think there might be some sort of pupal stage before they can fully embrace their inner desire to SMASH though.

"Mastermind Pets operate...differently, and aren't as easily fixed. Especially the Bruiser. I want to take him out behind the woodshed and pull an "old yeller" on him at times." - Castle



There are no powersets or ATs that I out-right don't like; they each have their own perks and pleasures.

That being said, the one that I like LEAST of all the ATs are the Soldiers of Arachnos (all varieties). I honestly think this is because of my meticulous and plan-heavy nature more than anything. It just gets under my skin that I have to scrap my build and re-plan everything when I hit 24th level. It leaves me feeling like everything from 1st to 23rd is more treading water than actually accomplishing anything.

Yeah, I know... I know...

As for power sets I think I'm safe saying that my least favorite are pretty much any Blaster secondary that isn't Devices or Energy Manipulation. The others feel just a little too cookie-cutter for me. Although, to be fair, I've yet to play a Mental Manipulation blaster.

My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw



Do not like:
Tankers (feels just so slow and sluggish)
Stalkers (Not a fan of the hide and assassinate mechanic)
Masterminds (i don't like pets)
Kheldians (i don't like having no control over my powers looks)

I do not like powersets which obscure my character. (stone armor, dark armor, etc).
Also not a big fan of the buff sets (force field, thermal, etc)



I've always had a rough time with defenders and all EATs. I wish I could stay interested in defenders because it's a gameplay dynamic I lust after, but strangely, I rarely feel motivated to continue playing my defenders.

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I've never been able to get into Tanks. To much of a scrapper/brute mentality I guess. The only ATs I have never gotten to 50 are tank, stalker, and warshade. Nothing personal against the warshde, just never tried it. Powerset wise, I always get really bored playing force field.

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Stalkers. Just can't get into them. Feel too one-trick pony for me; I'd rather just play a Brute or Scrapper if I'm going for high damage melee and forsake the stealth over better overall damage and survivability. As a side note, I loved my Bane and Nighwidow SoAs, who tickled me in deliciously fun ways.

Stone Armour. I prefer maneuverability. I will take being 'squishier' but highly maneuverable over the extreme survivability of a big rock.

Force Fields. Having a bubbler on the team is fantastic, but they're too boring for me to play. The other shield sets, especially Sonic and Cold are more my pace.

Sets I will never play again because they are any combo of boring, not fun, "weak" or not very effective:
Assault Rifle, Pain Domination, Broadsword, Spines, Katana and most likely Regen.

As a final note, if you enjoy any of the sets (or AT) I've named, I am happy for you, they just don't work for me.

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Stalkers: I hate needing to run away to heal myself after only a few hits, they feel like a one trick pony. Don't get me wrong the concept is awesome, gameplay with the things bore and frustrate me to death. Plus the assassins strike isn't important or good enough for me to think a Stalkers spot wouldn't be better filled by a scrapper or brute.

Defender: I just cant play them. I greatly appreciate their usefulness and are a great addition to a team. but I tend to solo a lot and the damage and speed just isn't there. Corrupters I'm fine with though, waiting on a Beam/Time to go live.

-/sonic/: Any set which is almost universally agreed upon as being "only a team set" does not work for me.
-/Devices, /traps/, and /Trick arrow/: I've heard and seen good things of all of these sets, but the concept and appearance of these sets scream "I'm boring" to me.
-/Regen: I don't like the fact I'm adding this one to the list, as my first 50, Soulsunder, is one. But regen in the late game gets alarmingly squishy unless you take the Soul PPP or slot it with IO's. if the only way you can avoid faceplanting constantly involves needing to use specific sets or systems, it's not a good set. Soulsunder is shelved and mainly acts as an ATM for newer characters I've taken a liking to.

I'm meh about a bunch of other powersets in the game but I don't actively dislike them, the sets listed have disappointed me or I've never ever made a character with them due to lack of interest.

50Soulsunder: DM/Regen Scrapper
50Limitshift: EM/WP Brute
Victoria Nox: Dark/Dark Dominator
And about 5 others that change constantly...



Controllers. Ugh. Slow to level, often visually uninteresting, lacking in direct damage, often hard to solo. Worse, a high-level, min-maxed controller played by a player who enjoys that AT renders the rest of the team useless.

The only controller I've ever managed to play to any significant extent is the blaster-like Illusion/Kinetics.

Dominators, on the other hand, are probably my favorite AT.

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Peacebringers - Low damage, lots of KB, generates cysts and gives no buffs for the team.

Stalkers - The sidekick to Scrappers and Brutes.

H: Blaster 50, Defender 50, Tank 50, Scrapper 50, Controller 50, PB 50, WS 50
V: Brute 50, Corruptor 50, MM 50, Dominator 50, Stalker 50, AW 50, AS 50
Top 4: Controller, Brute, Scrapper, Corruptor
Bottom 4: (Peacebringer) way below everything else, Mastermind, Dominator, Blaster



There are a lot of sets I'm passive about or don't particularly want to play (Electric Armor, Poison, Sonic, Super Reflexes, Spines to name a few). But these are the ones I actively don't like.

Lame ATs:

Defenders - Low damage, and they don't really seem to have enough bonus in things like buffing to matter significantly. If I had the option I'd always take a Corruptor over a Defender. Or a Controller, MM, or VEAT. There may be certain comparisons when it comes to powersets that are obvious (high support Defender over a low support MM), but there's never a time where I feel like I "need" a Defender over another support AT.

Tankers - Low damage (again), and like Defenders don't stand out enough. I can already make Scrappers and Brutes that can solo on x8. I have a Brute that can do +4/x8. Why would I need to be able to survive more than that? Especially when it comes at a loss. I gain survivability for the may be 1% of the game where it matters, and lose damage for the 100% of the game where it matters. Not a fair trade.

Stalkers - Nothing they can do that someone else can't do better. If they were the undispuated ST damage kings or something, then sure. But they aren't. Their lack in survival isn't made up for in any way. Their damage isn't great and they're outdone in AoE. They should do much more damage. I've never made a Stalker I didn't feel would be better as a Scrapper (or my Widow).

Kheldians - Just poorly designed overall with no real strengths or advantages. Combine with too many powers and not enough slots, and even with IOs or HOs and Alpha slot I can't make a build I'd want to play. They do a little of everything from melee, range, mez, and survival. But not enough of any of those to be worth it. You can get a much better combination of those things if you just play a VEAT instead.

Controllers - I won't say I don't like having them around, I just don't like playing them. I can't handle low damage ATs, and some combinations even leave me doing nothing at all a good amount of time.

Lame Powersets:

Assault Rifle - No Aim, not enough ST, and impractical powers with too much variance in range. And not even a good reliable secondary effect. Despite Dual Pistols not having Aim, I still think it's a much better designed set and actually like playing it.

Devices - No Build Up, and nothing I even want to use in combat. Arguably it's getting better, but the set still lacks a lot of stuff I'd want to have to consider it worth playing. The only good thing I can say about it is that you can skip most of the powers and not worry about being gimp.

Trick Arrow - The only "support" set I don't consider a support set. If I have a Defender on the team who has Trick Arrow, I go find another character to support. Storm, Dark, Rad, Cold, and Traps all debuff better than TA and STILL get buffs on top of that.

Energy Melee - Not enough AoE, and too slow. I feel very sluggish playing it, and it's just not a good set for what it's supposed to do. You can ST better than it with any number of sets, and it's no good at AoE or aggro management (which also requires AoE).

Ninjas - They really bring nothing to the table. Along with Mercs they're probably the least popular. But Ninjas are just so fragile since they have no support of any kind, no RES, and very very little DEF. And they have to be in melee most of the time. Mercs at least have some RES and a healer. And they don't even offer anything worthwhile. They don't stack great debuffs (Necro, Demons), buff themselves or other pets (Bots, Thugs), tank (Bots, Demons), or anything. They're just there.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



i dont enjoy non support ATs at all. if all they bring is damage then i find that very boring like scrappers/stalkers.

I also dont like tankers because IOs/accolades/incarnate powers can push "squishies" to great survivability so whats the point in them. esp stone tankers nowadays where clarion barrier and aoe buffs are tossed around like crazy in the trials.

finally i do not enjoy powersets that do not live up to the mantra of their respective AT. Illusion control is not control to me and from lvls 1-50 they are nothing more than XP leechers when i get teamed up with one. crappy controls, pets that do not do enough dmg outside of being purpled out at 50, etc. i mean if you want to be a pet controller roll a MM then.




It's not a fun job for me. It feels like a job to me...and I dont want to play something that feels like work.



I loathe Blasters, Stalkers and Tankers.

I will play all their powersets on other ATs, but I will not play those ATs. I've just never ever liked them. It's possible they've been buffed/altered enough that my early experiences are now no longer indicative, but I just won't do it.

Blasters and Stalkers die too fast, Tankers don't kill fast enough without support. Just do not like.



Dominators. I can't stand how they work, even with the improvements made to them.

Don't let the naysayers fool you, the changes the developers made to Dominators are improvements. They made the archetype tolerable for players who don't obsess over number crunching and min-maxing. Still... For how the archetype performs...

It seems like it can't decide whether it wants to deal out damage or commit crowd control, and it doesn't really have the strength to perform the former and all too infrequently has the power to do the latter. Now, when Domination is running, it performs better than the Controllers. But when Domination's not running... Good Lord... Good luck trying to survive against the odds thrown against you.

Typically, you'll find yourself sucking wind because you don't have enough damage output to outrun the endurance consumption of the powers you're hurling against the enemies hounding you. Maybe your Domination will be back to full, but usually it will still be on recharge. Plus, you attract as much attention as a Blaster with all those low-damage AOE attacks. It's worse than being a Glass Cannon. You're a freaking Glass Pony.

Now, I used to have problems with the Kheldians, but I've since found that the two archetypes can be better tailored for each player's particular styles. There are still issues I have with them (chiefly being their ludicrously low damage output and inability to resist "Mesmerization"), but I've found ways to stop-gap them.

Dominators have few counters to the issues I've explained. Without their attacks and control powers, they're just about hamstrung, so you have very little room to mess around with their builds. Then they have heavy endurance usage, need to constantly sling attacks and burn themselves out, fight-to-fight, often enemy-to-enemy.

It's definitely not casual-friendly.

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Originally Posted by Mr_Grey View Post
Dominators. I can't stand how they work, even with the improvements made to them.

Don't let the naysayers fool you, the changes the developers made to Dominators are improvements. They made the archetype tolerable for players who don't obsess over number crunching and min-maxing. Still... For how the archetype performs...

It seems like it can't decide whether it wants to deal out damage or commit crowd control, and it doesn't really have the strength to perform the former and all too infrequently has the power to do the latter. Now, when Domination is running, it performs better than the Controllers. But when Domination's not running... Good Lord... Good luck trying to survive against the odds thrown against you.

Typically, you'll find yourself sucking wind because you don't have enough damage output to outrun the endurance consumption of the powers you're hurling against the enemies hounding you. Maybe your Domination will be back to full, but usually it will still be on recharge. Plus, you attract as much attention as a Blaster with all those low-damage AOE attacks. It's worse than being a Glass Cannon. You're a freaking Glass Pony.

Now, I used to have problems with the Kheldians, but I've since found that the two archetypes can be better tailored for each player's particular styles. There are still issues I have with them (chiefly being their ludicrously low damage output and inability to resist "Mesmerization"), but I've found ways to stop-gap them.

Dominators have few counters to the issues I've explained. Without their attacks and control powers, they're just about hamstrung, so you have very little room to mess around with their builds. Then they have heavy endurance usage, need to constantly sling attacks and burn themselves out, fight-to-fight, often enemy-to-enemy.

It's definitely not casual-friendly.
The only time I ever found this point brought up was when my Mind/Psi/Dominator made a tank not relevant to the game



Top of the not-like list:

Illusion Control. If I'm playing a controller, I want decent control. Not an AOE fear that stuff runs out of if you sneeze. Not pets that pretty much demand you build for recharge-recharge-recharge. Not one of the worst AOE holds of any controller. And not two bloody invisibilities. The only way I can come CLOSE to dealing with it is by pairing it with trick arrow to make up for some of what it misses. I love playing controllers - I *despise* Illusion.

Dual Blades - while not the same level of dislike, well - I like the combo mechanic in theory, but don't like how it was executed (not to mention if it breaks, you essentially have no secondary effect, just flat out lethal damage.) IMHO they got it "more right" in Street Justice.

Bots/FF. Nearly put me off Masterminds for good - makes me feel like I'm just around to watch after buffing.

Widows. Just a royal pain. Forts, as well, quite frankly. I just don't find them enjoyable - and they don't really seem to have a middle-ground "huntsman" like the Soldiers do.

Banes. If I'm supposed to be stealthy-mostly-melee (especially to get crits,) give me either the Widow smoke grenade to drop perception or give me stalker level stealth. Too squishy, and again, not fun.

VEATs in general: Mostly for the "Get to 24 and you MUST respec NOW!" - like dual blades, interesting mechanic, craptastic execution. Should have been done at, oh, 10-14 or so, not 24. Feels like you waste half your levels before you can start playing what you wanted to in the first place. Bonus points for *wasting my time* if I'm going Huntsman.



Not a fan of Khelds at all. Have a few friends that swear by them, but meh.

Power sets I dislike:

Elec Armor
Energy Blast
Elec Blast
Gravity (really dislike it)
Thermal (It's a decent set, just don't like playing it)
Demon mms (hate the moocows)

<:[ shark goes nom nom nom ]:>
[QUOTE=theOcho;3409811]As to the REAL reason I'll be leaving, I'm afraid it is indeed because Tamaki Revolution dc'd on me during a RSF.[/QUOTE]



Stalkers. I prefer my melee types to be able to help the team beyond killing things one at a time, so Tanks, Brutes, and Scrappers are my choice here.

Warshades. I can either enjoy the game, playing with AND socializing with my coalition mates, OR I can master the insane combination of clicks, swaps, and leveraging that is required to make them Supremely Awesome. I'll take enjoyment. (I can play a pretty good Peacebringer, in contrast)

Stone Armor. Bleah. Got one brute as far as the Mez protection, got fed up with the insufficient mobility to keep my team alive, and rerolled.

Invulnerability, Super Strength, and Regen. Not sure, these just are never that much fun for me.



God, I forgot Khelds and MMs. Add those to the ATs that I hate with a fiery passion.