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  1. Negative10

    Costume issue?

    Ah didn't consider that, and yes, joined one just to experience how it works, so its very likely you just answered my issue.

    Many thanks.
  2. Negative10

    Costume issue?

    Just got my 2nd costume slot, made the second costume, and have choosen a different chest icon for her symbol for each, however for some reason both appear as the Scales while in game.

    It's bizarre as on the character select screen, the costumes are correct, however as soon as I login to the city, the Scales are there instead.

    Anyone heard of that bug before, is there a fix?
  3. Nice promo, my Facebook account was actually useful for once.

  4. Figured out the problem, I was totally miss understanding what folks meant when they said the global name. It would appear the last time I played back in 2008 I had changed my Globalname to one of my characters names.

    So although sending it to my account name, also meant it came to me, the character logged in was taking in immediately. Now I am using the Global name, it sits in my email, and my lower alts can take the items as normal.

    I feeling it was likely to be something I was doing wrong, thanks for trying to help to all those in here. Cheers.
  5. Yep, sending email to @myusername, as soon as I send she takes it. It's like there is some kind of auto-loot the mail switched on, but I can't see how to turn it off.

    So yeah, I'm not getting a chance to claim, or log over for the alt, as she takes it straight away when I send it.

    I lierally press send, a message on my chat log comes up saying, She has claimed the item as she is eligable or something like that, and it is back in the item slot again. It is sent as well, as the Salvage folder or reciepe folder will ding full again after I press send.
  6. Yeah still having issues and tried everything here.

    My handle is one word and numbers, so no space issues, I've sent a standard mail with no attachments, which the lower alt can see.

    However as soon as a put in an attachment and press send, the character sending it who is lvl 12, immediately takes the item as it arrives and puts it back into the corrosponding place in their own hud. Either the reciepe bit or the Salvage bit depending on the item.

    I've tried logging over, but if you don't press send, nothing is in the email part when the lower logs on, and even with one second on the logout counter, if I press send the item immediately goes back to its slot when pressed.

    So aye, a little odd.
  7. Nope, nothing on my toons.

    Tried mailing my lvl 11 Villian directly as well, but it said the same thing, needs to be sent @'handle' if a attachment.

    Haven't tried the mail yourself and reply thing, but that would mean I'd need to lvl the secondary to lvl 10 first, so she can send mail.
  8. Ah okay, will check my toons, although I am pretty sure I don't have any, unless stuff on Auction counts to the total.

    The direct mail sadly won't work at the moment as it says attachments have to be sent to a @'handle' when I try to mail the character directly.

    Not sure if thats because she is under lvl 10?
  9. Run into an odd problem and checked my options but I don't seem to be anything in there that would cause it.

    When I send a reciepe to myself via @'myhandle' the character who sends it, is immediately taking it back into their folder.

    Are Reciepe's not allowed to be sent, or is there something I need to do to stop the character doing that?
  10. Many thanks for all the replies, and very helpful information, so cheers for that and nice to see a very friendly community right off the bat.

    On a side note, where you on the EU forums before they merged Golden Girl, the name seems familiar for some reason.
  11. After a long absence, I decided to resub after being inspired by the idea of it going free to play. As although I am happy to pay, my wife who isn't as big a superhero fan, will only play if it has a free model. So from the Freedom update she will be willing to run with me. Thus I am back, and subbing for the time being, restarting my starting characters I had left on Defiant.

    Been ages since I played though, and a few things are making me scratch my head. I've had a brief look around here, but with work time fast approaching and this site being sadly blocked there. I was thinking perhaps I might get a more direct response from the community on some queries before I try to log back in tonight.

    1. If someone sends me a tell is there a quick key response to reply, or do I need to type.. /t insert Superhero name everytime.

    2. Is there a bank of some kind? And if not, can we store things in the trade tab without putting them up for sale, or do they get lost if left there? Okay with the ten slots most of my alts have thats not really a fix, but at higher lvl if I have more it might be a useful stop gap.

    3. Do folks tend to slam all their alts into one Supergroup, or is it more based on each hero? This might be subjective to every player, just wondering in general, more than looking for a definate answer.

    4. Is there a set lvl for Movement powers, capes etc?

    5. Is there a mail system? If not, how can you transfer items from one of your alts to another. For example a costume piece dropped for my main, which is perfect to one of my secondary alts, is there any simple way of getting it to her?

    6. Regarding Going Rogue, which I am considering getting, do you get to select the alignment from the moment you download it, or do certain things need to be done. For example I have a Villian and a Hero, who probably should be middle ground style characters, if I get going Rogue, is that something they can effectively start as/switch to immediately, or is it mission based?

    I think thats all so far, any help, pointers would be greatly appreciated.
  12. Negative10

    cant log in?

    Yeah I was only just before it went down, two hour maintenance window from Midday GMT.
  13. Thanks for all the info, glad I decided to check here and not just give up due to the US game client (not that I knew that was the problem of course.)

    My query is regarding the EU dowloader, have clicked on it now and it said it was downloading a 16.9mb patch, which it did, then continued to dowload, and it says fixing files. As there is no file size for this, I have to wonder, does anyone know how long this process takes? I am also midly concerned as it seems to have been stuck fixing piggs/geom.pigg for about 40mins so far.