And the new Ulitmate Spider-Man is...




Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
the Thing for from Fantastic Four could.
As long as he has blue eyes.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by Nos482 View Post
I´m sure Isaiah Bradley would disagree... along with his son and grandson.
Hint, different back story...

I'm not talking about replacing the character but keeping the character and changing the race of said character. Steve Rogers being black wouldn't work because of racial discrimination at the time. Instead of being looked at as a hero, as Captain America, he'd be hidden away or looked at as a weapon and not as someone to look up to.



Generally speaking, I'll always hold a little grudge to anyone who rode to fame on someone else's back (G.W. Bush, Frank Sinatra Jr, Charlie Sheen, Tori Spelling), and I dislike it when someone replaces an actor/actress on a sequel (Jodie Foster by Julianne Moore - Clarice Starling). But this is regardless of race/gender/sexual orientation. Marvel could have made Parker Peters the new Spider-man, caucasian high-school student dating Gwen Stacy in Queens, and I still would have hated the decision.

The truth is they didn't retcon Peter Parker into a black/hispanic homossexual with electrical powers (which would have been lame). They simply allowed Peter Parker to die and replaced him with a new Spider-Man, a rebooted comic which will target a different audience. Other comic books have done this in the past, and in fact Erik Larsen just pulled it off in his ongoing Savage Dragon series. Dragon died and was replaced by his son Malcolm (who, incidently, is also black, though Larsen's good taste doesn't let him profit on racial awareness like Marvel is trying to).

The problem we readers now face is who exactly the target audience might be for this new USM comic. The old fanbase? Minorities as a whole? Specific minorities that reflect Miles Morales' character, meaning the hypothetical black/latino/gay/mutant/teenager community who lives in Queens? This all depends on writing and taste, but the old target audience rightfully fears being excluded if USM turns into Marvel's "political correctedness" propaganda machine with a spider-logo on it.

Me, I say Marvel is long due to seriously invest in a new minority-based superhero that appeals to a mainstream audience, but to do that they need creativity, they need to stay away from stereotypes, and mostly they need to be prepared to take a financial hit for 30+ issues and a couple of bad movies for the comic to establish itself.

Or they can just do what they're doing, which is to slap a spider-logo on a stereotype and hope it sells...

P.S. I can't believe Marvel would rather pull Miles Morales out of a hat than give Ultimate Spider-Woman the lead... It's Hillary vs Obama all over again ^_^



I think Ultimate Bishop would be an awesome char to get a series for...



Originally Posted by Zemblanity View Post
Generally speaking, I'll always hold a little grudge to anyone who rode to fame on someone else's back (G.W. Bush, Frank Sinatra Jr, Charlie Sheen, Tori Spelling), and I dislike it when someone replaces an actor/actress on a sequel (Jodie Foster by Julianne Moore - Clarice Starling). But this is regardless of race/gender/sexual orientation. Marvel could have made Parker Peters the new Spider-man, caucasian high-school student dating Gwen Stacy in Queens, and I still would have hated the decision.

The truth is they didn't retcon Peter Parker into a black/hispanic homossexual with electrical powers (which would have been lame). They simply allowed Peter Parker to die and replaced him with a new Spider-Man, a rebooted comic which will target a different audience. Other comic books have done this in the past, and in fact Erik Larsen just pulled it off in his ongoing Savage Dragon series. Dragon died and was replaced by his son Malcolm (who, incidently, is also black, though Larsen's good taste doesn't let him profit on racial awareness like Marvel is trying to).

The problem we readers now face is who exactly the target audience might be for this new USM comic. The old fanbase? Minorities as a whole? Specific minorities that reflect Miles Morales' character, meaning the hypothetical black/latino/gay/mutant/teenager community who lives in Queens? This all depends on writing and taste, but the old target audience rightfully fears being excluded if USM turns into Marvel's "political correctedness" propaganda machine with a spider-logo on it.

Me, I say Marvel is long due to seriously invest in a new minority-based superhero that appeals to a mainstream audience, but to do that they need creativity, they need to stay away from stereotypes, and mostly they need to be prepared to take a financial hit for 30+ issues and a couple of bad movies for the comic to establish itself.

Or they can just do what they're doing, which is to slap a spider-logo on a stereotype and hope it sells...

P.S. I can't believe Marvel would rather pull Miles Morales out of a hat than give Ultimate Spider-Woman the lead... It's Hillary vs Obama all over again ^_^
I really think Spider-Woman should of been the way to go! I would of read that! I LOVE how they pulled Spider-Woman off in the Ultimate universe.

Though about the Savage Dragon, I recall that always being part of the plan (not the race part), to have Dragon replaced by his son. Which gives Erik Larsen a bit of an edge over Marvel, since it was never really Marvel's intention (at least in it's main universe), to age/kill off and replace as the story progressed.

Now this MAY be what they had planned for Ultimate Universe, but if so, it's been terribly done imo. And if it was the plan, instead of using established characters, they probably should of just started a whole new universe.

But like you said, Marvel's afraid to put forth the investment (I'd say the same thing about DC) that's required to get a new solo character off the ground.

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