US Space program future?




Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
The thing about letting private industry do it is well...look at what private industry has done in this country. You let a private company get a monopoly on space travel/exploration and you'll end up with something that is only concerned with seeking the maximum amount of profits. There'll be little to no actual oversight, so they'll do what they want and damn the consequences.
True, but the plan so far is to give funds to any company that tries to fill certain roles, if they get to the point of serious competition. I specifically mentioned SpaceX because it looks like they'll get there first, but they're not the only ones trying. I agree that monopolies are bad, and hope more companies catch up. Although two points make me hopeful. 1) Thus far, in the US, there had already been a monopoly of sorts on space... NASA. Sure, they contract out to multiple companies to build things for them, but everything that's been accomplished that we're proud of was under one government heading built by a handful of companies. At worst, I don't see it being too different from the past. 2) Any government funds to private companies would have very stringent safety and performance guidelines attached. So there will be some oversight.

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America's space program is over, until and unless some other nation starts military expansion into space. Then, assuming it's not too late, we'll get another Apollo-like push out of FUD.

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"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



Originally Posted by Patteroast View Post
True, but the plan so far is to give funds to any company that tries to fill certain roles, if they get to the point of serious competition. I specifically mentioned SpaceX because it looks like they'll get there first, but they're not the only ones trying. I agree that monopolies are bad, and hope more companies catch up. Although two points make me hopeful. 1) Thus far, in the US, there had already been a monopoly of sorts on space... NASA. Sure, they contract out to multiple companies to build things for them, but everything that's been accomplished that we're proud of was under one government heading built by a handful of companies. At worst, I don't see it being too different from the past. 2) Any government funds to private companies would have very stringent safety and performance guidelines attached. So there will be some oversight.
Point 1) NASA is working in the public interest, not private shareholders. Shareholders only care about seeing stock price going up.

Point 2) So long as any overseers are able to be bought off and/or "lobbied", those private companies will do whatever the hell they want. One need look no farther than the $200 billion that was given to ISPs to build out broadband services across the country, yet mysteriously, there has been no return on that investment to the public. One also needs look no further than Congress and how corporations basically write the laws and have them rubberstamped by Congresscritters.



Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
One need look no farther than the $200 billion that was given to ISPs to build out broadband services across the country, yet mysteriously, there has been no return on that investment to the public.
... except all that, you know, infrastructure that wasn't there before.



Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
The thing about letting private industry do it is well...look at what private industry has done in this country. You let a private company get a monopoly on space travel/exploration and you'll end up with something that is only concerned with seeking the maximum amount of profits. There'll be little to no actual oversight, so they'll do what they want and damn the consequences.
Plus ça change...

According to Gene Kranz in his book, Failure Is Not an Option, "When reporters asked Shepard (Apollo 8) what he thought about as he sat atop the Redstone rocket, waiting for liftoff, Alan had replied, 'The fact that every part of this ship was built by the low bidder.'"

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Originally Posted by MrHassenpheffer View Post
I'd rather man kind fix all problems on this Earth before venturing outwards, we might not be as welcome to leave this world as we may think, and yes.... I do know something.
I don't know if other races and species are out there, but if I were to guess, they've probably passed their "savage species" times. (No, we don't have gladiator death matches anymore, but we are nowhere near a utopian or even a peaceful society)

If they aren't laughing at us (I would) they are probably saying "not ready to join the interstellar community"

And I agree. The rich and politicians would immediately seek ways to accumulate more money and power if we were suddenly introduced, instead of trying to learn to co-exist. It's just my opinion, however.
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I don't see the difference from a current stand point between government and corporate space travel... save for one.

Companies can be held more accountable. Governments get a relative free pass, even though they aren't supposed to be there isn't much anyone can do about it in most peoples' minds. Companies on the other hand people see themselves as investors and customers. A company lies to you, or puts out a crap product, or something like that you as a customer or investor want answers. Further, as an investor or company you don't want to put out bad products or get a bad reputation because if you do you get less business and its hard to turn it around.

As far as economic growth/stability anyone with a brain knows that continuous growth is dumb and predicts a huge fall. You want large growth followed by relative stability followed by more growth. If you just grow nothing can keep up and no stable ground is being set so at some point when the growth out paces the ability to demand or vice verca you collapse and instead of hitting that stable base you continue to fall, sometime all the way, sometimes half the way, sometimes it's just a fall to the core stable base and depending on how it goes and other factors that society either completely crumbles, fades slowly, or hits that base and starts working towards a better base.

The good thing is that we're in a global world and when the collapse hits us (wear just experiencing the warning signs now) everything won't be lost. It'll just be that some areas are better off than others. The real big threat is after that point because of migration and resources...and that's even within country borders, especially places like america. The last place you want to be is Nevada or Arizona when this hits. You'll likely not survive if you're in that area. Places like New York and Detroit and places in the food belt will face local wars.

Once all that's over we'll likely see the better off communities reaching out to help rebuild infrastructures and new nations will be born or old ones will be reborn.... and likely old rivalries will be put aside and our now global roots will make a strong global community. ON the other hand that's a lot of mass death and a lot of mistrusting people and if the mistrust out weighs it the human race will die away either through fighting or stagnation and the best case scenario in that is that a few swell off places can hold on and eventually regrow as world super powers because those places after a century or so will be so far ahead that noone else will be able to stand against them save for the other super powers.

Of course, that's worse case scenario without the other problems. More than likely america will slowly fall as most current government become more of a global hum in the background as new ideological nation states pop up (or possibly retake over) and they will become the warring parties with many many war grounds where one party suppresses the others or a or multiple parties are able to some how block out the or get away from those other parties. These battles are already going on all over the place and it's more of a open hot cold war... I think we need a new term to describe it because it's not military so much as it is a propaganda and ideological war fare and that's neither hot nor cold >.>



I expect China to beat us to Mars.

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V: Brute 50, Corruptor 50, MM 50, Dominator 50, Stalker 50, AW 50, AS 50
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Originally Posted by Nightphall View Post
I don't know if other races and species are out there, but if I were to guess, they've probably passed their "savage species" times. (No, we don't have gladiator death matches anymore, but we are nowhere near a utopian or even a peaceful society)

If they aren't laughing at us (I would) they are probably saying "not ready to join the interstellar community"

And I agree. The rich and politicians would immediately seek ways to accumulate more money and power if we were suddenly introduced, instead of trying to learn to co-exist. It's just my opinion, however.
here's a perspective for you... Humans may likely be one of if not the first species out there at our level. As far as we can tell we developed as soon as it is possible to develop and the universe in terms of how long we think it will last is young. Young as in the 13.7 billion years the universe has been around is less than 1 year old on a time scale that take into consideration how long it will be able to support life in some fashion. I know we like to dreams of species that are far older than us and have been around for billions of years, but that is pretty much unlikely... Of course we've been at our intellectual abilities for about 200,000 years and considering how fast tech grows once it starts a race that is thousands of years ahead of...centuries of years ahead of us, is possible, but that's hard to say because we don't really know what kicked off the leap from tribes to cities, from basic tools to more complex tools. That alone may be a 1 in a billion chance of happening so we may find that there are billions of sentient species at our level of sentience, but far below our level of tech simply because that initial spark of genius never came or that something about their environment is lacking and they're unable to create our level of tech no matter how hard they try... I mean imagine if we just happen to have not had gold in our environment. A lot of our technology couldn't exist.



Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
... except all that, you know, infrastructure that wasn't there before.
Except for ya know, they didn't build it or delivered anywhere near what was "promised".


There was also a few stories on Ars Technica about it, but can't find the right search term to bring 'em up.



Originally Posted by MrHassenpheffer View Post
I'd rather man kind fix all problems on this Earth before venturing outwards,
The problem with this line of thought is that space exploration has had direct and beneficial impact on life here on Earth. Scientific research in general provides tangible benefits. And we can't say in advance what research will be fruitful since many important scientific discoveries occur by accident (but as a result of scientific research - i.e. something the researchers weren't even thinking about).

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Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
Point 1) NASA is working in the public interest, not private shareholders. Shareholders only care about seeing stock price going up.
But look at who holds the purse-strings for NASA.

"Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself."
- Mark Twain

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Originally Posted by MrHassenpheffer View Post
I'd rather man kind fix all problems on this Earth before venturing outwards, we might not be as welcome to leave this world as we may think, and yes.... I do know something.
Then please do tell us what that something is - because near as I can tell, hell will freeze over before humanity pulls together, which pretty much means Earth is screwed and I want off before it goes over the edge.

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Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
But look at who holds the purse-strings for NASA.

"Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself."
- Mark Twain
Then that behooves the People to elect representatives that are more than just talking heads sniping at each other.

But then that goes back to previous statements about the public only being interested in reality tv shows, which celebrity is sleeping with which other celebrity, and stuffing their craw with whatever falls near at hand. In other words, it'll never happen.



Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
Then that behooves the People to elect representatives that are more than just talking heads sniping at each other.
To be fair to The People, that's hella tricky when nothing else runs for office. That's been the problem with the presidency, in particular, since about 1796.



Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
Then that behooves the People to elect representatives that are more than just talking heads sniping at each other.

But then that goes back to previous statements about the public only being interested in reality tv shows, which celebrity is sleeping with which other celebrity, and stuffing their craw with whatever falls near at hand. In other words, it'll never happen.
You know, reality TV isn't that bad. It's actually something at might be good in the long run as a "oh that's us...we shouldn't be like that" and that drives people to change...however it's a bad thing if people go "oh those people suck... I'm glad I'm not one of them"

The former makes people examine the situation, why its like that, and how to make it better while the latter allows people to arrogantly assume their superiority when they really are the same.



Originally Posted by Dr_MechanoEU View Post
Perhaps for now the Americans will do like the British space program does, go to a nation with the ability go get into space and go.

"Look we want to go into space but we lack the actual ability to do so. What we'll do is loan you some scientists, pay you for the time and effort in exchange for letting some of our Astronauts hitch a ride."

Which is the arrangement we have at the moment IIRC, it costs substantially less than an actual space program but means we have to hitch rides on other peoples.
Wait, I thought the British used Reliant Robin-based shuttle technology. There was a documentary about it and everything.

Goodbye, I guess.

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Originally Posted by Lord_Nightblade View Post
Wait, I thought the British used Reliant Robin-based shuttle technology. There was a documentary about it and everything.
No, if you recall, that was a pilot program; the prototype failed to meet expectations and any further funding was withheld by the sponsoring agency.



There is always the Watchmen scenario to unite people together and work towards space development. I am talking about the graphic novel and not the movie. Just need to make a giant mutated telepathic squid.

The first step in being sane is to admit that you are insane.



Would have been nice if the VentureStar was able to make it past testing. Would have at least extended the life of NASA's manned exploration, but privatization of space travel would allow numerous different manned ship concepts to be designed. The end of NASA doesn't mean that it will be the end of non-profitable space experimentation. If it has some benefit to humanity, then it will be done.

The first step in being sane is to admit that you are insane.



What shot down the VentureStar was problems with the composite fuel tanks. Carbon (the tanks were carbon fiber based) doesn't really react well liquid hydrogen. Now some of the other components proved themselves like the aerospike engine and the new heat resistant materials to handle re-entry. But the only way to get it's SSTO design to work was to have a very light weight design and conventional fuel tanks were just to heavy to do the job.

Right now there are companies that have proposed crew vehicles as well as launch systems and some with one or the other. The Orion capsule is dead in name but have two spin offs of it, NASA/Lockheed Martin MPCV and Boeing's CST-100. You also have SpaceX's Dragon capsule and SpaceDev's Dream Chaser lifting body. Now SpaceX also has their own launch vehicle while the other three use man-rated versions of current unmanned space delivery systems such as the Atlas V or Delta IV.

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Originally Posted by VoodooCompany View Post
For whatever reason, while reading the first part, I envisioned another Indiana Jones movie.
Sadly, I saw another Transformers movie.

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Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
No, if you recall, that was a pilot program; the prototype failed to meet expectations and any further funding was withheld by the sponsoring agency.
Sadly true...there is still hope for the Robin Reliant based shuttle though, who knows what the future holds, especially now James May has been with American Astronauts (using that plane that can reach the very edge of the atmosphere) in order to get better research.

So perhaps one day, it'll be the British flag flying on Mars.

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Originally Posted by Dr_MechanoEU View Post
Sadly true...there is still hope for the Robin Reliant based shuttle though, who knows what the future holds, especially now James May has been with American Astronauts (using that plane that can reach the very edge of the atmosphere) in order to get better research.

So perhaps one day, it'll be the British flag flying on Mars.
As long as we humanity one day gets to Mars, I'm not really going to care whose flag is flying there first.

Here's to hope for the future.