Removing Heal Decay & Travel Suppression from PVP




Originally Posted by IanTheM1 View Post
I really don't see why travel suppression should be eliminated in PVP. Tweaking or updating its mechanics, maybe? But not a complete removal.
I twitched when I read this. I agree with you, but I was remember the arguments

This is a song about a super hero named Tony. Its called Tony's theme.
Jagged Reged: 23/01/04



Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
Also currently the counters to folks running away that Xan posted are completely loltastic in the age of "Phase shift and Hibernoob every time you take significant damage." All those counters only work on complete noobs.
Taking superjump and superspeed to follow people doesn't allow you to match their speed?

Veteran players are immune to the -jump from web grenade?

If players phase, I'm not able to also phase and carry on hitting them?

Players "escape" by hitting hibernate?

Your post implied all the above. Very confusing. I agreed with the rest of your post though.



Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
I'm not trying to sound like a pro or anything.
That's good!

Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
If your tank is only capable of killing easy targets then i's not exactly fair to say that travel suppression is helping him do that. Easy targets are easy targets regardless of the system.



No need for that mate. Very immature.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
It wouldn't make it more fun for me. Every time I've done PvP in the past, easily the biggest problem that outright ruined my experience has been travel powers as used by myself and other players. Nothing sucks more than getting the upper hand on a difficult opponent, only for him to fire up Super Jump and disappear over the hill.

^^ So much this.

I hate kiting-pvp (which from what I have seen (even before i13) and still now) seems to be what CoH is/was about. *attack, run away* Stand and fight! I love the monkey cage arena map

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
Melee (scrapper/tank/brute) isn't useless. They can be good tauntbots/web grenaders. That is an immensely useful role in pvp because not only does taunt limit who people can attack - but it also reduces range. This can affect damage dealers, healers, etc. The web grenades can keep people grounded. (making it harder for people to escape.) A well played taunter makes a much bigger difference than a melee character trying to be a damage dealer in PVP. (This applies to both pre and post Issue 13 PVP.)
I think this is why I am unlikely to find PvP an enjoyable experience.

This is a song about a super hero named Tony. Its called Tony's theme.
Jagged Reged: 23/01/04



Honestly I think it would be a very good idea (however impractical) for them to just completely do away with the different mechanics for Zone PvP, before Freedom launches. I know it won't happen. But new players first walking into a PvP zone and finding completely different rules from what they're still trying to learn in PvE is just going to send them right back out of that PvP zone. Having a separate ruleset for PvP creates a barrier for new players, which is ironic, since the intention was to make PvP more accessible to new players. I'm not really sure how they thought that would work, but there you have it.

I also agree with Bionic Flea above me who said that the old system, while it had flaws, at least had checks and balances.

However, since I know that can't happen, I must agree with Xanatos here - if there is any way you can turn off travel suppression and heal decay, please, please do it. It's a good first step, it certainly sounds like low hanging fruit, and it would alleviate the most dramatic differences between PvE and PvP.


"We must prepare for DOOM and hope for FREEM." - SirFrederick



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
That's not a safe assertion in the slightest. City of Heroes is hardly the only F2P MMO with PvP in it.
I will readily admit my belief that many F2P folks will come to try out the PvP is only opinion and not grounded on anything other than such.

The reason I think that it is likely, however, is that folks who are in it for the genre and general play probably either fall into the category of subscribers, or have at least tried the game before and will be returning as Premium players.

Couple that with the heavy limitations of the full F2P model, short of a few individuals who either just don't want to (or can't) pay for an MMO finally getting the break they've been wanting to try this game, I'm inclined to think a big influx of the fresh F2P folks (or at least accounts) will be due to something other than folks just wanting to play superheroes/villains. The most common and prolific player that model is likely to appeal to, in my opinion, are folks who will want to try the PvP content.

EDIT: For the bean-counters, I should include the F2P AND microtransaction model... playing free and only buying the things that help them PvP better.

"I play characters. I have to have a very strong visual appearance, backstory, name, etc. to get involved with a character, otherwise I simply won't play it very long. I'm not an RPer by any stretch of the imagination, but character concept is very important for me."- Back Alley Brawler
I couldn't agree more.



Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
^^ So much this.

I hate kiting-pvp (which from what I have seen (even before i13) and still now) seems to be what CoH is/was about. *attack, run away* Stand and fight! I love the monkey cage arena map
If two players WANT to stand and fight they're still able to do that.

But what about the players who enjoy fast paced combat? Why should they be slowed down to accommodate you? Especially when you are more than capable of taking powers to match their speed?



Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
No need for that mate. Very immature.
Well don't tell me how you don't want to sound like a Pro then immediately say I only got kills because they were 'easy' kills. I respond to silliness like that in kind!

Also the idea of being forced to take Super-Speed or Super-Jump to PvP isn't all that appealing to me. Nor is being forced to get Web Nades (Which you need to control Siren's Call for), take Teleport Other to counter Teleport or play powersets with -Jump and Slows. This is creating checklists that you need to complete before you can have any fun and that is not a good thing for enticing new players, especially as these checklists aren't spelled out.

There's no counter to Phase Shift or Hibernate but I've only ever faced someone with either once (Hibernate) so it wasn't really a thing I ever worried about. Okay I may have played a Fire/Ice tank in the PvP zones once, but unlike my SS/WP they really were absolutely useless beyond taunting.

I'd like to be able to take a character into PvP and have at the very least a middling chance of being useful in ways beyond pressing Taunt. Rather than fresh meat for the murder machine as I don't have the powers 'needed' to survive.

Heck maybe if on entering a PvP zone I was given free web nade temps and a Temp Power that gave me Super Speed/Super Jump I'd find it less of a hassle to PvP. But I'd still think bouncing about like jumping beans looks and plays in an absolutely ridiculous way.



Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
If two players WANT to stand and fight they're still able to do that.

But what about the players who enjoy fast paced combat? Why should they be slowed down to accommodate you? Especially when you are more than capable of taking powers to match their speed?
That's the thing, fast paced doesn't have to be SS/SJ/Stealth spike damage.

Like I said, I'm all for removing travel supression AND rooting (I want to have an awesome aerial dogfight darnit!!) but that would only be viable and in my opinion, fun, if there were some serious hard caps to movement speeds. Stop-go-stop of travel supression sucks but I see the intent in it.

I'd be much more interested in PvP if it were more (and here's my catch word for PvP again) dynamic, but that doesn't mean I want a return of the invisible jumping beans. Fast paced doesn't have to mean fast like superspeed fast, but a good consistent clip for in combat movement would be ideal.

"I play characters. I have to have a very strong visual appearance, backstory, name, etc. to get involved with a character, otherwise I simply won't play it very long. I'm not an RPer by any stretch of the imagination, but character concept is very important for me."- Back Alley Brawler
I couldn't agree more.



Originally Posted by Fanservice View Post
Well don't tell me how you don't want to sound like a Pro then immediately say I only got kills because they were 'easy' kills. I respond to silliness like that in kind!
Well you didn't go into detail about it as I requested so I had to make a guess. Apologies if I was wrong!

Originally Posted by Fanservice View Post
Also the idea of being forced to take Super-Speed or Super-Jump to PvP isn't all that appealing to me. Nor is being forced to get Web Nades (Which you need to control Siren's Call for), take Teleport Other to counter Teleport or play powersets with -Jump and Slows. This is creating checklists that you need to complete before you can have any fun and that is not a good thing for enticing new players, especially as these checklists aren't spelled out.
Well all this means is that all new players are disadvantaged compared to experienced players. Which is to be expected. But if you have a large group of new players then they will pretty much level out against each other. In my experience, having run multiple casual-friendly PVP events, newbie players fighting other newbies tend to do well.

The idea should be that PVP is fun enough that a lot of people want to play it. If a lot of people want to play it then you'll constantly be fighting casual players / newbie players who don't have optimal builds. I know back before Travel Suppression and Heal Decay I was fighting with a flying blaster. Sure one web grenade would negate my travel power, and the PVP pros would absolutely destroy me. But i'd just let it happen. Anytime I fought a more casual player I had a lot of fun.

Those casual players are gone now. Now everything is FOTM and twinked out.

Originally Posted by Fanservice View Post
There's no counter to Phase Shift or Hibernate but I've only ever faced someone with either once (Hibernate) so it wasn't really a thing I ever worried about. Okay I may have played a Fire/Ice tank in the PvP zones once, but unlike my SS/WP they really were absolutely useless beyond taunting.
You can phase shift and hit people.

If someone is in hibernate you simply wait until they come into it. Also Hibernate has a 1.5 second animation time during which the player can still be attacked.

Originally Posted by Fanservice View Post
I'd like to be able to take a character into PvP and have at the very least a middling chance of being useful in ways beyond pressing Taunt. Rather than fresh meat for the murder machine as I don't have the powers 'needed' to survive.
Oh I agree completely. Melee characters should be able to do a lot more than they currently can. Who wants to level up a superman or wolverine inspired character just to end up a tauntbot? I know I didn't. My point was that melee chaacters were taunters both before and after Issue 13. Travel Suppression and Heal Decay haven't changed that. (Which is why i was confused you think they had made a difference...)

Originally Posted by Fanservice View Post
Heck maybe if on entering a PvP zone I was given free web nade temps and a Temp Power that gave me Super Speed/Super Jump I'd find it less of a hassle to PvP. But I'd still think bouncing about like jumping beans looks and plays in an absolutely ridiculous way.
Well that's just your personal opinion. I used to feel the same way when I was a casual PVPer. Once I got into PVP a bit more I started liking the fast paced combat more.



Originally Posted by Lycantropus View Post
That's the thing, fast paced doesn't have to be SS/SJ/Stealth spike damage.

Like I said, I'm all for removing travel supression AND rooting (I want to have an awesome aerial dogfight darnit!!) but that would only be viable and in my opinion, fun, if there were some serious hard caps to movement speeds. Stop-go-stop of travel supression sucks but I see the intent in it.

I'd be much more interested in PvP if it were more (and here's my catch word for PvP again) dynamic, but that doesn't mean I want a return of the invisible jumping beans. Fast paced doesn't have to mean fast like superspeed fast, but a good consistent clip for in combat movement would be ideal.
Yeah they can't remove rooting animations sadly. (Or at least they couldn't when Castle was asked about it back in 2008.)

I agree on hard caps for travel speeds. But unlike you I think the current PVE hardcaps are appropriate for PVP. I don't think it's too fast for fun combat.



First I am old - at 52 I still play and used to play in various First Person Shooters (FPS) since the days of 300 baud dialup modems.

I have played everything from Halflife, Unreal, Quake, Soldier of Fortune 1 & 2, Battlefield 1942 and many more including Left for dead 1 & 2.

Now in PvP in these games one thing stands out above all others - PLAYER MADE CONTENT. To be successful with PvP you must let the PLAYERS make the content. Remember, Counterstrike was made by a PLAYER - who was then hired by Valve. I am telling you now the one and only way to turn this game around from a PvP stand point is to have an AE like enviroment for PvP. It could be a huge groundbreaking MMO feature.

City of Heroes has without doubt the best costume creator of all time. Hands down nothing else is close.

Now if we took the AE and allowed PLAYERS to create maps similar to the base creator and let PLAYERS balance powers, travel and game play - adding temp powers for flags with reset timers, escort missions (which we already have!), capture the case and escape and let us do so in a normal 8 man/woman/animal/robot/alien team setting - you would have an award winning feature that would set the MMO world on its head.

PvP cannot be made popular by the Devs. In every single one of the games I have played the player made maps became far more popular. Instead of a handful of people working on content you have hundreds or thousands and some of these become big hits. The players find the balance and a use for powers that is out of the box.

Think of the 20 man all Rad team that beat Hamidon first.

I can see a capture the flag game now where a bubbler has reinforced a wall that needs to be destroyed in order to get to the flag, I can imagine so many uses for powers that it has seriously angered me over the last 7 years that the PvP was a red headed step child. The amazing travel powers was the fun of the original PvP. I recall fighting a running super speed battle with another blaster as we zipped all over and it was epic.

I am not asking for the Devs to fix PvP - I am asking to give US the tools to create it.



Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
Well you didn't go into detail about it as I requested so I had to make a guess. Apologies if I was wrong!
I can bring back the silly pictures if needs be. The point was I was saying "I don't want this to turn into a 'Real PvP'ers aren't affected by suppresion" which you none the less decided to argue even though I didn't want to talk about it. Hence the silly pictures.

Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
The idea should be that PVP is fun enough that a lot of people want to play it. .
Yes! The previous system wasn't popular and nor is the current system. Going backwards instead of forwards is not helpful

Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
You can phase shift and hit people.
Neat! I did not know that. However that's just one more power to add to my silly list of 'Needs' now.

If someone is in hibernate you simply wait until they come into it. Also Hibernate has a 1.5 second animation time during which the player can still be attacked.
I never died with Hibernate, but then again I only killed one other person and they were being a total sitting duck.

Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
Oh I agree completely. Melee characters should be able to do a lot more than they currently can. Who wants to level up a superman or wolverine inspired character just to end up a tauntbot? I know I didn't. My point was that melee chaacters were taunters both before and after Issue 13. Travel Suppression and Heal Decay haven't changed that. (Which is why i was confused you think they had made a difference...)
Melee are better off with Travel Suppression. They're not a LOT better off but they are better off. A lot of people just aren't very good with dealing with Travel Suppression, they don't realise if they avoid getting attacked for a short period (Or just get high Def briefly ) they can bounce away.

Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
Well that's just your personal opinion. I used to feel the same way when I was a casual PVPer. Once I got into PVP a bit more I started liking the fast paced combat more.
Hey! I don't hate Fast Paced Combat. In fact I'm a huge FPS nut and my first love was Planetside, so it's not like I'm not used to death being swift and bloody. But the old system isn't faster paced it's just faster in the literal sense that people are moving about quicker. The damage done does not change. My tank takes even LONGER to kill in the old system actually as I can just run away whenever I feel like it and they have to have the counters ready to stop me. Then again I can do that in the current if I'm lucky with the dodges so hey. At least it's something.

And of course it's my own opinion! Who's else would it have been?



Just a caveat - I don't PvP, I've never PvP'd (outside once defending myself in Bloody Bay from a guy who SJ'd away as soon as I hit him back), and have never particularly liked it even when I played games that basically had open-season on all players all the time. In fact, COH sold me on 2 important things - Costumes and discreet PvP zones.

However I have a question. The Heal Decay thing I totally get... actually I get both sides of that argument from having to referee PvP fights in the past, so I don't have any questions about that. I am curious about travel suppression. How is it different in PvP than it is in PvE?



I would have made a rather lengthy post discussing various points about PvP and the "required" powers to even participate.

But, because of one reply you made to my statement...

Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
Yes it would.
I can discount anything else you have to say.

Good day.

There I was between a rock and a hard place. Then I thought, "What am I doing on this side of the rock?"



Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
If two players WANT to stand and fight they're still able to do that.

But what about the players who enjoy fast paced combat? Why should they be slowed down to accommodate you? Especially when you are more than capable of taking powers to match their speed?

So to join in on PvP I have to make/take powers that I usually wouldn't just so that I can join in? Isn't that why you don't like what I said? Why do I have to accommodate you (or others)?


Look, there needs to be more than just 'pvp'....there needs to be an objective in pvp beyond just killing someone. Capture the flag, king of the hill, SOMETHING.

If I want to pvp, I'll play the latest fps (which btw I loved doing; quake, twf, unreal, etc...)...I didn't mind team deathmatches but I loved capture the flag/defending a base/etc...I'm a sniper at heart so I like defending.

I know the devs tried to do something like this in RV but...there are no real rewards for taking over RV...double xp in the zone for 1-5 mins? meh...

And just so you know, I'm not arguing against taking away Heal Decay or Travel Suppression....Travel Suppression should be gone wholesale (in pve too) I think.

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



Originally Posted by Fanservice View Post
I can bring back the silly pictures if needs be. The point was I was saying "I don't want this to turn into a 'Real PvP'ers aren't affected by suppresion" which you none the less decided to argue even though I didn't want to talk about it. Hence the silly pictures.
I wasn't saying "Real PVPers" (silly name) aren't affected by travel suppression. I just said it doesn't make a difference to a tanks ability to kill other players.

Originally Posted by Fanservice View Post
Yes! The previous system wasn't popular and nor is the current system. Going backwards instead of forwards is not helpful
If I walk into broken glass should I step backwards and rethink my path, or should I soldier on, through the broken glass?

Vague metaphors with moralistic leanings aren't useful when it comes to system design.

Originally Posted by Fanservice View Post
Neat! I did not know that. However that's just one more power to add to my silly list of 'Needs' now.
Damned if you can can counter it. Damned if you can't.

The only conclusion is that you don't actually like PVP as it is.

Originally Posted by Fanservice View Post
I never died with Hibernate, but then again I only killed one other person and they were being a total sitting duck.
I've died in hibernate loads.

Originally Posted by Fanservice View Post
Melee are better off with Travel Suppression. They're not a LOT better off but they are better off. A lot of people just aren't very good with dealing with Travel Suppression, they don't realise if they avoid getting attacked for a short period (Or just get high Def briefly ) they can bounce away.
How are melee people better off with Travel Suppression?

I'm not asking in theory. Because in theory it SHOULD make a difference. In reality it doesn't. All travel suppression does is make it easier for ranged characters to kill someone. This is because melee characters are suppressed by their own melee it becomes a crawl for two players. So the melee characters have to crawl to their suppressed opponenet before TS wears off to land another attack. Alternatively: the ranged character, while crawling, just fires ranged blast after ranged blast.

So yes. Travel Suppression does not help melee characters.

I have some ideas that would help make scrappers viable. But this isn't really the thread for it.

Originally Posted by Fanservice View Post
Hey! I don't hate Fast Paced Combat. In fact I'm a huge FPS nut and my first love was Planetside, so it's not like I'm not used to death being swift and bloody. But the old system isn't faster paced it's just faster in the literal sense that people are moving about quicker. The damage done does not change. My tank takes even LONGER to kill in the old system actually as I can just run away whenever I feel like it and they have to have the counters ready to stop me. Then again I can do that in the current if I'm lucky with the dodges so hey. At least it's something.
I never die in zones on my tank. Back before Issue 13 I used to die a lot more.

Originally Posted by Fanservice View Post
And of course it's my own opinion! Who's else would it have been?
Well sadly the dev team have a history of not realising this. Hence the issue 13 power changes.



Originally Posted by Twisted Toon View Post
I would have made a rather lengthy post discussing various points about PvP and the "required" powers to even participate.

But, because of one reply you made to my statement...

I can discount anything else you have to say.

Good day.
If you decide contributing to a thread to be more important than having the last word then i'd be happy to discuss this with you. Please check your ego at the door though.



I'm of the opinion that the only way to make pvp more accessable for regular players is to first, make the difference of how powers operate between pve and pvp nearly identical.

People shouldn't have to learn a new set of rules and create a second (optimal) build in order to adequately participate in pvp.

One such example is: doing things like adding psi resistance to a ton of powers were the wrong way to go imop. I would've instead added psi resistance or defense (where applicable) to appropriate buff powers, for both pve and pvp.

Heal decay is another one.

Taunt and its couzin, the guantlet effect should be way more useful than they currently are. Both should debuff range as they do, but they should also force the affected player to have their target locked onto the taunter. The taunt effect should be able to be broken by having the duration expire, breaking line of sight, by popping a break free, or by receiving certain buff powers that would have a taunt type magnitude resistance applied to them, Clear Mind is a great example of a power that could do this.

Travel suppression is a tricky beast. There are quite valid reasons why they exist for both pve and pvp. Is it a fun mechanic? Not really. Having seen people zipping / flying / jumping in and out of combat to get spike damage almost bordered on looking ridiculous to me and in no way looked to encapsulate what a good pvp experience should look like.

To the poster above that stated AE type of ability for players to design pvp maps is a great idea. But like the AE itself, is bound to be rife with a ton of horrible designs for players to sift through, people to be lured into and only find that it was a trap (insert Its a trap pic here). Not to mention, it can be time consuming designing a single floor map for a mission, placing objects etc..., I'd hate to see zone wide maps made designable for players. Sure there are people out there that would love that ability, but...just yikes.



Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
So to join in on PvP I have to make/take powers that I usually wouldn't just so that I can join in? Isn't that why you don't like what I said? Why do I have to accommodate you (or others)?
If someone else has taken powers to be fast, why would you not also have to take those powers to be fast? How is that any different to taking healing powers so you can heal or attack powers so you can attack?

My complaint is that the SYSTEM ITSELF is (attempting to) accommodate players who do not have fast characters by slowing down those that do. DESPITE the painfully obvious fact that absolutely ANYONE can be fast because the speed powers are available to every archetype.

I know the idea of any type of PVP having a barrier for entry is a bad one as it excludes new players. But any competitive game will have a "best gun" or "best car". You can't complain that Jedi Knights keep beating you when you refuse to use anything but the hand blaster because you're "RPing as Greedo".

In fact. BECAUSE Travel Suppression makes evading so much more difficult in zones, Phase Shift/Hibernate have become "must have" powers. So right there is an example of Travel Suppression creating a higher barrier for entry into PVP.

I agree wholeheartedly with the rest of your post but this bit just struck me as odd. Apologies if I've misunderstood you, gone off on a tangent, and started ranting. I have a tendency to do that



Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
First I am old - at 52 I still play and used to play in various First Person Shooters (FPS) since the days of 300 baud dialup modems.

I have played everything from Halflife, Unreal, Quake, Soldier of Fortune 1 & 2, Battlefield 1942 and many more including Left for dead 1 & 2.

Now in PvP in these games one thing stands out above all others - PLAYER MADE CONTENT. To be successful with PvP you must let the PLAYERS make the content. Remember, Counterstrike was made by a PLAYER - who was then hired by Valve. I am telling you now the one and only way to turn this game around from a PvP stand point is to have an AE like enviroment for PvP. It could be a huge groundbreaking MMO feature.

City of Heroes has without doubt the best costume creator of all time. Hands down nothing else is close.

Now if we took the AE and allowed PLAYERS to create maps similar to the base creator and let PLAYERS balance powers, travel and game play - adding temp powers for flags with reset timers, escort missions (which we already have!), capture the case and escape and let us do so in a normal 8 man/woman/animal/robot/alien team setting - you would have an award winning feature that would set the MMO world on its head.

PvP cannot be made popular by the Devs. In every single one of the games I have played the player made maps became far more popular. Instead of a handful of people working on content you have hundreds or thousands and some of these become big hits. The players find the balance and a use for powers that is out of the box.

Think of the 20 man all Rad team that beat Hamidon first.

I can see a capture the flag game now where a bubbler has reinforced a wall that needs to be destroyed in order to get to the flag, I can imagine so many uses for powers that it has seriously angered me over the last 7 years that the PvP was a red headed step child. The amazing travel powers was the fun of the original PvP. I recall fighting a running super speed battle with another blaster as we zipped all over and it was epic.

I am not asking for the Devs to fix PvP - I am asking to give US the tools to create it.
That would be a dream come true. Sadly though I don't think that would ever happen due to the amount of development time it would cost, and the limited PVP demographic currently playing the game.

Removing Heal Decay & Travel Suppression, while obviously not as impressive as your suggestions above, are much more likely to happen.



Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
^^ So much this.

I hate kiting-pvp (which from what I have seen (even before i13) and still now) seems to be what CoH is/was about. *attack, run away* Stand and fight! I love the monkey cage arena map
Yeah, but "stand and fight" is kind of the same thing as "don't play your character effectively" if you are not melee and the other person is, as just one example.

The real problem I think with all of this is the devs went out of their way to try to make the solo player who wanders into the zone and runs into a team of 5 on the other side more survivable. They also seemed to want to completely destroy those corner cases of the person with three accounts buffing up to capped levels in the hosp and then only venturing out for three or so minutes until the buffs wore off.

Don't get me wrong, that kind of thing is frustrating, but when you redesign to stop this kind of thing, the regular player does really get crushed in the middle.

I really think it would be a lot better for the Devs to just admit that a solo player may indeed be very outnumbered and outgunned in a PVP zone, put that in all the zone PVP text and descriptions in game, and encourage teaming. Remove all the forced gimping and have people learn. My zone experiences really sucked at first, but I didn't give up and I slowly learned how to play within the system. But the best thing I did is make friends in the zone so I was not alone.



Originally Posted by Golden_Avariel View Post
However I have a question. The Heal Decay thing I totally get... actually I get both sides of that argument from having to referee PvP fights in the past, so I don't have any questions about that. I am curious about travel suppression. How is it different in PvP than it is in PvE?
The biggest difference is that, in PvP, getting attacked activates it.

So, if a sniper shoots you, your super speed slows down to a crawl, and they can keep shooting you.

"I do so love taking a nice, well thought out character and putting them through hell. It's like tossing a Faberge Egg onto the stage during a Gallagher concert." - me

@Palador / @Rabid Unicorn