Dev Chat Highlights, July 23: Tunnel Rat and the Visual Effects of New Powersets




They never stopped EU players playing the game (apart from the first wave Beta, I think you had to be States side for that) but you could join in any time after that. The EU Game was just targeted for that region. EU players were here on day 1.

This is a song about a super hero named Tony. Its called Tony's theme.
Jagged Reged: 23/01/04



Originally Posted by Necrotron View Post
Aww yeah. I'm so in there.

This is a moment where I put on my curmudgeonly-old-man hat. Ahem... I remember when it were all trees! You whipper snappers have it easy, back in 'day you could perma unstoppable, aggro whole outdoor maps, and you ruddy well LIKED the colours of the powers as they were, thank yew very much. Kids these days... pfeh...
Dangnabbit! In my day the tram went to each stop! You didn't pull your destination off of some newfangled list. You rode the tram to each individual zone until you got to where you were going!

O ye that love cake! Ye that love to lick and nibble, stand forth! Freedom to taste and savor hath been hunted round the boards. If I am to be denied my cake ere long, let it be said that I went to my fate with a face full of creamy frosting and a smile on my face.
Go. Nibble. Lick Cake!



Originally Posted by Jagged View Post
They never stopped EU players playing the game (apart from the first wave Beta, I think you had to be States side for that) but you could join in any time after that. The EU Game was just targeted for that region. EU players were here on day 1.
You could indeed play if you signed up for a US account, but i know a LOT of EU players who started playing the game when it was officially released over here, and not when it was officially released in the US.

The difference is that the vast vast majority of EU players started when it was officially released in the EU.

I am *NOT* denying the fact of they could have played on the US servers at the start, but they would have also been limited to just purely the US servers from that point on.

All i am trying to say, is that those EU players who supported the game from when it was released on the EU side are having to wait for a few months before they can even get their hands on the T9 stuff, even though they have had an EU account from when it launched.

I honestly think that it is something that the developers could look towards, because there is *no way* that an EU player can get up to that level unless they started on the US side of the game.

So whilst it is great that the developers are supporting the long term subscribers to the game, it is unfortunately the "Long time (initial) US account holders" who get the benefit.

Just as a point of information, i am nowhere near getting the T9 at the start, as i am only a 45month vet, although i did start at EU launch.

Just to make is easier: What is the maximum amount of time that a US account can run for by the time that Freedom is released.

What is the maximum amount of time that an EU account can have ran for by the time that Freedom is released.

The EU account will be around 10 months behind the US account, even if they subbed from day 1 for the game to be released in their region.

((I will admit, i do not know how those with the passport badge and their "sub time" works, if it was from the start of their US account, or from the start of the EU side.....))



Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
That makes me really disappoint. Devs, you sure know how to go on a roll of cool and then do something stupid.
It wouldn't really work nin Paragon City - there' no reason for gangs to not attack Heroes, or for Heroes to not attack gangs

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Garde_Manger_Guy View Post
Dangnabbit! In my day the tram went to each stop! You didn't pull your destination off of some newfangled list. You rode the tram to each individual zone until you got to where you were going!
That was in beta, but yeah.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



"The beginning" isn't a meaningful measure of vet time... time is a good measure if vet time. Tier 9 is in no way a reward for being there at "the beginning". Simply put you have been subscribed for less time so you are less of a veteran. Simple really.

Of course I am a UK player that signed up and stayed on the US servers since launch.



I bought the (boxed) game from the US, paid the shipping to get it to the UK and played from the start.

When the EU version launched, to support the game over here and play on the same timezone as the server, I bought the EU version and restarted my account. This was before the passport transfer.

I bought the COV and GR expansions.

My login ID now unfortunately has 'EU' in front of it, as my original US account was called the same...and even though hasn't been used in 5+ years takes presencedence.

I've paid my subscriptions but it sounds like I just haven't been supportive enough to warrant the same status as someone that just stayed on the original server and who hadn't have bought any expansions as they will become included content as long as the subs are maintained.

Guess I made the wrong choice...



On the PVP bit, I used to enjoy it back before the changes were made. If they would just roll it back to I12 pvp (I think thats the last issue that had good pvp) they could undo a lot of the damage that has been done. PVP used to be like going to Baskin Robbins 31 flavors and all. Now its like McDonald's vanilla softserve.

Work in progress no more. I have decided that I'm going to put my worst spelling errors here. Triage Bacon, Had this baster idea, TLR

"I'm going to beat the Jesus out of Satan!" My Wife while playing Dante's Inferno



Cheeseburger eggrolls = 6 weight watcher points plus each. Yes, "each." (that's equal to most full fast-food hamburgers, minus the mayo)

Just FYI.

Craft your inventions in AE!!

Play "Crafter's Cafe" - Arc #487283. A 1 mission, NON-COMBAT AE arc with workable invention tables!



Originally Posted by Lucky666 View Post
who cares at this point pvp is a dead sytem that like 12 people use.

If people want real pvp they aint playing this game for it.
Originally Posted by The_Masque View Post

ยท As this event will be used to foster interest in players wishing to learn and try team-based PvP. This event will be open to players from all servers.
Originally Posted by The_Masque View Post
According to my latest count- 69 players sign up for BC2.
these are mostly people *new* to PvP (Zwillinger is one of them), not people still raging about how the new system is trash, but continue to use it anyway.

Our PvP has the potential to be absolutely amazing, and I guarantee that after i21, many of the new players will ask about it and help push for a revamp. Heck, they could make pvp accessible from the store if they wanted to. It'd be one way to keep the haters out.

Originally Posted by Iggy_Kamakaze View Post
I hate to be the bringer of bad news... but Willpower sucks!!! you're better off rolling a regen
^Professional Katana/regen build thread



Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
I honestly think that it is something that the developers could look towards, because there is *no way* that an EU player can get up to that level unless they started on the US side of the game.
Sure you can. Just buy enough Points from the store to earn the number of Tokens it will take to push you into the top tier.

99458: The Unbearable Being of Lightness
191775: How the Other Half Lives
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Originally Posted by Lucky666 View Post
who cares at this point pvp is a dead sytem that like 12 people use.

If people want real pvp they aint playing this game for it.
Yeah but if you don't use it why would you want it removed?



Originally Posted by HARDWARE View Post
I bought the (boxed) game from the US, paid the shipping to get it to the UK and played from the start.

When the EU version launched, to support the game over here and play on the same timezone as the server, I bought the EU version and restarted my account. This was before the passport transfer.

I bought the COV and GR expansions.

My login ID now unfortunately has 'EU' in front of it, as my original US account was called the same...and even though hasn't been used in 5+ years takes presencedence.

I've paid my subscriptions but it sounds like I just haven't been supportive enough to warrant the same status as someone that just stayed on the original server and who hadn't have bought any expansions as they will become included content as long as the subs are maintained.

Guess I made the wrong choice...
Indeed, that is very very sucky.

I do agree with the consensus that the new veteran rewards system is better than the old one, but I do have a problem with the fact that the EU account holders are shafted just because the game was released later in their area.

In all of my previous posts I have stated EU/US players... because you will find that the vast majority of EU players have EU accounts, and the vast majority of US players have US accounts (I do happen to know of a couple of US players who actually play and only have EU accounts because they 1) Have friends in the EU
2) The EU timezone was more friendly to the hours that they had available to play.

As time has progressed though, and especially with the server list merge, it is less of an issue concerning the "server time zone" issue... there is nothing now to stop you from playing on *ANY* server.

So hypothetically speaking, if the game had been released in the EU 1st and the US version was 10 months later... how many of you would complain in that you couldnt get into the Tier 9, even if you subbed from the 1st day of it being released in your region. Or would you have gone and bought an EU account on day 1?

Yes, i know that hindsight is 20/20, but when the initial Veteran Rewards scheme came out, it wasnt that bad, because they backdated it to when you started, and all when initially rewarded.

But now they are holding costume pieces to ransom... with them only initially available to US account holders for the 1st couple of months.

Yes, i know that we can drop cash to get Paragon Points to get Reward Points as a bonus, but an EU account holder shouldn't feel that they have to do that to just because they are initially hindered because the game was released later in their region....



Originally Posted by JKCarrier View Post
Sure you can. Just buy enough Points from the store to earn the number of Tokens it will take to push you into the top tier.
So, if it were reversed and the game had been released in the EU first, and the game wasn't released in the US till a year later, would you be happy spending extra points/money to be on a level peg with people that had played the game from Beta? Even though you, yourself had played the game from the earliest opportunity in your country?

Help Dirk Knightly the freelance detective solve a case in Arc ID:368097



My personal solution would be to give an extra 5 tokens to any EU account that started the first month after EU release, and another 5 (or however many they need to be "even") to any EU account that has been active continuously since then.

"Trust me, it worked in the Simpsons." - Calash



*Skims the PVP-stuff*

Leaked video of a staff fighting powerset? Where? I must see!
(Seriously, I've been wanting this since day one!)

A (Golden Gate) Bridge Too Far- arc 299315
Crazy NIMBY's, Railroad robber barons, and kickboxing Engineers, Oh My! Go back in time and join the fight to save a San Francisco icon!



And once again we are seeing some of the results from the haves and have nots scenario that is going to become more and more prevalent within this game and community.

Why more so now? Well, not only due to the store and selling of tons of things left and right (as they have said is their plan), but the end point of the Vet Reward system has a bunch of shiny stuff that far surpasses the shiny stuff that was out of reach before.

The good news about the Vet Rewards is that the end point comes much quicker... and that there is an end point, being Tier 9 in that we all reach that and don't have to climb any more ladders to get the newest and latest shiny.

I'm not ignoring the good...

But the ultimate shiny rewards and the different economic realities of players are going to create quite the have and have not situation around here. And, for that, I am a bit sad.

I know this will get replied to with a bunch of examples of such things already and having always been present, but we'll see if it is really the same.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Yep, double-post:

Part of me keeps thinking that the conversion of the Paragon Rewards (new vet system) could possibly be tweaked to be a bit more favorable for existing subscribers, so that fewer pools of vets are that far away from Tier 9.

They might not want to do that, but I just figured I'd mention it.
Clearly, the conversion rate is set up so that the longest of vets do not have an over abundance of tokens to spend.
Would making a bit of a sliding scale (to push some of the mid-time vets) towards and/or into Tier 9 be unfair to the longer tenured vets? I'm not sure any of them would really mind.

Just something that keeps coming to my mind. If not a sliding scale... just a straight-up bump to herald in the new age.

It's not anything I'm screaming for... just some thoughts.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Elegost View Post
these are mostly people *new* to PvP (Zwillinger is one of them), not people still raging about how the new system is trash, but continue to use it anyway.

Our PvP has the potential to be absolutely amazing, and I guarantee that after i21, many of the new players will ask about it and help push for a revamp. Heck, they could make pvp accessible from the store if they wanted to. It'd be one way to keep the haters out.
I hope the best for you but after 3 years of neglect I have very little faith anything will ever be done to improve pvp ever again.

If they do fix it I'll be one of the 1st ones back in the zones. That's a pretty huge if though and I have zero expectations for development for that part of the game any longer.



Originally Posted by Kallandra View Post
So, if it were reversed and the game had been released in the EU first, and the game wasn't released in the US till a year later, would you be happy spending extra points/money to be on a level peg with people that had played the game from Beta? Even though you, yourself had played the game from the earliest opportunity in your country?
Absolutely. The Veterans Rewards (now Tokens) are perks based on how much money you've invested into the game. The people who have been playing longer have put more money in, so they get more perks. Before now, latecomers had no way to ever "catch up". With Freedom, everyone CAN catch up, if they choose to make that investment. I don't see how it could be any fairer.

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Originally Posted by JKCarrier View Post
Absolutely. The Veterans Rewards (now Tokens) are perks based on how much money you've invested into the game. The people who have been playing longer have put more money in, so they get more perks. Before now, latecomers had no way to ever "catch up". With Freedom, everyone CAN catch up, if they choose to make that investment. I don't see how it could be any fairer.
I wonder how many EU account holders will then fork over approximately $30-$45 on day one to just get up to Tier 9.... that is the *minimum* that an EU account holder will have to fork over, even if they have had an EU account from day of release in their own region...

There is *NO WAY* in which an EU account holder could possibly match a US account holder to be a tier 9 VIP member on the 1st day of Freedom, unless they fork over money.

If both regions are meant to be treated more fairly, I feel that the *initial roll out* is a kick in the teeth for the EU players. Yes its better once the roll out happens, but if the US players are so willing for this, who will buy those EU account holders who

By my calculations, the 1st EU account Tier 9 member (who hasnt bought points from the Paragon Store) will be December or maybe even January 2012.

August 4th 2011 = 78 months max for an EU account (going from EU launch date)
Next vet badge would be awarded on 4th November 2011 (81 months). So if its released before November 4th, add 2 months for the 1st "Freebie" Tier 9 EU player. After November 4th 2011 add one month.

But I wonder how many players will *need* to spend a lot in the Paragon Store at the start, especially considering that we are already accruing Paragon Points as we speak.

It is this preferential treatment towards the US playerbase which is really annoying me with NCsoft/Paragon Studios

At least to me this does seem like a case of "sorry for supporting your own region". An EU account holder WILL HAVE TO SPEND MONEY TO GET TO TIER 9 on the 1st day of Freedom launch. There are no IF's no BUT's. It is a FACT*

Yes i know that it is also faster to "catch up" with the newer system, but i would have been happier if the system was set up so that on "day 1" of Freedom, those who had supported their own region from the start could have at least gained access. IE if Tier 9 minimum month requirement was just a couple of badges less.

I *personally* will be waiting the 15months to get to Tier 9.

((There are the Passport badge holders, but i dont know if they are still counted as US accounts for veterancy, or if it is a "bona fide" EU account and so the most that they could have is once again limited to the EU maximum duration. If it is the latter, then they could well have been paying since US launch, but screwed out of it just because they decided to transfer a character(s) over to the EU servers.))



Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
There is *NO WAY* in which an EU account holder could possibly match a US account holder to be a tier 9 VIP member on the 1st day of Freedom, unless they fork over money.
Exactly. Just like there is no way for a US account holder to be tier 9 unless they fork over (or have already forked over) money. Remember, you're not buying Reward Tiers directly -- the Rewards are an extra perk you get by spending money on other things. Longtime US subscribers achieved those high Tiers by spending money on many years' worth of subscription fees. Now everyone else has the option of getting there by spending money on goodies in the store. Everyone is getting the exact same deal: Buy stuff, get Reward perks. Totally equal, totally fair.

You are asking for extra Rewards based on hypothetical money you might have spent under other circumstances. How would that be in any way fair to the people who did spend real money for all those years?

99458: The Unbearable Being of Lightness
191775: How the Other Half Lives
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Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
There is *NO WAY* in which an EU account holder could possibly match a US account holder to be a tier 9 VIP member on the 1st day of Freedom, unless they fork over money.



Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
There is *NO WAY* in which an EU account holder could possibly match a US account holder to be a tier 9 VIP member on the 1st day of Freedom, unless they fork over money.
Actually, IIRC there were people who started playing on US accounts but were then converted over to EU accounts when those servers opened (the Passport Badge). Inthat situation those people could conceivably be EU seven year vets.