And the new Ulitmate Spider-Man is...




Originally Posted by Amy_Amp View Post
Because a Crimson Spider comic won't sell nearly as well as a Spider-man one will.
That's why I said they need to be willing to give it time to get popular. Not cancel it after either a poor start or sales starting to drag.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



It'll be interesting to see which of these ideas (killing PP or rebooting the entire DCU) falls flat on its face first.

I for one will not be picking up the new USM #1, and that means I'm pretty much done with the Ultimate universe as a whole.

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Originally Posted by mousedroid View Post
It'll be interesting to see which of these ideas (killing PP or rebooting the entire DCU) falls flat on its face first.

I for one will not be picking up the new USM #1, and that means I'm pretty much done with the Ultimate universe as a whole.

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In comic book universe - Heros and villains can't copyright their own names apparently. As soon as one dies *bam* the next random person with similar abilities comes and snatches up their name.



It would certainly be interesting to see this scene played out ironically.



Well, i would've preferred to find out when i bought the comic, not a week beforehand FYVM USA Today. But im sticking with what i said when they first announced they were offing Peter. I'll get the rest of Fallout, which IMO has been some of Bendis's best work in years, and then just move on. Not that i dont dig the idea of a new Spider Man, i still miss Spidey 2099, i just think this is a good spot to step away from the Ultimate universe entirely. Ultimate spider-man was the last title i was reading with a Parker i liked as Spider-man, and i just outright refuse to go back to picking up the 616 titles.



10.000.000 inf say Peter Parker is back within a year (or the Ultimate universe is dead by then).
Spider-Man without Parker just isn´t Spider.Man... even Ben Reilly was Parker, and he wasn´t very popular.
New Spider-Man will probaly get mauled by Venom shortly before Parker has his miraculous return from the grave.


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Originally Posted by Nos482 View Post
Spider-Man without Parker just isn´t Spider.Man... even Ben Reilly was Parker, and he wasn´t very popular.
I liked Ben Reilly as Spider-Man. I think what killed any potential he had was the constant was he or wasn't he arcs they did and the fact that the whole comic was just flooded with crappy clone stories. Had Marvel learned to keep it short, instead of just dragging the clone nonsense out. I think Reilly would have a larger fanbase.

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Originally Posted by Unknown_User View Post
I liked Ben Reilly as Spider-Man. I think what killed any potential he had was the constant was he or wasn't he arcs they did and the fact that the whole comic was just flooded with crappy clone stories. Had Marvel learned to keep it short, instead of just dragging the clone nonsense out. I think Reilly would have a larger fanbase.
I'm surprised they didn't go with a clone as the new Spider-Man. In fact, I would of prefered to see Spider-Woman #1, with female Parker taking the lead of main Spider Hero.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Unknown_User View Post
I liked Ben Reilly as Spider-Man. I think what killed any potential he had was the constant was he or wasn't he arcs they did and the fact that the whole comic was just flooded with crappy clone stories. Had Marvel learned to keep it short, instead of just dragging the clone nonsense out. I think Reilly would have a larger fanbase.
Scarlet Spider is the best spider hero ever. This is a fact.



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
I'm surprised they didn't go with a clone as the new Spider-Man. In fact, I would of prefered to see Spider-Woman #1, with female Parker taking the lead of main Spider Hero.
Probably going to see something with her in it. She does have some of Peter's memories in her head.

Paragon Unleashed Forums
Twitter: @Alpha_Ryvius



On a random note, my wife recently bought me a bunch of the City of Heroes comics, including the entire Smoke and Mirrors arc. The comic book shop also included a couple random Spiderman comics used as padding - one on each side of the stack. And one of them was the first issue of a Spiderman "Smoke and Mirrors" arc, featuring the Scarlet Spider, and I had very little idea what was going on. Carry on.



Originally Posted by That_Ninja View Post
It seems like the Ultimate universe is built entirely on replacements now. We have two other Hulks that replaced Banner, Daredevil was killed and replace with a new kid, and Wolverine was offed and now replaced by his son.
Because in the Ultimates line of books they can get away with killing and replacing characters while the legendary characters never die for long, or get replaced for long, in the mainstream MU.



Originally Posted by Unknown_User View Post
I liked Ben Reilly as Spider-Man. I think what killed any potential he had was the constant was he or wasn't he arcs they did and the fact that the whole comic was just flooded with crappy clone stories. Had Marvel learned to keep it short, instead of just dragging the clone nonsense out. I think Reilly would have a larger fanbase.
The Clone Saga suffered from two major mistakes:

1. over extended and dragged out with too many clones
2. Stating Ben was the original Peter. Should have just had Peter as the true Peter, had him retire to be a daddy and Ben takes over despite being a clone.



Jon Stewart's reaction to Lou Dobbs' bizarre rant (which had more than a few overtones of racism) was hilarious: "This takes place in the Ultimate comics line, which is an alternate universe. You can relax -- Peter Parker is still Spider-man and still Caucasian. And still fictional."

It's a bummer that they killed Peter, because USM was really the only good Ultimate comic outside of a few isolated UFF and the brilliant Galactus storyline. But on the other hand, the line has become so stupid that it needed a reboot. And what better way to signal that everything is up for grabs than by killing off the star?

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Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
Jon Stewart's reaction to Lou Dobbs' bizarre rant (which had more than a few overtones of racism) was hilarious: "This takes place in the Ultimate comics line, which is an alternate universe. You can relax -- Peter Parker is still Spider-man and still Caucasian. And still fictional."

It's a bummer that they killed Peter, because USM was really the only good Ultimate comic outside of a few isolated UFF and the brilliant Galactus storyline. But on the other hand, the line has become so stupid that it needed a reboot. And what better way to signal that everything is up for grabs than by killing off the star?
While I'm sure Lou Dobbs' probably had an overreacting rant, I find Jon Stewarts statement to be pretty stupid as well.

"And still fictional"

Well duh.

So obviously because it's fiction people should be okay with every and all changes made to the fictional media they care to partake in.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
While I'm sure Lou Dobbs' probably had an overreacting rant, I find Jon Stewarts statement to be pretty stupid as well.

"And still fictional"

Well duh.

So obviously because it's fiction people should be okay with every and all changes made to the fictional media they care to partake in.

I think the point is that it probably not a big enough deal to not only make it onto national news but also to be something one of the main talking heads needs to rant on about...

Really, doe sthis change to an alternate version of Spider-Man really qualify as news? Isn't this what the Entertainment News shows are for?



Originally Posted by Caemgen View Post
I think the point is that it probably not a big enough deal to not only make it onto national news but also to be something one of the main talking heads needs to rant on about...

Really, doe sthis change to an alternate version of Spider-Man really qualify as news? Isn't this what the Entertainment News shows are for?
It's more important than most of the news the news organizations report on as Spider-Man is part of the American mythos and as such is important.



Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
It's more important than most of the news the news organizations report on as Spider-Man is part of the American mythos and as such is important.
Ok, but that too is kind of the point... The news should really go back to being news and not all agenda based partisan bickering. Cover issues. Investigate stuff. Talk about stuff that REALLY matters, that REALLY influences peoples lives, their living conditions...


Then again, I doubt most of the viewing public has the attention span to handle real news anymore anyway.



Originally Posted by Caemgen View Post
Ok, but that too is kind of the point... The news should really go back to being news and not all agenda based partisan bickering. Cover issues. Investigate stuff. Talk about stuff that REALLY matters, that REALLY influences peoples lives, their living conditions...


Then again, I doubt most of the viewing public has the attention span to handle real news anymore anyway.
That's never been how the new operates and this type of stuff DOES influence peoples' lives. Comic, music, movie, etc is culture and are important and are part of what is happening and effecting the people and events around us.



Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
That's never been how the new operates and this type of stuff DOES influence peoples' lives. Comic, music, movie, etc is culture and are important and are part of what is happening and effecting the people and events around us.
Sorry but the News once was actually about news and not just pushing agendas. Not to say agendas didn't have some influence, whenever people are involved of course there will be, but there once was a goal and ideal of impartiality, something which all but has ceased to exist...

As for entertainment, it can of course influence lives and culture. However, I would argue that the race if an alternative world Spider-Man is more reflective of culture than changing of it... Now change the Real Spider-Man and stick with the change, make a major superhero a man of color that everyone can love and look up to... Mow that would have a chance if changing things if that happened... But an Ultimate Spidey who's staying power us highly doubtful? Not so much, and to me, not worthy of national news...



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
While I'm sure Lou Dobbs' probably had an overreacting rant, I find Jon Stewarts statement to be pretty stupid as well.

"And still fictional"

Well duh.
The "well duh" part is EXACTLY the point. As Stewart was pointing out, this isn't something to get one's panties in a bunch over. Dobbs and a lot of other people are using it as a jumping-off point to rail against diversity.

People who are against this are being ridiculous. One person even went so far as to complain, "Why can't there be heroes for white kids to look up to?" Uh, maybe because 95% of superheroes are already white? Including Spider-man *still*. The funniest comment I've seen so far is on the NPR site where someone remarked, "Seems like the only superhero these people want is The Grand Wizard." (If you don't get that joke, type "Grand Wizard" into Wikipedia. Second entry.)

So obviously because it's fiction people should be okay with every and all changes made to the fictional media they care to partake in.
Do you really think Dobbs reads comic books? Do you suppose he even knew Peter Parker's name before the announcement? Do you think he cared one little bit about this before someone said that this is yet another example of how those mud races are taking over this great nation?

*I* read comic books. USM is actually one of the few that I buy. So I get more of a say in it than Dobbs does. And I'm fine with it.

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Considering the popularity of the Spiderman movies, I'm sure Lou knew who Peter Parker was.

The problem that some people have is that Spiderman isn't a title held by someone (like Green Lantern) but is a particular fictional person's hero identity. An identity that's been around for nearly 50 years. It would be the same reaction if this was done to one of Superman's titles.

Heck it's the same reaction when they announced Starbuck in the new BSG was going to be female and that was a reaction about a character from a two season TV show from the late 70s.

Also don't forget we now live in a world where TV news needs to be profitable, which means you need people to watch, which normally means controversy and/or death, 24/7. And while death is fairly universal, controversy can be spun to attract a particular demographic, preferably one that advertisers like.

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Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
Considering the popularity of the Spiderman movies, I'm sure Lou knew who Peter Parker was.
I doubt it. My dad doesn't even know who Mr. Spock is.

Actual conversation from last year:

Me: "Like Han Solo said, ancient weapons are no substitute for a good blaster at your side."
My dad: "I loved Man from U.N.C.L.E."
Me: "What?"
My dad: "Great show."
Me: "What are you talking about, Capt. Non Sequitur?"
My dad: "Han Solo, the guy from U.N.C.L.E. Or was it Mission: Impossible?"
Me: "That was someone else. I was quoting Star Wars."
My dad: "Napoleon Solo. Was Han related to him?"
Me: "No, totally different guy. Harrison Ford, you know?"
My dad: "Right. Who was the alien guy you used to watch in Mission: Impossible?"
Me: "Mr. Spock?"
My dad: "The baby doctor?"
Me: "No Leonard Nimoy. Star Trek."
My dad: "Not him."
Me: "Commander Koenig from Space: 1999?"
My dad: "That's the guy! Which one was Spock?"

I'll bet you dollars to donuts Lou Dobbs has that exact same kind of conversation.

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