Discussion: Retiring Booster Packs, Expansions and Boxed Sets on the NCsoft store on August 30
Owch that's no good I don't want to pay 2-3x as much per booster
Questions --
1.) Will only the NCsoft store discontinue sales or will Steam and every brick and more retailer as well?
2.) Will unused codes from boxes still work after the 30th?
Yeah, you want to make money a la carte - but being able to buy the whole shebang in one swoop - with discount - is still nice.
Fortunately I have everything but the party pack. But still. Boo.
Questions --
1.) Will only the NCsoft store discontinue sales or will Steam and every brick and more retailer as well? 2.) Will unused codes from boxes still work after the 30th? |
for 2, i dont see why they couldnt still be applied to your account

i would assume that most other retailers would continue to sell at least going rogue
for 2, i dont see why they couldnt still be applied to your account |
I also echo Memphis Bill's sentiment that it would be nice to have the boosters available to buy in toto at that pricepoint for those willing to do it.
Honestly, it doesn't make much sense why they wouldn't leave all of it up there for those people willing to make a larger-than-micro-transaction, other than the store is fundamentally being altered such that codes may no longer work....or it's just a cash grab ( ' ;
If you're discontinuing the current SKUs, I can understand that. If you mean bundled sales of thematically linked items are never going to be available again, I don't like that. Like others here, I also don't like the implication that no one will be able to get a "bulk discount" for buying things in bundles. The option to buy a-la-carte is fantastic. Having no choice but to buy everything a-la-carte is obnoxious.
McDonald's sells all their sandwiches, drinks and side orders as individual items. They still sell standard meal packages, and buying those is cheaper than buying all the component items individually. MMOs are not fast food restaurants, but I still think there's value in the model.
American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
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WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
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Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA
Well, I like your assumptions, but Avatea's post makes it very clear that all boxed sets and expansions are being discontinued as well.
I also echo Memphis Bill's sentiment that it would be nice to have the boosters available to buy in toto at that pricepoint for those willing to do it. Honestly, it doesn't make much sense why they wouldn't leave all of it up there for those people willing to make a larger-than-micro-transaction, other than the store is fundamentally being altered such that codes may no longer work....or it's just a cash grab ( ' ; |
and the reason i say that codes would work is they are applied to your account, not microtransacted. at least our accounts on the ncsoft site wont be filled with anymore of the stuff labeled "perk" lol

Will you be fixing the NCSoft store so that you can actually buy multiple items without it flagging you as "fraudulent activity detected" and making you wait 24 hours to make another purchase?
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If I am remembering right the last thing I saw on the point pricing still listed the booster at set point price that was lower than buying the individual items.
But that is with the caveat that pricing wasn't fixed and I could be misremembering. Can anyone in the Beta confirm or deny this?
I already everything for my primary and still need one or two for my secondary. It might be better to wait and then buy with points, that way we could get more reward tokens to apply to vet rewards and the like.
Heck, I was kinda hoping they'd have a sale before shutting down the boosters. I'm still missing the Party Pack, the Animal Pack, the Origins Pack, and the Steampunk Pack.
Will the items in these packs still be available as packs on the Paragon Points Store for an equivalent dollar amount of Points, or will we have to buy the items separately? Separate might actually work better. I'm not sure I'll ever have a real burning need for the Michael Jackson emote in the Party Pack. (Although if they ever do an Elvis emote, I've got an Elvis-themed scrapper who I'd plunk down the points for.)
I'll also throw my two cents in: If I'm unable to buy the precise equivalent of the old booster packs on the Paragon Store for the same price, I will not be spending any additional money on the Paragon Store. I really had my eye on those infinite Architect Slots, but you can't put a positive spin on raising prices no matter how hard you try.
It either feels like a shallow cash grab, a scheme to get people to buy in to the weekly sales, or a penalty against veterans for getting 400 (or 550) free points a month.
Granted, this is assuming the prices remain as-is in beta. But for all the folks claiming I shouldn't be worried as "it's just beta, they can change!" I'm not very reassured, since I don't think I've seen them altered once yet or any developer feedback on the matter, outside of several hints that they're fully aware they're raising the prices.
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Has anyone run the full dollar-to-points comparisons on each pack?
Moving from discussion with full list now:
Magic pack - 10$
New price 2800pp = 35$ 35$ =/= 10$ I understand that buying separate parts will come more expensive but 25$ more then what price used to be is too much. Also consider making discounts when people buying bundle (whole costume set for example) and make option to buy bundle. I was trying to buy whole Victorian steempunk costume from character creator screen and had to buy part by part which was annoying. |
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Party Pack is cheaper a la carte after FREEDOM.
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I'm wondering if this has something to do with how "bought" items will be tagged in our accounts. It could be that they will convert our account data from having the current one perk code that says these powers and pieces are available from owning say the Magic Booster into individual flags for each aspect. Since this would be a database convert they need the account database to be stable.
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I am really pissed at this, but we all saw it coming and we WERE warned. This is how a la carte works- it nickel and dimes you if you aren't careful.
I'll refer to M1's post above-
"It either feels like a shallow cash grab, a scheme to get people to buy in to the weekly sales, or a penalty against veterans for getting 400 (or 550) free points a month."
IT IS ALL OF THE ABOVE. I'm glad I bought the packs I wanted Friday, because once Freedom Launches, NCSoft will get my $15 a month and that is it.
BTW- putting money on it now- Freedom launches on or shortly after 8/30.

"Well, there's going to be some light music and a short note of apology saying, 'The universe ended last week, we're really sorry, we don't know what you're doing here, didn't you get the message?'"- Steve Moffat
I could see it launching on Labor Day weekend if most of the bugs have been worked out in testing. Maybe on the 1st?
Granted, this is assuming the prices remain as-is in beta. But for all the folks claiming I shouldn't be worried as "it's just beta, they can change!" I'm not very reassured, since I don't think I've seen them altered once yet or any developer feedback on the matter, outside of several hints that they're fully aware they're raising the prices.
Hey all, as you're perusing all of the wonderful items that the Paragon Market has to offer, please keep in mind that all of the pricing, much like the rest of Issue 21, is in beta and is subject to change.
That said, we'd love to hear your feedback on the current prices! Thanks! -Z |
- Garielle
PLEASE include an option that lets us get the whole shebang from each Booster Pack in the Paragon Points store.
Formerly known as Stormy_D
Here is a Redname quote for you to show you why people are saying the prices are not final....
From the Z-Miester himself. Fair enough? |
They say that about EVERYTHING that shows up in the Betas. There's a good chance that whatever the prices in Open Beta are, is what they are going to be when it goes Live. I'm not saying they are lying or any of that, but people shouldn't get their hopes up that things will change.
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To be fair, the only FACT that is known is that they are retiring the booster packs. Anything else is just speculation based on the council of your fears. The time to raise the flag would be when you know for sure that there will be no "booster pack" pricing.
Most of you say you already have these items so this doesn't effect you in any way.
For those who say that "They will only get my 15 bucks a month" fine. You can spend your accumulating points to unlock prestige powers and so forth.
But if you are currently giving them your 15 bucks plus another 20 or 30 a year by buying the previous booster packs, then what's the differience? Buy what you want, don't buy anything that you don't want. It's only a "cash grab" if you submit to it.
I have a lifetime subscription to Champions, and a get a certain number of points per month. I don't have to pay another dime to play, ever. But I do/did They have retro space helmets and such like. I want 'em. Imma gonna buy 'em. If COH comes with them. I want 'em. Iamma gonna buy them. That's my choice just as buying or not is yours.
So unclinch and relax. All that is known for certain is that they are discontinuing the booster packs.
With the launch of City of Heroes Freedom drawing nearer, and all the new and exciting things coming your way in Issue 21, we also have to say goodbye to some of the products you have come to love over the years.
As a result, we will be discontinuing the sale of all Booster Packs, Expansions and Boxed sets in the NCsoft store on August 30, 2011. The good news is that players who wish to take advantage of the current pricing are still able to do so before these items are officially discontinued.
Likewise, remember that thanks to the Declaration of Freedom sale, the original City of Heroes® is available until August 29, 2011 (August 30 in Europe) for new accounts only at a super-low price of $1.99 (1.49 /£1.29), as announced here. In addition, the original City of Heroes retail box will still be available for $9.99 USD (8.99 /£5.99) after August 30.
Don't miss this opportunity to enjoy these products and buy yours at the NCsoft store now!
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