Not able to send Gleemail.




I'm not able to send out e-mails.

I get the error: "You may send no more than 150 emails per day." However, I haven't sent any e-mails for 5 days now (as I can't...).

My e-mail settings are:

In-Game Email-Enabled
Local Mail: Friends and SG Only-Disabled
Global Mail: Global Friends Only-Disabled

I've cleared my email as far as I know there's nothing in it.

Also, I've /buged it, /petitioned it (on the second day), and updated the Ask a Question Discussion Thread so they wouldn't close it (ref # 100823-000474).

What I'm looking to know is if any other players have had an issue like this and if they have been able to fix it?


There is no creative impulse without discontent.




I've been having exactly the same error for roughly the same amount of time. I've also /petitioned it. You aren't alone. As for a workaround, I'm still able to receive e-mails even though I can't send them, so I can still trade inf and such back and forth between my characters using my fiance's account as an intermediary. I hope they fix this soon.

Feel free to try out my AE mission arc, # 473452: Praetorian Redemption



Been having the same issue with ingame e-mail since GR launched. Have reported it several times. Yesterday i got a response to try after the 8-26 patch, but i got the same results when i tried it last night.