Everything about I21 & Freedom was AWESOME till I saw this...




@Serpine: I like that look for Valkyrie with two exceptions: the 'mask' used on the head doesn't match the upperbody, and the skirt seems like an odd choice. I have this weird pet peeve related to distinct lines being created where the "seams" of different costume parts come together, which is the source of my issue with the mask. As such, it is just a personal preference thing. Secondly, I think this might be a place where the Valkyrie 'skirt/kilt' might be able to be used (esp. with that silver/gold color scheme).

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
[...] for not using that HIDEOUS Valkyrie skirt.
I think for some things... that "skirt" is a nice costume piece. For instance, I use it on my reptillian alien gladiator turned Peacebringer to good effect.



Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
@Serpine: I like that look for Valkyrie with two exceptions
Actually I came to dislike that costume within 5 minutes after I posted it. It seemed a lot nicer to me in the editor, then something just unclicked it my brain. I think it was that I was avoiding the Valk parts to hard just to make a point. Objectively I think what I want is something more a hybrid between the one from OminousVoice and the one I just did. Specifically the following (and I tried the Valk skirt in both builds and it just goes out to far for my preference):

p.s. Oh what I wouldn't do for Valk boots without the knee globes...

Want better looking NPCs Contacts? Check out this NPC Contact/Trainer/Etc Revision Thread and Index
Remember: Guns don't kill people; Meerkats kill people.



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



I know Valkyrie armor is kind of tech, but I think she should be wearing the Valkyrie armor. Makes totally sense to me. Add the spear and done. Also she should be normal, maybe a bit taller woman, not a giant (Same for Swan):



See reply for my thoughts on that >_>

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Or Serafina, for that matter. Why does she have to look like a ******, ESPECIALLY standing on a street corner like she is. Should we remake HER?
Well female genies tend to wind up defaulting to "harem girl" so there may not be much to do there.

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Valkyrie using the Valkyrie design isn't a bad idea, but there's something... Odd about the body shape on this one. I can't quite put my finger on it, though. I think - if I had to guess - that it's because she's somewhat unbalanced and to-heavy. The Valkyrie shoulders cause a lot of that, but her physique is also to blame. With as heavy and bulky as her shoulders are, that narrow waist just looks disproportionate. I know it's seen as sexy (by some) and I know Valkyrie has never been very heavy-set... Bizarre as that may be for woman born and raised on "WARRIOR EARTH!!!" *ahem* But skinnier as she may be, I still feel she needs a bit more bulk, especially at the waist, to look appropriate to be carrying this much weight.
Correction on something: Janet Kellum/Valkyrie is from Primal Earth while Battle Maiden is from Warrior Earth.

You make a good point that she could stand to bulk out some but the shoulder wings might have been a bit too much in that specific version and might be skewing things. Personally, I like the Valkyrie chest piece but everyone has their own tastes.

Originally Posted by Angelxman81 View Post
First up, I think your other version looked vastly better since the white makes the gold "pop" while the pale yellow just sort of runs together.

Originally Posted by Angelxman81 View Post
But I still have the same opinion that it's a good outfit that's incorrect for the character due to the tech theme. Plus, I'd hate to leverage this comment since it's not a bad design but it shares the same trait as Battle Maiden in that it seems like a "lazy" design. Select the Valkyrie preset and done.



I've got my idea for Valkyrie's new threads, but I'm not sure about how to post the data chunk from the costume.txt file. Any help would be very much appreciated.

Here they are:


I really wanted to keep the armored lower body, but I'm not 100% about my choice of Alpha for the texture. Nothing else seemed to fit, so I went with that. I also chose to make her hair a more realistic color. Never did like how vivid the yellow was there.

Also, seriously, those wings have to go. I know that it's a signature piece, but it is probably the nastiest thing about the old costume (in my eyes anyway). Let me know what you all think.

CostumeFilePrefix fem
Scale 21.32
BoneScale -0.227
ShoulderScale -0.2849
ChestScale -0.5783
WaistScale -0.4609
HipScale 0.3865
LegScale 0.02
HeadScales  -0.2737,  0.154,  0.5132
BrowScales  0,  -1,  0.5132
CheekScales  -1,  -1,  0.1369
ChinScales  0.1369,  -0.08554,  -0.3079
CraniumScales  0.3079,  0,  0
JawScales  -0.4106,  -0.4619,  -1
NoseScales  0.06843,  0.05132,  0.3422
SkinColor  246,  187,  170
NumParts 28
BodyType 1
CostumePart ""
	Geometry Armored
	Texture1 !Hips_V_Alpha_01
	Texture2 !Hips_V_Alpha_01_Mask
	DisplayName P3237373182
	RegionName "Lower Body"
	BodySetName Armored
	Color1  152,  153,  0
	Color2  127,  84,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry Tight
	Texture1 !Chest_V_Vanguard_01
	Texture2 !Chest_V_Vanguard_01_Mask
	DisplayName P566009771
	RegionName "Upper Body"
	BodySetName Tight
	Color1  204,  202,  0
	Color2  127,  84,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry V_fem_Head.GEO/GEO_Head_V_Asym_Standard
	Texture1 !v_sf_face_skin_head_10
	Texture2 !V_Face_Mask_17
	DisplayName P687117166
	RegionName Head
	BodySetName MaskW/Hair
	Color1  204,  202,  0
	Color2  183,  135,  40
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry V_Fem_GLOVE.GEO/GEO_Larm*_PratoriaTEST_P_01
	Texture1 !Glove_V_PratoriaTEST_01P
	Texture2 !Glove_V_PratoriaTEST_01P_Mask
	DisplayName P3937616722
	RegionName "Upper Body"
	BodySetName Tight
	Color1  127,  84,  0
	Color2  152,  153,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry V_FEM_BOOT.GEO/GEO_LlegR_Overguard_01
	Texture1 !Boot_V_Overguard_01
	Texture2 !Boot_V_Overguard_01_Mask
	DisplayName P2104750136
	RegionName "Lower Body"
	BodySetName Armored
	Color1  127,  84,  0
	Color2  152,  153,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry V_FEM_BELT.GEO/GEO_Belt_V_Ascension_01
	Texture1 !X_Ascension_Belt
	Texture2 None
	DisplayName P177456852
	RegionName "Upper Body"
	BodySetName Tight
	Color1  127,  84,  0
	Color2  152,  153,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry Long_04
	Texture1 Long_01a
	Texture2 Long_01b
	DisplayName P2681220175
	RegionName Head
	BodySetName MaskW/Hair
	Color1  102,  102,  0
	Color2  241,  238,  126
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Fx None
	Geometry None
	Texture1 None
	Texture2 None
	Color1  255,  253,  76
	Color2  183,  135,  40
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry V_FEM_EYES.GEO/GEO_Eyes_Valkyrie_02b
	Texture1 !X_Valkyrie_Eyes_02
	Texture2 !Eyes_V_Valkyrie_02_Mask
	DisplayName P2793026233
	RegionName Head
	BodySetName MaskW/Hair
	Color1  199,  199,  199
	Color2  204,  202,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry V_Fem_EMBLEM.GEO/GEO_Emblem_PratoriaTEST_P_01
	Texture1 !Emblem_V_PratoriaTEST_01P
	Texture2 !Emblem_V_PratoriaTEST_01_Mask
	DisplayName P2281134661
	RegionName "Upper Body"
	BodySetName Tight
	Color1  204,  202,  0
	Color2  127,  84,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry Tech_01_s
	Texture1 tech_01a
	Texture2 tech_01b
	DisplayName P772741860
	RegionName "Upper Body"
	BodySetName Tight
	Color1  204,  202,  0
	Color2  127,  84,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Fx None
	Geometry None
	Texture1 None
	Texture2 None
	Color1  255,  253,  76
	Color2  183,  135,  40
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Fx None
	Geometry None
	Texture1 None
	Texture2 None
	Color1  255,  253,  76
	Color2  183,  135,  40
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry None
	Texture1 None
	Texture2 None
	DisplayName P2371314042
	RegionName Head
	BodySetName MaskW/Hair
	Color1  255,  253,  76
	Color2  183,  135,  40
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Fx None
	Geometry None
	Texture1 None
	Texture2 None
	Color1  255,  253,  76
	Color2  183,  135,  40
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Fx None
	Geometry None
	Texture1 None
	Texture2 None
	Color1  255,  253,  76
	Color2  183,  135,  40
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Fx None
	Geometry None
	Texture1 None
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	Color1  255,  253,  76
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	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Fx None
	Geometry None
	Texture1 None
	Texture2 None
	Color1  255,  253,  76
	Color2  183,  135,  40
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Fx Auras/Female/Alpha/Alpha_Body_Male.fx
	Geometry None
	Texture1 None
	Texture2 None
	DisplayName P3636920680
	RegionName Special
	BodySetName Alpha
	Color1  0,  0,  0
	Color2  183,  135,  40
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Fx None
	Geometry None
	Texture1 None
	Texture2 None
	Color1  255,  253,  76
	Color2  183,  135,  40
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Fx None
	Geometry None
	Texture1 None
	Texture2 None
	Color1  255,  253,  76
	Color2  183,  135,  40
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Fx None
	Geometry None
	Texture1 None
	Texture2 None
	Color1  255,  253,  76
	Color2  183,  135,  40
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry None
	Texture1 None
	Texture2 None
	DisplayName P1848153390
	RegionName Head
	BodySetName MaskW/Hair
	Color1  255,  253,  76
	Color2  183,  135,  40
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Fx None
	Geometry None
	Texture1 None
	Texture2 None
	Color1  255,  253,  76
	Color2  183,  135,  40
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Fx None
	Geometry None
	Texture1 None
	Texture2 None
	Color1  255,  253,  76
	Color2  183,  135,  40
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Fx None
	Geometry None
	Texture1 None
	Texture2 None
	Color1  255,  253,  76
	Color2  183,  135,  40
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Fx None
	Geometry None
	Texture1 None
	Texture2 None
	Color1  255,  253,  76
	Color2  183,  135,  40
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry None
	Texture1 None
	Texture2 None
	DisplayName P546439883
	RegionName "Lower Body"
	BodySetName Armored
	Color1  255,  253,  76
	Color2  183,  135,  40
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Color1  0,  0,  0
	Color2  0,  0,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Color1  0,  0,  0
	Color2  0,  0,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0




Ooh, I like Dragorian's Valkyrie best so far!!

I really hope that Noble's browsing this thread and seeing just how much the community cares about even the little NPCs in this game! And I hope they use some of these designs!



Originally Posted by Dragorian View Post
I've got my idea for Valkyrie's new threads, but I'm not sure about how to post the data chunk from the costume.txt file.
Open the saved costume file in a text editor. Past what is there between the tags [ D A T A ][ / D A T A ] (removing the spaces I just put in there). (later edit: I intended to say [ C O D E ][ / C O D E ] but apparently had some sort of brain failure)

Here they are:
I like the costume piece choices you made a lot, though I'd prefer her build slider wise to be a bit bulkier. The belt in particular I think really fits well with the character, as I can visualise it as the nanites "base camp" (so to speak).

Also, seriously, those wings have to go.
The Enforcer piece with the wierd ear things could be an interesting alternative, though it comes with that crazy chin piece...

Want better looking NPCs Contacts? Check out this NPC Contact/Trainer/Etc Revision Thread and Index
Remember: Guns don't kill people; Meerkats kill people.



Originally Posted by Feycat View Post
Ooh, I like Dragorian's Valkyrie best so far!!

I really hope that Noble's browsing this thread and seeing just how much the community cares about even the little NPCs in this game! And I hope they use some of these designs!



Originally Posted by Feycat View Post
I really hope that Noble's browsing this thread and seeing just how much the community cares about even the little NPCs in this game! And I hope they use some of these designs!
Well, Zwillinger posted saying he was going to tell El Topo about this thread a week ago so that hopefully means it has some level of attention. Admittedly it doesn't have the most fetching / descriptive thread title though. Should have been NPC Revision Suggestions or something...

Want better looking NPCs Contacts? Check out this NPC Contact/Trainer/Etc Revision Thread and Index
Remember: Guns don't kill people; Meerkats kill people.



Assuming Paco Sanchez is a decent EMT and knows what he's doing, I guess it's possible he could survive the demise of GC, so here's my take:

So right now he's got the long sleeve shirt and some strange tuxedo stripe looking pants. Problem there, is the fact that most EMTs wear short sleeves due to the importance of free movement as well as needing multiple pockets for tools of the trade that they may need to use at a moments notice. So the pieces I've used here (to me) are more accurate to his job specifics (officer shirt from jackets, and Navy Cargo pants).

He could probably do with a better facial texture, so any recommendations are welcome of course. Unfortunately the muscle texture is attached to the jacket sleeve so I can't edit that.

CostumeFilePrefix male
Scale 2.662
BoneScale -0.6896
ShoulderScale -0.7196
ChestScale -0.7475
WaistScale -0.6001
HipScale -0.5997
LegScale 0.000257
HeadScales  0,  0,  0
BrowScales  0,  1,  0.44
CheekScales  -0.75,  -1,  -1
ChinScales  -0.3,  -0.25,  -0.1
CraniumScales  0,  0,  0
JawScales  -0.65,  -0.11,  1
NoseScales  0.06,  -0.29,  0.27
SkinColor  191,  139,  83
NumParts 28
CostumePart ""
	Geometry Pants_Loose
	Texture1 Pants_Cargo_01
	Texture2 None
	DisplayName P887196332
	RegionName "Lower Body"
	BodySetName pants
	Color1  0,  11,  31
	Color2  0,  0,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry Jackets_Sleeves
	Texture1 skin_tshirt_01a
	Texture2 skin_tshirt_01b
	DisplayName P566009771
	RegionName "Upper Body"
	BodySetName Jackets
	Color1  255,  255,  255
	Color2  255,  255,  255
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry V_MALE_HEAD.GEO/GEO_Head_V_Asym_Standard
	Texture1 skin_v_head_75
	Texture2 None
	DisplayName P687117166
	RegionName Head
	BodySetName Hats
	Color1  97,  85,  60
	Color2  255,  255,  255
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry Smooth
	Texture1 skin_bare
	Texture2 None
	DisplayName P3937616722
	RegionName "Upper Body"
	BodySetName Jackets
	Color1  97,  85,  60
	Color2  255,  255,  255
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry V_MALE_BOOT.GEO/GEO_Lleg*_Work_Boot_02
	Texture1 !Boot_V_Work_Boot_02
	Texture2 !Boot_V_Work_Boot_02_Mask
	DisplayName P2104750136
	RegionName "Lower Body"
	BodySetName pants
	Color1  0,  0,  0
	Color2  255,  255,  255
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry V_MALE_BELT.GEO/GEO_Belt_Security_Belt_05
	Texture1 !X_Officer_Belt
	Texture2 None
	DisplayName P177456852
	RegionName "Upper Body"
	BodySetName Jackets
	Color1  97,  85,  60
	Color2  255,  255,  255
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry Hat_Baseball_F
	Texture1 Hat_01a
	Texture2 Hat_01b
	DisplayName P4104497066
	RegionName Head
	BodySetName Hats
	Color1  0,  11,  31
	Color2  0,  0,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Fx None
	Geometry None
	Texture1 None
	Texture2 None
	Color1  0,  0,  0
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	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry None
	Texture1 None
	Texture2 None
	DisplayName P2793026233
	RegionName Head
	BodySetName Hats
	Color1  97,  85,  60
	Color2  255,  255,  255
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry None
	Texture1 None
	Texture2 None
	DisplayName P2281134661
	RegionName "Upper Body"
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	Color1  97,  85,  60
	Color2  255,  255,  255
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry None
	Texture1 None
	Texture2 None
	DisplayName P772741860
	RegionName "Upper Body"
	BodySetName Jackets
	Color1  97,  85,  60
	Color2  255,  255,  255
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Fx None
	Geometry None
	Texture1 None
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	Color1  0,  0,  0
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CostumePart ""
	Fx None
	Geometry None
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	Color1  0,  0,  0
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	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry None
	Texture1 None
	Texture2 None
	DisplayName P2371314042
	RegionName Head
	BodySetName Hats
	Color1  97,  85,  60
	Color2  255,  255,  255
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Fx None
	Geometry None
	Texture1 None
	Texture2 None
	Color1  0,  0,  0
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	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Fx None
	Geometry None
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	Color1  0,  0,  0
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CostumePart ""
	Fx None
	Geometry None
	Texture1 None
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	Color1  0,  0,  0
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	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Fx None
	Geometry None
	Texture1 None
	Texture2 None
	Color1  0,  0,  0
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CostumePart ""
	Fx None
	Geometry None
	Texture1 None
	Texture2 None
	Color1  0,  0,  0
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	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Fx None
	Geometry None
	Texture1 None
	Texture2 None
	Color1  0,  0,  0
	Color2  0,  0,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry V_MALE_TOP.GEO/GEO_Top_Dress_Shirt_03
	Texture1 !Top_V_Cop_Shirt_02
	Texture2 !Top_V_Cop_Shirt_01_Mask
	DisplayName P828551227
	RegionName "Upper Body"
	BodySetName Jackets
	Color1  99,  130,  192
	Color2  99,  130,  192
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry V_MALE_SLEEVES.GEO/GEO_Sleeves_Dress_Shirt_03
	Texture1 !Top_V_Skin_Cop_Shirt_02
	Texture2 !Top_V_Skin_Cop_Shirt_01_Mask
	DisplayName P90216369
	RegionName "Upper Body"
	BodySetName Jackets
	Color1  99,  130,  192
	Color2  255,  255,  255
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry None
	Texture1 None
	Texture2 None
	DisplayName P1848153390
	RegionName Head
	BodySetName Hats
	Color1  97,  85,  60
	Color2  255,  255,  255
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Fx None
	Geometry None
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	Color1  0,  0,  0
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CostumePart ""
	Fx None
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CostumePart ""
	Fx None
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CostumePart ""
	Fx None
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	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry None
	Texture1 None
	Texture2 None
	DisplayName P546439883
	RegionName "Lower Body"
	BodySetName pants
	Color1  97,  85,  60
	Color2  255,  255,  255
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Color1  0,  0,  0
	Color2  0,  0,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Color1  0,  0,  0
	Color2  0,  0,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0




Originally Posted by Dragorian View Post
Paco Sanchez ... Unfortunately the muscle texture is attached to the jacket sleeve so I can't edit that.
An EMT in a city regularly hit by alien bombardment and invaded by zombies better be totally ripped. Anyway, your Paco is great: I did a search for EMT and the first image that came up was a bunch of people dressed exactly like him. Any chance you can get his legs a little shorter and raise his overall height to compensate though (you might have already done this some, I'm not sure without being home)? His torso just seems a bit to short for that leg length.

Want better looking NPCs Contacts? Check out this NPC Contact/Trainer/Etc Revision Thread and Index
Remember: Guns don't kill people; Meerkats kill people.



Here's a slightly different take on a "tech" Valkyrie for Steel Canyon. I deliberately changed her color scheme to a Silver and Gold and used Ulterior styling for the chest, gloves, bottoms and boots. The Chest Detail is an Enforcer 2 piece, for the obligatory "bronze bra" (albeit, golden in this case) and used Alpha Shoulders rather than the much more expected Valkyrie Shoulders so as to keep her look from becoming TOO stereotypical. I also swapped out the Tech Belt for a Jewel Belt, simply because it looked better (to my eye). For the body sliders I gave her long legs, wide hips and wide shoulders for the "superheroine" look, after which it was just a few trips to ICON to burn tailor tokens to get her height (approximately) right.

And although these screenshots don't really show it to advantage, due to the time of "day" and sun angle when I took them, the "silver" shaded parts of the costume look like silver cloth and gleams/glows/reflects as if it were made of finely woven silver threads when viewed in direct sunlight (which I think is pretty cool). Also, the Chest Detail is a mirror polished surface, so you can see the reflections of buildings (and nearby characters) in it, which I also thought was kinda cool.

Scale 27.77
BoneScale -0.0001577
ShoulderScale 0.75
ChestScale -0.0004117
WaistScale 0.0002906
HipScale 0.4999
LegScale 0.02
HeadScales  0,  0,  0
BrowScales  0,  0,  0
CheekScales  0,  0,  0
ChinScales  0,  0,  0
CraniumScales  0,  0,  0
JawScales  0,  0,  0
NoseScales  0,  0,  0
SkinColor  246,  187,  170
NumParts 28
BodyType 1
CostumePart ""
	Geometry Tight
	Texture1 !Hips_V_Ulterior_01
	Texture2 !Hips_V_Ulterior_01_Mask
	DisplayName P1525729866
	RegionName "Lower Body"
	BodySetName Tight
	Color1  255,  253,  0
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry Tight
	Texture1 !Chest_V_Ulterior_01
	Texture2 !Chest_V_Ulterior_01_Mask
	DisplayName P566009771
	RegionName "Upper Body"
	BodySetName Tight
	Color1  255,  253,  0
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry V_fem_Head.GEO/GEO_Head_V_Asym_Standard
	Texture1 !v_sf_face_skin_head_10
	Texture2 None
	DisplayName P687117166
	RegionName Head
	BodySetName standard
	Color1  255,  253,  0
	Color2  255,  255,  255
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry Smooth
	Texture1 !Glove_V_Ulterior_01
	Texture2 !Glove_V_Ulterior_01_Mask
	DisplayName P3937616722
	RegionName "Upper Body"
	BodySetName Tight
	Color1  255,  253,  0
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry Hi_Heels
	Texture1 !Boot_V_Ulterior_01
	Texture2 !Boot_V_Ulterior_01_Mask
	DisplayName P2104750136
	RegionName "Lower Body"
	BodySetName Tight
	Color1  255,  253,  0
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry Jewel
	Texture1 Jewel_01a
	Texture2 Jewel_01b
	DisplayName P177456852
	RegionName "Upper Body"
	BodySetName Tight
	Color1  255,  255,  255
	Color2  255,  253,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry Long_04
	Texture1 Long_01a
	Texture2 Long_01b
	DisplayName P2681220175
	RegionName Head
	BodySetName standard
	Color1  255,  253,  0
	Color2  26,  17,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Fx None
	Geometry None
	Texture1 None
	Texture2 None
	Color1  0,  0,  0
	Color2  0,  0,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry Wings_02
	Texture1 Wing_01a
	Texture2 Wing_01b
	DisplayName P2793026233
	RegionName Head
	BodySetName standard
	Color1  255,  253,  0
	Color2  255,  255,  255
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry V_FEM_EMBLEM.GEO/GEO_Emblem_Enforcer_02
	Texture1 !X_Enforcer_Emblem
	Texture2 !Emblem_v_Enforcer_01_Mask
	DisplayName P2281134661
	RegionName "Upper Body"
	BodySetName Tight
	Color1  255,  253,  0
	Color2  255,  255,  255
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry V_FEM_SPADR.GEO/GEO_Spadr_Alpha_01
	Texture1 !spadr_v_Alpha_01
	Texture2 !spadr_v_Alpha_01_Mask
	DisplayName P772741860
	RegionName "Upper Body"
	BodySetName Tight
	Color1  255,  253,  0
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Fx None
	Geometry None
	Texture1 None
	Texture2 None
	Color1  0,  0,  0
	Color2  0,  0,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Fx None
	Geometry None
	Texture1 None
	Texture2 None
	Color1  0,  0,  0
	Color2  0,  0,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry None
	Texture1 None
	Texture2 None
	DisplayName P2371314042
	RegionName Head
	BodySetName standard
	Color1  255,  253,  0
	Color2  255,  255,  255
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Fx None
	Geometry None
	Texture1 None
	Texture2 None
	Color1  0,  0,  0
	Color2  0,  0,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Fx None
	Geometry None
	Texture1 None
	Texture2 None
	Color1  0,  0,  0
	Color2  0,  0,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Fx None
	Geometry None
	Texture1 None
	Texture2 None
	Color1  0,  0,  0
	Color2  0,  0,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Fx None
	Geometry None
	Texture1 None
	Texture2 None
	Color1  0,  0,  0
	Color2  0,  0,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Fx None
	Geometry None
	Texture1 None
	Texture2 None
	Color1  0,  0,  0
	Color2  0,  0,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Fx None
	Geometry None
	Texture1 None
	Texture2 None
	Color1  0,  0,  0
	Color2  0,  0,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Fx None
	Geometry None
	Texture1 None
	Texture2 None
	Color1  0,  0,  0
	Color2  0,  0,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Fx None
	Geometry None
	Texture1 None
	Texture2 None
	Color1  0,  0,  0
	Color2  0,  0,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry None
	Texture1 None
	Texture2 None
	DisplayName P1848153390
	RegionName Head
	BodySetName standard
	Color1  255,  253,  0
	Color2  255,  255,  255
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Fx None
	Geometry None
	Texture1 None
	Texture2 None
	Color1  0,  0,  0
	Color2  0,  0,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Fx None
	Geometry None
	Texture1 None
	Texture2 None
	Color1  0,  0,  0
	Color2  0,  0,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Fx None
	Geometry None
	Texture1 None
	Texture2 None
	Color1  0,  0,  0
	Color2  0,  0,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Fx None
	Geometry None
	Texture1 None
	Texture2 None
	Color1  0,  0,  0
	Color2  0,  0,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry None
	Texture1 None
	Texture2 None
	DisplayName P546439883
	RegionName "Lower Body"
	BodySetName Tight
	Color1  255,  253,  0
	Color2  255,  255,  255
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Color1  0,  0,  0
	Color2  0,  0,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Color1  0,  0,  0
	Color2  0,  0,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0


It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



Yeah, this may be a bit blunt... but that is not an "upgrade" IMO.



Originally Posted by Zamuel View Post
Well female genies tend to wind up defaulting to "harem girl" so there may not be much to do there.
Of course there is. When I first saw Serafina back during launch I came up with my forum namesake to show that a good Djinn costume could be done without making a streetwalker. It has changed over the years as better costume parts are added but has essentially the classic genie look...not thigh high boots and bikini bottoms.

Back before we had better options

Today we even have a genie option that is very similar to Djeannie's current look in the costume creator as a default look-option. With little sleeveless jacket, the better longer pants, arm bands etc..

Djeannie's Costume Creator Overhaul Wishlist
Carnie Base

"Once the avalanche has started, it is too late for the pebbles to vote" -Kosh



Originally Posted by Serpine View Post
Any chance you can get his legs a little shorter and raise his overall height to compensate though (you might have already done this some, I'm not sure without being home)? His torso just seems a bit to short for that leg length.

As of this pic, the leg length slider is at about 1/5.



Developers, you're absolutely free to make Valkyrie look like this:

Or this, if you don't mind her looking way more awesome than poor old Positron who will be standing beside her:

Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP

Remember kids, crack is whack!

Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it



I heard Positron is getting an upgrade so I'm sure he will be plenty awesome :P



Originally Posted by Zilya View Post
I heard Positron is getting an upgrade so I'm sure he will be plenty awesome :P
He's getting an upgrade? How dare he! Doesn't Positron know other members of the Freedom Phalanx need updates before he gets his second one? The nerve of that man!

Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP

Remember kids, crack is whack!

Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it



Detective Jose Brogan

Just for fun. Figured I would get in on this XD

CostumeFilePrefix male
Scale 3.038
BoneScale -0.7855
ShoulderScale -0.3928
ChestScale -0.7733
WaistScale -0.3535
HipScale -0.3927
LegScale -0.01527
HeadScales  0,  0,  0
BrowScales  0,  0,  0
CheekScales  0,  0,  0
ChinScales  0,  0,  0
CraniumScales  0,  0,  0
JawScales  0,  0,  0
NoseScales  0,  0,  0
SkinColor  255,  178,  155
NumParts 28
CostumePart ""
	Geometry V_MALE_PANTS.GEO/GEO_Hips_Pants_Biz_Slacks_01
	Texture1 !Hips_V_Suit_Slacks_01
	Texture2 !Hips_V_Suit_Slacks_01_Mask
	DisplayName P887196332
	RegionName "Lower Body"
	BodySetName pants
	Color1  49,  49,  97
	Color2  59,  59,  59
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry Jackets_Sleeves
	Texture1 skin_tank_01a
	Texture2 skin_tank_01b
	DisplayName P566009771
	RegionName "Upper Body"
	BodySetName Jackets
	Color1  255,  255,  255
	Color2  59,  59,  59
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry V_MALE_HEAD.GEO/GEO_Head_V_Asym_Standard
	Texture1 !v_face_skin_head_02
	Texture2 None
	DisplayName P687117166
	RegionName Head
	BodySetName standard
	Color1  0,  0,  0
	Color2  59,  59,  59
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry Smooth
	Texture1 skin_bare
	Texture2 None
	DisplayName P3937616722
	RegionName "Upper Body"
	BodySetName Jackets
	Color1  0,  0,  0
	Color2  59,  59,  59
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry V_MALE_BOOT.GEO/GEO_LlegR_Flat_Toe_02
	Texture1 !Boot_V_Magic_01
	Texture2 !Boot_V_Magic_01_Mask
	DisplayName P2104750136
	RegionName "Lower Body"
	BodySetName pants
	Color1  0,  0,  0
	Color2  59,  59,  59
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry V_MALE_BELT.GEO/GEO_Belt_Security_Belt_05
	Texture1 !X_Officer_Belt
	Texture2 None
	DisplayName P177456852
	RegionName "Upper Body"
	BodySetName Jackets
	Color1  0,  0,  0
	Color2  59,  59,  59
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry MARTIAL_ARTS_01
	Texture1 Style_01a
	Texture2 Style_01b
	DisplayName P2681220175
	RegionName Head
	BodySetName standard
	Color1  0,  0,  0
	Color2  59,  59,  59
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Fx None
	Geometry None
	Texture1 None
	Texture2 None
	Color1  0,  0,  0
	Color2  0,  0,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry None
	Texture1 None
	Texture2 None
	DisplayName P2793026233
	RegionName Head
	BodySetName standard
	Color1  0,  0,  0
	Color2  59,  59,  59
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry V_MALE_EMBLEM.GEO/GEO_Emblem_Dress_Tie_01
	Texture1 !Emblem_V_Tie_01
	Texture2 !Emblem_V_Tie_01_mask
	DisplayName P2281134661
	RegionName "Upper Body"
	BodySetName Jackets
	Color1  0,  0,  0
	Color2  59,  59,  59
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry None
	Texture1 None
	Texture2 None
	DisplayName P772741860
	RegionName "Upper Body"
	BodySetName Jackets
	Color1  0,  0,  0
	Color2  59,  59,  59
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Fx None
	Geometry None
	Texture1 None
	Texture2 None
	Color1  0,  0,  0
	Color2  0,  0,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Fx None
	Geometry None
	Texture1 None
	Texture2 None
	Color1  0,  0,  0
	Color2  0,  0,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry Mustache_02
	Texture1 Beard_01a
	Texture2 Beard_01b
	DisplayName P2371314042
	RegionName Head
	BodySetName standard
	Color1  0,  0,  0
	Color2  59,  59,  59
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Fx None
	Geometry None
	Texture1 None
	Texture2 None
	Color1  0,  0,  0
	Color2  0,  0,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Fx None
	Geometry None
	Texture1 None
	Texture2 None
	Color1  0,  0,  0
	Color2  0,  0,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Fx None
	Geometry None
	Texture1 None
	Texture2 None
	Color1  0,  0,  0
	Color2  0,  0,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Fx None
	Geometry None
	Texture1 None
	Texture2 None
	Color1  0,  0,  0
	Color2  0,  0,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Fx None
	Geometry None
	Texture1 None
	Texture2 None
	Color1  0,  0,  0
	Color2  0,  0,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Fx None
	Geometry None
	Texture1 None
	Texture2 None
	Color1  0,  0,  0
	Color2  0,  0,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry V_MALE_TOP.GEO/GEO_Top_Open_Jacket_02
	Texture1 !Top_V_Tweed_01
	Texture2 !Top_V_Tweed_01_Mask
	DisplayName P828551227
	RegionName "Upper Body"
	BodySetName Jackets
	Color1  49,  49,  97
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry V_MALE_SLEEVES.GEO/GEO_Sleeves_Dress_Shirt_05
	Texture1 !Sleeves_V_Suit_Coat_01
	Texture2 !Sleeves_V_Suit_Coat_01_Mask
	DisplayName P90216369
	RegionName "Upper Body"
	BodySetName Jackets
	Color1  49,  49,  97
	Color2  227,  227,  227
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry None
	Texture1 None
	Texture2 None
	DisplayName P1848153390
	RegionName Head
	BodySetName standard
	Color1  0,  0,  0
	Color2  59,  59,  59
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Fx None
	Geometry None
	Texture1 None
	Texture2 None
	Color1  0,  0,  0
	Color2  0,  0,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Fx None
	Geometry None
	Texture1 None
	Texture2 None
	Color1  0,  0,  0
	Color2  0,  0,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Fx None
	Geometry None
	Texture1 None
	Texture2 None
	Color1  0,  0,  0
	Color2  0,  0,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Fx None
	Geometry None
	Texture1 None
	Texture2 None
	Color1  0,  0,  0
	Color2  0,  0,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry None
	Texture1 None
	Texture2 None
	DisplayName P546439883
	RegionName "Lower Body"
	BodySetName pants
	Color1  0,  0,  0
	Color2  59,  59,  59
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Color1  0,  0,  0
	Color2  0,  0,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Color1  0,  0,  0
	Color2  0,  0,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0




Caitlin Murray-Davies: Prodigy computer tech and represented currently by a red hat (that we can't use) and a generic dress: Not much inspiration that. I was initially debating going the "Freakshow butchered her during captivity" angle but that didn't appeal to me (I already cyborged up her husband Rick Davies, which is more then enough limb chopping for one family). Instead I came to the conclusion that if she is still around after the fall of Galaxy she might end up just sharing the Atlas DATA offices with her husband, and so I gave her a variant of the general worksuit I ended up experimenting on with him. The goggles are intended to regain the bit of red lost with the hat's removal.

The original model has unpleasantly yellowish skin I couldn't find a good match for. Not that I'd want to. Anyway, here is the code:

CostumeFilePrefix fem
Scale 6.76
BoneScale -0.8308
ShoulderScale 0.2242
ChestScale -0.5407
WaistScale -0.6308
HipScale -0.4088
LegScale -0.04791
HeadScales  0.5714,  0.3238,  -0.4952
BrowScales  -0.419,  0.3619,  1
CheekScales  -1,  0.5143,  0.5333
ChinScales  -0.8,  -0.4762,  1
CraniumScales  -0.3043,  0.7047,  0.02286
JawScales  -1,  -1,  1
NoseScales  -0.496,  0.4747,  0.3893
SkinColor  255,  210,  155
NumParts 28
BodyType 1
CostumePart ""
 Geometry Tight
 Texture1 pants
 Texture2 None
 DisplayName P1525729866
 RegionName "Lower Body"
 BodySetName Tight
 Color1  49,  65,  97
 Color2  49,  65,  97
 Color3  127,  84,  0
 Color4  173,  76,  255

CostumePart ""
 Geometry Jackets_Sleeves
 Texture1 flak_Vest
 Texture2 None
 DisplayName P566009771
 RegionName "Upper Body"
 BodySetName Jackets
 Color1  49,  65,  97
 Color2  49,  65,  97
 Color3  127,  84,  0
 Color4  173,  76,  255

CostumePart ""
 Geometry V_fem_Head.GEO/GEO_Head_V_Asym_Standard
 Texture1 !Face_Skin_V_Fem_Head_82
 Texture2 !V_Face_Dark_Eyes
 DisplayName P687117166
 RegionName Head
 BodySetName standard
 Color1  171,  171,  171
 Color2  173,  76,  255
 Color3  127,  84,  0
 Color4  173,  76,  255

CostumePart ""
 Geometry Smooth
 Texture1 skin_bare
 Texture2 None
 DisplayName P3937616722
 RegionName "Upper Body"
 BodySetName Jackets
 Color1  127,  84,  0
 Color2  173,  76,  255
 Color3  127,  84,  0
 Color4  173,  76,  255

CostumePart ""
 Geometry N_Fem_Steampunk_01.geo/GEO_N_LlegR_Boots_Clsc_Steampunk_01
 Texture1 !X_N_Fem_Boots_Clsc_Steampunk_01
 Texture2 None
 DisplayName P2104750136
 RegionName "Lower Body"
 BodySetName Tight
 Color1  0,  0,  0
 Color2  0,  0,  0
 Color3  127,  84,  0
 Color4  173,  76,  255

CostumePart ""
 Geometry Tech_03
 Texture1 tech_01a
 Texture2 tech_01b
 DisplayName P177456852
 RegionName "Upper Body"
 BodySetName Jackets
 Color1  31,  31,  0
 Color2  171,  171,  171
 Color3  127,  84,  0
 Color4  173,  76,  255

CostumePart ""
 Geometry V_FEM_Hair_Res.GEO/GEO_FEM_V_Hair_V_Resistance_02
 Texture1 !Hair_V_Resistance_01P
 Texture2 None
 DisplayName P2681220175
 RegionName Head
 BodySetName standard
 Color1  255,  253,  76
 Color2  255,  253,  76
 Color3  127,  84,  0
 Color4  173,  76,  255

CostumePart ""
 Fx None
 Geometry None
 Texture1 None
 Texture2 None
 Color1  127,  84,  0
 Color2  173,  76,  255
 Color3  127,  84,  0
 Color4  173,  76,  255

CostumePart ""
 Geometry V_FEM_Eyes_Res.GEO/GEO_FEM_V_Eyes_Resistance_Goggles_02
 Texture1 !X_Eyes_V_Resistance_Goggles_02
 Texture2 None
 DisplayName P2793026233
 RegionName Head
 BodySetName standard
 Color1  170,  0,  0
 Color2  170,  0,  0
 Color3  127,  84,  0
 Color4  173,  76,  255

CostumePart ""
 Geometry None
 Texture1 None
 Texture2 None
 DisplayName P2281134661
 RegionName "Upper Body"
 BodySetName Jackets
 Color1  127,  84,  0
 Color2  173,  76,  255
 Color3  127,  84,  0
 Color4  173,  76,  255

CostumePart ""
 Geometry None
 Texture1 None
 Texture2 None
 DisplayName P772741860
 RegionName "Upper Body"
 BodySetName Jackets
 Color1  127,  84,  0
 Color2  173,  76,  255
 Color3  127,  84,  0
 Color4  173,  76,  255

CostumePart ""
 Fx None
 Geometry None
 Texture1 None
 Texture2 None
 Color1  127,  84,  0
 Color2  173,  76,  255
 Color3  127,  84,  0
 Color4  173,  76,  255

CostumePart ""
 Fx None
 Geometry None
 Texture1 None
 Texture2 None
 Color1  127,  84,  0
 Color2  173,  76,  255
 Color3  127,  84,  0
 Color4  173,  76,  255

CostumePart ""
 Geometry None
 Texture1 None
 Texture2 None
 DisplayName P2371314042
 RegionName Head
 BodySetName standard
 Color1  127,  84,  0
 Color2  173,  76,  255
 Color3  127,  84,  0
 Color4  173,  76,  255

CostumePart ""
 Fx None
 Geometry None
 Texture1 None
 Texture2 None
 Color1  127,  84,  0
 Color2  173,  76,  255
 Color3  127,  84,  0
 Color4  173,  76,  255

CostumePart ""
 Fx None
 Geometry None
 Texture1 None
 Texture2 None
 Color1  127,  84,  0
 Color2  173,  76,  255
 Color3  127,  84,  0
 Color4  173,  76,  255

CostumePart ""
 Fx None
 Geometry None
 Texture1 None
 Texture2 None
 Color1  127,  84,  0
 Color2  173,  76,  255
 Color3  127,  84,  0
 Color4  173,  76,  255

CostumePart ""
 Fx None
 Geometry None
 Texture1 None
 Texture2 None
 Color1  127,  84,  0
 Color2  173,  76,  255
 Color3  127,  84,  0
 Color4  173,  76,  255

CostumePart ""
 Fx None
 Geometry None
 Texture1 None
 Texture2 None
 Color1  127,  84,  0
 Color2  173,  76,  255
 Color3  127,  84,  0
 Color4  173,  76,  255

CostumePart ""
 Fx None
 Geometry None
 Texture1 None
 Texture2 None
 Color1  127,  84,  0
 Color2  173,  76,  255
 Color3  127,  84,  0
 Color4  173,  76,  255

CostumePart ""
 Geometry V_FEM_TOP.GEO/GEO_Top_Military_Coat_01
 Texture1 !Chest_Army_01
 Texture2 !Chest_Army_Camo
 DisplayName P828551227
 RegionName "Upper Body"
 BodySetName Jackets
 Color1  85,  28,  0
 Color2  85,  28,  0
 Color3  127,  84,  0
 Color4  173,  76,  255

CostumePart ""
 Geometry V_FEM_SLEEVES.GEO/GEO_Sleeves_Dress_Shirt_03
 Texture1 !Top_V_Skin_Cop_Shirt_02B
 Texture2 !Top_V_Skin_Cop_Shirt_01_Mask
 DisplayName P90216369
 RegionName "Upper Body"
 BodySetName Jackets
 Color1  85,  28,  0
 Color2  173,  76,  255
 Color3  127,  84,  0
 Color4  173,  76,  255

CostumePart ""
 Geometry None
 Texture1 None
 Texture2 None
 DisplayName P1848153390
 RegionName Head
 BodySetName standard
 Color1  127,  84,  0
 Color2  173,  76,  255
 Color3  127,  84,  0
 Color4  173,  76,  255

CostumePart ""
 Fx None
 Geometry None
 Texture1 None
 Texture2 None
 Color1  127,  84,  0
 Color2  173,  76,  255
 Color3  127,  84,  0
 Color4  173,  76,  255

CostumePart ""
 Fx None
 Geometry None
 Texture1 None
 Texture2 None
 Color1  127,  84,  0
 Color2  173,  76,  255
 Color3  127,  84,  0
 Color4  173,  76,  255

CostumePart ""
 Fx None
 Geometry None
 Texture1 None
 Texture2 None
 Color1  127,  84,  0
 Color2  173,  76,  255
 Color3  127,  84,  0
 Color4  173,  76,  255

CostumePart ""
 Fx None
 Geometry None
 Texture1 None
 Texture2 None
 Color1  127,  84,  0
 Color2  173,  76,  255
 Color3  127,  84,  0
 Color4  173,  76,  255

CostumePart ""
 Geometry None
 Texture1 None
 Texture2 None
 DisplayName P546439883
 RegionName "Lower Body"
 BodySetName Tight
 Color1  127,  84,  0
 Color2  173,  76,  255
 Color3  127,  84,  0
 Color4  173,  76,  255

CostumePart ""
 Color1  0,  0,  0
 Color2  0,  0,  0
 Color3  0,  0,  0
 Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
 Color1  0,  0,  0
 Color2  0,  0,  0
 Color3  0,  0,  0
 Color4  0,  0,  0


Want better looking NPCs Contacts? Check out this NPC Contact/Trainer/Etc Revision Thread and Index
Remember: Guns don't kill people; Meerkats kill people.



Originally Posted by Redlynne View Post
Here's a slightly different take on a "tech" Valkyrie for Steel Canyon. I deliberately changed her color scheme to a Silver and Gold and used Ulterior styling for the chest, gloves, bottoms and boots. The Chest Detail is an Enforcer 2 piece, for the obligatory "bronze bra" (albeit, golden in this case) and used Alpha Shoulders rather than the much more expected Valkyrie Shoulders so as to keep her look from becoming TOO stereotypical. I also swapped out the Tech Belt for a Jewel Belt, simply because it looked better (to my eye). For the body sliders I gave her long legs, wide hips and wide shoulders for the "superheroine" look, after which it was just a few trips to ICON to burn tailor tokens to get her height (approximately) right.
Really.... do not like. At all. Not sure why, the Tech pattern and the too-bright colors just do not work for me.

Originally Posted by Djeannie View Post
Of course there is. When I first saw Serafina back during launch I came up with my forum namesake to show that a good Djinn costume could be done without making a streetwalker. It has changed over the years as better costume parts are added but has essentially the classic genie look...not thigh high boots and bikini bottoms.
I'm trying to figure out how this is BETTER and less street-walker-ish. Very confused.



Originally Posted by Serpine View Post
Caitlin Murray-Davies:

Originally Posted by Zilya View Post
Detective Jose Brogan

I lurv both of these. Very nicely done!

I've decided to attempt a GF fix. Never was too keen on his current costume, so here goes:


So, I'm not fond of the fact that there are traces of blue in the costume that could be more prominent, and I also don't dig the fin look, as I personally think it's pretty gross so I used the Alpha gloves for the forearm armor guard.

The old 'Posi' armor is a bit out dated IMHO, and wanted to show more of the blue, so I used the Alpha chest as well. Also, I figured why not use Winged boots, kind of in theme, and there's a tech texture for them so that's a plus.

Lastly I think that the Hawk emblem was ok, but needed to be a little darker, I mean seriously, it's so distracting that I find it hard to look at the costume as a whole. So here ya go

CostumeFilePrefix male
Scale 6.847
BoneScale -0.3641
ShoulderScale -0.0257
ChestScale -0.5858
WaistScale -0.5903
HipScale 0.318
LegScale 0.02
HeadScales  0,  0,  0
BrowScales  0,  0,  0
CheekScales  0,  0,  0
ChinScales  0,  0,  0
CraniumScales  0,  0,  0
JawScales  0,  0,  0
NoseScales  0,  0,  0
SkinColor  255,  178,  155
NumParts 28
CostumePart ""
	Geometry Armored
	Texture1 !Hips_V_Overguard_01
	Texture2 !Hips_V_Overguard_01_Mask
	DisplayName P3237373182
	RegionName "Lower Body"
	BodySetName Armored
	Color1  143,  143,  143
	Color2  0,  20,  61
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry Armored
	Texture1 !Chest_V_Alpha_01
	Texture2 !Chest_V_Alpha_01_Mask
	DisplayName P566009771
	RegionName "Upper Body"
	BodySetName Armored
	Color1  143,  143,  143
	Color2  0,  20,  61
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry V_MALE_HEAD.GEO/GEO_Head_V_Asym_Standard
	Texture1 !v_face_skin_head_02
	Texture2 !V_Face_Mask_5
	DisplayName P687117166
	RegionName Head
	BodySetName "Full Masks"
	Color1  0,  20,  61
	Color2  199,  199,  199
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry V_MALE_GLOVE.GEO/GEO_Larm*_Alpha_01
	Texture1 !Glove_V_Alpha_02
	Texture2 !Glove_V_Alpha_02_Mask
	DisplayName P3937616722
	RegionName "Upper Body"
	BodySetName Armored
	Color1  255,  169,  0
	Color2  171,  171,  171
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Fx AnimatedCharacterParts/SpeedBootStreaks.fx
	Geometry V_MALE_BOOT.GEO/GEO_Lleg*_Winged_01
	Texture1 !X_male_boot_winged_03
	Texture2 None
	DisplayName P2104750136
	RegionName "Lower Body"
	BodySetName Armored
	Color1  143,  143,  143
	Color2  255,  169,  0
	Color3  255,  255,  255
	Color4  255,  255,  255

CostumePart ""
	Geometry V_MALE_BELT.GEO/GEO_Belt_Alpha_01
	Texture1 !Glove_V_Alpha_02
	Texture2 !Glove_V_Alpha_02_Mask
	DisplayName P177456852
	RegionName "Upper Body"
	BodySetName Armored
	Color1  255,  169,  0
	Color2  255,  169,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry Crown_10
	Texture1 masked_matt_01a
	Texture2 masked_matt_01b
	DisplayName P2793026233
	RegionName Head
	BodySetName "Full Masks"
	Color1  255,  255,  255
	Color2  171,  171,  171
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Fx None
	Geometry None
	Texture1 None
	Texture2 None
	Color1  0,  0,  0
	Color2  0,  0,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry V_MALE_EYES.GEO/GEO_Eyes_Valkyrie_02b
	Texture1 !X_Valkyrie_Eyes_02
	Texture2 !Eyes_V_Valkyrie_02_Mask
	DisplayName P2371314042
	RegionName Head
	BodySetName "Full Masks"
	Color1  171,  171,  171
	Color2  255,  190,  63
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry Armored
	Texture1 Base
	Texture2 Falcon_01
	DisplayName P2281134661
	RegionName "Upper Body"
	BodySetName Armored
	Color1  0,  20,  61
	Color2  183,  135,  40
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry V_MALE_SPADR.GEO/GEO_Spadr_Justice02
	Texture1 !x_male_spadr_eagle_armor_mask
	Texture2 !spadr_v_eagle01_dual
	DisplayName P772741860
	RegionName "Upper Body"
	BodySetName Armored
	Color1  143,  143,  143
	Color2  255,  169,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Fx None
	Geometry None
	Texture1 None
	Texture2 None
	Color1  0,  0,  0
	Color2  0,  0,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Fx None
	Geometry None
	Texture1 None
	Texture2 None
	Color1  0,  0,  0
	Color2  0,  0,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry None
	Texture1 None
	Texture2 None
	DisplayName P2488029243
	RegionName Head
	BodySetName "Full Masks"
	Color1  255,  255,  255
	Color2  255,  255,  255
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	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Fx None
	Geometry None
	Texture1 None
	Texture2 None
	Color1  0,  0,  0
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CostumePart ""
	Fx None
	Geometry None
	Texture1 None
	Texture2 None
	Color1  0,  0,  0
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CostumePart ""
	Fx None
	Geometry None
	Texture1 None
	Texture2 None
	Color1  0,  0,  0
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	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Fx None
	Geometry None
	Texture1 None
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	Color1  0,  0,  0
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CostumePart ""
	Fx None
	Geometry None
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	Color1  0,  0,  0
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	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Fx None
	Geometry None
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	Texture2 None
	Color1  0,  0,  0
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CostumePart ""
	Fx None
	Geometry None
	Texture1 None
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	Color1  0,  0,  0
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	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Fx None
	Geometry None
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	Texture2 None
	Color1  0,  0,  0
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	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry None
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	DisplayName P1848153390
	RegionName Head
	BodySetName "Full Masks"
	Color1  192,  192,  99
	Color2  26,  17,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Fx None
	Geometry None
	Texture1 None
	Texture2 None
	Color1  0,  0,  0
	Color2  0,  0,  0
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CostumePart ""
	Fx None
	Geometry None
	Texture1 None
	Texture2 None
	Color1  0,  0,  0
	Color2  0,  0,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Fx None
	Geometry None
	Texture1 None
	Texture2 None
	Color1  0,  0,  0
	Color2  0,  0,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Fx None
	Geometry None
	Texture1 None
	Texture2 None
	Color1  0,  0,  0
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	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Geometry None
	Texture1 None
	Texture2 None
	DisplayName P546439883
	RegionName "Lower Body"
	BodySetName Armored
	Color1  255,  255,  255
	Color2  255,  255,  255
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CostumePart ""
	Color1  0,  0,  0
	Color2  0,  0,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0

CostumePart ""
	Color1  0,  0,  0
	Color2  0,  0,  0
	Color3  0,  0,  0
	Color4  0,  0,  0




Nice, I like the detective Jose Brogan redesign, and the new look for Ghost Falcon. Im not fan of chest emblems out of spandex tights, looks weird on a texture, but still, you improved the look.

I love to see my thread still active with people posting their new visions of old low-res NPCs.