US Space program future?




Originally Posted by starphoenix View Post
The end of NASA doesn't mean that it will be the end of non-profitable space experimentation.
Also, none of what's happening right now marks anything like the end of NASA, or even their manned spaceflight division. Lots of robotic research missions are underway and planned, not to mention the non-spaceflight divisions of NASA.

The reason that I don't see the changes to the manned spaceflight system at NASA as that dramatic is because we're just moving from spacecraft built by private companies under contract by the government, to spacecraft built by private companies under their own volition, to meet specific requirements that if met, the government will fund them for meeting. With requirements already being set for filling ISS resupply and crew transfer roles.

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Originally Posted by Dr_MechanoEU View Post
Sadly true...there is still hope for the Robin Reliant based shuttle though, who knows what the future holds, especially now James May has been with American Astronauts (using that plane that can reach the very edge of the atmosphere) in order to get better research.

So perhaps one day, it'll be the British flag flying on Mars.
I think Reliant Robin flights could be helping us build the fabled manned "Hammerhead Eagle" mission modules. But they will take us not to Mars, but Europa: a much more promising Martian moon covered in ice (hence water, hence hydrogen, oxygen, and of course, tea.) Europa also has intense subsurface volcanic activity that could be used for geothermal heat and power.

I mean,really: how hard can it be?

Is it time for the dance of joy yet?



Originally Posted by DreamWeaver View Post
I think Reliant Robin flights could be helping us build the fabled manned "Hammerhead Eagle" mission modules. But they will take us not to Mars, but Europa: a much more promising Martian moon covered in ice (hence water, hence hydrogen, oxygen, and of course, tea.) Europa also has intense subsurface volcanic activity that could be used for geothermal heat and power.

I mean,really: how hard can it be?
Really? Do you really want to know?

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




Originally Posted by Dr_MechanoEU View Post
So perhaps one day, it'll be the British flag flying on Mars.
"... We stole countries, cause that's how you build an empire - yes, we stole countries with the cunning use of flags."



Originally Posted by DreamWeaver View Post
I think Reliant Robin flights could be helping us build the fabled manned "Hammerhead Eagle" mission modules. But they will take us not to Mars, but Europa: a much more promising Martian moon covered in ice (hence water, hence hydrogen, oxygen, and of course, tea.) Europa also has intense subsurface volcanic activity that could be used for geothermal heat and power.

I mean,really: how hard can it be?
Don't you mean a much more promising Jupiter moon?

The first step in being sane is to admit that you are insane.



We aren't alone. Never have been. When we prove ourselves to be a peaceful race Earth will meet with the neighbors. I live to see that day, because I have seen the neighbors.

I think it's all nice and good that they allow us to send unmanned probes to check out planets in our solar system, its very inspiring... to become better than we are. That's the idea. That's the reason we have Hubble.

I watch the sky. I'm certain the sky watches me.

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Originally Posted by DeviousMe View Post
Really? Do you really want to know?
harnessing geothermal energy with our current technology is very dangerous and unreliable.

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I can't help myself. What about harnessing a near permanent magnetic field?

Edited to add: I am not mocking you. I am quite serious.

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"I'm going to beat the Jesus out of Satan!" My Wife while playing Dante's Inferno



Originally Posted by MrHassenpheffer View Post
We aren't alone. Never have been. When we prove ourselves to be a peaceful race Earth will meet with the neighbors. I live to see that day, because I have seen the neighbors.
I am quite content to not meet them until we can do so on equal technological terms.


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Originally Posted by MrHassenpheffer View Post
We aren't alone. Never have been. When we prove ourselves to be a peaceful race Earth will meet with the neighbors. I live to see that day, because I have seen the neighbors.
Well great. Give 'em a holler. We could really use a cup of sugar right about now.

No, seriously. Earth needs help. If you know people who can do that, now's the time to go get 'em. If not? Yeah, Imma go to work now and see if we can't convince NASA to spring for a shuttle replacement. Wish me luck.

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




Originally Posted by Alpha-One View Post
Oh damn them all to hell!

If there was one space project that deserves every penny that goes over budget it's that one.
While I think the JWST is great, I would have to say if there was only one space-related project that got funding, my vote would go towards the search for, and tracking of, Near Earth Objects.

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Originally Posted by Crim_the_Cold View Post
I can't help myself. What about harnessing a near permanent magnetic field?

Edited to add: I am not mocking you. I am quite serious.
That would work. Iv'e always wanted to learn about what they use to power/fuel their space craft. Wish I could have gotten closer.

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



Originally Posted by DeviousMe View Post
Well great. Give 'em a holler. We could really use a cup of sugar right about now.

No, seriously. Earth needs help. If you know people who can do that, now's the time to go get 'em. If not? Yeah, Imma go to work now and see if we can't convince NASA to spring for a shuttle replacement. Wish me luck.
I'm certain they want us to solve our own problems because we can. Earth is our home, but their terrarium. These guys build planets. Just an educated guess, we aren't the only life they have cultivated. If complications prevent evolution or worst case scenario our environment becomes unlivable, it's going to be something along the lines of a massive relocation. To us it would seem impossible, to them its the push of a button. That blue beam of light that could immobilize moving objects was the single most impressive display of technology I have ever seen. Nothing we have even comes close to it.

You know that old saying, "Necessity is the mother of invention" that's what we should count on. Our ability to understand and solve problems is the closest thing we have to super powers. There's ways to solve every problem we have on this world, some with technology some with simply changing a few man made laws. Unless something unforeseen happens, we should be able to help ourselves.

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
No, if you recall, that was a pilot program; the prototype failed to meet expectations and any further funding was withheld by the sponsoring agency.
Didn't leak enough oil onto the tarmac, then?

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No no no. You have to drill before you spill... giggity.

Work in progress no more. I have decided that I'm going to put my worst spelling errors here. Triage Bacon, Had this baster idea, TLR

"I'm going to beat the Jesus out of Satan!" My Wife while playing Dante's Inferno



Originally Posted by MrHassenpheffer View Post
I'm certain they want us to solve our own problems because we can. Earth is our home, but their terrarium. These guys build planets. Just an educated guess, we aren't the only life they have cultivated. If complications prevent evolution or worst case scenario our environment becomes unlivable, it's going to be something along the lines of a massive relocation. To us it would seem impossible, to them its the push of a button. That blue beam of light that could immobilize moving objects was the single most impressive display of technology I have ever seen. Nothing we have even comes close to it.

You know that old saying, "Necessity is the mother of invention" that's what we should count on. Our ability to understand and solve problems is the closest thing we have to super powers. There's ways to solve every problem we have on this world, some with technology some with simply changing a few man made laws. Unless something unforeseen happens, we should be able to help ourselves.
Y'know, I want to be angry at you, but I just can't quite seem to bring myself to it anymore. Your faith in humans is inspiring. I hope you're right. I truly do.

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




Originally Posted by MrHassenpheffer View Post
I'm certain they want us to solve our own problems because we can. Earth is our home, but their terrarium. These guys build planets. Just an educated guess, we aren't the only life they have cultivated. If complications prevent evolution or worst case scenario our environment becomes unlivable, it's going to be something along the lines of a massive relocation. To us it would seem impossible, to them its the push of a button. That blue beam of light that could immobilize moving objects was the single most impressive display of technology I have ever seen. Nothing we have even comes close to it.

You know that old saying, "Necessity is the mother of invention" that's what we should count on. Our ability to understand and solve problems is the closest thing we have to super powers. There's ways to solve every problem we have on this world, some with technology some with simply changing a few man made laws. Unless something unforeseen happens, we should be able to help ourselves.


When there is no room left in Hell, the Dead shall walk the earth.



Originally Posted by Organicide View Post
Nah. Too earnest. I'm gonna go with "screwing with us," 'cause the alternative is frankly just too spooky to think much about.



Originally Posted by DreamWeaver View Post
I think Reliant Robin flights could be helping us build the fabled manned "Hammerhead Eagle" mission modules. But they will take us not to Mars, but Europa: a much more promising Martian moon covered in ice (hence water, hence hydrogen, oxygen, and of course, tea.) Europa also has intense subsurface volcanic activity that could be used for geothermal heat and power.

I mean,really: how hard can it be?
I approve of this post.



Originally Posted by MrHassenpheffer View Post
I'd rather man kind fix all problems on this Earth before venturing outwards, we might not be as welcome to leave this world as we may think, and yes.... I do know something.
An argument could be made that the primary problem on Earth is people. Remove the people, and the Earth would have no more problems. The easy way out would be genocide. The intellectual approach would be space travel.

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Originally Posted by EnigmaBlack View Post
Kind of like what's happening now, but if we venture into space we can take our seemingly unending appetite for death and destruction on the road! The opportunity to be a cancer on a Universal scale instead of just one here on Earth is too much to pass up!
Why should we be the only ones having fun?

Seriously though. We're in serious danger of outgrowing this planet of ours. Moreover, one big disaster and it's bye-bye for the human race.

While, on the whole, we're a net-negative impact on our world and could use a serious die-out to alleviate population pressure and run a skimmer through the gene pool, there are some good things about humanity that I'd like to survive.

4-6 billion years (about what this section of the solar system has left, barring some sort of disaster) seems like a REALLY long time, I'd rather we get our act together NOW, in the next century or two.

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Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
While, on the whole, we're a net-negative impact on our world and could use a serious die-out to alleviate population pressure and run a skimmer through the gene pool, there are some good things about humanity that I'd like to survive.
A good zombie apocalypse would fit the bill quite nicely.

4-6 billion years (about what this section of the solar system has left, barring some sort of disaster) seems like a REALLY long time, I'd rather we get our act together NOW, in the next century or two.
Anyone who thinks humanity is going to be around in 4-6 billion years needs their head examined (especially if they think we are still going to be on this planet). Nothing lasts forever and our species won't be any different. All things die. Eventually, the last H. sapiens will be gone. We may have descendent species, say H. superior or the like, but what we are now is just a blip on the cosmic radar and a small snapshot in time. Since we've pretty much eliminated natural selection, it'll be artificial evolution down the line.



Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
Anyone who thinks humanity is going to be around in 4-6 billion years needs their head examined (especially if they think we are still going to be on this planet).
Current run for us as a species - 150-200k years.

Dinosaurs (no, not one species, I know) - 160 million years.
Sharks (again, not one species) -420 million years. Great whiltes are (arguably) 16 million years old.
Horseshoe crabs - around 400 million years, pretty much unchanged.
Various simpler animals (sponges and the like) can stretch back to 800 million years or so.

The problem with saying yes (or no) to us living 4-6 billion years is that the planet itself is barely that old (4.5 billion years or so.) There's a series of extinction events that the various animals that DID live during them had no means of detecting, understanding or altering. We have no proof one way or another that an animal species can *live* that long. (That aside from the sun dying in about 5 billion years - which, avoiding other catastrophes, we or our descendants would *have* to find a way to survive.)

Yes, I'd agree that if there's a "humanity" at that point, it'll be different from us. It's a safe assumption. We'll have to change from environmental pressure, if nothing else. Likely brought on by our own actions most strongly, and changes in solar radiation and brightness (with its affects on our temperature) as well.

Then again, I don't think we'll be around, evolution notwithstanding. We'll probably have someone cause mass extinction in the name of some religion or other, making room for something *else* to have a go at things.



Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
Anyone who thinks humanity is going to be around in 4-6 billion years needs their head examined (especially if they think we are still going to be on this planet).
Maybe not humanity as we know it today (GOD! I hope not!). But, some (hopefully) recognizable offshoot of **** Sapiens Sapiens. Presumably better for the passing of a few billion years. And hopefully not the product of a dysgenic society (a'la Idiocracy).

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The species known as **** sapien sapien will not be alive on this plant in 4-5 billion years. We won't be here in 2 million years. We'll be all dead, evolved, or in a digital form. The Earth will have changed too much in 1 million years for us in our current form to exist.

And saying all those other types of animals doesn't work because when you talk about humans you mean a specific creature. Where as when you say shark or dinosaur you are talking about a general type of creature. Obviously a specific creature has a shorter longevity than a general type.