Discussion: First Ward Overview now available!




Will the new zone be available for primal characters via Ouroboros or even any new primal character created once they reach level 20?

I am planning on creating a few characters to try the new Galaxy zone out and it would be nice to look at this new zone also once they reach level 20.

FireBlazer Level 50 Fire/Fire Blaster
New Blood Foundation/Rebellion

Dark Merchant Level 50 Ninja Stalker
Global Chat: FireBlazer



Sure I read some where that you will be able to acess the zone frome Talos which implies primals get to play too [pps primals can enter preat via pocket d



Originally Posted by FireBlazer View Post
Will the new zone be available for primal characters via Ouroboros or even any new primal character created once they reach level 20?

I am planning on creating a few characters to try the new Galaxy zone out and it would be nice to look at this new zone also once they reach level 20.
There was mention upthread that there will be an entrance from Talos Island hero side. That implies some ambiguity whether only characters in that range would have access, or if any hero could travel there via the Talos entrance.

However, all Primals can gain access to Praetoria via Pocket D/Studio 55 right now, so I am going on record as assuming that, at the very least, we could use the entrances in Praetoria to get into First Ward to at least see the zone itself.

Main Character: Ice/Storm/Ice Controller (Justice, 1340 badges)



Sounds interesting! I like the fact that this is where the Psyche Hospital is placed.
Excellent way to explain the disparity of why the hospital is a run-down building
when the rest of Praetoria to-date has always been so clean and sterile.

One very minor, admittedly petty nitpick though. At the end of the Overview...

Fate, it seems, has other plans.
I really, really wish people would find other wordings. In this day and age,
this is rapidly replacing "It was a dark and stormy night..." as the most trite
and overused turn of phrase in fiction.



Originally Posted by Judgement_Dave View Post
Doesn't the width of a jumbo jet mean the wingspan?

The tentacles I've seen so far look more like the width of the fusealage alone.
You answered your own question. Width and wingspan are two different things.

Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.



. Those who know Cole’s secrets know that this is a place where the barrier between this world and the next is stretched thin, where the spirits of the dead walk among the living,
yessss. More horror stuff!

In the room the women come and go
Talking of Michelangelo.



I was bit disappointed with the level range. I had big hopes to explore the zone and contacts without exemping on my lvl 50, but I guess you can't jump from lvl 20 to 50 like that.

That said, I kinda like the idea of a mutated wasteland with survivors salvaging stuff to survive. It's pretty cool because I think this kind of concept wouldn't work the same way in Paragon City or even Rogue Isles. You got Eden and Boomtown in Paragon City, but those are just single wastelands.
In Praetoria it seems to be completely oppposite, the whole world is a mutated wasteland with only few functioning societies. Kind of like a post-apocalyptic world, which is what I dig.



Originally Posted by Gaspard View Post
I was bit disappointed with the level range. I had big hopes to explore the zone and contacts without exemping on my lvl 50, but I guess you can't jump from lvl 20 to 50 like that.
This should be expected. The original CoH content did not go all the way to 50 either (nor did CoV) until some time after release.

Main Character: Ice/Storm/Ice Controller (Justice, 1340 badges)



Originally Posted by flipside View Post
This should be expected. The original CoH content did not go all the way to 50 either (nor did CoV) until some time after release.
Yeah, I just hope there's an Ouro option available. Doubt it though.



Originally Posted by Gaspard View Post
Yeah, I just hope there's an Ouro option available. Doubt it though.
I think one of the main problems with putting Praetorian content into Ouroboros is the way that it flags you as a Praetorian - they'd need to be able to disable that flag for non-Praetorians to be able to use it without turning them into Praetorians.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Seems someone on the Dev team may have played 3rd Birthday a bit too much (or maybe I have, dunno which). Those Hami tenticles look a lot like the Twisted Babel Spires in that game. Not a bad thing, as those were freaking awesome, but still. Really looking forward to getting to explore all the new stuff this area has when it goes live, though. Hopefully get one of my two Praetorians up to 50 before this goes live.

Global: @Darkojin



Originally Posted by Voehler View Post
Hopefully get one of my two Praetorians up to 50 before this goes live.
First Ward is a 20-25 level zone - I'd suggest parking any of your Praetorians at 20 in the Imperial City Underground

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by McNum View Post
I do see the sonic barrier inversion as a part of a future trial, though.
And when do I get that for my Sonic/Sonic Defender?

'I don't like the look of it at all,' said the King: 'however, it may kiss my hand if it likes.'
'I'd rather not,' the Cat remarked.
'Don't be impertinent,' said the King, 'and don't look at me like that!' He got behind Alice as he spoke.
'A cat may look at a king,' said Alice.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
First Ward is a 20-25 level zone - I'd suggest parking any of your Praetorians at 20 in the Imperial City Underground
Hmm, could have sworn they had said a new 50 zone was going live with Freedom. Maybe I misread it, either way both of my Praetorian characters are too high already for this zone. Both already out of Praetoria, one went to red side (currently level 29), other to blue (level 27).

Global: @Darkojin



Hmm, Cole as an angelic being? Wouldn't he have to have only one wing with a chorus singing in pseudo-latin in the background? And have attacks that destroy the entire galaxy just to cause damage to people trying to take him down?

@Manipulative Maiden

Mission Architect Arc: Tales of the Weird Dimensions: Grand Convergence (ID 521409)



Originally Posted by SisterMimi View Post
Hmm, Cole as an angelic being? Wouldn't he have to have only one wing with a chorus singing in pseudo-latin in the background? And have attacks that destroy the entire galaxy just to cause damage to people trying to take him down?
Well, I kind of more imagined he'd be two winged, but he'd be, literally, statuesque, like a cracking statue. I mean if he has to resort to this he's probably lost to us a few times already and I can only imagine how willing the well would be to help him, as in, not at all.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Praetoria has a strong horror theme in it
So does Paragon. See: Vaz, Hellions, Skulls, CoT... etc

People die grizzly deaths all over the place in PC, and all the major heroes do is stand around and watch

There is no such thing as an "innocent bystander"