Cold Dom for MMs, please.




In the next round of Powerset Proliferation I'd like to nominate Cold Domination for Masterminds.

For those that agree, that's lovely.

For those that don't, go take a hot bath and leave me alone.

There is no creative impulse without discontent.




Hmm. I sense a disconnect here:

For those that don't, go take a hot bath and leave me alone.
Versus signature of:
There is no creative impulse without discontent.
It's not your forum, it's NCSoft's. You don't get to decree who can and can't answer you. You're *going* to get disagreement. Instead of saying "Don't say anything if you don't agree," how about "If you're going to disagree, do so in a way that will help improve the idea" and accepting said criticism.

That said, they've got thermal and storm. Cold dom to me falls right in between those two. And all appropriate sets are eventually to be proliferated to all appropriate ATs per prior dev statements.



Things i'd like to see someday for heroes:

Traps and poison for controllers
Fire blast, Thermal Radiation and poison for defenders
Super Strength, Battle Axe, War Mace, Energy aura, Stone Armor, Ice armor and Energy Melee for scrappers
Dark Blast, Thorn blast (new set) for blasters
Martial Arts, broad sword, spines, katana, and Energy Aura for tankers

Things i'd like to see someday for villains: (will add more later)
Poison and Force Fields for corruptors

Friends don't let friends buy an ncsoft controlled project.



Hmm...MMs already have some purdy' friggin nifty secondaries. But I don't think cold dom would break mms, so im all for it!




Originally Posted by Noyjitat View Post
Traps and poison for controllers
They've said heroes won't be getting Poison. Then again, they said the same thing about Empathy for villains, and so they made Pain Domination. And then there's Going Rogue...



So what would be the thematic opposite of Poison... hmmmm. Candy! You heard it here first, Heroes are getting Candy Manipulation in I17

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
So what would be the thematic opposite of Poison... hmmmm. Candy! You heard it here first, Heroes are getting Candy Manipulation in I17
LOL oh man that cracked me up.. Your Avatar combined with that statement was just too funny ;P.

Cold would be pretty cool on a MM, like other's have said, they already have Thermal, Storm, and FF, Cold is like a mix of all those so I don't see why not.



Originally Posted by Noyjitat View Post
Super Strength [...] for scrappers
Rage + Scrapper damage mod = Broken. This one won't happen, at least not with SS as it currently exists. Alternate animations for MA is the compromise.



I don't see it as any more or less broken than Brutes with Rage and Fury, or Against All Odds and Fury, or a Scrapper with Against all Odds. With the usual numbers tweakage, it would be fine.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



I'd love /cold MMs to death. Ninja/Cold would do some absurd things versus single hard targets.

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
They've said heroes won't be getting Poison. Then again, they said the same thing about Empathy for villains, and so they made Pain Domination. And then there's Going Rogue...
That's why I think a new set borrowing on Poison's ideas would be great for heroes. I've suggested a power set called Chemistry, which involves tossing potions, mixing concoctions, injecting super-serums, and tossing vials of acid or vanishing smoke vials (like smoke flash but for human teammates). I even spelled out what the possible powers could be to try and get the ball rolling in Lady_Jade's Power Suggestion Box thread. Poisons is definitely a very sinister and unpleasant power set, and ultimately I think that's the reason heroes won't get it. Corruptors should get Poisons though, in my opinion. Poisons is just not heroic enough. Chemistry on the other hand... that could be understandable. I cloned a few moves (much like Pain Dom got from Empathy), but made some select few new moves to give the set its own flavor.



Originally Posted by Primantiss View Post
LOL oh man that cracked me up.. Your Avatar combined with that statement was just too funny ;P.

Cold would be pretty cool on a MM, like other's have said, they already have Thermal, Storm, and FF, Cold is like a mix of all those so I don't see why not.
Agreed, and agreed, lol.