More Server downtime?!?




Cry, Cry, Cry........

Major hardware upgrades brought on ingame issues....

no surprise there....

If they had done the upgrades with the 5-6 hr window this morning, then did nothing about applying fixes until say.......


All of you complaining would be complaining even more.

Its an MMO heading to a major turning point......

Id rather they fix stuff than let the bugs/instability really ruin our playtime....




Originally Posted by Kilspyke View Post
Cry, Cry, Cry........

Major hardware upgrades brought on ingame issues....

no surprise there....

If they had done the upgrades with the 5-6 hr window this morning, then did nothing about applying fixes until say.......


All of you complaining would be complaining even more.

Its an MMO heading to a major turning point......

Id rather they fix stuff than let the bugs/instability really ruin our playtime....

Personally, I'd rather they fix things right the first time around. Especially when they ask for five hours of my paid time to work with.

Magus Prime- lev 50 kin/ elec defender
Meta-Human- lev 50 fire/ ss tank
Cabal Bravo- lev 50 merc/ ff master mind
Schwarzchild- lev 50 grav/ ff controller
Shanghai Storm- lev 50 ma/invinc scrapper
Nicodemus- lev 50 db/ regen scrapper
Dragonhyde- lev 50 wp/ sm tank
On The Pinnochle server!



Originally Posted by Amerikatt View Post
I'm all for the downtime ... as long as there are fully customizable Cat/Kitten models, the height slider drops to 1' tall, and the chest slider can be adjusted a full kilometer to the LEFT!
So creepy.



Do you really think they have enough ppl working there to replicate all the messed up ways we play this game during downtime?

Sometimes it takes the servers coming back up and being populated by actual players for bugs to show up.....

Welcome to MMOs....

Oh, and I'm not one of the Dev fanbois, I've just been here long enough to know stuff happens, no use in cryin about it.....

Let em fix the game...
Hopefully itll only take ONE hotfix....




Looks like they're starting to come back up.. Freedom & Justice are unknown vice down.



Y'all need to worry when the forums go down, the facebook page disappears and the twitter page explodes!

Just be happy we're not back to Issue 1 and 700 floppy disks to install it back to their servers. :P

@Tax E - RIP CoH 2012



Originally Posted by Amerikatt View Post
I'm all for the downtime ... as long as there are fully customizable Cat/Kitten models, the height slider drops to 1' tall, and the chest slider can be adjusted a full kilometer to the LEFT!
Couldn't this result be achieved with a(technically) male character with the animal pack?
I know the height isn't that small, but it looks pretty close with Beast Run at the lowest height setting.



....oh yea fix issues....make them stable...take as long as you need....i cant wait....I am glad they are doing maintenance....yada yada yada yada. Fact is they dont plan well, they dont inform well. Major upgrades can be done efficiently without many issues if things are planned well. Any issues that arise should already have contingencies in place. Very rarely do issues arise if things are planned appropriately. I am sure they have beyond the resources to execute this type of "system maintenance/upgrades"...unfortunately they seem to suffer from unskilled management of such resources. The round peg goes in the round really is that easy if it is known.
I hear the flamers now discussing unknown issues and that unplanned things happen, and again I say that is a lack of managed resources and ill plans of attack.



Originally Posted by Kilspyke View Post
Do you really think they have enough ppl working there to replicate all the messed up ways we play this game during downtime?
Not my problem.

Magus Prime- lev 50 kin/ elec defender
Meta-Human- lev 50 fire/ ss tank
Cabal Bravo- lev 50 merc/ ff master mind
Schwarzchild- lev 50 grav/ ff controller
Shanghai Storm- lev 50 ma/invinc scrapper
Nicodemus- lev 50 db/ regen scrapper
Dragonhyde- lev 50 wp/ sm tank
On The Pinnochle server!



Originally Posted by Kilspyke View Post
Do you really think they have enough ppl working there to replicate all the messed up ways we play this game during downtime?

Sometimes it takes the servers coming back up and being populated by actual players for bugs to show up.....

Welcome to MMOs....

Oh, and I'm not one of the Dev fanbois, I've just been here long enough to know stuff happens, no use in cryin about it.....

Let em fix the game...
Hopefully itll only take ONE hotfix...

Ummm....yeah.....maybe you need to be around a little longer.....



Originally Posted by Tax_E View Post
Y'all need to worry when the forums go down, the facebook page disappears and the twitter page explodes! :P

its getting closer all the time



Originally Posted by Magus_Prime View Post
Personally, I'd rather they fix things right the first time around. Especially when they ask for five hours of my paid time to work with.
What's your paypal, I'll send you the 31 cents you're due.



Always easier to talk about how things could be done when you are not having to actually do them.

I know I have never had any unexpected trouble when building/upgrading my computers!

It's the nature of the beast. I'd hoped that they would be done by now, but I was expecting some possible trouble. Getting bent out of shape about it is a waste of energy, imo.

Rend this space....



Originally Posted by Rocket_Bob View Post
Always easier to talk about how things could be done when you are not having to actually do them.

I know I have never had any unexpected trouble when building/upgrading my computers!

It's the nature of the beast. I'd hoped that they would be done by now, but I was expecting some possible trouble. Getting bent out of shape about it is a waste of energy, imo.
not bent outta shape.....keep building/ will learn eventually and things will be problem free



Originally Posted by Rocket_Bob View Post

It's the nature of the beast. o.
The excuse that drives ignorance, starts wars, and crashes economies.



Originally Posted by PowerLeveler View Post
What's your paypal, I'll send you the 31 cents you're due.
Actually its more like 19 cents

(5+4) / (30 * 24) / $15 = $.1875

Granted the servers are only down for 9 hours today... But I wouldn't mind getting my 19 cents back for today :-)

I PL myself! YAY



Now we are edging into prime time now that triples our rates.

Jorrus 50 MercPoison Mastermind / Samuel Geary 50 Warshade/Triform
Relenia 50 DB/Will Scrapper / Jonas Geary 50 Cold/Storm Controller

'They don't call it a "Free Fire Zone" because it's filled with kittens and butterflies"-Obsidius



Originally Posted by Mr_Eian View Post
Actually its more like 19 cents

(5+4) / (30 * 24) / $15 = $.1875

Granted the servers are only down for 9 hours today... But I wouldn't mind getting my 19 cents back for today :-)
August has 31 days so maybe powerleveler should just send 18 instead



whew, good thing the servers came back up, almost asked PowerLever for the money!

I PL myself! YAY



Originally Posted by necropsie View Post
The excuse that drives ignorance, starts wars, and crashes economies.

Yeah, no. i suspect this one is serious which means there's no way i can be. Laters!

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Devin_Wilson View Post
Gee what a surprise.. The servers have been down more in the last two weeks than they have been up. Way to impress those of us youre trying to bring back to the game.
Oh, and the thought just occurred to me that NCsoft must really be toying with you because the servers have been up far more than they've been down for me. Seriously, it's been far, far less than one hour out of forty-eight that i've seen the servers down. If you've been seeing the servers down more than up the last two weeks i suspect someone's been blocking your access.

There is also the slight possibility that you're using over the top exaggerated hyperbole to make yourself look like a massive twit with no sense of perspective, but who would deliberately try to make themselves look like that? No one, that's who. (OTOH, that could be why someone would be blocking your access to the servers most of the time if they're players or GMs who don't like you.)

Obviously it's a conspiracy. (No, not a Nemesis plot; it's someone else for a change.)

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Magus_Prime View Post
Personally, I'd rather they fix things right the first time around. Especially when they ask for five hours of my paid time to work with.
This just in: Large-scale systems sometimes develop unexpected, crippling difficulties, particularly when significant changes have just been made. Film at 11.



Originally Posted by T_Immortalus
Couldn't this result be achieved with a(technically) male character with the animal pack?
Originally Posted by T_Immortalus

I know the height isn't that small, but it looks pretty close with Beast Run at the lowest height setting.
No. The muscularity and anatomy of the male model would make the end result look really creepy.

Amerikatt is a female cat, not a catgirl (and certainly *not* a catboy), so she (and other more humaniform female characters) should have access to a chest slider which allows for a "flat" chested customization.

AMERIKATT: Star of Stage, Screen, and Saturday morning cartoons! (Art by Psygon and ChristopherRobin)
"(Katt-Girl) obviously reads a lot of encyclopedias" -- Kiken
Dark_Respite's video -- Avatar: COH Style!
I Support Nerd Flirting and Even More Nerd Flirting!



Originally Posted by Amerikatt View Post
she (and other more humaniform female characters) should have access to a chest slider which allows for a "flat" chested customization.
In many games, this is deliberately not allowed, specifically to prevent people from designing characters which represent children.