Discussion: City of Heroes Freedom and Issue 21 VIP Beta starts August 9!




Originally Posted by Arctic Man View Post
I think it's measured in minutes:seconds
My bad... is it late at night here and I don't have anywhere near enough caffeine in my system atm.

Checks again: 461:21 ... 7 hours ... much better.

(Some one please tell me the patch to live isn't going to be humongously HUGE.... please.)

"Just as I knew all of life's answers they changed all the questions!" - Unknown (seen on a poster)
Sig characters appear in the Ch�teau Rouge thread starting from post #100
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Originally Posted by Lost Ninja View Post
Is there a way to speed the download? That is in the old days you could speed up the installation of the test server by copying the Live client into the test folder and having it update the changed files. Is that still possible?

Reason I ask is I don't really want to re-download ~6Gb data ~4Gb of which I probably have on my PC already...
Not really. I21 uses a different file format to facilitate the streaming client.

I suspect a lot of people are going to need to get 'prepared' for the big patches.

Especially since it's doubtful we're going to see any future discs to 'catch you up' like prior massive patches.

Let's Dance!



Originally Posted by Edana View Post
Technically 12:00am 10/08/2011 is tomorrow.

Im sure they set the times so they would be up at same time but "different days" Just to you know . . . .. be evil like that

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Originally Posted by reiella View Post
Not really. I21 uses a different file format to facilitate the streaming client.

I suspect a lot of people are going to need to get 'prepared' for the big patches.

Especially since it's doubtful we're going to see any future discs to 'catch you up' like prior massive patches.
Heh my primary reason for getting the beta is so I'm mostly ready for i21 when it launches. Don't want to play too much 'content' as then I'm bored when it goes live... :/



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Inside ball: the beta server is an internal test server that was repurposed for I18 closed beta testing and continued on as the closed beta server. The hardware itself may have been reallocated from test farms, but "The Beta Server" as we know it has only existed since a bit before I18 closed beta.

At one point a long while back there were multiple shards added to the test farm to test things like markets and global chat things, but Beta is a completely different server farm, capable of running a completely separate game build from the test farm and the live farms.
Was it that late? Damn I seem to remember it being around issue 14 not 18 Yeah I remember the various shards they had on "test" for awhile when doing market testing and stuff.

Yes I do know that Beta is entirely separate from test in regards to builds and being its own server farm

Thanks for the updated info.

Djeannie's Costume Creator Overhaul Wishlist
Carnie Base

"Once the avalanche has started, it is too late for the pebbles to vote" -Kosh



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
*PANCAKEs his pants*
I think this might actually cause a worse mental image for me than the expletive it's replacing rofl.



The Echo, Arc ID 1688 (5mish, easy, drama)
The Audition, Arc ID 221240 (6 mish, complex mech, comedy)
Storming Citadel, Arc ID 379488 (lowbie, 1mish, 10-min timed)

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
[The Incarnate System is] Jack Emmert all over again, only this time it's not "1 hero = 3 white minions" it's "1 hero = 3 white rocks."



Originally Posted by MrCaptainMan View Post
I think this might actually cause a worse mental image for me than the expletive it's replacing rofl.

Pancacking his pants was ok till he syruped and buttered them too....ick!

Djeannie's Costume Creator Overhaul Wishlist
Carnie Base

"Once the avalanche has started, it is too late for the pebbles to vote" -Kosh



But...but...I don't want to wait till 7pm tonight....

*sigh* oh well, good things come to those who wait.



Originally Posted by Sideline View Post
But...but...I don't want to wait till 7pm tonight....

*sigh* oh well, good things come to those who wait.

i know the feeling, i woke up about 4 hours ago, 11 Hours(ish) to go.

Going to miss the fun and nice people here at CoH. Feel free to add me on PS3/XBox360
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Originally Posted by Lost Ninja View Post
Is there a way to speed the download? That is in the old days you could speed up the installation of the test server by copying the Live client into the test folder and having it update the changed files. Is that still possible?

Reason I ask is I don't really want to re-download ~6Gb data ~4Gb of which I probably have on my PC already...
The file structure of FREEDOM is vastly different than pre-FREEDOM. Since they want the game to load in 3 stages (so that a brand new customer goes almost immediately into the costume creator while the tutorial is loading in the background; and so the rest of the game is loading in the background while you're in the tutorial), the files in the piggs have been reorganized.

Apparently, the updater/launcher isn't smart enough to simply move unchanged internal files, it will re-download them into the correct pigg file (a pigg file is basically a proprietary zip file).

So, if you haven't been updating Beta over the past few months (as I have ) you're looking at a nearly brand new install. And the copying over of Live files won't help.

This means when the FREEDOM pre-install happens... it will be epic, son.

Originally Posted by Pattern Walker View Post
I'm hoping we'll get access to the beta forums as well...
They have never made closed beta forums accessible to the general public in the past except for that one 'clopen' beta <shudder>. They don't want old and settled debates to be redebated.

However, they freely allow closed beta participants to recopy anything from closed to open forums they think is germane.

So, you hear that, Close Beta folks? Start copying and pasting!

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So Happy Rite Nao!



Hopefully the beta server will be up to the task. I can imagine there's going to be a heavy load on it starting today.



I'm SOOO tempted to call in right now...I don't know about you guys but I've been updating my Beta patch religiously all the while Foolishly hoping I would get in to be able to test the new shinyneeees.



Originally Posted by Negate View Post
I don't know about you guys but I've been updating my Beta patch religously. Foolishy hoping I would get in to be able to test the new shinyneeees.
Of course I have!



Originally Posted by Negate View Post
I'm SOOO tempted to call in right now...I don't know about you guys but I've been updating my Beta patch religously. Foolishy hoping I would get in to be able to test the new shinyneeees.
Yeah, that's me too. I try every day or so, just to see. On both my main and secondary accounts.

And on my EU account too.



Originally Posted by Negate View Post
I'm SOOO tempted to call in right now...I don't know about you guys but I've been updating my Beta patch religously. Foolishy hoping I would get in to be able to test the new shinyneeees.



Last night I realized I had been updating Test for the Beta. I ARGH'd like Charlie Brown and checked my main hard drive...
2gb left...
Figured I could uninstall Test and put Beta in its place.
This morning? Out of space.
Moved all my music to an external drive and trying again, hopefully this time I've done enough.

Why must this game be so big?

All that is planned fails. All that is born dies.
All that is built crumbles. This will always be true.

But memories remain, And that is beautiful.



I'm glad I'm on the west coast. Soon as I get home from work (4 or 5), I should be able to log in and play around with Time Manipulation (which has captured my imagination too much to be anything other than my immediate goal).

The game ends at 50. Smilegasm
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Originally Posted by Feign View Post
Last night I realized I had been updating Test for the Beta. I ARGH'd like Charlie Brown and checked my main hard drive...
2gb left...
Figured I could uninstall Test and put Beta in its place.
This morning? Out of space.
Moved all my music to an external drive and trying again, hopefully this time I've done enough.

Why must this game be so big?
Because pretty graphics take up a butt load of space.



Originally Posted by Gothenem View Post
Yeah, that's me too. I try every day or so, just to see. On both my main and secondary accounts.

And on my EU account too.
Oh Thank the Gods, I thought I was the only Crazy out there doing this LOL.



Originally Posted by Feign View Post
Last night I realized I had been updating Test for the Beta. I ARGH'd like Charlie Brown and checked my main hard drive...
2gb left...
Figured I could uninstall Test and put Beta in its place.
This morning? Out of space.
Moved all my music to an external drive and trying again, hopefully this time I've done enough.

Why must this game be so big?
I wish I could give you a chunk of my HDD space. This computer that I have now has 1 Terabyte of space...



It figures they decided to open the I21 beta today. I'm right in the middle of setting up a new desktop so I can actually play this game well into the future. I'll be busy finishing transferring files and installing other stuff tonight so I'll have to wait on giving any serious attention to the beta for another day or two. It's like they knew I was busy just to play a joke on me.

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Originally Posted by GodFellow View Post
So, youre only VIP if youre an american player? That sucks to some degree.
Where did you get this silly idea?

Are you paying a subscription to play the game? - Then you are a VIP player.

Are you on your free month for just buying the game? - Then you are a VIP player.

There is nothing in there about are you a non American player.

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Originally Posted by Broken Voltage View Post
Someone must like me another here, I have the next two days off and I have nothing too major planned after 5 pm.... Muhaahahahahahha!
Yeah, I actually have tonight off. That is Soooooooooo awesome