26 -
So, I understand that due to attack coding most aim for 45% s/l def. What I'm curious about is how ranged def would work on a character played at a range (namely, a dark / thermal / dark). This would be with pretty much no s/l def. Does anyone have experience with a ranged def corr build?
It cost money, but an Elec / Psi domi. The only thing is you *must* use IOs to cap s/l def (45%), perma domination and set up a way to have both hasten and dom auto fire, adding DP to auto is also most helpful (Yes, you it IS possible to do all of this, those that say otherwise are not looking in the right places.). Once done you can set up the toon to just drain endo, and leave it.
Anyone know if one can make a new login screen? I can't take it.
I just can't take it. -
Quote:Join us in game for a super weekend of Double-XP goodness starting July 28 at 9:00 a.m. PDT (12:00 p.m. EDT / 5:00 p.m. BST / 18:00 CEST) until July 31 at 11:59 p.m. PDT (2:59 a.m. EDT / 7:59 a.m. BST / 8:59 CEST)!
This is your chance to level up those heroes or villains you couldn't find time for! Unless you're in serious need of Inf or Prestige for a bit of super shopping in game, in which case you'll be happy to learn that you'll also get double the Inf and double the Prestige over the Double XP Weekend!
So start planning, start thinking up that dream build or get those characters back into the game! The Double XP Weekend is going to be upon us on July 28th!
Technically you didn't say double the drops, so I'm forced to ask...??? -
Does anyone know if Domination works with Pyronic Radical Final Judgement's Stun or not?
I'm not able to send out e-mails.
I get the error: "You may send no more than 150 emails per day." However, I haven't sent any e-mails for 5 days now (as I can't...).
My e-mail settings are:
In-Game Email-Enabled
Local Mail: Friends and SG Only-Disabled
Global Mail: Global Friends Only-Disabled
I've cleared my email as far as I know there's nothing in it.
Also, I've /buged it, /petitioned it (on the second day), and updated the Ask a Question Discussion Thread so they wouldn't close it (ref # 100823-000474).
What I'm looking to know is if any other players have had an issue like this and if they have been able to fix it?
Thanks -
Does anyone know if spore burst sleep the FP AVs at the end of the LRSF? Or just Mass Hypnosis?
Quote:The bargain purple set most relevant to your needs is one you already have - the Soulbounds. My koosh pet uses four of them. Gravitic Anchors are nice too but those ones are pricier. Most purple sets of use to you are going to be astronomical.
Unchain Essence is a highly amusing attack. It's a love-it-or-hate-it power however, it takes a bit to practise to get the timing right and benefits from a targeting macro. To answer your question - yes it needs to be slotted to be effective. It's not worth the pick if you can't afford to slot it.
Now that I look more closely I can see how you're using the Concealment pool for set mules. As much as set muling makes me twitch a bit, you don't have a lot of options. If you prefer a forms-centred play style, Fighting, Fitness and Leadership aren't suitable to you. Presence would be highly situational and you'd have to underslot to the point of losing effectiveness. That only leaves Medicine, which can be useful with fewer slots and can be used to mule the Numina and Miracle uniques. That will cost another half-billion but you can deduct it from the money you save on Zephyrs. >.>
Ok I'm going to stop before I get silly.
Could Medicine really be used as mules for the Numina and Miracle uniques? I mean, would it be better than putting those Stygian Circle? Would they even proc on either powers? -
Having a well loved Sonic / Storm also, I'm going to suggest an Elec / Kin.
It's Kinda slow to start but putting in +def sets, maneuvers (or tough, weave,) perhaps stealth and going mace mastery (as others have said) really make in a hardy lil sapping build. Only thing is you have to sap in order to really pull it off.
Guess my Ice / Dark is easier but, I like having the ability to fail if I mess up. -
Quote:You play redside Dr.?Blue side? BLUE SIDE?!
Dear forum posters, don't be fooled by the Television's propaganda. Oh sure, it may be luring you in with its sweet words of playing red side, but I ask you, WHO was the original red sider, hmm? Who was in red side before Television was even a THOUGHT?!
That's right, your good friend, Dr. Aeon.
These outrageous claims of me being on blue side are just that - outrageous claims, like the claims made by that ridiculous Dr. Creed or - even worse - Dr. Brainstorm.
Perhaps it's jealousy of my beautiful Architect Entertainment system that is driving Television to spread this propaganda. Perhaps you, Television, are the reason why I could not get that permit in Grandville for Architect Entertainment...your influence may be even more widespread than I thought.
In the end, dear readers, I ask that you all be very careful about this Television. Sure, it seems fun, it even references shows that, while horribly inaccurate of my own extraordinary and incredibly daring adventures in time and space, have the ability to draw you in for hours at a time. But then when those hours are done, you'll find just a little bit of yourself sapped away from the Television. Would I, Dr. Aeon, ever try to take part of you away? I think the answer to that is clear.
If you're somehow reading this Television, know that steps are being taken to settle this matter!
Who knew?! -
All must watch The Television. All must hail The Television. The Television Rules!
Quote:This alone would be a great start. I love this idea, you have a great mind!
Propel - Add a chance to summon an object that is targetable. These objects create variable effects when they are destroyed.
- Vehicles - AoE fire explosion
- Computer Equipment - AoE electric blast
- Canisters - Small oil slick/ice slick
- Metal / Glass Objects - shrapnel (caltrops)
(Note: I am aware that this change is not compatible with the current version of Propel, and may not be possible from a technical perspective.)
- It's random just like the rest of the set, you never really know what you're going to do next!
- It actually does damage. I no longer have propel. The animation it way to long to use since my Gravity teams most of the time (and there's some IOing reasons not valid here).
- It adds control. At an early level. Well, it *might* add control, if you pull the right stuff. Maybe some cans can even let out acid for debuffing.
- Its something the uncontrolled foes can hit, something other than you, even if its one hit. Gravs always have uncontrolled foes.
- If you can't enhance the Targetable's side effects it wouldn't be overpowered. Remember these would be little minis of what we already have in game.
On another note:
Due to possible PvP reasons (which may no longer be true) Dimension Shift will be hard to get rid of. For us. I mean convincing the developers to change. You get me? -
When you instinctively read real life plaques.
Join us (evil types) this evening at 4 pm PDT (7 pm EST) for a Thrillathon!
We'll have Monster Mashing, Banner Bashing, Tipsy Tot'ing and Costume Contests due to Facemaker's Folly! (Yes there will be infamy!)
It's all random! Be on time!
Note: Costume Contest near Cap Tailor. -
In the next round of Powerset Proliferation I'd like to nominate Cold Domination for Masterminds.
For those that agree, that's lovely.
For those that don't, go take a hot bath and leave me alone. -
My normal way of getting to The City Scoop is not working for me, anyone know a working link?
Thanks -
No! It will be the Hook Line travel power pool! Doh!
If I can't customize the colors of my Rad Blasters or Cold Dom MM's, it really means nothing to me.
[/ QUOTE ]
A Cold MM would make me all creamy. Can I haz? -
My dom and I will be there, imps may be duct typed in the base. . .
JFA and Chrome Support has had a lot of chatter about how hard Barracuda's SF is, but it's not.
Some things to help you guys:
1) Take at least two MMs if you can... just in case.
2) Don't worry so much about the ambushes if your team has a kin, let them gather about for FS bait.
(Note: Not saying take a kin, in fact take whatever. Just keep in mind your supports strengths.)
3) Prep as you would for a LRSF. I know for 20 merits it's not cool to have to get Shivan's and / or nukes (depending on how you like to run LRSF), but take what you take to a LRSF. (If nothing then Great!)
So, less talk about the impossible and more about how Justice rocks?
(I wrote this while half asleep..) -
I am listening to your ideas, but a Flashback system is simply not something we can implement in a timeframe you would all be happy with.
Instead we are looking into other options to get you the Pool B choice so level 50s don't feel gimped.
[/ QUOTE ]
Nice to meet you Doc, looks like you've got your hands full.
I just felt the need to assure you that if there were some sort of system implemented so could 50's to go down in level without loosing their badges and do missions / jobs for contacts they've missed it would be in a time frame I'd be happy with.
Since I know some (insert word of your choice here) will come along talking about exempting down, I just want to make it clear that's not what I'm talking about.
However, for the record, if I could get missions from my own contacts while exempted / malfactored I'd consider it a fix and move on.