Dev Chat Highlights, July 23: Tunnel Rat and the Visual Effects of New Powersets




Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
2) The EU timezone was more friendly to the hours that they had available to play.
I'm not sure whether I agree or disagree with the overall point; it does frustrate me that the EU is so frequently treated as 2nd class customers in the video games industry (especially MMOs), though at least in this instance they didn't try to force anyone to stay in their 'region' like some MMOs try to do (I made the choice to start in the US, and made the 2nd choice to stay there when the EU servers launched - in part because I suspected I would be better off where I was).

I will say that as an EU player who started on the US servers at launch, one of the reasons I did *not* switch to the EU servers when they appeared was that they weren't actually any more friendly to the EU timezone. Sure there'd be a higher percentage of the population online, but it was a smaller population so the net effect wasn't any more people to team etc with.



Where's the demos for STJ?!



Originally Posted by Kallandra View Post
So, if it were reversed and the game had been released in the EU first, and the game wasn't released in the US till a year later, would you be happy spending extra points/money to be on a level peg with people that had played the game from Beta? Even though you, yourself had played the game from the earliest opportunity in your country?
Sorry but you ARE on a level peg (to mix metaphors). You have exactly the same reward as anyone else who has played the game for the time you have.

The alternative, that EU players who where there at the EU launch should get a bonus, is unfair to US players who have been invested for the same time!

This is a song about a super hero named Tony. Its called Tony's theme.
Jagged Reged: 23/01/04



Originally Posted by Jagged View Post
Sorry but you ARE on a level peg (to mix metaphors). You have exactly the same reward as anyone else who has played the game for the time you have.

The alternative, that EU players who where there at the EU launch should get a bonus, is unfair to US players who have been invested for the same time!
As an Eu player I agree with this.

As far as slights against the EU player base go, I'm really not seeing it this time.

Everyone is treated equally in that they get reward tokens equivalent for the time they've payed. If you started with EU launch you've p(l)ayed less than the people who started with US launch, so you get less reward tokens. I fail to see the problem.

@True Metal
Co-leader of Callous Crew SG. Based on Union server.



Originally Posted by Jagged View Post
Sorry but you ARE on a level peg (to mix metaphors). You have exactly the same reward as anyone else who has played the game for the time you have.

The alternative, that EU players who where there at the EU launch should get a bonus, is unfair to US players who have been invested for the same time!
Or maybe just reduce the requirement by a couple of vet badges... Suprisignly that is all that is required for that part. That way, there will be more overall to get the bonus, including Americans..



So you want to be a tier 9 without having spent the money to be tier 9. How bout you spend the money you have not spent in sub fees like the 7 year vets have and just buy the PP to get the reward tokens?

Onibi---Fire/Fire/fire Blaster

I'm ready to burn it all.

Lets Fight!

ParadigmX City help the city.



Originally Posted by CyWolf View Post
So you want to be a tier 9 without having spent the money to be tier 9. How bout you spend the money you have not spent in sub fees like the 7 year vets have and just buy the PP to get the reward tokens?
Actually, looking over the Paragon Rewards slides, i noticed that even 7 year vets don't get to be Tier 9 at the start of Freedom.

So although a 7 year veteran WONT lose any rewards that they currently have, they will instead will not be able to start off at Tier 9 immediately.

There are 6 rewards exclusive to Paragon Rewards, which have to be filled in before you can hit Tier 9...

The only existing vet reward that i cannot pair up with what is being offered with the new one is the "City Traveler"... but there is also the "Blazing Path Aura" that doesn't match up with an existing reward.

Also with the developers saying that you need to complete and existing tier to be able to move up to the next tier, it does actually look like pretty much all subscribers are more on an equal footing (ie none actually being Tier 9 at the start, unless you spend money)

Sorry for the rants that i had earlier, but I had totally forgotten about the limit on the number of tokens that you can bring through to the reward system (29 Tokens is 72 months minus the year bonus token). Which puts it on an even keel, as that is a total achievable by original EU account holders.

*hangs head in shame*



So... I started playing EU side on 25 Jun 2005. I dinged 72 months yesterday. Does that place me inside Tier 9?

EDIT: ah, nvm... Gangrel already did the right math.

Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit



Originally Posted by CyWolf View Post
So you want to be a tier 9 without having spent the money to be tier 9. How bout you spend the money you have not spent in sub fees like the 7 year vets have and just buy the PP to get the reward tokens?
See... the pendulum of entitlement swings both ways.
Don't get me wrong, I understand the validity of what you're saying, but I also see an ugliness to it that I just wish wasn't going on.
And that ugliness (that my opinion sees) is not yours. It just comes when rewards are just so appealing and possibly too good to be so limited.

totally not trying to stir up any arguments. Just offering my thoughts in a (hopefully) friendly manner.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
Actually, looking over the Paragon Rewards slides, i noticed that even 7 year vets don't get to be Tier 9 at the start of Freedom.
Yes, they do.

4 Vet Badges per year x 7 = 28 Tokens
+7 Tokes (once yearly grants) = 7 Tokens

That's a total of 35 Tokens. You complete Tier8 and are in Tier9 on your 34th or 35th Token (depending on whether Vets have to invest a Token in Tier1 which is free to newbies).

Originally Posted by Blue Rabbit View Post
So... I started playing EU side on 25 Jun 2005. I dinged 72 months yesterday. Does that place me inside Tier 9?

EDIT: ah, nvm... Gangrel already did the right math.
N/3 + N/12 = 72/3 + 72/12 = 24 + 6 = 30.

30 Tokens is still in Tier 8.

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Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
Yeah but if you don't use it why would you want it removed?
I'm going to wager a guess that (s)he doesn't like the kind of player attitudes and/or drama the typical PvPer brings to the game. Mind you, CoX PvPers are, in my experience, a cut well above the "typical PvPer" of other MMOs on average, but I've run into my fair share of jerks even in CoX.

Originally Posted by The_Masque View Post
According to my latest count- 69 players sign up for BC2.
69 players is an excessively small number proportional to the size of CoX's active playerbase (which, even by conservative estimates, is around 100,000 accounts).



Originally Posted by Kallandra View Post
So, if it were reversed and the game had been released in the EU first, and the game wasn't released in the US till a year later, would you be happy spending extra points/money to be on a level peg with people that had played the game from Beta? Even though you, yourself had played the game from the earliest opportunity in your country?
actually, as a frequent player of japanese games, this has happened for me several times, its unfortunate, but i understand the reality of the situation and the game simply came out there first.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Yes, they do.

4 Vet Badges per year x 7 = 28 Tokens
+7 Tokes (once yearly grants) = 7 Tokens

That's a total of 35 Tokens. You complete Tier8 and are in Tier9 on your 34th or 35th Token (depending on whether Vets have to invest a Token in Tier1 which is free to newbies).
But that then contradicts what the slide says.

Which states that you can only take 29 Tokens forward, of which you might have around 36 (if you include the bonus yearly token) by the time Freedom launches (unless its end of November where it then becomes 37)

So, are the 29 tokens that you can carry forward inclusive of the yearly reward bonus or not?

That is what is not explicitly explained.

Because if you read the slides in one fashion, you get one answer, and if you read them in another fashion you get a totally different answer.

I am reading the slides as "The most number of tokens that you can possibly carry forward is 29"... and that would be including the yearly bonus token as well.

It looks like you are reading it that each token you earn for "12 months subbed" is treated separately from the calculation costs, although Positron gave us a formula to calculate how many tokens you would have at any point in time.

Granted, his formula wasn't simplified, but it still infers that the yearly bonus is included with the vet badge calculation as to how Reward Tokens you have for any given amount of Vet reward badges you have.



Originally Posted by Reiska View Post
I'm going to wager a guess that (s)he doesn't like the kind of player attitudes and/or drama the typical PvPer brings to the game. Mind you, CoX PvPers are, in my experience, a cut well above the "typical PvPer" of other MMOs on average, but I've run into my fair share of jerks even in CoX.
There's a vocal minority of loud mouth players that enjoy PVP in every game. The idea that a game system is responsible for their behavior is ridiculous. The vast majority of people who PVP don't behave this way. (Although the inferiority complexes of certain posters would have you believe they do!)

Originally Posted by Reiska View Post
69 players is an excessively small number proportional to the size of CoX's active playerbase (which, even by conservative estimates, is around 100,000 accounts).
CoH's account numbers may have been that a couple years ago. They're no way near that now. There's a reason they're changing their financial model.



It says you start with up to 29 but it could mean that it's not counting the rewards you've earned therefore by default you get 29. You just wont find out how many you truly get until you log in on day one and get your total.

Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
CoH's account numbers may have been that a couple years ago. They're no way near that now. There's a reason they're changing their financial model.
That could be taken both ways. It could mean that NCSoft has officially got back enough money in revenue to pay the cost that went to developing the game. I wouldn't really say it's due to a lack of players playing per capita - not unless they plan to shut everything down a year from now.



Originally Posted by Stryph View Post
That could be taken both ways. It could mean that NCSoft has officially got back enough money in revenue to pay the cost that went to developing the game. I wouldn't really say it's due to a lack of players playing per capita - not unless they plan to shut everything down a year from now.
They've stopped releasing information on the # of subscribers.

CoH2 is on the horizon.

Draw your own conclusions. Currently we know nothing. (And that includes the current number of subscribers.)



Originally Posted by Von Krieger View Post
Mercy has a unique look and character, they just wanted to do a few tweaks and add some symmetry between the zones.

"Kind of one of the hidden gems of the Rogue Isles."

"We wanted to make Mercy Island more accessible to people, and have people start in Mercy the town and then head out to Fort Darwin. Longbow have taken over Fort Darwin, so the ultimate end in the story is to take over Fort Darwin."

"Contrary to popular belief Devs love redside."

They're reworking the story of Arachnos, knowing you're a big bad guy and them wanting you on their side. Less a lackey and more of a proper supervillain.

Different division phases, you fight some longbow, then come back and interrogate someone right where you fought earlier.

"I think the Mercy storyline is a lot more epic than the Atlas storyline. There is something about just taking it to longbow."

Zwill thinks the story makes a lot more sense and far fewer snakes. There are a few snakes around but they wanted to tell a more powerful story.
I got this far and had to stop and post. Be still my beating heart! The only reason I don't want this all NAO is so I can savor the anticipation.

And thank you so much for these posts, Von Krieger.



Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
They've stopped releasing information on the # of subscribers.

CoH2 is on the horizon.

Draw your own conclusions. Currently we know nothing. (And that includes the current number of subscribers.)
Why write "draw your own conclusions" when you clearly mean "draw my conclusions?" When you don't know the facts, as you clearly say we don't, it's called leaping to a conclusion, or "making stuff up." The boards could use less of that.



Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
But that then contradicts what the slide says.

Which states that you can only take 29 Tokens forward, of which you might have around 36 (if you include the bonus yearly token) by the time Freedom launches (unless its end of November where it then becomes 37)

So, are the 29 tokens that you can carry forward inclusive of the yearly reward bonus or not?

That is what is not explicitly explained.
I think that slide was part of the original presentation they gave to a focus group back in Spring of this year. It is dated some and the newer information should be considered as closer to what is likely to release.

Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.



Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
They've stopped releasing information on the # of subscribers.

CoH2 is on the horizon.

Draw your own conclusions. Currently we know nothing. (And that includes the current number of subscribers.)
No one's ever even hinted that CoH2 is even a plan. All they did was buy a name. Businesses do that all the time just to make sure other companies can't have it.



Originally Posted by ZedOmega View Post
Why write "draw your own conclusions" when you clearly mean "draw my conclusions?" When you don't know the facts, as you clearly say we don't, it's called leaping to a conclusion, or "making stuff up." The boards could use less of that.
I say draw your own conclusions because I didn't actually put forward a conclusion.

Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
No one's ever even hinted that CoH2 is even a plan. All they did was buy a name. Businesses do that all the time just to make sure other companies can't have it.
Someone in PS told me they're aiming for Q1 2013. That may have changed.



Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
If both regions are meant to be treated more fairly, I feel that the *initial roll out* is a kick in the teeth for the EU players.
I'm sorry, but this is not the approved phrasing. You're supposed to say that it's a "slap in the face". Exclamation points and frownie faces are appropriate.

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The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
I'm sorry, but this is not the approved phrasing. You're supposed to say that it's a "slap in the face". Exclamation points and frownie faces are appropriate.
nah, kick in the teeth is more appropriate.

A slap in the face would be feel like being stroked by a damp sponge wielded by a blond long haired Italian male.


Sorry, channeling the Old Spice duel right now....



Frankly, as one of the long time vets (84 months+) I would rather they *didn't* special case anyone into tier 9. If it takes an additional 9, 12, whatever months to get the remaining tier spots filled then so be it. I haven't lost anything, I actually have something to look forward to getting and if I'm really impatient I can get them "nao" when Freedom goes live. Then, hopefully, we could put to bed this whole favoritism argument.


"I don't have an angel and a devil on my shoulder, I have Rocky and Bullwinkle." - Lore Sj�berg