US Space program future?




Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
It's funny that I read a couple of weeks ago that the world population has passed peak youth, that the world population of the young (don't remember the age) is now going down. That the whole world is now past it's "baby boom" years as more of world lives longer, increasing the median age upwards.

It's been shown that as a country becomes more industrialized, shifting from a manual agricultural society, as well as better medical care birth rates plummet. World growth rates are now fallen to a fraction over 1% per year and is still falling.
You might want to take a look at this.

I must be crazy because it appears that despite birth control, industrialization and all those other population inhibators that have been mentioned here, the global population continues to rise. How can this be?!

When there is no room left in Hell, the Dead shall walk the earth.



Originally Posted by Organicide View Post
If they aren't getting the food from the 1st world in the 3rd world, how is it population rates there continue to grow generation after generation? The fact of the matter is that we do ship our surplus food over seas. Does it all get parceled out in an egalitarian manner. I doubt it as well. None the less, it's artificially propping up a human population that couldn't be sustained there otherwise. So when a famine does take place in said 3rd world region (it's happening right now in Ethopia...surprise) the people there get hit hard. These aren't the rantings of some crank. This is how it works. My belief is we need to try another, less futile way that prevents this kind of prolonged suffering.
It couldn't possibly be tied into the illiteracy of the populace, coupled with the overly high infant mortality rates, coupled with religious leanings that condemn birth control usage, combined with the constant warfare of the region and the lower overall life expectency?

The amount of food shipped over there does not even come close to explaining their overpopulation/unsustainable growth. If it did, there would be multiple times as much food shipped there as is consumed in industrialized nations. But there isn't that much food being shifted to them. Ergo, it is something OTHER than food production that explains their overpopulation.

Africa as a whole has over 3x as many people as the U.S. Do you think they are receiving 3x as much food?

Edit - As for your chart, turn off World and turn on China, India, and United States. You might be a little shocked at what you see.



Originally Posted by Megajoule View Post
I saw this movie. It was called "Fortress", and it managed to be terrible (and not really the entertaining kind of terrible, either) despite the presence of Jeffrey Combs, Kurtwood Smith, and Christopher Lambert in the lead role.
Never saw it. By the way I'm back. I went through Chewbacca defense passed through the real ghostbusters before finally seeing Rularuu the ravager somewhere around Cosmic Horror and breaking loose. Now stop posting TVtrope links.

Work in progress no more. I have decided that I'm going to put my worst spelling errors here. Triage Bacon, Had this baster idea, TLR

"I'm going to beat the Jesus out of Satan!" My Wife while playing Dante's Inferno



Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
It couldn't possibly be tied into the illiteracy of the populace, coupled with the overly high infant mortality rates, coupled with religious leanings that condemn birth control usage, combined with the constant warfare of the region and the lower overall life expectency?

The amount of food shipped over there does not even come close to explaining their overpopulation/unsustainable growth. If it did, there would be multiple times as much food shipped there as is consumed in industrialized nations. But there isn't that much food being shifted to them. Ergo, it is something OTHER than food production that explains their overpopulation.

Africa as a whole has over 3x as many people as the U.S. Do you think they are receiving 3x as much food?

Edit - As for your chart, turn off World and turn on China, India, and United States. You might be a little shocked at what you see.
Every increase in food production our culture makes has been met by an increase in human population. It's a terribly simple concept. The two are linked absolutley. People don't subsist on pixie dust and magic beans. Even if growth in the industrailized world has slowed, it's booming else where on the planet. The issues you discuss at the start of your post don't' help matters but they're not the root cause. Solve food production and you solve over-population.

When there is no room left in Hell, the Dead shall walk the earth.



Originally Posted by Organicide View Post
I must be crazy because it appears that despite birth control, industrialization and all those other population inhibators that have been mentioned here, the global population continues to rise. How can this be?!
I counter with this, same source.

Why is it still going up? Because 1.2% growth rate is still positive. At that rate it will only take 12 years to go from 7-8 billion. But it's far better than the 2.1% in the 60s. The 2004 UN World Population projections have the world peaking just above 9 billion in 2075 using their middle of the road growth estimates before it starts to decline.

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
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Tempus unum hominem manet



Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
I counter with this, same source.

Why is it still going up? Because 1.2% growth rate is still positive. At that rate it will only take 12 years to go from 7-8 billion. But it's far better than the 2.1% in the 60s. The 2004 UN World Population projections have the world peaking just above 9 billion in 2075 using their middle of the road growth estimates before it starts to decline.
It's the Hitler/Stalin debate. Both were pretty bad. That fact is 1.2% of 7 Billion is huge. We're adding 250,000 people per day. It's a recipe for diaster. Why you all run to stick your heads in the sand is beyond me. If you want to live in make-believe land, go for it.

When there is no room left in Hell, the Dead shall walk the earth.



Aaaaaand Godwin'd.




People, I was asking about rocket ships, space ships, not a political debate about population control and agriculture!

Anyway, I see some links to check out, so thanks for the people who actually stayed on topic, thankfully the thread has been Godwin-ed, so we can go about our lives now

Makes you wonder, on forums that are about World War 2 and Hitler, do they have an Anti-Godwin rule?

We built this city on Rock and Roll!



Originally Posted by Coin View Post

People, I was asking about rocket ships, space ships, not a political debate about population control and agriculture!

Anyway, I see some links to check out, so thanks for the people who actually stayed on topic, thankfully the thread has been Godwin-ed, so we can go about our lives now

Makes you wonder, on forums that are about World War 2 and Hitler, do they have an Anti-Godwin rule?
Godwin's law is simply that if the topic goes on long enough Nazi germany will be brought up, not that you lose...

Also..we're talking about space :P just not outer space.



Originally Posted by Coin View Post

People, I was asking about rocket ships, space ships, not a political debate about population control and agriculture!

Anyway, I see some links to check out, so thanks for the people who actually stayed on topic, thankfully the thread has been Godwin-ed, so we can go about our lives now

Makes you wonder, on forums that are about World War 2 and Hitler, do they have an Anti-Godwin rule?
It was sort of funny when it veered left into Top Gear territory.

I think one of the more interesting parts to the Orion capsule variants it the separation of the capsule's aeroshell and heatshield from the actual pressure hull, making the majority of the capsule reusable. Lets face it, we throw away enough of a traditional spacecraft as it is, it'll be kind of nice to reuse some of it.

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components

Tempus unum hominem manet



Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
Godwin's law is simply that if the topic goes on long enough Nazi germany will be brought up, not that you lose...
Yeah this, you only "lose" if the reference has absolutely nothing to do with the topic at hand, such as this thread, but that's a corollary added later, not part of Godwin's Law.



Originally Posted by Zikar View Post
Yeah this, you only "lose" if the reference has absolutely nothing to do with the topic at hand, such as this thread, but that's a corollary added later, not part of Godwin's Law.
Never said anything about anyone losing, just that the thread is now Godwin-ed, so that is the end of it as far as I'm concerned.

Besides, conversations about Hitler are hardly relevant to a discussion and what's going to be the next spacecraft from NASA

We built this city on Rock and Roll!



Originally Posted by Coin View Post
Besides, conversations about Hitler are hardly relevant to a discussion and what's going to be the next spacecraft from NASA
Oh? Hmmm.... So how about:

"Without Hitler and the Nazi party's support of the scientists (von Braun, etc.) that developed the V2 and proposed variants, what would spaceflight look like today?"


"Holocaust and the other atrocities of the Nazis aside, given the funding and advanced designs their aeronautics industry was looking at (see Sanger, among others,) would our place in space and aerospace technology have been farther ahead had WWII not prematurely started? (The Germans were initially expecting a mid-40s start to the war.) What would aerospace tech look like today?"

I can weave them in legitimately.



Originally Posted by MrHassenpheffer View Post
I'm certain they want us to solve our own problems because we can. Earth is our home, but their terrarium. These guys build planets. Just an educated guess, we aren't the only life they have cultivated. If complications prevent evolution or worst case scenario our environment becomes unlivable, it's going to be something along the lines of a massive relocation. To us it would seem impossible, to them its the push of a button. That blue beam of light that could immobilize moving objects was the single most impressive display of technology I have ever seen. Nothing we have even comes close to it.
Maybe it was a push of the button that caused the great flood that is talked about in so many different cultures?

Who do I have to *&^% around here to get more Targeted AoE recipes added?

Arc Name: Tsoo In Love
Arc ID: 413575



Solve food production and you solve over-population.
Guys: nothing is going to change his mind. He's not working with facts, he's reiterating a closed theorem based on axioms that have nothing to do with the real world. All his statements are tucked back into the Gordian morass, so there's just no way out. Or in.

Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



Originally Posted by Organicide View Post
Every increase in food production our culture makes has been met by an increase in human population. It's a terribly simple concept. The two are linked absolutley. People don't subsist on pixie dust and magic beans. Even if growth in the industrailized world has slowed, it's booming else where on the planet. The issues you discuss at the start of your post don't' help matters but they're not the root cause. Solve food production and you solve over-population.
And yet pixie dust is precisely what massive numbers of Africans are subsisting on...

You are also presuming that one culture is equivalent to another culture. Newsflash...they aren't the same. It appears nothing is going to reach you on this matter. You are closed to any and all arguments. A shame. And you still haven't answered the question on why if America produces so much food, this country isn't busting at the seams like India and China.