Star Trek on Netflix




If you don't own the series firsthand, Netflix has added almost every Star Trek series ever made to their streaming service. TOS, TNG, Voyager, Enterprise. For some strange reason, no DS9, though.

See you all in a few weeks after I resurface from my TOS/TNG marathon.



Somebody besides Netflix has broadcast rights to DS9 until later this year. IIRC DS9 will be on Netflix streaming in October.



Originally Posted by Inazuma View Post
For some strange reason, no DS9, though.
This annoys me greatly. DS9 is my favorite series.

Also, I'd forgotten exactly how annoying Neelix was until I rewatched a few episodes of Voyager. Neelix needs to die. Horribly. Maybe by radiation poisoning. Or one of the Ceti Alpha worms. Perhaps stabbed in the heart with a d'k tahg.

Goodbye, I guess.

@Lord_Nightblade in Champions/Star Trek Online if you want to stay in touch



He did once, then they brought him back. Then he left in one of the thrid to last episodes.

Now we aren't ready quite yet to let the catgirls out of the bag.... (quote from ex libris)



Originally Posted by Head_Kracker View Post
He did once, then they brought him back. Then he left in one of the thrid to last episodes.
That's not dead enough.

Goodbye, I guess.

@Lord_Nightblade in Champions/Star Trek Online if you want to stay in touch



Originally Posted by Lord_Nightblade View Post
This annoys me greatly. DS9 is my favorite series.

Also, I'd forgotten exactly how annoying Neelix was until I rewatched a few episodes of Voyager. Neelix needs to die. Horribly. Maybe by radiation poisoning. Or one of the Ceti Alpha worms. Perhaps stabbed in the heart with a d'k tahg.
Exactly how nerdy is it that I know what Ceti Alpha worms are and what a d'k tahg is without having to look them up on a website somewhere?



Originally Posted by Lucretia_MacEvil View Post
Exactly how nerdy is it that I know what Ceti Alpha worms are and what a d'k tahg is without having to look them up on a website somewhere?
The fact you are asking that on a superhero MMO forum answers your question already.



Originally Posted by Inazuma View Post
If you don't own the series firsthand, Netflix has added almost every Star Trek series ever made to their streaming service. TOS, TNG, Voyager, Enterprise. For some strange reason, no DS9, though.

See you all in a few weeks after I resurface from my TOS/TNG marathon.
As others have said, Deep Space 9 arrives in October.

I've been killing time with TNG and a few espisodes of Voyager I haven't seen.

LOL @ Riker immediately flipping out on Q when he brings him from Earth to Voyager.
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Finally! I always wanted to get TNG on disc but whenever I checked, it was about $100 for one season, and that was not worth it to me. I caught enough reruns to really not make it worth it, either.

Now I can watch through in sequence, though. Woot!

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The TOS episodes are, by the way, the recently re-mastered ones with the updated special effects.



Originally Posted by Inazuma View Post
The TOS episodes are, by the way, the recently re-mastered ones with the updated special effects.
they are still insanely bad camp and cheesy... ^.^



I always thought it was funny that people constantly portray TV from the 60s and 70s as camp and cheesy. Guess what, TV was the red headed step child to movie studios back then and most had a budget so tiny when compared to today's programs on the major networks, even adjusted for inflation. Yes SciFi series back then didn't have the budget for all the cool effects we have today. Buck Rodgers and the original Battlestar Galactica had surprisingly large FX budgets for their pilots and then reused the footage for the entire series with the odd extra footage shot from time to time which then got reused later.

Also over the 40 odd years the very structure of TV genres have changed. Somebody develops an interesting twist to the existing drama or comedy and within a few years most shows will mirror that until the next twist and the process repeats. Do that a few iterations and soon a police drama like Dragnet looks nothing like today's police dramas. Are today's police dramas anything like Dragnet or Atom 12? Are today's legal dramas anything like Perry Mason?

Yes there are a few "comedy" episodes on the original Star Trek but it wasn't all camp.

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actually i used that word wrong... what i meant is that its really hard to watch due to quality, bad continuity, and a few other things. It's actually really good camp ^.^

There are a lot of bad camp tv, but there are a lot of bad camp, so much so that camp is considered bad in general... Batman and Star Trek is good camp.



i signed up for netflix just for star trek. and i still havent made it to star trek yet.
been having a power ranger marathon. already on my 3rd season.
im glad im on vacation this week.
ill be looking forward to when ds9 comes to netflix cause it is one of my favorites.

@Eternal Twilight
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Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
I always thought it was funny that people constantly portray TV from the 60s and 70s as camp and cheesy. Guess what, TV was the red headed step child to movie studios back then and most had a budget so tiny when compared to today's programs on the major networks, even adjusted for inflation. Yes SciFi series back then didn't have the budget for all the cool effects we have today. Buck Rodgers and the original Battlestar Galactica had surprisingly large FX budgets for their pilots and then reused the footage for the entire series with the odd extra footage shot from time to time which then got reused later.

Also over the 40 odd years the very structure of TV genres have changed. Somebody develops an interesting twist to the existing drama or comedy and within a few years most shows will mirror that until the next twist and the process repeats. Do that a few iterations and soon a police drama like Dragnet looks nothing like today's police dramas. Are today's police dramas anything like Dragnet or Atom 12? Are today's legal dramas anything like Perry Mason?

Yes there are a few "comedy" episodes on the original Star Trek but it wasn't all camp.
Agreed. Perhaps the most comedic episode was Trouble with Tribbles, even Spock had a surprising but humorous line in it. As far as camp in original Trek, the bulk of that was Season 3, Spock's Brain, children shall lead, the hippie episode.....



I loved the hippy episode.



Originally Posted by ObiWan View Post
I loved the hippy episode.
Herbert! Herbert! Herbert! Herbert!

Goodbye, I guess.

@Lord_Nightblade in Champions/Star Trek Online if you want to stay in touch



Been watching the physical DVDs for DS9 pretty religiously for the last month or so. Watching about 2 episodes per day, and loving the series so far.

Good to know they will be streaming all the treks soon too.

Now watch out for the price hike!



Originally Posted by ObiWan View Post
I loved the hippy episode.
To each their own, to me that episode doesn't rank very high on my faves list

For original Trek, my favorite episodes to this day would be:

Balance of Terror
Space Seed (KHAN!)
Errand of Mercy (Organians, too bad there was no follow up with them)
Ultimate Computer (M5)
Trouble with Tribbles
Doomsday Machine



Since Netflix is planning a major price hike if you rent DVDs and use their streaming service, it's good they are adding content to the streaming service. The only thing I watch on their streaming service is Doctor Who - I'm almost caught up and I was going to cancel the streaming part when they start charging separately for it. Now I might have to postpone that.