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  1. April '06 is when I started playing. Had alot of fun. Met alot of fun people. This sucks.
  2. I've just been wondering where to start this past week......

    First off, I'll miss him.
    Even after leaving City, he would check in every once in a while.
    And whenever I spotted him on globals, no matter what I was doing, I'd chat.
    I guess I wasn't close enough for him to tell me how he was really doing, because this all hit me like a ton of bricks when I found out.
    Thats OK.
    This is a game, and people go to games to escape the real world.
    I know I have through the years.
    I teamed with Lucas many times through the years, chatted with him both in PMs and in global channels.
    No matter how stupid my questions may have been, he answered them.
    No matter how crappy my toons were, we had fun.

    Words won't do it....

    Gonna leave it as I started.

    I'll miss him.

  3. Kilspyke

    Justice Down?

    Well, I made it out of the tute, zoned into AP just fine, but ppl are talkin in broadcast about the train doesnt take you anywhere, just zones u back to AP.....

    Another funny lil fact.......

    Peeps are rollin' SoAs and they are able to zone into AP......

    No contacts, they have the vil symbol not the hero symbol, but I was just able to team with one just as a test.......

    Yay for broke stuffs!!!!!!

  4. Kilspyke

    Justice Down?

    Its odd, all my Toons say unknown map, but i was just able to roll a new one and im in the tute right now....

  5. I think I speak for alot of ppl on Justice server when i say.......


  6. Do you really think they have enough ppl working there to replicate all the messed up ways we play this game during downtime?

    Sometimes it takes the servers coming back up and being populated by actual players for bugs to show up.....

    Welcome to MMOs....

    Oh, and I'm not one of the Dev fanbois, I've just been here long enough to know stuff happens, no use in cryin about it.....

    Let em fix the game...
    Hopefully itll only take ONE hotfix....

  7. Cry, Cry, Cry........

    Major hardware upgrades brought on ingame issues....

    no surprise there....

    If they had done the upgrades with the 5-6 hr window this morning, then did nothing about applying fixes until say.......


    All of you complaining would be complaining even more.

    Its an MMO heading to a major turning point......

    Id rather they fix stuff than let the bugs/instability really ruin our playtime....

  8. I was recently told that ice/ice doms are gimped because ice damage is lower than the other choices. I rolled one just to see, and yes, damage is a little lower, but its far, far, FAR from gimped. Ive had several doms that stayed in melee, so the melee powers in ice arent the problem. That toon was also my first toon i took thru the new incarnate trials and was ALOT of fun. He's tier 3 everything atm. Also, it was fairly easy to build perma-dom goin ice/ice and it wasnt that expensive. My global rech is 186% with hasten i believe, cant check, servers just went down.

    On a side note, recently ive tinkered with several powersets/powerset combos that were supposed to be gimped......
    After finding 3 'gimped' toons that i enjoy alot I look at it like this....
    Find something you like and play it, if you enjoy it, opinions be damned...

    Also, player>AT and pwerset choices.

  9. Kilspyke


    DeadEye Jake
  10. I guess no one reads that servers will be down at least 5 hrs, putting the soonest they might be up at 12 eastern.
  11. Kilspyke


    sorry, no net for this game means no net for messaging.....
  12. Kilspyke


    To all that may care.....!
    I'll be back sometime wednesday!
    Money issues after buyin Christmas for the kids.
    theres good news....
    New rig!!!!
    Toshiba laptop that should smoke this game till w/e curveballs we get with Rogue!

    Warn the populous....
    Kilspykes a comin'!!!!!
  13. OK, maybe iI came off a lil strong in my 1st 2 posts....
    Maybe you don't know enough about the player that is @Kilspyke...

    Let me clue you in a lil....

    I've never had a billion inlfu/infamy on any one toon.
    The people that i play with dont care about what you have in your build, if you can play yer toons, yer in, period.
    99% of my toons are Ioed out, but NONE of them have more than 6-700 influ invested in them.(some of those might be by old market prices, but I'm going buy influ in em, not what it would cost now)
    I havent pvped since i13 cuz i hate the changes, but thats another arguement, but if you came to this game for PvP, you wasted yer money. There are much better PvP games out there.

    All that having been said, I think my last post admitted that the market isn't 'fair' if you want X IO right now. If you can't wait, eat the price and shush. Devs aint gonna mess with drops or try to manipulate the market just for you...
    Do you think you are the 1st player to start a thread about unfair market prices....
    Please search the forum before starting a new thread....

  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EnD_Reitanna View Post
    Dear KIl, fight me on SOed toon vs my IOed toon...tell me this again plz ty.
    OK, maybe you need to get yer epeen checked, but I nvr said challenge everyone that didn't agree with you. Plus... in my post, I admitted 99% of my toons are IOed.....
    Lemme clue you in a lil more...
    I dont PvP. i13 sucked, 'nuf sed. So I guess yer junk is bigger than mine. If someone pointing out that you dont HAVE to have ANYTHING in this game to 'win' hurt you that much......

    That being said.... do market prices suck.... sometimes!
    Do I make money on said market? yes
    Do i spend said money at the market? yes
    Free market is a free market is a free market....
    post a bid, sit, wait...

    PS. i dont have to beat up a buncha pixles with a human controling them to feel good, do you?
  15. Dear OP,

    IOs are NOT 'needed' to 'win' at this game. I know alot of people that have played this game for years and still avoid the IO system like its the plague. That being said, i have IO'd 99% of my toons. As several have said, as long as people will pay, people will charge. Free market is free market. Place a bid for what you are willing to pay and wait. Don't expect the Devs to adjust the drop rate or manipulate the market prices just cuz you don't get yer bids in 5 minutes.

    To clarify again, IOs aren't needed for this game....

    'nuff sed
  16. If you make it, they will......... nvm.

    Cai is my new hero!!
  17. Let me start off by admitting I'm a nobody, both here on the forums and ingame. I play this game for what it is, a game. Do people piss me off and offend me at times? You betcha. But at the end of the day, i log off, and go back to the real world. Most of what i see from TJs end is alot of drama that happened 2+ years ago when there was massive drama in an older version of JFA2010. Admittedly, i wasnt here for all that, but i have heard about it. Chrome went to extended lengths before ever coming to this forum to mend fences with all he felt were involved with that mess. Does JFA2010 fill the role of what JU is supposed to be? For some, maybe. Alot has changed over my 4 years here. Is JU an attack aimed at JFA20w/e? No. As someone who has known about this move for many months, JFA wasnt even mentioned in anything pertaining to Chromes choice to remake CS. There is more than enough room on Justice server for 2 all inclusive channels. I will say this...

    I'm in several channels ingame that have done nothing but rip Chrome a new one when word leaked about the new channel coming. Sadly, it all stems from 2+ year old drama. I respect everyone involved. But heres my thing. Dont let old crap kill a possibly good thing. If you have issues with Chrome, dont vent them here and try to sabotage a good thing ALOT of other people besides chrome are trying to do. No one involved with the building of this new channel ever said 'lets do this to F JFA'.... Dont take old stuff and turn into new stuff....

    Thats my 2 cents for what its worth...

    @Kilspyke or @Hypothermial