So, those coming Pool Power changes...




To ask again, since the thread seems to have derailed...

Will Epic Pool have the ability to pick any of the first 4 powers as a tier 1?

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Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
No, see, he is playing in such a way that he is soloing and doesn't seem to care if he gets his teammates killed.

He blames their build instead of his thoughtlessness.
Ah, so you're a terrible teammate. That explains it.

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Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
Perhaps it's time that the Vet badge that allows travel powers without a prerequisite should be changed to affect all pool powers, yes Patron and Ancillary also.
I wonder what that Vet Reward has in store for it.. However, with the new vet reward revamp they might just get rid of it completely, or as you said, extend it to more than just Travel Pools.



Originally Posted by Bronze Knight View Post
There is a LONG line of game developers that thought that your ... kind ... was the most common one. Not just ones that worked on this game either.

The reality is that the "I want every thing now/I want to accomplish something tonight." Crowd are FAR more common. People find death FUN in this game. It is quite possibly one of our best features.

There are two kinds of relaxed people. The ones that would rather take things slow and steady and for a reward later. <this is you

And the ones that would rather push the envalope and exceed their limits for a glorious team wipe, and then spend 5min dead while chating about how absoulty bad *** they looked when doing it.

For normal content, we're so used to it that we tend not to have any problems.

We generally call "Cont" at some point, which is means continuous and probably matches the normal way people play. However, we have established formations and positions of responsibility.

For TFs and the like, we prefer the 5 minutes of chatting being 5 minutes of planning prior to about a minute of dominating the field.

Glorious death is fine when I'm solo.

Teammate death is my failure, which is not the same thing as fault.

It might not be my fault...but it is still my failure.

Thrythlind's Deviant Art Page
"Notice at the end, there: Arcanaville did the math and KICKED IT INTO EXISTENCE." - Ironik on the power of Arcanaville's math



Originally Posted by Lycanus View Post
yes, but it's not worth a place on my build for a situation that doesn't occur all that often

unless someone screws up

You're right. Every time someone gets hit by Anti Matter's god mode gun, they screwed up. Same thing with Nova Fist and that blue stuff on the ground during Apex.

Dying isn't even that big of a deal in this game. Sometimes it can be fun to get in over your head and test your character's limitations. The only way to find out how much you can handle is to bite off more than you can chew.

After you start to play this way and find out your character can take the heat nine times out of ten, it becomes addicting. You'll constantly be testing your limits. A lot of the time it works out great for you and everyone involved. Other times one or two people die, and you utilize vengeance. Other times, you die too.

In my case on my Warshade, this is when I hit my self rez button that recharges about a thousand times faster than I know what to do with it before I go and get in over my head again.

There is no "right" or "wrong" way to play this game. It is all about personal preference. It seems like you have a very safe and conservative playing style based on your posts here, and that is fine, but it doesn't give you the right to expect everyone to play exactly like you do. The dev's gave us vengeance for a reason, and for myself and many others it is a glorious thing.



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post

Dying isn't even that big of a deal in this game. Sometimes it can be fun to get in over your head and test your character's limitations. The only way to find out how much you can handle is to bite off more than you can chew.

After you start to play this way and find out your character can take the heat nine times out of ten, it becomes addicting. You'll constantly be testing your limits. A lot of the time it works out great for you and everyone involved. Other times one or two people die, and you utilize vengeance. Other times, you die too.
Indeed, it is personal preference.

I prefer to test my limits, bite off "more than I can chew" as well.

If I'm alone, fine.

And yes, Keyes (which I have yet to do, unfortunately, circumstances always get screwed up when I try to get a trial, plus been leveling a brute a lot recently), and Apex have designed things that pretty much guarantee death.

Two situations where death is less than unexpected do not warrant putting in powers which encourage sloppy play in the rest of the content.

If I'm on a team, and our team likes to push its plans up to the point where the first two spawn encounters pretty much occur for the purposes of powering us up via soul drain, fulcrum and so on, before tackling the last. And we much prefer to play at +4, x8, AVs.

In the early days, we refused to use SOs until they started adding in enemy groups that justified them. The ideal is purple boss trying to run for it within 1-2 seconds of contact.

If something has M o content, we make a go for it on principal.

We also have a team of alts where if someone dies and is not resurrected by either a secondary or primary power within 5 minutes, then a new character must be rolled for that team.

But our determiner of ultimate success is perfect survival, not mere completion.

The perfect tactic, the perfect preparation, no one lost.

Thrythlind's Deviant Art Page
"Notice at the end, there: Arcanaville did the math and KICKED IT INTO EXISTENCE." - Ironik on the power of Arcanaville's math



Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
T4 (and T5, for the Travel Pools that have it) Power Pool options will still require 2 previous powers from the set, but I think they may all unlock before level 20 now.

Afterburner, the only one I really played with while at Comic Con, required level 14 and 2 previous Flight selections. Now I just need to figure out what can be dropped for Afterburner, so I can add +20ish Max Fly Speed to my Scrapper... :3
What kind of scrapper? I know all the builders of uber builds will cringe in absolute horror at what I am about to say, but in my experience, you might be able to drop Weave.

I know, I don't believe me....

Lisa backs out of the thread before people can throw rotting prunes at her.

So don't wait for heroes, do it yourself
You've got the power
winners are losers
who got up and gave it just one more try

***Dennis DeYoung



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
Dying isn't even that big of a deal in this game. Sometimes it can be fun to get in over your head and test your character's limitations. The only way to find out how much you can handle is to bite off more than you can chew.
Like soloing packs of Cims during an ITF on my Widow, then getting hit by a bunch of defense debuffs within seconds of each others, dying and having the Peacebrigner proceed to do the exact same thing after using Veng on me. And then he falls to defense debuffs too, and I get to use veng on him. Good times.

Oh, and I have 7.5% more global recharge. Hell yea.



Originally Posted by McCharraigin View Post
What kind of scrapper? I know all the builders of uber builds will cringe in absolute horror at what I am about to say, but in my experience, you might be able to drop Weave.

I know, I don't believe me....

Lisa backs out of the thread before people can throw rotting prunes at her.
Indeed, scrapper doesn't need as firm mitigation as a tank if the team performs right.

I'm ambivalent on whether a satellite or torpedo scrapper needs mitigation more

the satellite is going to be grabbing leakers, clearing minions around the tank and pretty much acting as they might most often catch the aggro over-flow when doing a room aggro, in which case they need the mitigation more

the torpedo is tracking specific targets within the field (status effect types) and is less likely to be facing hordes...but they're going to be stealing aggro more often since they'll be further away from the tank

if you're running the dragon formation, (claws-two scrappers/brutes on point, body-tank to catch leaking, wings-support buffing/debuffing, mouth-ranged providing artillery) then Weave is a must for the claws probably.

but yes, scrappers have more flexibility on that than tankers and brutes do

I am wondering about the leap attack from Superleap...I might see if I can take it for my ss/wp brute depending on whether it has enough KB to it

Thrythlind's Deviant Art Page
"Notice at the end, there: Arcanaville did the math and KICKED IT INTO EXISTENCE." - Ironik on the power of Arcanaville's math



Originally Posted by Lycanus View Post
Indeed, it is personal preference.

I prefer to test my limits, bite off "more than I can chew" as well.

If I'm alone, fine.
Why would you only test your limits when you're alone? To me, there's nothing like going off on your own during the last two missions of the ITF and eating an entire group of Cims all by yourself. That's just one of many examples...
And yes, Keyes (which I have yet to do, unfortunately, circumstances always get screwed up when I try to get a trial, plus been leveling a brute a lot recently), and Apex have designed things that pretty much guarantee death.

Two situations where death is less than unexpected do not warrant putting in powers which encourage sloppy play in the rest of the content.
So what, by your logic Vengeance should be removed from the game? Sloppy play is going to happen whether you scoff at it or not... But that's not the only reason for people to die, which is what I was trying to illustrate by bringing those two things up.
If I'm on a team, and our team likes to push its plans up to the point where the first two spawn encounters pretty much occur for the purposes of powering us up via soul drain, fulcrum and so on, before tackling the last. And we much prefer to play at +4, x8, AVs.

In the early days, we refused to use SOs until they started adding in enemy groups that justified them. The ideal is purple boss trying to run for it within 1-2 seconds of contact.
To me, I would call that a stupid way to play. I don't think there's anything brave about not utilizing the resources that are available to you to get the most out of your character, in that case SO's and nowadays IO's.
If something has M o content, we make a go for it on principal.

We also have a team of alts where if someone dies and is not resurrected by either a secondary or primary power within 5 minutes, then a new character must be rolled for that team.

But our determiner of ultimate success is perfect survival, not mere completion.

The perfect tactic, the perfect preparation, no one lost.
That's all well and good if it's what you enjoy, but personally I do not play with the same group of people all the time and I never have the illusion that everyone on my team has the exact same playing philosophy that I do. I play this game for fun, to get the most out of my time and my characters. There is no right or wrong way to do that, and for you to suggest that you are the "ultimate player," which is sort of how you're coming across right now, is just ignorant and self righteous.



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
There is no right or wrong way to do that, and for you to suggest that you are the "ultimate player," which is sort of how you're coming across right now, is just ignorant and self righteous.
I said "our ultimate" and was careful to say "our" in order to specifically limit it to our playing philosophy.

and as to your answer...I do not go off on my own in group play because I do not feel I have the right to put other people at long as it's my own neck and no other at risk, fine, I am not got going to indulge that desire when amongst others who may or may not appreciate it

and yes, I'd love it if Fallout and Vengeance were replaced with something else, but going back to look at my list of suggestions, I think I may have complained about them more than once, but I don't think I've ever called for them to be removed because I know people play with them...

I just don't understand it.

which is to say, I admit that some people do not have my own playstyle and do not find it as fun to do things the way I do, and thus, I will play the way they desire to.

which is also one of the reasons that I rarely if ever PuG...

and the reason for the limits is because this game, by and large, is too easy

Thrythlind's Deviant Art Page
"Notice at the end, there: Arcanaville did the math and KICKED IT INTO EXISTENCE." - Ironik on the power of Arcanaville's math



Originally Posted by Lycanus View Post
I said "our ultimate" and was careful to say "our" in order to specifically limit it to our playing philosophy.

and as to your answer...I do not go off on my own in group play because I do not feel I have the right to put other people at long as it's my own neck and no other at risk, fine, I am not got going to indulge that desire when amongst others who may or may not appreciate it

which is to say, I admit that some people do not have my own playstyle and do not find it as fun to do things the way I do, and thus, I will play the way they desire to.

and the reason for the limits is because this game, by and large, is too easy
When it comes to getting extra aggro there is really no AT or powerset that doesn't have the ability to survive the onslaught. I take the brunt of the alpha strikes when I do this, and often find that some other players can't handle it. I also find that very many others can handle it. It's not like I go off trying to solo Marauder during a Lambda trial... I just like the thrill of taking on lots of enemies at a time. If I die or someone else dies, so what? It's not like they can never play their character again.

Maybe you find the game to be too easy because you have these kinds of regulations set in stone for yourself.



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
If I die or someone else dies, so what? It's not like they can never play their character again.
Because when some people die they get annoyed. When people die for something that had nothing to do with their choice, then many people are even more annoyed.

My death is inconsequential, there is no death penalty in this game worth mentioning. Other people care when they die, especially for no reason.

My fun should not come at the expense of another's fun.

And "they should have built better" or "should learn to deal with it" or "there's no real death penalty" or anything else isn't a worthy answer for if my actions caused someone else to die and they found it annoying and since I can't predict when they'll find it annoying easily, I prefer not to cause any death to my teammates

if I'm on a PuG and people are dying left and right, I'm less likely to have fun, because I'll feel guilty each time, though I won't comment since I know there are people who prefer that

but it's not a playstyle I'm comfortable with outside solo....and you can get groups in solo just as large as teams...that's what the +4 x8 is for....

Thrythlind's Deviant Art Page
"Notice at the end, there: Arcanaville did the math and KICKED IT INTO EXISTENCE." - Ironik on the power of Arcanaville's math



Originally Posted by Lycanus View Post
Because when some people die they get annoyed. When people die for something that had nothing to do with their choice, then many people are even more annoyed.

My death is inconsequential, there is no death penalty in this game worth mentioning. Other people care when they die, especially for no reason.

My fun should not come at the expense of another's fun.

And "they should have built better" or "should learn to deal with it" or "there's no real death penalty" or anything else isn't a worthy answer for if my actions caused someone else to die and they found it annoying and since I can't predict when they'll find it annoying easily, I prefer not to cause any death to my teammates
Or they should learn to cope with being in high pressure situations and use all the tools available to them to survive more often and get more mileage out of their characters.

I have a Blaster that pretty much lives in melee. He takes alpha strikes, he doesn't have a self heal, and he doesn't have a self rez power. He's also one of my favorite characters to play. There is nothing that can't survive in high pressure situations if played correctly. Obviously, no one plays perfect all the time, which is why it's nice to have things like Vengeance (which is how this whole thing got started in the first place.)



Does anyone remember back before IOs when Vengeance was an extremely rare power to see on any character? The fact that LotGs are here now and extremely powerful have inspired people to take it as a mule.
The ironic thing is, with people more powerful than they were pre IOs, the need for a power that is used when someone dies is considerably less.



Sadly, my important thread discussing T4 pool power requirements has been derailed...with a Vengeance



Originally Posted by Socorro View Post
Sadly, my important thread discussing T4 pool power requirements has been derailed...with a Vengeance

It looks like your questions were already answered, at least.



Originally Posted by Socorro View Post
Sadly, my important thread discussing T4 pool power requirements has been derailed...with a Vengeance



Originally Posted by Socorro View Post
Sadly, my important thread discussing T4 pool power requirements has been derailed...with a Vengeance
What is with the sad face? That fantastic pun you just used was handed to you on a silver platter - pun opportunities so perfect aren't given out easily.
I bet the whole point of this thread was an elaborate plan to get that pun out.



Originally Posted by Obscure Blade View Post
<A line of heroes and villains stands squared off and glaring at each other>

<Suddenly a hero whips out a knife, stabs the hero next to him and throws the body at the feet of the villains>

Villain: "What the-"

Hero: "Vengeance! Vengeance for our fallen comrade!"

Villain: "Hey, wait, we-"

Hero: "Come on! You all saw them kill him in cold blood!"

Villain: "This is ridicu-"

<Heroes attack!>

I lol'd, but yea, it goes like that lol It's especially useful if a toon has a boom, uses it, then dies, then fallout, then mutation or RoTP if they have it. Awesomesauce.

Originally Posted by DarkSideLeague View Post
Last night my blaster changed his battle cry for the first time since I19.

Old Battle Cry: "Shard Get!" (lawl shards)
New Battle Cry: "[Vengeance] plz!"

I just hate it when they waste mutation on me when I've got RoTP.
RoTP makes it even more boomtastic.

"PvP Messiah"



Originally Posted by Bionut911 View Post
If this were true, my characters will be seeing alot more of aid self

I agree with the travel powers, their alts have way to many useful abilities to pass up like hasten, combat jumping, hover, and TP friend.
Yeah this change will save me 1 power pick and 0 slots on most my characters.

It really is a shame that we can't pick the t4 with only 1 previous power required. I really hate taking useless crap powers like boxing just to unlock useful stuff like tough/weave.

Might fill the 1 power pick with the new travel powers. We'll have to see

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Originally Posted by BigBoss Eyepatch View Post
That pun was pretty cool.

...Everything else from here on out is just Fallout...

RaikenX is currently seeking new quotes to add to his signature.
Someone say something funny.
Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
::looks at RaikenX's signature::
Something funny.
That'll do, pig. That'll do.



Originally Posted by Lycanus View Post
and the reason for the limits is because this game, by and large, is too easy
It is only easy because of how slow you play. That is no problem, you should play in whatever way is fun for you. But 2 hour STFs make my eyes bleed. The perfect plan and formation for each spawn nauseates me. You should understand that those of us who like Fallout, Vengeance, and other such powers are having fun and almost everyone we play with have fun this way as well.

Yes, constant death would be annoying and frustrating. But constant pauses between spawns is even more annoying and frustrating for some people.

Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.



Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
Yes, constant death would be annoying and frustrating. But constant pauses between spawns is even more annoying and frustrating for some people.
Playing every AT as though it has a fury bar is a lot of fun.