Celestial Armor AND Glowing Wings??? BOO-YAH!!




Originally Posted by Noble Savage View Post
It's from TNG, incidently, and features Riker prominently, but I couldn't say what season.

There is a brief point in this story where one of the kidnapped kids plays an instrument like this. Season 1, Episode 16: When the Bough Breaks.

I'm not a trekkie, but have been watching TNG since they put it back on instant queue on Netflix. I'm on season 2, which is why this was fresh in my memory.



Originally Posted by Noble Savage View Post

Fans looking for new tights options might want to check out the upcoming Defender, CoT, and Celestial sets. All of these offer a fairly plain 'underlayer' for you to build on and that should mix and match more easily with other sets.

So we WILL be getting those new CoT pieces!

"Where does he get those wonderful toys?" - The Joker



Originally Posted by Ice_Wall View Post
So we WILL be getting those new CoT pieces!
The PC Gamer article mentioned that a CoT set would be a for-pay set available in the store.

Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."



Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
no, actually the last time we got them(vandal perplex, arctic and the like), they were pretty nice, its more the attitude that in order to get tights, lets screw over people who enjoy anime, medieval comics, military comics, powersuits, supernatural characters, monster characters, modern superhero fans and the like, because they dont belong.

i don't mind tights, i rarely use them because for a character that is supposed to integrate into a real-ish world, they look hysterically corny, but they have their place in comics, generally in older, throw-back comics where they dont look drastically corny in context, but that is one thing i hate about longbow, non-powered people wearing tights just looks silly and would be horribly non-functional. where the heck do they even store their ammo?(yes i know some wear bandoleers, most dont) What i'd like to see is tights being treated a bit like martial arts outfits. you can use most martial arts in a comfortable set of jeans and a t-shirt, but the robes and gi's are there to visually distinguish the character right away as a martial artist. tights on enemy groups should be limited to those who are actually powered. in this respect crey gets it the most correct, gunmen and techie guys wear appropriate armor, and the powered wear tights, great progression.. we also got a lot of "tights" enemies and allies in tips missions. but for the overall game, i like the balanced approach, more tights, sure yeah, but in balance with more power armor, more martial arts garb(why the HELL dont we have a good fighting cheongsam yet?) and more beast options.

there is a reason i play 2 superhero mmos and not the third, two draw from a balanced set of outfits, and one is all damn tights all the time.
Tights = Pro Wrestling costumes or "I wear my undies on the outside"; not that I mind more patterns but more pieces should come first (IMO) and then we can add patterns to the whole shebang.

Apparently, I play "City of Shakespeare"
*Arc #95278-Gathering the Four Winds -3 step arc; challenging - 5 Ratings/3 Stars (still working out the kinks)
*Arc #177826-Lights, Camera, Scream! - 3 step arc, camp horror; try out in 1st person POV - 35 Ratings/4 Stars



Originally Posted by Atomic_Toy_Guy View Post
I agree I would like to see a few new tights options, the couple I would like to see the most are:

1.) 50/50 1st Half one Color other Half 2nd Color (Mask, Chest, Gloves, Pants, Boots)
2.) Left and Right - Single & Double Off Center Pin Stripe (Chest, Pants, Boots)
a.) I know that's more like 4 options (Left Double Pin, Left Single Pin, Right Double Pin, Right Single Pin) The possibilities for different pin stripe options could be quite vast, as I can think of several off the top of my head. (Lightning, Flames, Circuitry, Shred, Dotted, Dashes, Tribal, & Celtic)

Lastly it would be nice if we could choose to have the chest detail smaller and on one side of the chest or the other. Kinda like how Jackets have it, only upgraded with an option to be on left or right side.

I played champions for a bit and I liked those options quite a bit. It was surprising how often I used them.

I heartily second this. I'd personally love to see the option of a midline (either visible or invisible) vertically bisecting the costume, allowing different colors on each side. What would truly rock would be to put that optional midline on a slider, letting the divison of colors be moved up to, say, 90% to the left or 90% to the right.

Such a slider could also be applied to the chest detail, allowing for a player to position a chest detail atop the color scheme division line. Or not, if you like.

As I'm not a programmer and I'm just now learning the basics of 3dCG, I have no idea how feasible this would be.




Glowing spandex! Green Lantern/Tron style!




Originally Posted by starrball View Post
My first reaction is...


My second reaction is..

OhdeargodIhopethatisbiggerthantheMatchCompensatora ndcompletelycolorcustomizable.


Captain Den'Rath 53* Merk/Traps MM, Rivona 50Energy Blast/Time Cor,Victoria Von Heilwig 53* Dual Pistols/Traps Cor, Crab Spider Webguard 53* SOA, Accela 53* Bot/FF MM,Valkyrie's Executor 53* Broadsword/Shield Def Scrap. On FREEDOM! @Knight Of Bronze
"Hypocrisy, the human inherent." "Let not this work be wasted, apply yourself always."



Originally Posted by High_Jinks View Post
I just want more tights patterns. Is that so much to ask for?
Hear, hear.

Originally Posted by Fire_Wyrm View Post
I still fail to see how hard it is to make asymmetrical patterns. Colors can already be asymmetrical, as we see in the 50/50 mask. Doesn't seem like it would be too hard to replicate that for other patterns. Third color would be great, but definitely seems like more work.
Yes, I've been asking for asymmetrical patterns every since ZNRGY_XERONUS first put up his awesome imaginings like 5 years ago. Many of them that seemed like wild dreams at the time have come to pass (note the petal aura). But still no asymmetry. <holds candle>


They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!

If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Originally Posted by Noble Savage
One of the core values underpining COH is customization, and we always strive to give you guys new options as often as possible--to put more toys in the toybox, as it were. So while we'll never forget about traditional tights and cape options, we definitely want to enable players to create whatever their imaginations can conjure up. Maybe you'd like to create a Western-, Scifi-, Fantasy-, Steampunk-, Pirate-, or Barbarian- themed superhero? Our goal is to cover ALL the possibilities as fully as possible.
O hai!
Originally Posted by Noble Savage View Post
Nice try, Zombie Man. It's an example of the kind of genre we'd like to explore. No new announcements today, I'm afraid.
Was just googling celestial armor and this thread came up to this page. Lol. Nice Noble Savage , slipped all the way back in July.

10 50's To Date! Check out Titan Sentinel; it got my CoH presence synced online



Originally Posted by High_Jinks View Post
I just want more tights patterns. Is that so much to ask for?
I love the new pieces and the glowy tech but I'd love some new patterns as well PLUS I'd love to have existing patterns and chest symbols have an option to glow with the new tech as well.

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