Discussion: City of Heroes Freedom and Issue 21 VIP Beta starts August 9!




Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
It's actually a free floating, round button (movable by the player). It feels pretty unobtrusive to me.
I think you might be biased. That doesn't mean you're wrong, however.

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Farewell is like the end
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Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
It's actually a free floating, round button (movable by the player). It feels pretty unobtrusive to me.
Could I perhaps get an answer to my question on the second page? :|



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
It's actually a free floating, round button.
During beta, it was so free floating it used to randomly float around the screen. Not sure if that was a bug or a feature, but it seems to be less floaty these days.

No, I'm not kidding.

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Originally Posted by SinOfEnvy View Post
Will this be accessible to me?

I ask because I'm currently on a free month of time from the Going Rogue Collectors Edition, and won't be actually subscribing until the 20th when I get paid.
If your account is currently active, then you're in VIP standing. Paid is paid, whether it's by credit card, NCSoft game time card, or even the month included with the box version of the game. If that free month happens to run out before the 20th, though, you'll lose VIP status until you resume your subscription.

FYI, it can take up to 48 hours after starting a new account or resuming your subscription on a deactivated account to get Test Server/Beta Server access.

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Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



Originally Posted by SinOfEnvy View Post
Could I perhaps get an answer to my question on the second page? :|
What second page? I'm still 20 posts from the end of the first page.

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Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
If your account is currently active, then you're in VIP standing. Paid is paid, whether it's by credit card, NCSoft game time card, or even the month included with the box version of the game. If that free month happens to run out before the 20th, though, you'll lose VIP status until you resume your subscription.

FYI, it can take up to 48 hours after starting a new account or resuming your subscription on a deactivated account to get Test Server/Beta Server access.
That's just it though, even though my current time from the CE runs out on the 16th, I still cannot seem to log in to the Test Server. It either tells me that my password is incorrect, which is odd. Although if I input a slightly different and older variation of my password, it accepts it but says that my account isn't active. ;_;

Originally Posted by TerraDraconis View Post
What second page? I'm still 20 posts from the end of the first page.
Default forum settings ftl?



Originally Posted by SinOfEnvy View Post
Could I perhaps get an answer to my question on the second page? :|
Zwillinger said anyone who would be a VIP player at Freedom launch should have access. Someone running on a free month from a boxed edition would be, I'm pretty sure, a VIP subscriber during that month. You are considered a subscriber now for the purposes of things like veteran rewards. If you don't have access, its probably an authentication database bug more than a policy decision thing.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
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Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
During beta, it was so free floating it used to randomly float around the screen. Not sure if that was a bug or a feature, but it seems to be less floaty these days.

No, I'm not kidding.
Reminds me of the old beta bug where the power tray would just start drifting up towards the health bar

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Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Zwillinger said anyone who would be a VIP player at Freedom launch should have access. Someone running on a free month from a boxed edition would be, I'm pretty sure, a VIP subscriber during that month. You are considered a subscriber now for the purposes of things like veteran rewards. If you don't have access, its probably an authentication database bug more than a policy decision thing.
I'm thinking that the authentication may be the problem, because I did indeed get my 24 month Vet badge while currently playing under the time from my CE time.

After I finish re-downloading the Test Server, I will have to try contacting Support about the issue if it's still not letting me log in.

Sorry that I hijacked the topic like that. :x



Originally Posted by Rajani Isa View Post
So you're saying to use the store, we have to hope the right inspiration drops?
Don't be silly. That's the in-game store temp power icon. All you have to do to gain access to the in-game store is buy that temp power from the in-game store.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
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Do we have a TIME for when the beta sever 'opens'? i would like to know.

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Originally Posted by OmniNogard View Post
Do we have a TIME for when the beta sever 'opens'? i would like to know.
If I'm correct, exactly 15 hours, 28 minutes, and 46 seconds from this post. >.>

I'm just going by my current time though. If we go by forum time, it'll be 10 hours, 28 minutes, and 46 seconds.



Originally Posted by SinOfEnvy View Post
After I finish re-downloading the Test Server, I will have to try contacting Support about the issue if it's still not letting me log in.
Just a small reminder. You do realize that the VIP Freedom Beta is on the Beta server and not the test server? Right?

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Originally Posted by Lazarillo View Post
By basing the choice on the wide variety of content, powersets included, and the far more economical price?
You purchased Going Rogue based solely on the fact the content had variety, without knowing anything at all about what that variety entailed?

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
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Originally Posted by OmniNogard View Post
Do we have a TIME for when the beta sever 'opens'? i would like to know.
4:00 PM Pacific. which is when I get off of work unless I am crazy and work through lunch and leave at oh 3:00 PM for the hour drive home. ::whistles innocently::

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Originally Posted by SinOfEnvy View Post
If I'm correct, exactly 15 hours, 28 minutes, and 46 seconds from this post. >.>
Thanks, just saw the time in the post, happens when you wake up and find this. >.>

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PS3X360: OmniNogard
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Originally Posted by TerraDraconis View Post
Just a small reminder. You do realize that the VIP Freedom Beta is on the Beta server and not the test server? Right?
I'm downloading the Test Server, which was what was provided in Avatea's post. That is also the same server I previously tried earlier this month.

Is that not the correct one? o_O



Originally Posted by Rajani Isa View Post
So you're saying to use the store, we have to hope the right inspiration drops?
No no no. If I follow the comments right you play a facinating game of chase the store icon around the screen as it zigs and zags in a frantic effort to avoid your pushing it.

Though reports are that they may have corrected this so the game isn't quite so frantic as that.

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Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
During beta, it was so free floating it used to randomly float around the screen. Not sure if that was a bug or a feature, but it seems to be less floaty these days.

No, I'm not kidding.
Like the "No" button here?

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Originally Posted by SinOfEnvy View Post
I'm downloading the Test Server, which was what was provided in Avatea's post. That is also the same server I previously tried earlier this month.

Is that not the correct one? o_O

There are 2 "test" servers. The traditional test server and the Beta server that you have to download separately from the first one.

So to make your life as fun tomorrow evening as possible make certain that you are downloading the beta server and not the test server.

The shortcut on the launcher reads. City of Heroes Beta and is just below the link to City of Heroes Test.

Ok, quoting the post on how to connect to the beta server if you haven't played on it yet.

If you have NCsoft Launcher but do not have COH Beta installed.

1. Run NCsoft Launcher shortcut to get the latest update.
2. The NCsoft Launcher will start.
3. Create a copy of the NCsoft Launcher desktop shortcut.
4. Right click on the new shortcut and open the Properties option.
5. In the Target window, add the following flag to the end of the line:
6. Run the shortcut.
7. The NCsoft Launcher will open, starting a City of Heroes Beta installation.
8. Click Install.
9. If you are on Windows Vista or Windows 7, confirm the UAC prompts. (if UAC is turned on).
10. After the installation completes, double-click CITY OF HEROES BETA in the NCsoft Launcher’s games list to play.
And that is what you need to do to launch it if you haven't ever run it before.

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Well don't I feel like a fool.



Originally Posted by SinOfEnvy View Post
Well don't I feel like a fool.
Oh don't. A lot of people don't realize that there is a separate test and beta servers. This is done for a couple of reasons. Originally they did the closed beta's on the test server. The problem is that when they do that they can't release patches and updates to the existing game because the test server has the closed beta on it.

So after a couple rounds of that they went and created a separate server to be the beta server. Making 2 test servers. This way they could put the closed beta on one and test it as long as needed while still being able to patch and update the main game using the test server.

It just hasn't gotten around to people that there are two possible servers that you could be using. Everyone is familiar with the test server but the beta is more restricted. Really only available during the open beta periods.

But it's MY sadistic mechanical monster and I'm here to make sure it knows it. - Girl Genius

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