Discussion: First Ward Overview now available!




Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Couldn't Tyrant and Anti-matter have come up with a plan that didn't involve the deaths of thousands of citizens? Like, say, using people with superpowers to evacuate the people?
I heard Kanye West say that "Emperor Cole doesn't care about Ward people."


Kill 'em all. Let XP sort 'em out.



Originally Posted by Rylas View Post
I heard Kanye West say that "Emperor Cole doesn't care about Ward people."
Sorry Rylas, Imma let you finish, but I just have to tell you that Hamidon's destruction of Italy was the best hamidon attack of all time! All time!!!!

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
Also well written story for this zone.
I thought that too.

But don't worry, I'm sure it'll pass. We'll find out that lots of people died not because they were at war but because Cole and his cronies are EEEEEVIIIIL!!!

(Stung by Praetoria once. Not getting fooled again. )

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup - www.themilitia.org.uk



Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
I always imagined that Cole's last, desperate attempt to kill us would involve trying to forcibly make the Well give him more power, resulting in him turning himself into an angelic looking being... that we beat the crap out of.
Ah, yes. The classic. It's either an angel or a dragon, and I don't see Cole going for the dragon option. No, Cole would definitely go for the angel form. Also only an amateur goes for a snake. It never, ever helps to turn into a snake.

I do see the sonic barrier inversion as a part of a future trial, though. It seems like the kind of thing that'd fit in one. Time's up, everyone dies.

Aegis Rose, Forcefield/Energy Defender - Freedom
"Bubble up for safety!"



So far this is looking pretty cool! I can't wait to see more, or learn more about the new characters we'll be meeting here.
And does anyone else notice that one of the towers looks like the short and stocky lovechild of the Chrysler and Empire State Buildings? Seriously, it's got Chrysler's famous protruding gargoyles, and its spire appears to be modeled after that of the Empire State.
But seriously, the buildings look amazingly well done, kudos!

A (Golden Gate) Bridge Too Far- arc 299315
Crazy NIMBY's, Railroad robber barons, and kickboxing Engineers, Oh My! Go back in time and join the fight to save a San Francisco icon!



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Couldn't Tyrant and Anti-matter have come up with a plan that didn't involve the deaths of thousands of citizens? Like, say, using people with superpowers to evacuate the people?
Tough decisions and sacrifices had to be made. We had to destroy First Ward in order to save it.


"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." -- Dr. Seuss



Looks kinda like PROTOTYPE 2.

Edit: lol


Seems like in this pic there's a survivor camp or fortress in middle of the building. There's NPCs and stuff.

Also do we know the zone lvl yet?



Originally Posted by Gaspard View Post
Looks kinda like PROTOTYPE 2.

Seems like in this pic there's a survivor camp or fortress in middle of the building. There's NPCs and stuff.

Also do we know the zone lvl yet?
I notice further back in that same pic, there is the roof of what looks like a Tram station. An access route from the rest of Praetoria perhaps, something like Croatoa line was closed for awhile but since re-opened?



Originally Posted by McNum View Post
Ah, yes. The classic. It's either an angel or a dragon, and I don't see Cole going for the dragon option. No, Cole would definitely go for the angel form. Also only an amateur goes for a snake. It never, ever helps to turn into a snake.
Rule 34 if I remember correctly.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup - www.themilitia.org.uk



Originally Posted by Snarkhunter View Post
I notice further back in that same pic, there is the roof of what looks like a Tram station. An access route from the rest of Praetoria perhaps, something like Croatoa line was closed for awhile but since re-opened?
Access to First Ward is from the Underground in Imperial City and from Talos Island.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post

Maybe it's like Brigadoon... if the mist is right, you can find your way there. If you don't blunder into a sonic wall first.

Once in the highlands...the highlands of Praetoria, two weary travelers lost their way...

Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios



Looks good

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Access to First Ward is from the Underground in Imperial City and from Talos Island.
so what your saying then is the devs hate villains , right?



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Tens of thousands wouldn't refuse to leave when they saw Devouring Earth monsters rampaging throguh the plave

Although, Tyrant does have a record of this kind of behavior, with letting the DE destroy Rome, Italy while he just stood and watched
So you're saying they all had an evil hive mind and Cole was doing us a favor by destroying them? Hmm.. that's an interesting theory which you've obviously come up with, GG. That's the only way to explain why they all refused to leave..

And 2.. What, you've never heard the expression "When in Rome?" :P

Still hate the visit Winscott mission- make it dropable, have it give actual exp or remove it altogether. PS- Down knows who you are.
J/ Wilde/
/ AIL - Celebrating five years!



Originally Posted by Gaspard View Post
Seems like in this pic there's a survivor camp or fortress in middle of the building. There's NPCs and stuff.
Or the residence of a powerful NPC? Hmmm...

Also do we know the zone lvl yet?
Level 20-26.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
Once in the highlands...the highlands of Praetoria, two weary travelers lost their way...
Why, it's almost like being, a clone.

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Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Couldn't Tyrant and Anti-matter have come up with a plan that didn't involve the deaths of thousands of citizens? Like, say, using people with superpowers to evacuate the people?
The people were super powers were on the exterior of the city fighting the Devouring Earth, which is why the DE were able to massacre their way through the center as they did.

Or so I've heard

"I accidently killed Synapse, do we need to restart the mission?" - The Oldest One on Lord Recluses Strike Force



Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
Maybe it's like Brigadoon... if the mist is right, you can find your way there.
I'm sure there will be regular express trains leaving from the main CTA stations to the forbidden area nobody is supposed to go.

If not, you can always travel by brigadoon-buggy.




Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
It's a Dark Astoria/Croatoa/Eden mash up
In general, the rule for Praetoria has always been that rather than be a mirror of our world where everything is there but opposite, most elements of Praetoria are mash ups, where different forces that combined in one way on Primal Earth recombined in a completely different way on Praetoria.

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Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Level 20-26.
There goes that excitement.



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
In general, the rule for Praetoria has always been that rather than be a mirror of our world where everything is there but opposite, most elements of Praetoria are mash ups, where different forces that combined in one way on Primal Earth recombined in a completely different way on Praetoria.
cf. Syndicate; Carnival of Light

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Who ya goin call

Is it me or has the preat hami being taking steriods

BTW is acess to the new trial going to take place in the first ward

Wonder how Coles force are going to deal with shivans could we see a States/Recluse/Cole team up is that the menders plan

Who gets Paragon Burgers first Cole Nemisis or Shivans

Are we going to get P.E.A.T. (Preatorian Elite Architype)

These questions and more



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Access to First Ward is from the Underground in Imperial City and from Talos Island.
Where is the article or Redname quote on this?

This looks amazing but in the last First Ward feature, there was a picture of Serene Sorceress fighting the Praetorian Snakes.

Oh, when will we get details on WW's Praetorian double!




Originally Posted by Chill_Arrow_EU View Post
Are we going to get P.E.A.T. (Preatorian Elite Architype)

These questions and more
I would love Praetorian Epic ArchTypes! (PEATs)

I don't know what their design will be since you should get two choices. It would be nice to get some Praetorian Patron Arcs!
