Discussion: Summer Double XP Weekend Incoming! July 28-31




Originally Posted by MoonlightSonata View Post
and what about AE xp? Is it doubled too?
No XP multipliers apply in AE; it has never used Patrol XP, and it only granted double XP of the first DXP after it was implemented - and the official response was that they hadn't intended for it to happen even that one time.

Also, Patrol XP and DXP don't stack - Your Patrol XP will accumulate as normal, but will only get used up to pay debt. If you don't die, it will sit there unused.




Seems like I picked a good time to return.



Originally Posted by Freitag View Post
Hello everyone!

I'm afraid Double-XP Weekend does not apply to Incarnate Experience.


Great there'll be a lot more focus on Lowbies

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Wishing I21 was already active. Want the VIP Priority Queue for stuff like this.

Ideally, the tank will die precisely as everyone else starts fighting, allowing aggro to be spread evenly among the blaster. -seebs, "How to Suck at CoH/CoV" Guide



I note that the Weekly Strike Target for that week is Tin Mage Mk II, so I can't imagine there'd be too many sub-50s running it, but would the XP bonus for finishing the WST also be doubled?

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I can't imagine there'd be many sub-50s running the Tin Mage TF, because every member of that task force has to be level 50. Thus, there cannot be any XP bonus in the first place.



Just for clarification, will this be the LAST double XP weekend, since any further ones would be after Freedom goes live, or will there be post-Freedom double XP events?




Originally Posted by CrashTofu View Post
Just for clarification, will this be the LAST double XP weekend, since any further ones would be after Freedom goes live, or will there be post-Freedom double XP events?
I'd have to say if there is any question, it'd be if they would try to limit it to VIPS but I doubt that. I do see them continuing them.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Originally Posted by MonsoonMike View Post
I note that the Weekly Strike Target for that week is Tin Mage Mk II, so I can't imagine there'd be too many sub-50s running it, but would the XP bonus for finishing the WST also be doubled?
I don't recall it applying to non-critter kill XP.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Originally Posted by Rajani Isa View Post
I don't recall it applying to non-critter kill XP.
The XP bonus for the WST *ONLY* applies to the end of mission bonus. It doesn't apply to critter XP at all.

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Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
The XP bonus for the WST *ONLY* applies to the end of mission bonus. It doesn't apply to critter XP at all.
To clarify : I do not recall DXP doubling non-critter (such as mission/arc/TF) XP. I know the WST bonus is end of TF XP only.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



?, what about reward merits. Will they be doubled too?



Originally Posted by midgard2 View Post
?, what about reward merits. Will they be doubled too?
Merits are not Experience... so, nope. Although, Influence and Prestige isn't XP, either, but they're doubled...

So, just XP, INF, and Prestige. This includes such type rewards from badges, and mission and arc completions. It also works on Leveling Pacts.

But not iXP, AE XP.

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Nooooo!!! I'm in Vegas for that weekend. Damned its!



Originally Posted by Assisace View Post
I can't imagine there'd be many sub-50s running the Tin Mage TF, because every member of that task force has to be level 50. Thus, there cannot be any XP bonus in the first place.
Debt is still xp



Is drops doubled, like recipes/shards/threads? Last double xp weekend they were. I solo'd a mission for couple hours and got 4 or 5 purple recipes, 50 shards on my empath defender. Or am I just lucky?

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Originally Posted by TheTwoFourThree View Post
Nooooo!!! I'm in Vegas for that weekend. Damned its!
I'll earn a level or two for you.

On one of mine, of course, since I don't have your account info.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



To me this Double Xp sounds like damage control on the part of NCsoft. When they annouced Freedom, I'm only assuming they saw a large amount of subscriptions (including my 2 subs) get cancelled. With my main account's sub lapsing in a couple days, it looks to me like they're trying to keep as many active subs as possible until the F2P launch. To what end? I'm not sure. I'll be back when it's free. Cheers



I for one am not excited. You guys are so inconsiderate with announcing these things. Anyone who works most any kind of retail job requires 2 weeks notice to request time off. My schedule is already set in stone and includes two severely late shifts, one of which is followed by a morning shift, meaning the afternoon of that day will be spent sleeping. Would it really kill you to give us enough time to request off? Thanks, but once again it does me no good because you didn't take typical work scheduling logic into account.



Originally Posted by FlipS0ckeT View Post
To me this Double Xp sounds like damage control on the part of NCsoft. When they annouced Freedom, I'm only assuming they saw a large amount of subscriptions (including my 2 subs) get cancelled. With my main account's sub lapsing in a couple days, it looks to me like they're trying to keep as many active subs as possible until the F2P launch. To what end? I'm not sure. I'll be back when it's free. Cheers
Or, it could just be that they do Double XP twice a year on average as a regular practice to keep retention and get lapsed to resub?

And I highly, highly doubt there's been a significant amount of unsubbing since the FREEDOM announcement as you suggest. Why would anyone unsub now and be totally locked out when they can wait for FREEDOM and unsub then and enjoy Premium access?

If anything, the boards are full of "hey, I'm back!" threads.

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Hrm. I'll probably dust off my toons and level a bit for a few days.

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Originally Posted by FlipS0ckeT View Post
To me this Double Xp sounds like damage control on the part of NCsoft. When they announced Freedom, I'm only assuming they saw a large amount of subscriptions (including my 2 subs) get cancelled. With my main account's sub lapsing in a couple days, it looks to me like they're trying to keep as many active subs as possible until the F2P launch. To what end? I'm not sure. I'll be back when it's free. Cheers
If that was the case, why wouldn't they simply be waiting until a month or less before Freedom launches before they talked about it?

And if they were doing that, the only result would be more cancellations right as Freedom launches, which would constantly be pointed to as "proof" free to pay was a mistake by the detractors. (And do you think keeping active subscriptions after Freedom is suddenly going to be less of a priority?)

This- and the "why didn't you tell us even sooner?"- seems to happen every time Double EXP is announced. "They're obviously trying to cover up / make up for a decision I didn't personally care for, rather than simply reversing the decision." Implying that they're only doing Double exp an an "apology" to the player and those who agree with his specific complaints.

This time, it's the announcement of Freedom, but I've seen it blamed on PVP revamps and "Going Rogue supposedly not going over" before, as well.

I'm guessing the next Double EXP, people will claim the "real reason" they're doing it is to "apologize" for not putting enough time into a new Halloween event.

J/ Wilde

Still hate the visit Winscott mission- make it dropable, have it give actual exp or remove it altogether. PS- Down knows who you are.
J/ Wilde/
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