Most survivable zero damage character?

Dark Sweater



I want a character who'll be able to stand doing nothing (using only passives, toggles and an auto power) and survive incidental attacks. He shouldn't do any damage to the attackers, just be able to live as long as possible. Mez protection would be a bonus. What AT (I assume Tanker) and powersets will be best for this?



Originally Posted by Dark Sweater View Post
I want a character who'll be able to stand doing nothing (using only passives, toggles and an auto power) and survive incidental attacks. He shouldn't do any damage to the attackers, just be able to live as long as possible. Mez protection would be a bonus. What AT (I assume Tanker) and powersets will be best for this?
Probably the easiest place to start would be with a granite tanker, but you won't have any Psi protection from that.



Making a tribute to The Watcher?

If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne

The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog



I would say a stone, WP, or invuln tank. Everything is going to be weak to something, but WP is the only tanker set I've been able to get to 50. The layered mitigation built in to the set gives me a good chance at surviving anything the game can throw my way, and I am virtually unkillable 80% of the time.



Originally Posted by Dark Sweater View Post
I want a character who'll be able to stand doing nothing (using only passives, toggles and an auto power) and survive incidental attacks. He shouldn't do any damage to the attackers, just be able to live as long as possible. Mez protection would be a bonus. What AT (I assume Tanker) and powersets will be best for this?
sorry for the question.. but why u want to do that?

defiant only

my public list :



My guess is the OP wants it because they find they have to go AFK at a moments notice while playing sometimes, and doesn't want to come back to find their character dead.

Honestly, I'd go with Invul, or if you wait until I21 drops, Super Reflexes. Both on tanks. The def soft cap will be easier to hit on Super Reflexes, but you won't get high resistances. With Invul, you can get high resist and soft cap def, fairly easily, but somewhat expensive.



Stone Invul Or WP. Elec if you got the money, Ice as a secondary.

The Only Token Black Guy

Originally Posted by Murdok View Post
Your mom's real name is Castle.



I'll be waiting until I21, and as for why I promise to tell and even show you once I create him, assuming I like what I get. It's a concept thing, a silly concept thing. And yes, there's a chance I'll AFK at a moment's notice, but that isn't really at the base of this.



I think a Force Field defender running Personal Force Field slotted up would be extremely survivable. You'd have to run Dispersion Bubble as well, to prevent mez. Although I'm not sure how it'd fare against extremely high accurace opponents like Ruularu eyeballs or Devouring Earth when they drop one of those crystal pseudo pets. I'd guess you'd be toast at that point. But against most content you'd be invulnerable.

Freedom: Blazing Larb, Fiery Fulcrum, Sardan Reborn, Arctic-Frenzy, Wasabi Sam, Mr Smashtastic.



Illusions/Force Field controller. Superior Invisibility makes you virtually undetectable (fully stealth capped), and for the few things that can see through it you'll be packing 67.5% defense and 40% resistance (before slotting) from Personal Force Field.



Originally Posted by Nucleocrat View Post
Illusions/Force Field controller. Superior Invisibility makes you virtually undetectable (fully stealth capped), and for the few things that can see through it you'll be packing 67.5% defense and 40% resistance (before slotting) from Personal Force Field.
I hate you. I love how this meshes with the character concept, but it lays to waste my carefully laid plans of world domination using Premium accounts. I will have to take a careful look at this and consider whether it's a good enough reason to buy Controller for that account.



Originally Posted by Nucleocrat View Post
Illusions/Force Field controller. Superior Invisibility makes you virtually undetectable (fully stealth capped), and for the few things that can see through it you'll be packing 67.5% defense and 40% resistance (before slotting) from Personal Force Field.
Take the Psionic Mastery ancillary for Indomitable Will, too. (And I guess you could throw in Mind Over Body for more resistance.)

If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne

The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog



Would putting hibernate on auto cast cause it to de-toggle as soon as it was turned on? If not then Ice Armor.




Originally Posted by Mr_Morbid View Post
Would putting hibernate on auto cast cause it to de-toggle as soon as it was turned on? If not then Ice Armor.
You forget there is a nophase on hibernate, and you can only use it after that expires (which is generally a while after it recharges).



Edit: I took a while researching this and tweaking the build as I worked. Now this I see you are wanting something to use on premium accounts, and considering most Preemies won't have access to IO sets without paying it is probably not useful.

I would suggest a Granite Tank, with Weave, Maneuvers, and Stealth. Also a Tier 4 Nerve Radial Alpha. Oh and of coure get all 4 attribute boosting accolades.

With Both +3% Def uniques and set bonuses I have a MIDS build showing Psionic Defense at 44.8% (if you are willing to sacrifice some resistance and Fire/Cold defense you can squeeze one more Impervium set into Granite and soft cap Psi) and 60%+ for all other types (thus over the 59% Incarnate content softcap.) My in game Granite build is nowhere near this, being at 50% or less D and no Psi sets.

The MIDS build also includes the 3% resistance unique. Psionic resist is a paltry 9% but all others are 79% plus.

I suggest a Tier 4 Ageless Radial Epiphany for use versus mobs having Defense Debuff. With your Granite and Rooted the Radial Epiphany will Hard Cap you DDR for 60 seconds and it's lingering effect combined with your Granite + Rooted DDR of 60.6% will be a minimum DDR of 81.8%. It also booosts your resist versus End Drain, Recovery debuff, and Recharge debuff. I use this combo in game. It will also give a one shot fill to your blue bar, and a highly useful little recharge boost (Granite loves the recharge) every 2 min. Put it on auto fire. Down time is a bare 2 sec.

If facing mobs without Defense Debuff, you don't need the DDR, put your Earth's Embrace on auto fire, or

You may also want or prefer a T4 Destiny Rebirth Radial Ephipany (another great candidate for auto fire.) I have both in game and the monster regen added to your rooted is very nice.

This build is way way overkill for almost any regular content. And I am sure it could be improved, perhaps by selecting a different Epic, but it is the most survivable thing I could come up with.


PS: Here's the data chunk:

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |



For a character actually capable of doing stuff when not AFK, I cast my vote for WP tanker. Mine can afk in groups of +4x8 as long as they don't have -def or -regen and never die, and I didn't use any purples or PVP IOs in his build at all.

@Draeth Darkstar
Virtue [Heroes, Roleplay], Freedom [Villains], Exalted [All Sides, Roleplay]
I24 Proc Chance = (Enhanced Recharge + Activation Time) * (Current PPM * 1.25) / 60*(1 + .75*(.15*Radius - 0.011*Radius*(360-Arc)/30))
Single Target Radius = 0. AoE Non-Cone Arc = 360.



Originally Posted by Mr_Morbid View Post
Would putting hibernate on auto cast cause it to de-toggle as soon as it was turned on? If not then Ice Armor.
You can only put regular click powers on autocast. Autopowers, Toggles, and Interruptable powers cannot be set to auto.




JakHammer, even if that build might not be relevant for me currently, that's quite a piece of work, and I thank you for it.



Hmm... how do you feel about indirectly dealing damage, like through pets? bots/ff could fill that roll, just set them on aggressive, get near a spawn, and your bots take most of the aggro, and kill things while you stand there. (or use the tankermind strategy - have them in bodyguard mode and use the presence pool to taunt)

"My inner mind has become a reality-cracking overgod. He torments me! Help!"



Do you want to stand there and do nothing or do you want to leave the keyboard and survive? I am playing a WP/Stone Brute, and I can walk away leaving...whatever power it is (does AoE knockdown, no damage) on auto and when I come back...still standing, still stomping on the ground. It's funny coming back 20 minutes after I leave, seeing how much closer I am to my damage badges and then walking away again. You know, to go to bed or eat dinner or something like that.



Originally Posted by The Grim Heaper View Post
Hmm... how do you feel about indirectly dealing damage, like through pets? bots/ff could fill that roll
I was going to say "mastermind" too, if the goal is to be able to walk away from a keyboard, although I'd suggest Bots/Dark Miasma. Run the Nightfall aura, target your Assault bot, and put Twilight Grasp on auto, and voila! instant auto death machine.

(Actually I haven't tried targeting through my pets. It works on NPCs so I assume it'll work through a pet.)



It cost money, but an Elec / Psi domi. The only thing is you *must* use IOs to cap s/l def (45%), perma domination and set up a way to have both hasten and dom auto fire, adding DP to auto is also most helpful (Yes, you it IS possible to do all of this, those that say otherwise are not looking in the right places.). Once done you can set up the toon to just drain endo, and leave it.

There is no creative impulse without discontent.




Originally Posted by Sardan View Post
I think a Force Field defender running Personal Force Field slotted up would be extremely survivable. You'd have to run Dispersion Bubble as well, to prevent mez. Although I'm not sure how it'd fare against extremely high accurace opponents like Ruularu eyeballs or Devouring Earth when they drop one of those crystal pseudo pets. I'd guess you'd be toast at that point. But against most content you'd be invulnerable.

This is why you take Power Mastery. Two-slot Force of Nature for Damage Resist. Slotted up for capped defenses pre-PFF, you're looking at something like 150% defense and capped 75% resists to EVERYTHING save Psi.

It'd take ridiculous amounts of defense debuff to get by those defenses. But yeah, something like DE or Rularuu are going to always be problematic. Even to Stoners in Granite.

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