Mercy Island Revamp




I have a concern regarding the upcoming starting zone revamp that may or may not have been commented on in the past.

The Developers have stated that Mercy Island itself is not getting a revamp, but mission/ start locations are changing. Does this mean that the textures in Mercy Island, such as windows and metal fixings will not get an update for Ultra Mode?

I agree with the Developers that Mercy Island is iconic and there is no need for a major restructure, but there are so many beautiful places in Mercy Island it would be a shame that if we came out of this with a zone that looks dated and does not live up to its full potential.



Originally Posted by Cauda View Post
but there are so many beautiful places in Mercy Island....
... like the burning building. Or the snake pits. Or the fence with misc building materials stuck to it. Or the garbage dump... wait, that describes most of it.

"Many beautiful places?" Have to say, the Isles in general need a makeover to get rid of the Cheap Landfill theme they have throughout the redside zones.

I could go for that look in areas - to make them LOOK like the slums they try to keep hidden away and/or snatch people from. The dingy, drab, depressing look of the isles makes it impossible to appreciate what they COULD have been showing off (the "old city" look and architecture, which would bring St Martial and Aeon's little city into more contrast and make Grandville's Web/tower seem more of a shame.)



I hate how every island is a slum in CoV. Why can't there be a dark, sinister looking city like Gotham in CoV? Just because villains have an aversion to shiny, vibrant places doesn't mean every zone has to be a total dump. I mean, what's the point of fighting over it? A nuclear fallout site has more going for it.



I dunno, I've grown to love the look of the Isles. At first I refused to play there... but it really has grown on me. I like the fact that it isn't all clean lines, shiny metal/glass and pristine ponds and reflecting pools. I like Paragon AND the Rogue Isles, but for very different reasons.



Originally Posted by That_Ninja View Post
I hate how every island is a slum in CoV. Why can't there be a dark, sinister looking city like Gotham in CoV? Just because villains have an aversion to shiny, vibrant places doesn't mean every zone has to be a total dump. I mean, what's the point of fighting over it? A nuclear fallout site has more going for it.
Always had this idea for a new zone for the Rogue Isles. Nova Praetoria kind of makes this a reality and wish that I could add it in-game. Essentially it would be clean and pristine zone, the island would be where high ranking officers and top Arachnos officials would live and relax. However most of the missions would take place underground in the sewers and abandoned cave systems underneath it. Missions in this zone would show the what needed to be done to keep the illusion of clean and pristine going on topside.

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Originally Posted by Unknown_User View Post
Always had this idea for a new zone for the Rogue Isles. Nova Praetoria kind of makes this a reality and wish that I could add it in-game. Essentially it would be clean and pristine zone, the island would be where high ranking officers and top Arachnos officials would live and relax. However most of the missions would take place underground in the sewers and abandoned cave systems underneath it. Missions in this zone would show the what needed to be done to keep the illusion of clean and pristine going on topside.
This notion has some merit - I mean Arachnos have been infiltrating Praetoria too, so even though Cole is intent on wiping out Primal Earth's metas Recluse surely has thought "That's not a bad way to treat the populace of the Isles" ?

Grandville is sort of like Praetoria, in a way. But a new Villain zone with a 'prison' for freedom fighters could be cool. A mixture of the features of Praetoria and Brickstown with a science experiment theme?



Originally Posted by Unknown_User View Post
Always had this idea for a new zone for the Rogue Isles. Nova Praetoria kind of makes this a reality and wish that I could add it in-game. Essentially it would be clean and pristine zone, the island would be where high ranking officers and top Arachnos officials would live and relax. However most of the missions would take place underground in the sewers and abandoned cave systems underneath it. Missions in this zone would show the what needed to be done to keep the illusion of clean and pristine going on topside.
That sounds almost exactly like a zone that already exists, It's called Grandville.



Originally Posted by Andante View Post
That sounds almost exactly like a zone that already exists, It's called Grandville.
Grandville is not "clean and pristine" once you step off the metal grates. They don't even attempt an "illusion," as the poster you quoted put it, of being so. Look off the side of the rail, you see slums, garbage, burning garbage and debris and worse.

The only thing in common with what the OP said and Grandville is that the higher ups of Arachnos are there.



I've always loved the Gothic architecture of Mercy, it's twisting turning alleyways with hidden crumbling statues, old fountains and bandstands.

I, for one, hope they don't change it too much. I love doing Doctor Creed's arc.

Help Dirk Knightly the freelance detective solve a case in Arc ID:368097



One thing that I for one would *definitely* put on my wishlist for Mercy Island is to add even minimal projecting window ledges to all the buildings. In places like King's Row, all of the housing blocks have projecting window ledges, which allows you to (with a bit of work) jump UP on the sides of buildings so as to get to the rooftops. The buildings in Mercy Island have sheer slab slided wall faces with no projecting ledges on them to jump from. All of the window "ledges" that you see on buildings are just texture mapped, there's no "supporting" geometry at work there.

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



Originally Posted by That_Ninja View Post
I hate how every island is a slum in CoV. Why can't there be a dark, sinister looking city like Gotham in CoV? Just because villains have an aversion to shiny, vibrant places doesn't mean every zone has to be a total dump. I mean, what's the point of fighting over it? A nuclear fallout site has more going for it.
It really isn't. Aeon City isn't a slum, neither is Villa Requin or most of Nerva.

"Men strunt �r strunt och snus �r snus
om ock i gyllne dosor.
Och rosor i ett sprucket krus
�r st�ndigt alltid rosor."



Originally Posted by That_Ninja View Post
I hate how every island is a slum in CoV.
Then stop throwing garbage on the ground, villain!

Because when you get a bunch of super powered C-list d-bags in one place, constantly jockeying for power and turf, you get a slum.

It's pure crab mentality. Or in this case, spider mentality.




Originally Posted by That_Ninja View Post
I hate how every island is a slum in CoV.
That's why they're called dirty Villains - one of the reason why, anyway

Why can't there be a dark, sinister looking city like Gotham in CoV?
That could be the theme for a Kings Row makeover

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
That could be the theme for a Kings Row makeover
Ever go there in a zombie invasion with the red sky?




The look of Rogue side is prop why i hate the hero not a huge fan of clean shinny things lol.



If there's a problem with redside, I think it's that it was designed entirely as a setting for the Destined One story where Paragon City was designed as a place where ordinary people would want to live.

Supposedly, the Rogue Isles are a country with an economy and social services and maybe even a U.N. presence. Supposedly there are people living and working there voluntarily; raising families. For Scrapyard to become the socially conscious hero of a worker's revolution, there first had to be some workers to organize.

We don't see any of that because the game world visuals in the Rogue Isles are so tightly focused on our characters' rise from trash heap to top of the heap, that it never bothers to depict the "real" Rogue Isles. Blueside, the city is strictly backdrop; it's not window dressing to the story of a hero starting on the streets and ending up as an object of wide acclaim who has mastered a laundry list of evil-doers and is even saving other worlds and the future itself.

In other words, in Paragon City the zones each tell their own story where in The Rogue Isles the zones are all subservient to the character's story and their appearance is skewed heavily because of that. In a sense, we've never actually seen the "real" Rogue Isles.

If it needs a revamp, that's what it needs. A visual representation that depicts why anyone who was not a Destined One would bother to live, work, and procreate in such an apparently horrible place. There needs to be some sense of history of the life that went on before Recluse arrived and of the life that continues to go on in spite of his rule and neglect.

Frankly, I would have preferred the Rogue Isles to be a lot more like Praetoria. Shiny on top; dark and brooding underneath. Recluse's playground would have made a lot more sense as a Road Warrior/Thunderdome take on life after the Hamidon Wars. That's me, though. I know that many redsiders like their setting. I just think we need to see a bit more of what the ordinary people of the Isles see instead of the exaggerated cesspool that our characters see.



Originally Posted by That_Ninja View Post
I hate how every island is a slum in CoV. Why can't there be a dark, sinister looking city like Gotham in CoV? Just because villains have an aversion to shiny, vibrant places doesn't mean every zone has to be a total dump. I mean, what's the point of fighting over it? A nuclear fallout site has more going for it.
Surely that'd be better served in St Martial or maybe Cap au Diable? Mercy is MEANT to be a slum. There are others that are ripe for 'tall, dark and brooding' instead, however.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



I remember being rather disappointed by Grandville when I first got there. I was expecting something more like Nova Pretoria, but instead Grandville seems to be the Fort Darwin area of Mercy Island all over again, with a big central "base" surrounded by slums and burning buildings, only the base is larger and uglier and harder to get around, even with Flight, and the surrounding area is more polluted and dirty, with a dim red sky even in the middle of the day.

I wanted Grandville to be more grand. It should look like Lex Luthor's gleaming skyscraper or Dr. Doom's grandiose castle, not a slightly-larger slum.



Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post
If it needs a revamp, that's what it needs. A visual representation that depicts why anyone who was not a Destined One would bother to live, work, and procreate in such an apparently horrible place. There needs to be some sense of history of the life that went on before Recluse arrived and of the life that continues to go on in spite of his rule and neglect. e.
The thing is, the Rogue isles really aren't any special kind of horrible. It's the living reality for a good chunk of the world's population. As to why people would stay... Well, most of them probably can't just pick up and leave, and those that can afford to leave... Well, they've already rise to the level when things are looking up. There's probably all sorts of businesses who feel the Rogue Isles are a decent base to conduct operations away from prying eyes...

And most of all: There's freedom. On the Rogue Isles it's all up to you. You can do anything, there's no limits to what you can achieve... As long as your strong enough or clever enough to take what you want and keep it, there's no limit to how far you can rise.

"Men strunt �r strunt och snus �r snus
om ock i gyllne dosor.
Och rosor i ett sprucket krus
�r st�ndigt alltid rosor."



I don't really care if the zone itself gets a makeover, as long as the Rogue Isles start having the occasional sunny day. Aren't they supposed to be in the Caribbean??? HELLO?

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



I at least wish the pedestrians of the Rogue Islands would run screaming from costumed players instead of waving hello. That one bit of weirdness has always bothered me immensely. The "run screaming" animation is even already sort of there, because that that is how pedestrians react to villain NPCs.

Not that that alone would save red side for me. The big difference between blue and red to me is that blue side has a huge amount of variation. Croatoa looks nothing like Steel Canyon and neither look like Faultline. The Rogue Isles are so homogenized looking that I can barely tell the zones apart. The place feels to me like the city version of an "endless forest" level.



I'll say this for the Rogue Isles - When I play in that setting, it generally induces a state of mind in which my characters feel an utter contempt for the Islands and all of the people inhabiting them. From a certain standpoint, that could be considered a successful design.



Instead of a Mercy Island revamp, the Rogue Isles need a new starting zone. I know that with Galaxy City being destroyed this seems far less likely now, but I've always felt that the Rogue Isles were a bit thin on the ground. Four contacts on Mercy Island is it (counting the starter levels)? I just do not do them at all now, I play Architect arcs instead (and before you ask, I mean actual arcs, not farms). The island SW of Port Oakes seems perfect considering the fact that Port Oakes is the subsequent zone. They really need to open up a line that is separate from the whole Destined One thing. You can start off in Mercy as one of Recluse's Destined Ones, or you can start in Zone B, which signifies your character as being a native of the Rogue Isles, rather than nabbed out of the Zig.

Obviously, a new starting zone would be much preferred, but if that isn't possible, then a bunch of new contacts would be much appreciated. At least 4 new ones would be appreciated, if not more. Really, the Rogue Isles need a lot of new zones. Seriously, six against twelve not including Hazard zones? It's ridiculous. Support us Villains.

Bad Voodoo by @Beyond Reach. Arc ID #373659. Level 20-24. Mr. Bocor has fallen victim to a group of hooded vigilantes who have been plaguing Port Oakes, interfering with illegal operations and pacifying villain's powers. He demands that revenge is taken on these miscreants and his powers are returned! You look like just the villain for the job. Challenging.



I find the Rogue Isles a bit depressing. Which is the point, I suppose.

Everything does sort of blend together after a while, though. I would -love- a Gotham type zone, though.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
... like the burning building. Or the snake pits. Or the fence with misc building materials stuck to it. Or the garbage dump... wait, that describes most of it.

"Many beautiful places?" Have to say, the Isles in general need a makeover to get rid of the Cheap Landfill theme they have throughout the redside zones.

I could go for that look in areas - to make them LOOK like the slums they try to keep hidden away and/or snatch people from. The dingy, drab, depressing look of the isles makes it impossible to appreciate what they COULD have been showing off (the "old city" look and architecture, which would bring St Martial and Aeon's little city into more contrast and make Grandville's Web/tower seem more of a shame.)
No, they really don't. It's crappy, it's rundown, it breathes atmosphere in a way the drab sterility of Paragon city doesn't manage anywhere. The cluttered, neglected look with complete disregard for the historic looks and beauty fits perfectly for the type of dictatorship the Isles are under.

Maybe beautiful isn't the right word, but the isles were never intended to be beautiful. It's iconic, in the same way to CoT robes are iconic.

@True Metal
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