



You've just recieved immense power of the reality warping kind and I don't means just locally, you're an A-grade, cosmic level reality warp capable of shaping the very universe to your whim.

Anything you can think of can be popped into existence, you're pretty much a Deity.

Now keeping things on a vastly smaller scale than you current power cosmic enables to, what would you do with Earth?

I don't mean in an end all hunger and suffering kind of way, sure you CAN do that and I think the planet of Earth would be very grateful for that but that's an easy task for you, a mere wave of your universe warping hand and poof! There goes all world hunger, diseases, general human stupidity and other factors, the world is at peace.

So yes, while to be fair that would be pretty high if not the first thing on my agenda list, You've got the rest of FOREVER to do things in, you're an immortal cosmic being, you've got more things you can do with Earth than just that.


Bam! Mars has an atmosphere breathable to humans.

Bam! It has water, plants, animals and everything else that go with making a planet hospitable.

Bam! It now forms the words 'A Wizard did it' through mountains and gulleys on one side of Mars which are visable from Earth (not by the naked eye but you look at Mars through a telescope, you see that message).

Bam! It's now also populated by a race of sentient Giant Spiders that are quite friendly and want to know why we keep dumping things on their planet, they don't mean to complain but you just drove the Mars Rover through Jesse's kitchen and it's making a mess, perhaps we could talk about this?

The moon would become the giant head from Zardoz, it doesn't do anything special, it's still just a big ball of rock but it's a giant stone head floating in space, looking down on Earth, judging you with it's cold stone eyes.

The Large Hadron collider? When that fired up it actually ripped open a portal in space and time to a Dimension where Kittens become the dominant species (not Cats, Kittens) and live in a society similar to ours though you status is ordained by the size of the hat you wear...

...oh and the Kittens have power armour and eye lasers but don't worry, they're friendly and willing to share Kitten based technology with us.

So now that I've finished screwing around with Earth, instituted the aformentioned changes, made the world at peace, lets say it wasn't me, who hasn't sleep in a long while but sensible you, yes you.

What would you do, would you be benevolent and kind, evil and tyrannical or somewhere inbetween?

The very universe is yours to twist to your whim...

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Bam! a double beef burrito at the perfect temperature. And a lightsaber.



First I would make it so that all of the comic book universes have consistent continuity.
Then I would make it so that anyone who really screws up is not just fired from their job, but fired from a cannon. Then I would do all the usual stuff, you know, eliminate war, disease, hunger and the like. Also I would make it so that shaved coconut had never been invented.

Confirmed altaholic with 70+ alts in coh and cov...yes i know thats alot! Playing coh since beta test phase.



I would probably topple human civilization, just out of spite.

Sure I'd eventually start a new one to replace the old one, but a few years in the stone age might do us some good. Re-learn to appreciate what we've got.

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



First I make my presence known, and I let people know that if you attempt to do anything wrong, such as steal, murder, PANCAKEPANCAKEPANCAKEPANCAKE, kidnap, embezzle, deal drugs, etc.. etc, I will destory or ruin you. Next I will pretty much eliminate organized religon across the globe. Then the rest is just a matter of horsewhipping the population into being nice to each other, or else and maybe do a good deed here and there.

Paragon Unleashed Forums
Twitter: @Alpha_Ryvius



Was I in Cleveland when this happened?

I'd put a Lorax in every forest.

I'd see what was happening in the Universe Next Door and invent that universe if it didn't actually exist.

I'd time travel and become John Titor.

I'd leave the Earth to its own devices and go out and see what's up in the other eleventy-billion galaxies out there.



Firstly, I'd probably not do anything far reaching. I'd probably do a bit of body modifications, go have fun, and then accomplish some dreams using the powers to make up for some downfall that keeps me from doing them without it.

Once I've lived a decent life like that I'd probably do a bit of political philosophic study bring several people back from the dead to help figure out how to run a new government, working out the details of a system that I've already got in my head. Next I'd call a meeting of all the heads of state and demand they work with me to help advance humanity or be isolated and left behind... and then i'd start working on expanding out into space and exploring space.



Vertrauen nichts, Alles Zerstören
Trust Nothing, Destroy Everything

bam. Second big bang.



Bam! Big Bang v2



I don't think I'd do anything far-reaching. I'd probably travel. The world, not the universe. I'd do smaller things as I travel - fill local food banks to the brim. Give money/food to those in need that I happen to come across. etc.



i would prolly form 2 black holes, one on either side of the sun about where mercury is just to see what would happen lol



Easy, I get a Green Lantern Ring and my high school girlfriend begs me to take her back then her and my wife have a clothes ripping brawl.



Originally Posted by Oathbound View Post
I would probably topple human civilization, just out of spite.
Tempting, although I think I'd return this planet to pristine condition as if whatever damage we have wrought never would have occured. Then tell everybody dont blow your second chance. Afterwhich I'd ditch this mudball and go do some cosmic exploration. Whatever aliens I ran into, I would tell them that I'm the herald of Galactus and my master is on the way to devour thier world.

------->"Sic Semper Tyrannis"<-------



Proabbly give everyone invlunerability and becoming free from disease/disability. And make it so they lose those benefits if they do anything that hurts someone else. Oh, and if you have lost the benefits, then you don't count for the 'hurts someone else' clause.

After that, probably set up parrallel universes based on fiction (a Marvel Universe, DC Universe etc...) and see what happens in them.

Always remember, we were Heroes.



Originally Posted by Optimus_Dex View Post
Easy, I get a Green Lantern Ring and my high school girlfriend begs me to take her back then her and my wife have a clothes ripping brawl.
I like the cut of your jib fine sir.



Two words.

Infinity Gauntlet.

Psynder LVL 51 Fire/Fire/Scorpion Blaster
KnightWidow LVL 51 NightWidow
Shiver LVL 50 Ice X3 Dominator
Knight'Shade LVL 47 DP/Dark/NRG Corrupter
Currently Marking Out For: Chris Sabin, Player Dos, Daniel Bryan, Portia Perez, CM Punk



Originally Posted by ebon3 View Post
Tempting, although I think I'd return this planet to pristine condition as if whatever damage we have wrought never would have occured. Then tell everybody dont blow your second chance. Afterwhich I'd ditch this mudball and go do some cosmic exploration. Whatever aliens I ran into, I would tell them that I'm the herald of Galactus and my master is on the way to devour thier world.
And then 6 billion or so people die of starvation as a "pristine" planet doesn't have any of the things set up to handle 7+ billion people.



Originally Posted by ObiWan View Post
I like the cut of your jib fine sir.
Thank you , there is another option I get a Green Lantern ring and Kiera Knightly and Kate Beckinsale have a clothes ripping brawl over who gets me.



I think I'd make a few nearby backup copies of the solar system, complete with all the people and no clear indicator which was the original. Then I'd make sure that each one picked up some stray signals from at least one of the the others (nothing clear, just enough to tell humankind that they weren't alone out there).

Then, assuming I had the willpower, I'd wink myself out of existance before I caused some *real* damage with my next random impulse.

Want better looking NPCs Contacts? Check out this NPC Contact/Trainer/Etc Revision Thread and Index
Remember: Guns don't kill people; Meerkats kill people.



You know what the bad thing about being a supreme being would be......

Being in control every second of every day for the rest of my immortal existence....... maybe I could do it, but if I slipped up even a little bit....



Too much, not enough, screw with physics, travel around the world as a trickster god because i can.



Originally Posted by Dr_MechanoEU View Post
What would you do, would you be benevolent and kind, evil and tyrannical or somewhere inbetween?

The very universe is yours to twist to your whim...
This might be the most boring answer in the universe... but I think I would... wait. And watch.

So many things in this universe, and Earth as well, are balanced precariously in one way or another. I would be a bit fearful that I would devistate that delicate balance. As such, I would probably go about my day to day life mostly unchanged. With a few notable exceptions.

I would visit people far away from me a ton more often (seeing as I can teleport). I would use my abilities to create some sort of merchandise that I could sell for cash through some sort of legitimate business. NO I would not just materialize cash into existance to make my life more comfortable.

And, I would probably fly around in the vacuum of space a fair bit when I have free time.



Cures for cancer (and other major diseases, MD, MS, etc,) appear on every computer, every website, simultaneously. Areas without them get the cures printed in their own language and delivered to their door. Nobody can claim credit, it's just there. (With a side note, "No, this is not from the deity of your religion, if you have one.")

General planetary cleanup - while putting a feeling of guilt for ever letting things have gotten that bad into every human being, and a drive to not let it happen again.

Then, just go exploring. Check out a black hole and some planetary nebulae. Check out some of the planetary systems we've discovered. Go see if the Great Voids really are that empty. If so, put a Starbucks in the middle, just to screw with people.

Create actual Kheldians. Have them visit Earth. No Kheld war, no nictus, etc. Just make them intergalactic tourists.

Create a way for any sentient being to experience the universe as music.

Come back to Earth. For a week or so, screw with particle physicists. Any particle collision they do results in the creation of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Watch them try to explain it.

Create spaghetti trees while I'm at it.

Honestly, I'd spend most of my time exploring. The universe is awfully big. I doubt I'd get bored too fast.



Global immortality, invulnerability and wisdom, and global healing, don't want anyone stuck with amputations or debilitating injuries/diseases. Oh, the ability to choose how old you want to be, but only after you're 18 or so. Don't want any 40 year old toddlers (as funny as it *might* be).

Then make the planet 3x the size for population, perhaps another Earth nearby with an easy way to travel to it.

Then go on a personal search to see if there's life on other planets, become disappointed because either it doesn't exist or is too far away from Earth.

Make a species entirely made out of me on Mars. Find that boring and make them out of supermodels instead. Find that even more boring and just go back to Earth to live a long and happy life. Till I get bored and decide to change smaller details which can effect the bigger picture. Maybe actual Superheroes and Supervillains?

I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc