What is "challenging" to you?




I have to agree with Sam. Challenging forces to me to use all my tricks to succeed, makes me push myself and the character.

Difficult can just be painful and no fun. The Lambda Trial in Beta was painful and difficult for me. I hated it and didn't see much point in a trial that just killed you every 5 seconds.

After getting used to it I find it challenging. I am confident I can succeed, but I have to put forth maximum effort. It is not a snooze fest where I can be on auto pilot.

So yeah, challenging, in my mind, is very different from difficult.

Uber Talgrim - level 50 emp/dark defender
Uber Rod - level 50 dark melee/regen scrapper
Rod Valdr - level 50 invuln/SS tanker
Talgrim - level 50 ninja/dark mastermind

OMG!! Please add these costume designs now!



Challenging to me has always been in the realm of organizing and coordinating a group/league toward to achieve specific goal(s).

As someone who enjoys leading groups but also participates in pug trials/sfs/tfs, not every run can be set to 'auto' and finish successfully.

"What?! I can't believe we failed the escapee phase!" - perplexed league leader with a preponderance of melee damage, some ranged, no control on a max size BAF run.
(Of course, this scenario may be viewed as a challenge in of itself to some)

Anything Master of generally is viewed a little more challenging than a standard run so team composition can play an important part of overall success. Herein lies the rub, an organizer can build a team/league that best suits the task at hand and accomplish just about any goal (MoKIR anyone?). But it ran so smoothly, that the process of finishing off the task makes it seem to the masses that it was easy.

Huh?! What?

So there are tons of players encompassing a broad skill range from excellent to beginner and the 'challenge' that I find most rewarding is pulling folks together and getting them to operate as a team and not as showboaters (read: one who runs off to solo to the detriment of the team/league's greater goal) for say a MoLambda series run for Well-Stocked, Antacid and Lambda Looter badges. Or for a MoBAF run to get Keep Them Separated and Strong and Pretty badges.

Showboaters may consider that running off and taking care of team objectives is helping and challenging at the same time for them but that will ultimately be considered by the leader. I'm just providing my take on what is challenging to me.

The Mentor Project - Because we were all new to the game at one time...



Originally Posted by UnicyclePeon View Post
I dont really like challenge in any game, be it difficulty or in terms of having to leverage all the tools I have at my availability. I prefer to be able to just kick back and relax.
I am trying to think of a game that lacks any challenge and I am failing. Key components of games are goals, rules, challenge, and interaction. Games generally involve mental or physical stimulation, and often both.

Please note, I am not ridiculing you, but I am instead trying to understand what you are saying. I believe you may have overstated your intent. Read the following as a real inquiry with no tone other than questioning.

Dressing up your character may be art, but once you choose to start pushing buttons in a specific order to achieve certain goals, you are engaging in a challenge. Would you rather just push the space button and have your character display awesome animations while you move through the game on rails, with scripted encounters where you will always win, even though some of those fights may be close? That sounds more like a movie than a game to me and I think it would fail to hold many people's interest for long.

Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.



To me it's a lot of things..

Anything new and different that requires me to learn a new way to approach the challenge or devise a new strategy. I suppose its one reason why Farming and PLing never really interested me... Sure a lot of the content out there can be the same or similar but doing the exact same thing over and over and over does get boring quick. Which is why, despite the fact I do participate in the ITrials, I have taken extended breaks where I will play lower level toons for a week or more rather than see one more BAF lol

Trying a different approach to something even when an established method has proven effective.. Just one reason why I enjoy the mini BAFs now growing in popularity. Doesn't hurt that a 16 man BAF has much less lag and the prisoner escape portion is much easier.

Trying new Powerset.. which explains why I have a 50 level,or more, in all of the following ATs; Tankers, Scrappers, Blasters, Defenders, Controllers, Warshades, Masterminds, SoA [both a crab and a widow], and a Brute. I started playing only MMs (red side) and Scrappers (Blue) but gradually tried other ATs and learning the tactics required to be successful solo and on a team for all was very exciting for me.

Testing new things .. I have been invited on several occasions to closed Beat and enjoyed the opportunity not only to get a "first look" at new content but to evaluate it and help make iy better for the entire player base.

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



What's challenging?

  1. New groups, at first. Task forces and trials are this way too. You might find your uber character being shredded by them until you figure out what they're doing. That ends up kind of fading away though.
  2. New mechanics. I know people complained about trapdoor but I liked that there was a mechanic to figure out to beat him (and I still solo him.) I wish there were more things like this instead of just "Let's give a bunch of HP and a bunch of defense and resistance." That's just boring.
What isn't? Stuff that one-hit kills (I know it's "not really one hit," but it feels like it sometimes) if you don't play absolutely perfectly. And stuff that's just OP, like Malta's last-forever stun grenades. Those are just annoying.

Wanted: Origin centric story arcs.
If you've only played an AT once (one set combo) and "hate" it - don't give up. Roll a different combo. It may just be those sets not clicking for you.



Getting enough interest in a Keyes trial

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



Leading incarnate trials lately...sometimes it's easy as pie, other times the group is like hyperactive chihuahuas.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



For me, a challenge is something that can not be beat by superior click skills, but superior brain use.

A challenge was the first time Romulus healed himself.

Unfortunately, CoH (like any game) has a descending challenge curve. Much like science and technology, what was once impossible is now commonplace.



Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
I rarely find challenge in solo play. Occasionally, as I am learning a character I may find myself thinking, "Hmmm. Had I used X power (or inspire or tactic) I would have handled that better. If I see that again in the future, now I know." But normally I do those things by instinct anymore, it just comes from playing the game for so long. It kind of boils down to the same thing you said; I try to use all my tools to keep me playing and engaging enemies. I do not like when a power sits unused, thus why my characters with RotP will die, because if I am not dying, what was the purpose of choosing RotP? I usually set my difficulty slider to the point where I have to use all my tools, but where hospital runs/awakens are rare (but not totally gone).
Heh, it's like you read my mind

I want to break my own rule against specific examples for just a second to talk about self-rez powers and being "defeated." In City of Heroes, I don't consider running out of hit points and hitting the floor a defeat. If I can get back up, I'm not done yet. I'm only ever "defeated" if I have to give up and go to the hospital, meaning I've run out of ways to return to the fight. But if I can keep getting back up as they take me down, I'm still fighting. As such, I will very often let a bad situation play out if I have a self-rez power like Rise of the Phoenis, as opposed to using inspirations, because... You know, Inspirations are finite. I have to buy them or hope for a drop. Rise of the Phoenix recharges on its own at no cost. Why would I NOT use it? Debt? What's that?

Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
To be fair, the OP defined challenge as something good. If it ceases being good and liked, then for the purposes of this thread it becomes frustrating. The whole point of the thread is to discuss the fact that some "challenges" are not good and to see where various people draw those lines.
And then there's this. Thank you, Nexus, for pointing that out Yes, in general I define "challenge" as a positive thing, hence why I put it in quotes a lot of the time. It's a City of Heroes vernacular thing, as historically, a lot of people have used the word to describe "the good kind of difficulty." And even as a fan of easy mode, myself, I can still appreciate some degree of difficulty to keep me from falling asleep at the keyboard. I'm just interested to see where the line between fun challenge and unfun frustration lies for people. And I'm talking about in a broader sense than JUST City of Heroes, character builds or iTrals. I'm trying to look at gaming in general and what we find challenging and fun. Nintendo hard? Arcade game hard? Sims level "hard?" There really are no wrong answers here, I don't think. Just personal opinions.

Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
Dressing up your character may be art, but once you choose to start pushing buttons in a specific order to achieve certain goals, you are engaging in a challenge.
This is actually something else I wanted to comment on, as it's a very interesting topic that's close to my heart: The challenge of art. Sure, designing costumes in City of Heroes or writing bios or making Architect arcs may not be what Roger Ebert might consider "art," but these still take some degree of artistic talent and a large degree of artistic effort.

To avoid talking broadly, let's speak of costume design. To me, making a great costume is a challenge, and the good kind, at that. It's really not something that's definable in practical terms, since what makes a costume good or great is really in the eye of the beholder, but the challenge here lies in making something that you can stand back, look at and go "Woah! Did I really make this? I love it!" In this respect, City of Heroes is probably the best game I can think of, because it gives us the creative freedom to make characters that - to us - far surpass what the developer-made game has to offer. There is never anything prettier, cooler or more exciting than what's in our own heads, and any game which allows us to put what's in our own heads into the actual game is bound for success. Most of the time, actually bringing dream to game is a challenge, but always and every time, it is the good kind of challenge, at least to me.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I like ones where I have to think or employ actual strategy. And puzzles are fun. I liked the portals in that arc in that new villainside arc of the guy whose name is totally escaping me right now.

Okay, I didn't like dying repeatedly, but I still liked the satisfaction of finding the right doors.

In the room the women come and go
Talking of Michelangelo.



Originally Posted by DSorrow View Post
I find cheating enemies annoying. Whether that's cheating by doing insane damage or otherwise nullifying the player's defenses I don't mind. I just want a fair fight.
Here I will agree with you - cheating enemies are the bane of my gaming experience. Have been for 20 years now. Sure, there is a certain amount of evil glee inherent in finally finding out how to cheat the cheating ******* computer and beat him... Believe me, there it, and I always turn into a little kid yelling "Ha! In your face!" at my screen, but... It's a fleeting kind of fun. Cheating to win - even if you're cheating a game that's already cheating you - just isn't any fun.

This actually goes back to my definition of challenge: The need to use all of the tools I have available to me. Think about it for a second: If an enemy is cheating and not letting me use a lot of my tools... Then I can't use all the tools I have available to me, now can I? Why the Francis Ford Coppola did I bust my butt unlocking that awesome set of grappling manoeuvres if that boss can't be grappled with? Why did I blow all of my money on healing potions if I can't heal when fighting this boss? I want a game to challenge me by making me use every trick I know and still taking me to the edge. I don't want a game to "challenge" me by tying my hands behind my back and kicking me into a dire wolf pit so I die with a full inspiration tray and all my powers recharged and ready.

If a game cheats and kills me before I've exhausted all of the tools I have available to me, then this is not challenging. It's frustrating. Have you ever tried disassembling a ball-point pen with one hand? I have. Do me a favour - go ahead and try it. See how long you last before you have the instinctive urge to use your other hand. That's precisely how I feel when the computer is cheating on me. I have all of these cool powers I want to use, but I CAN'T. So my options are to either tough it out, or otherwise find another game. And that's usually not a hard choice to make.

*ahem* Excuse me...

Originally Posted by Intussusceptor View Post
Challenge to me mean that careless playing equals defeat, and success usually need attention and readiness to switch tactics.
Originally Posted by UberRod View Post
I have to agree with Sam. Challenging forces to me to use all my tricks to succeed, makes me push myself and the character.
I'm reminded of my experience teaching my 5-year-old nephew play some simple arcade games. Because he's too young to both react to things fast enough and really follow instructions, let alone remember which enemy does what attack, he dies. A lot. And really, it's as much his fault for being five as it is my fault for letting a five-year-old play Baseball Ninja Batman. However, the point remains - I consider this a sign of good challenge.

Interestingly, good challenge often starts off as frustration, as you face off a situation where you really don't know what you're supposed to do and have a really hard time. But if the situation is designed well, the solution usually is to just use more of your tools the right way and succeed anyway. In fact, I think I have an even better solution for what I find to be good challenge:

A fun and challenging situation is one which appears next to impossible when approached incorrectly, but which becomes easy when the player uses the appropriate tools in the appropriate manner.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Neuronia View Post
Leading incarnate trials lately...sometimes it's easy as pie, other times the group is like hyperactive chihuahuas.
You know that two I've been on, the team leader had to remind people to click the button to enter the mission! Which kind of worries you for later. Obviously one of those individuals must have picked up an acid temp because one portal remained open throughout the final Marauder fight *sigh*

This is a song about a super hero named Tony. Its called Tony's theme.
Jagged Reged: 23/01/04



Originally Posted by Warlocke View Post
1) The badges achieved for soaring across those bloody slopes in the Christmas event at Pocket D... I must just have incredibly slow reflexes! As soon as winter comes I start dreading the thought of putting myself through doing them haha. It's only a silly little thing but I find it really challenging to get those badges.
Gah! I'd forgotten about them. Yeah, I find getting the golds particularly hard. Thought I still had decent reflexes *sulks*

This is a song about a super hero named Tony. Its called Tony's theme.
Jagged Reged: 23/01/04



Challenging is anything that makes me keep track of several different variables, and punishes me for losing track of any of them.

Rounding up a group of mobs with Hurricane into a nice little clump is challenging, because I have to keep close track of where all the mobs are and which direction the Hurricane is pushing them. I have to stay alert and adjust my position all the time.

Challenging becomes frustrating when I am given more variables than I can keep track of, which is a number that changes depending on my mood and mental energy reserves. In Keyes Island on a good day, keeping tack of where my team is, where Anti-Matter is, where we have to be next, do I have any temp powers to use, how long until the next pulse and do I have to heal anyone before it hits so they don't die is challenging. When I'm tired, I inevitably forget about the temp powers, the pulse, or Anti-Matter, leading to repeated failures and frustration.

Character index



Challenging is a difficult task that is possible to do given the proper tactics and build.

Frustrating is something outright impossible to do, no matter what your tactics or build.

With those definitions, there is very little in the game that I find actually frustrating.

Challenging is taking out an AV that heavily resists my scrapper's damage type.

Frustrating is trying to solo a GM with an Emp/Psi defender (WITHOUT Lore pets).

The difference there is I frequently do the first one, and I would never even attempt the second.

I don't bat an eye at fighting mez heavy groups with squishies, because I know I have the tools to overcome that.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by DSorrow View Post
I find cheating enemies annoying. Whether that's cheating by doing insane damage or otherwise nullifying the player's defenses I don't mind. I just want a fair fight.
That is a contradiction in terms.

You say your enemies doing insane damage and nullifying the player's defenses is "cheating".

We can do those things to the enemies quite easily. So by your own definition, anytime an enemy cannot do those things to us, but we can do them to the enemy, it is not a fair fight.

A Rad Defender being able to floor an enemy's to-hit and defense, while debuffing their damage output and regeneration is not a fair fight, unless the enemy you are fighting can do all those things to you in return.

A "fair fight" is one where the two combatants are evenly matched. It's pretty safe to say that there are very few fights in this game that can be considered "fair". And the ones that can be considered fair are usually screamed about because the enemy is "cheating".

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



My son has been using the AE to build enemies to kill me. Some have been quite tough without using cheats i.e. they are just using standard powers. Our normal minions seem to be quite slow in using the various powers they have on hand. I think if they presented us with more super villain enemies, that could be dangerous, because there would always be the chance of getting that powerset you have no protection against!

What's that energy set with the -End? When I fought the Elite Boss my son had made that used those powers, I eat through most of my insps and had to click Unstoppable

This is a song about a super hero named Tony. Its called Tony's theme.
Jagged Reged: 23/01/04



Originally Posted by Jagged View Post
What's that energy set with the -End? When I fought the Elite Boss my son had made that used those powers, I eat through most of my insps and had to click Unstoppable
The problem with -end is that enemies outright have more endurance than us. Only minions have the same 100 maximum endurance as players do. Lts have 200, bosses 400, and AVs 800 if I remember rightly. It's why end drains works so much better on players than on mobs, they have less to burn through than we do.

[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: STOP!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WAIT ONE SECOND!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WHAT IS A SEAGULL DOING ON MY THRONE!?!?



Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
I am trying to think of a game that lacks any challenge and I am failing. Key components of games are goals, rules, challenge, and interaction. Games generally involve mental or physical stimulation, and often both.

Please note, I am not ridiculing you, but I am instead trying to understand what you are saying. I believe you may have overstated your intent. Read the following as a real inquiry with no tone other than questioning.

Dressing up your character may be art, but once you choose to start pushing buttons in a specific order to achieve certain goals, you are engaging in a challenge. Would you rather just push the space button and have your character display awesome animations while you move through the game on rails, with scripted encounters where you will always win, even though some of those fights may be close? That sounds more like a movie than a game to me and I think it would fail to hold many people's interest for long.
Well, large parts of COH are unchallenging, so there is at least one game. I consider Diablo 2 to be largely unchallenging outside Hell difficulty (which I never play).

As for your taking the point to the extreme of me just wanting to push a button and watch a slide show, that *is* ridicule. But I dont mind. Have at it, hoss.

I dont play against malta, DE, knives of artemis, nemesis, longbow, EBs, incarnate foes, or AVs unless I am forced to for access to things I want (like hero merits or patron arcs) I am even wary of carnies and arachnos. I find them irritating. I prefer foes that I can crush with an SO build without thinking about it. And then I build for permahasten or def cap to make it easier. I like to be able to just run into a bunch of foes with scrapperlock and come out on top without too much effort. Oh and when I do have to deal with gated/difficult stuff I jump on my friends team where he 7-boxes and everybody on the team has 150 defense thanks to the five to seven bubblers on the team.

Also, my only real reason for unlocking alpha content is to get the level shift so that I am effectively +1 when I am working on tedious content to get my hero merits. Or +2 if I set the difficulty to -1 so that I dont have to go change it for DE or Malta missions.

I have to say though that recently I have gravitated from playing controllers to playing brutes and scrappers, and its funny how much easier the game is. I can faceroll lots harder content. Plenty of things ignore my controls but not much ignores a sword to the head.

Now if you want to ridicule all of that, well I can see that. But I dont have any desire to press a button and just watch a movie for 2 hours. I do like relaxing and crushing my foes with minimal to moderate effort. If you see them as the same thing well then you may as well move on. Nothing to see or understand here. We are simply from different worlds.

Best wishes,


Random AT Generation!
"I remember... the Alamo." -- Pee-wee Herman
"Oh don't worry. I always leave things to the last moment." -- The Doctor
"Telescopes are time machines." -- Carl Sagan



Your challenge was not to rephrase the OPer, but to add your thoughts and specific examples that demonstrate the point you mention.
That's kind of stupid. I just said I thought the topic was flawed. It wouldn't make sense for me to say so if I thought his question made sense, otherwise I could just have replied to it.



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
That is a contradiction in terms.

You say your enemies doing insane damage and nullifying the player's defenses is "cheating".

We can do those things to the enemies quite easily. So by your own definition, anytime an enemy cannot do those things to us, but we can do them to the enemy, it is not a fair fight.

A Rad Defender being able to floor an enemy's to-hit and defense, while debuffing their damage output and regeneration is not a fair fight, unless the enemy you are fighting can do all those things to you in return.

A "fair fight" is one where the two combatants are evenly matched. It's pretty safe to say that there are very few fights in this game that can be considered "fair". And the ones that can be considered fair are usually screamed about because the enemy is "cheating".
I guess I should clarify this a bit.

Insane damage, as in being able to kill the player character in less than 10 seconds consistently. Nullifying the player's defenses as in having autohit attacks or high enough debuffs to effectively bypass the player character's protections (nearly) completely. Usually it's a combination of these two which makes things annoying. Evidently I'm only speaking about high-end targets such as AVs. Most things lower than that I consider cannon fodder.

The difference between player characters and high-end NPCs is that PCs need their defenses to increase their effective health pool to withstand the average AV damage whereas AVs, even when under debuffs, have enough health to last quite a while.

Maybe there is some level of contradiction to it, but I like to think of it as leveling the playing field to a point that if I prepare well enough (build and correct insps) and stay focused (use heals when needed, refresh debuffs and buffs, etc.) I'll beat the computer character who would otherwise wipe the floor with me.

- @DSorrow - alts on Union and Freedom mostly -
Currently playing as Castigation on Freedom

My Katana/Inv Guide

Anyone who doesn't take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either. -Einstein



Originally Posted by UnicyclePeon View Post
Well, large parts of COH are unchallenging, so there is at least one game. I consider Diablo 2 to be largely unchallenging outside Hell difficulty (which I never play).

As for your taking the point to the extreme of me just wanting to push a button and watch a slide show, that *is* ridicule. But I dont mind. Have at it, hoss.
Thank you for the clarification. You did indeed overstate your case (and are continuing to do so). It is only ridicule if you think that requiring no thought to play is something to ridicule, a point you seem to waffle on a bit, so you have some conflict on this issue yourself. Even the "easy" stuff in CoH has some challenge. It is just a matter of degree, you are calling it unchallenging, but that is not wholly the truth, they are challenges, just very easy to overcome challenges.

Originally Posted by UnicyclePeon View Post
I prefer foes that I can crush with an SO build without thinking about it. And then I build for permahasten or def cap to make it easier. I like to be able to just run into a bunch of foes with scrapperlock and come out on top without too much effort. Oh and when I do have to deal with gated/difficult stuff I jump on my friends team where he 7-boxes and everybody on the team has 150 defense thanks to the five to seven bubblers on the team.
Here, you are proud to state you do no want to think about how to defeat the enemy while playing, instead you are more than happy to (as you say later) faceroll the content. On the other hand, in the same paragraph you use the phrase, "without too much effort", indicating that you may want a bit more challenge than facerolling actually involves.

Originally Posted by UnicyclePeon View Post
Now if you want to ridicule all of that, well I can see that. But I dont have any desire to press a button and just watch a movie for 2 hours. I do like relaxing and crushing my foes with minimal to moderate effort. If you see them as the same thing well then you may as well move on. Nothing to see or understand here. We are simply from different worlds.
This paragraph indicates how badly you overstate your position sometimes. On the one hand you say "without thinking" and "faceroll lots harder content", but then you turn around and indicate that you actually do want the buttons you press to matter and that you do actually want to expend "minimal to moderate effort".

If you have to choose a certain order to press buttons and if you have to expend minimal to moderate effort in order to succeed, then you do actually want a certain level of challenge. It may be a low level, but it is not totally without challenge as you originally suggested.

Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.



I don't min/max or at least on most of my characters I don't.

I try and run my missions in such a way that there is a chance of defeat each time. My thoughts are that I would prefer that instead of higher mobs being harder to hit with accuracy - I would rather they get a hit point and regen bonus. Once it hit +6 it would be virtually impossible to overcome.

I hate missing. I would rather hit for a measley orange 5 than see Missed or Deflected.

It is strange that I can normally tell n a team very quickly if we have a team wipe chance. Usually it starts with us steamrolling everything and eventually people get sloppy. Next thing you know we are all dead.

Challenging is not hard enough to be boring shooting that boss for 5 minutes and not so easy as to steamroll.



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
You say your enemies doing insane damage and nullifying the player's defenses is "cheating". We can do those things to the enemies quite easily. So by your own definition, anytime an enemy cannot do those things to us, but we can do them to the enemy, it is not a fair fight.
Tangent, perhaps, but I long ago realised that I DON'T want my games to be fair in the slightest. I want them to be biassed and cheating... In my favour This is one reason why I do so poorly in competitive environments, entertainment-wise. When the game is fair and my enemies can do to me exactly what I can do to them, the game begins to feel like work, I begin to lose and lose a lot, and suddenly I'm not having any fun. The propensity of "free" to play PvP arena games these days has made this quite very clear.

I like a game the most when I know I have an advantage over my enemies. I can counter or avoid everything they have to throw at me, and for every enemy, I have at least one thing to throw at them that they can't counter or avoid. Of course, there are always degrees to this, such as enemies who can't block swords to the face, as was mentioned before, but they still take a significant amount of sword-to-face action to take down, during which time I can be hurt. But even then, the games I like I measure in degrees of ease, rather than degrees of difficulty.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Tangent, perhaps, but I long ago realised that I DON'T want my games to be fair in the slightest.
Sam, I was responding to a poster saying that he wanted "fair" fights in the game, andI was pointing out that very little in the game can be termed as fair because we almost always have a huge advantage over our opponents.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.