Discussion: Summer Double XP Weekend Incoming! July 28-31




There is absolutely validity to the complaint about not allowing enough to request off.

It may be that the bulk of COH's players are still in school, but for those of us in the working world, less than 3 weeks makes it just about impossible to request time off.

Does NCSoft really not know that far ahead that they are doing a double XP weekend? I find that unlikely.



Originally Posted by JKPhage View Post
I for one am not excited. You guys are so inconsiderate with announcing these things. Anyone who works most any kind of retail job requires 2 weeks notice to request time off. My schedule is already set in stone and includes two severely late shifts, one of which is followed by a morning shift, meaning the afternoon of that day will be spent sleeping. Would it really kill you to give us enough time to request off? Thanks, but once again it does me no good because you didn't take typical work scheduling logic into account.
I feel your pain. I too am in retail, and like you my schedule was already done

I have early morning starts though, and my boss said after I set the ads I could go gome early...then, after listening to my story of Double Xp weekend, he said no way is it healthy to game for a long extended time anyway, and my fingers and mind would thank him if they could for making me come into work


So don't wait for heroes, do it yourself
You've got the power
winners are losers
who got up and gave it just one more try

***Dennis DeYoung



I hope I have the days off as well, I to work retail(Bookstore) and I had to scramble to request the days off...and even though my boss said it wasn't likely I would get them .



Originally Posted by FlipS0ckeT View Post
To me this Double Xp sounds like damage control on the part of NCsoft. When they annouced Freedom, I'm only assuming they saw a large amount of subscriptions (including my 2 subs) get cancelled.
The main damage control action at the announcement was to say that paid subscriptions would count towards Paragon points from July. If they had not done that I am quite sure they would have had a significant number of cancellations. They may still have had a number of cancellations, but I assume that would be primarily people who have no intention of going VIP.

Double XP is more standard procedure to keep activities going a bit during summer time I think; there usually is a double XP around summer as I recall.

[url="http://adingworld.wordpress.com/mission-architect-story-arcs/"][b]My Story arcs[/b][/url]: [i]The Siren Supremes[/i] ([b]1143[/b]), [i]The Missing Geneticist[/i] ([b]2542[/b]), [i]Elemental Jones[/i] ([b]263512[/b]), [i]The Soul Hunter[/i] ([b]294431[/b]), [i]Heart of Steel[/i] ([b]407104[/b]), [i]Project Serpens[/i] ([b]434082[/b])



Really? Double XP is a standard offering from Paragon Studios. The last one was January 27th and the one before that was ... wait for it ... It's WAY off from this current one ... August 2nd 2010.

It's always this time of year. I've missed them in the past. *shrug* Oh noes. *fake scaredy jazzhands* Meh. There'll be another around the end of ... January 2012. Book off the middle of January through the middle of February now to make sure.

The Defenders of Paragon
KGB Special Section 8



Originally Posted by bpphantom View Post
Really? Double XP is a standard offering from Paragon Studios. The last one was January 27th and the one before that was ... wait for it ... It's WAY off from this current one ... August 2nd 2010.

It's always this time of year. I've missed them in the past. *shrug* Oh noes. *fake scaredy jazzhands* Meh. There'll be another around the end of ... January 2012. Book off the middle of January through the middle of February now to make sure.
A entire month off...you must have a nice job AND you must have never worked Retail or Food Service an entire day in your life.



Originally Posted by Negate View Post
A entire month off...you must have a nice job AND you must have never worked Retail or Food Service an entire day in your life.
I believe you misinterpreted what those of us like to call "sarcasm".

Anyways... It seems like we get this everytime another DXP weekend comes along. It happens to fall around the same time that they just released something new and shiny, or some new info, and the community automatically screams DOOOOM and damage control. It's not. It's summertime and they want to give the playerbase that's still in school without a job (which makes up quite a large part of the community) something fun to do for a weekend. This also is good for the people with normal M-F jobs, which makes up another decent chunk of the community.

Also, please note, they announced in on July 15th, exactly two weeks before the Friday of DXP weekend. So theoretically, even if you went in the following day and asked off for that Saturday and Sunday, the 30th and 31st, you could've easily gotten it. I've worked in fast food for over a year, and I know it works. If I felt like I wanted to take time off for this (I don't, not really in the mood for levelling new characters), I could have, because the devs gave us exactly two weeks notice.

ALSO, for the record... The two weeks notice thing is a standard. However, if you're asking for just one or two days off, say you just want your Saturday and Sunday, you can easily get it after the 2 week deadline. If you're a good employee and the company respects you, then you can usually swing it. If nothing else, use a sick day or two... Worked for me last time.



I'm sorry Runt but if you call what BP posted above Sarcasm then wow, he needs to work on wording things better. It reeked of a condescending tone rather than sarcasm...Even though the last comment about the month off needed a smiley of some sort...yes a smiley would audibly let everyone know that he was just being quite tongue in cheeky.

First off, I have to say that I find it hilarious that you're telling me that I could of gotten the day off. It's not like I didn't immediately ask my boss for those days off after the announcement...and then have him quickly tell me no/not likely...nope, that never happened to me..no siiirree. The sick day option might be my best bet...but it's a bit late now since he knows that I wanted those days off and the other problem is I never call in sick anyway...ever.

I'm a super awesome employee at my job and the managers as well as my fellow co-workers love me...but that still doesn't change the fact that two people are taking a vacation at my job at the same time(which ironically they put in a month before the date). I'm not crying Doooom nor am I trying to negate the fact that I'm not the majority of COX gamers BUT I must comment on how short notice this was, they can give us at least a month in advance.

I'm just putting it out there be heard by the big wigs. I mean no harm, I'm just relaying a message.



Originally Posted by bpphantom View Post
Really? Double XP is a standard offering from Paragon Studios. The last one was January 27th and the one before that was ... wait for it ... It's WAY off from this current one ... August 2nd 2010.

It's always this time of year. I've missed them in the past. *shrug* Oh noes. *fake scaredy jazzhands* Meh. There'll be another around the end of ... January 2012. Book off the middle of January through the middle of February now to make sure.
The January one will be [rubs crystal ball] around January 26th. Its ALWAYS the weekend I celebrate my birthday (Jan....26th!). Drives me nuts, but its regular like clockwork. Actually I just looked at the calendar my birthday is on a Thursday this upcoming year - so it might actually just start on my birthday.

Thanks, NC Soft, for closing my favorite game ever without warning and with plenty of life still left in it, and thus relieving me of the burden of EVER wanting to buy, try or even hear about another game from your company. Will my decision make a dent, or persuade them in anyway, shape or form? Nope, obviously not. Don't care. NC Soft is dead to me. ~ PsyFox



Originally Posted by Avatea View Post
Join us in game for a super weekend of Double-XP goodness starting July 28 at 9:00 a.m. PDT (12:00 p.m. EDT / 5:00 p.m. BST / 18:00 CEST) until July 31 at 11:59 p.m. PDT (2:59 a.m. EDT / 7:59 a.m. BST / 8:59 CEST)!

This is your chance to level up those heroes or villains you couldn't find time for! Unless you're in serious need of Inf or Prestige for a bit of super shopping in game, in which case you'll be happy to learn that you'll also get double the Inf and double the Prestige over the Double XP Weekend!

So start planning, start thinking up that dream build or get those characters back into the game! The Double XP Weekend is going to be upon us on July 28th!

Technically you didn't say double the drops, so I'm forced to ask...???

There is no creative impulse without discontent.
