Removing Heal Decay & Travel Suppression from PVP




As long as they also remove the speed suppression on the PvE side while they're at it, I'm all for it.

I don't PvP and have no plans to, but it bugs the ever-living hell out of me to have my own flight speed stuck in "molasses in January"-mode while the Paragon Protector, Witch, Natterling, Eagle or what-ever-the-heck-it-is I'm chasing jets off in the middle of a fight without so much as a second's delay.

@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...



Originally Posted by IanTheM1 View Post
I really don't see why travel suppression should be eliminated in PVP. Tweaking or updating its mechanics, maybe? But not a complete removal.
Heal decay shouldn't be removed either, from my perspective. Both are good things. But I definitely agree that they're both too crippling with their current values, and should be toned down quite a bit.

Travel suppression really should completely stop affecting the caster of melee attacks, and should be lessened for the recipient of ranged attacks. (The source of a ranged attack or the target of a melee attack should continue to be suppressed as current.)

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



I used to consider myself at least a casual PvPer. I went to the zones with some friends that are more hardcore. I participated in a few team arena contests. I actually was on two winning teams!

I even moved to Freedom server for a while when all the PvPers congregated there. But after trying PvP several times after the I13 changes, I completely lost any desire to do it anymore. My tankers had less resistance than some blasters, my rad corrupter couldn't keep toggles on anyone anymore, couldn't escape, can't heal himself out of danger.

I think we need to have a civil discussion with Synapse. He's the main powers guy now and seems to be pretty cool. But if he pokes his head in here and the usual suspects jump down his throat tossing the same old insults, don't be surprised if the conversation ends abruptly and nothing gets changed.

50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM

Overlord of Dream Team and Nightmare Squad



Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
Heal decay shouldn't be removed either, from my perspective. Both are good things. But I definitely agree that they're both too crippling with their current values, and should be toned down quite a bit.

Travel suppression really should completely stop affecting the caster of melee attacks, and should be lessened for the recipient of ranged attacks. (The source of a ranged attack or the target of a melee attack should continue to be suppressed as current.)
Why is heal decay a good thing in any capacity? It doesn't remove heal spamming. It removes healers. People just don't play them in PVP. There is no skill/enjoyment involved in the system artificially forcing you to heal progressively less and less. You don't "time your heals"...because PVP these days is just mindless damage spam. So while you wait to "time your heals"...your team-mates are DYING.

Heal decay is a stupid system that should be removed from the game.

I have no idea why you suggest TS should only be removed from melee classes. That's a horrendous idea. It should be removed completely to level the playing field. If I am able to evade your attacks I shouldn't be slowed down by anything other than actual in-game slows. Making everyone an easy target is a BAD BAD BAD design for a PVP system. Absolutely horrible.

The simple fact is that removing Heal Decay and Travel Suppression would make for a much more enjoyable level of PVP in City of Heroes. This goes not only for the hardcore PVP community, but also for the casual, zone, and RPVP communities. I know this because I participate in all areas of COH PVP. (Population willing.) I'd also suggest that any new players entering the game with Issue 21: COH Freedom would find PVP more enjoyable without their healing powers being limited for no reason and their characters being slowed down for no reason. As this change would require minimal resources at most, I can't see any reason why it would not go ahead. I mean - given the dwindled PVP population, and everyone who PVPs hating heal decay and travel suppression - what possible reason could there be for keeping them in the game?



Originally Posted by Bionic_Flea View Post
I think we need to have a civil discussion with Synapse. He's the main powers guy now and seems to be pretty cool. But if he pokes his head in here and the usual suspects jump down his throat tossing the same old insults, don't be surprised if the conversation ends abruptly and nothing gets changed.
I'm more than happy to have an unofficial sit down off-the-record chat with any of the development, QA, or CR team about anything to do with PVP. I don't think chatting about it, publicly, on the forums would be a good idea.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
But, even before I13, Zone PvP was already completely lulzy because there was no way to balance the number of people on teams. An open PvP zone is by its very definition, unbalanced and very, very, very Bad Idea.
And yet, two of my favourite PVP zone memories deal with numbers being very imbalanced - *against* me.

My Peacebringer, in Dwarf form, holding off a near full team of villains while everyone else tried to get organized in the hospital, for instance.

Or my Fire/Kin Corr and - I think it was one other corruptor and a dom, or two corruptors, taking and holding Siren's Call for quite a long time against at least a full team of heroes. We finally fell when *even more* came in.

I've been suggesting forever for those zones to be turned into PvP Tournament grounds with gated entry to balance numbers.
And I seriously hope that doesn't happen. Coming out on top against uneven odds is a great feeling.

You know where it's REALLY annoying to have suppression kick in, though? When you take an *inspiration.*



Originally Posted by Leandro View Post
Well, the PVP redesign was Castle's baby
Not entirely true. Castle took most of the ****. Positron was the driving force behind the retarded systems implemented.
And as long as he works there nothing will change.

The way to appeal to casual players is not forcing them to learn calculus to understand how the system works. It's introducing good objective based pvp where k/d ratio is not the main way of "scoring".
Unfortunately they removed the only objective based pvp that had potential when they disabled base raids.
There is a lot of potential still. Cops and robbers in mayhems. Breakout at the zig. They could make some new fun maps out of the praetoria zones.
I would persnally love to do 8v8's on the BAF map and the rooftops of imperial city. Also full pvp leagues duking it out on eden would be sometihng i would like to see.

But none of this will happen. PvP is unsupported in this game.



As someone who has never been a hardcore, or even regular, PvP'er, I really wanted to like PvP. I would love to see an environment where the people who put a lot of time and effort into their builds were rewarded for it, while not completely putting out the less experienced/built (thereby dissuading any casual player from trying). I also agree that FREEDOM would be a great time to get into that- in fact- I think it should be a priority.

The folks who love this game are already here, or will return as Premium players. I think a lot of the Free to Play folks will be here to toy with it off and on, but I honestly think most of the folks that will bite at the F2P model will be doing it for the PvP.

As a non-casual(ish) and consistent player of more than 6 years, who has partaken of just about every element of this game, a total n00b at PvP, and about as middle of the road one can get to most of the things argued about on these boards, I think taking some time to work on PvP for FREEDOM would be desirable.

I have seen over the years a lot of threads, and I remember seeing some of the suggestions that would really get me interested.

Things like:

Removing Heal Decay and Tavel Supression (and some of the other nit-picky stuff).

Removing Rooting (slower speeds shouldn't mean less dynamic- that's the key!!!)

Goals other than just beating the crud out of each other (Capture the Flag style bank robberies and hostage situations, timed destruction derbys- where one side tries to destroy an area while the other stops them, etc)

Reward Drop chances if you defeat a foe, or if you get defeated. Each on a short timer to prevent exploit.

Remove the chance of Debt in PvP zones! Even for a lot of level 50 players, the thought of debt is frustrating and turns them off to PvP completely. Having NPC's in zone is good for tactical situations, but If that means NPC's offer no rewards for defeat if there's no debt, so be it. Shouldn't be in the zone to street sweep anyway... The rewards should lay in the PvP. Here's an idea, let defeats of NPC's give nothing but inspirations (good way to gather them so you don't have to leave the zone)

Those are the top sellers in my book, though with the removal of travel supression and rooting, I would place a strict hard cap on movement speeds. Allow teleport, but with a super-limited range. The thing that discouraged me about PvP was the 'invisible jumping bean' syndrome. Everyone SS/SJ/Stealth Spike Damage groups. Never considered that fun, even though that was the 'heyday' of PvP some would say. I liken that back to when folks would wait at the door while Tanks would herd the map (Yes it was fun if you were the Tank- I did it from time to time- but not much fun for the rest of the group).

PvP needs to be fun and dynamic (dynamic being the big word of the day) especially in a Super Hero/Villain game. The few times I went toe-to-toe with a player, or group of players that wasn't bouncing all over the place, I had a blast! I really think PvP can be awesome in this game, and it deserves to be.

"I play characters. I have to have a very strong visual appearance, backstory, name, etc. to get involved with a character, otherwise I simply won't play it very long. I'm not an RPer by any stretch of the imagination, but character concept is very important for me."- Back Alley Brawler
I couldn't agree more.



Removal of Travel Suppression + Healing Decay would make alot of us PvPers very happy. Travel Suppression currently slows you down if you heal (which your heals get Diminished anyways which seems redundant) self aura heals, inspiration usage, rad/dark/snow storm toggles perma Travel Suppress you. Any attack thrown at you will slow you, that is just not fun imo.

It's just a numbers game in zone, whichever side currently has the most people to pew pew, which gets perma slowed and eventually killed. Your forced to grab hibernate and/or phase shift in zones no questions asked, which are nice powers anyways but without them you have no chance at all. (Speaking of Phase Shift, that is an example of a good PvP change... Brings another dynamic to PvP being able to Chase/Kill while Phased and vice versa.)

And Healing Decay is just dumb. It makes any type of Healer almost pointless in zones. Don't think I need to elaborate more here, just remove it.

I put up with the current "issues" because it was forced upon us, and I obviously like PvP in this game... Even though it's been severly neglected/messed up over the years. I could go on and on with stuff I would like to see added/changed, but im not holding my breath. With that said I would like anything new added, Arena Maps, stuff, Anything?

@Midnight Havoc @Ice-GX



I don't want either removed but I would like thier effects toned down or narrowed.

If there was no Travel Suppression then I'd be back to being a Taunt Bot as a Tank, rather than someone who can actually kill. No Travel Suppression is great for Blasters, Stalkers and people with powers that suppress travel in thier native set (Rads, Spines and all that). It sucks for everyone else though. However Travel Suppression should activate when it's sensible for it to happen, not on practically any action. Similarly while degrading heals isn't a bad idea, it's currently far too high.

So since I don't want it do you now have to say "All PvP'ers except Fanservice" or am I not a real PvP'er? Curious!



Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
Yes it would.
It wouldn't make it more fun for me. Every time I've done PvP in the past, easily the biggest problem that outright ruined my experience has been travel powers as used by myself and other players. Nothing sucks more than getting the upper hand on a difficult opponent, only for him to fire up Super Jump and disappear over the hill.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Lycantropus View Post
I honestly think most of the folks that will bite at the F2P model will be doing it for the PvP.[/b]
That's not a safe assertion in the slightest. City of Heroes is hardly the only F2P MMO with PvP in it.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I just want to be able to legitimately take Teleport again. My Bane Scout made a habit of jumping in behind someone, clout them over the head with the mace, and then teleport out before they even knew what was happening.

Then I13 hit. And suddenly I was simply making very loud noises and flashy fx while going smegging nowhere. And dying quickly. Not cool.

I do think now, if ever, is the best time to seriously look at PvP again. Heal decay can also go to hell.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
I just want to be able to legitimately take Teleport again. My Bane Scout made a habit of jumping in behind someone, clout them over the head with the mace, and then teleport out before they even knew what was happening.

Then I13 hit. And suddenly I was simply making very loud noises and flashy fx while going smegging nowhere. And dying quickly. Not cool.

I do think now, if ever, is the best time to seriously look at PvP again. Heal decay can also go to hell.
Fighting people who can instantly get away does not sound very fun to me. Yes you can counter it with Teleport Other, but it's still not all that much fun (And easily countered with a single Insp)



Originally Posted by Fanservice View Post
Fighting people who can instantly get away does not sound very fun to me. Yes you can counter it with Teleport Other, but it's still not all that much fun (And easily countered with a single Insp)
That's really my biggest problem - fighting people who can get out of a fight instantly is just no fun.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



The old incarnation of PvP certainly had its faults. There were some very effective tactics and certain characters could ruin certain other characters.

BUT, there was a counter for everything and in that laid the true beauty of the old system. If someone was running away with any travel powers you could try slows, or holds, or webnades. Then the escaping player would need to obtain a speed boost or clear mind/clarity. Or as mentioned above, a teleporting foe could be teleported right back, unless he had the forethought to pop a sturdy inspiration.

In a competition between player, there will be winners and losers by necessity. Losing is generally unfun. Attempting to design PvP such that it is never unfun for those who lose an encounter is doomed to fail.

50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM

Overlord of Dream Team and Nightmare Squad



Originally Posted by Bionic_Flea View Post
BUT, there was a counter for everything and it that laid the true beauty of the old system. If someone was running away with any travel powers you could try slows, or holds, or webnades. Then the escaping player would need to obtain a speed boost or clear mind/clarity. Or as mentioned above, a teleporting foe could be teleported right back, unless he had the forethought to pop a sturdy inspiration.
This is what I've been talking about, the PvP metagame. One thing gets popular because it works, but then a counter is found and that becomes the popular thing until people stop doing the first thing. Or find a new way to do the first thing that's not countered by the second thing. Third and fourth and fifth things come into play, even if the game itself isn't changing, the tactics still do. That's what makes it fun.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



I would love this. Some of my fondest memories of CoH over the past 6+ years are of PvP. Even if I have never been hard core about it, I always had a great time when done with friends. Now, I dread going there because of the ridiculous changes in an attempt at balance.

Please do something about the PvP situation before CoH:Freedom launches.

Paragonian Knights
Justice Company



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
It wouldn't make it more fun for me. Every time I've done PvP in the past, easily the biggest problem that outright ruined my experience has been travel powers as used by myself and other players. Nothing sucks more than getting the upper hand on a difficult opponent, only for him to fire up Super Jump and disappear over the hill.
Do you PVP currently?

Travel Suppression doesn't stop those with superjump/superspeed from having the upper hand though. If you have those powers, and your opponent does not, you will be able to escape them 9 times out of 10. It does not solve any of the problems it was built to fix. (The main one being players being stuck in long rooted power animations while the enemies speed away. This will still happen if you don't have superspeed or superjump)

The problem is when both players have those powersets, yet are forced to PVP really slowly. This helps neither player. It slows down both players. And it makes PVP less fun/dynamic for both players. I know the intention was to help melee builds. But it simply does not work.

I know many of you dislike the "bouncing superspeed" style of gameplay...but with any competitive game there is going to be some sort of barrier to entry. If you want to keep up with other players who have given up powers/slots so they can be fast...why should you not have to do the same?

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
That's really my biggest problem - fighting people who can get out of a fight instantly is just no fun.
Well then do the following:

-take superspeed/sumperjump and follow them
-use web grenades to stop them jumping
-use slows to stop them running (This only worked before issue 13 sadly.)

I mean come on. As annoying as it no doubt was to have people speed away from you in Issue 13...there were still counters to it. If you let it happen it was your fault. These days there is no counter to travel suppression. The fault for lack of fun lies with the system people have stopped playing PVP in this game.

Originally Posted by Fanservice View Post
If there was no Travel Suppression then I'd be back to being a Taunt Bot as a Tank, rather than someone who can actually kill.
Issue 13 did not change your role as a tank though. You are pretty much still just a taunter. I know this because one of my main characters is a tank. Outside of Fossilize they do awful damage. You are not suddenly capable of killing because of Heal Decay and Travel Suppression.



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
This is what I've been talking about, the PvP metagame. One thing gets popular because it works, but then a counter is found and that becomes the popular thing until people stop doing the first thing. Or find a new way to do the first thing that's not countered by the second thing. Third and fourth and fifth things come into play, even if the game itself isn't changing, the tactics still do. That's what makes it fun.
For some people. Personally when I want to PvP I want to do it with the characters I've made and enjoy playing, not the "Spines/Regen" or whatever is FOTM so I got a chance of winning.

Of course this will never happen, so PvP simply doesn't hold a lot of appeal for me. It holds even less appeal without travel suppression though, at least with suppression I can have fun with my SS/WP Tank.



Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
Issue 13 did not change your role as a tank though. You are pretty much still just a taunter. I know this because one of my main characters is a tank. Outside of Fossilize they do awful damage. You are not suddenly capable of killing because of Heal Decay and Travel Suppression.
Yes I am! Admittedly it's only because Rage in Super Strength rocks the house but it works nicely in flattening out people if I have a little time to wail on them. Which I do because they can't run away incredibly easily. If we're back to the bouncy, chasey game then no I can't because Melee is pretty useless in that playstyle.



Originally Posted by Fanservice View Post
Yes I am! Admittedly it's only because Rage in Super Strength rocks the house but it works nicely in flattening out people if I have a little time to wail on them. Which I do because they can't run away incredibly easily. If we're back to the bouncy, chasey game then no I can't because Melee is pretty useless in that playstyle.
Melee (scrapper/tank/brute) isn't useless. They can be good tauntbots/web grenaders. That is an immensely useful role in pvp because not only does taunt limit who people can attack - but it also reduces range. This can affect damage dealers, healers, etc. The web grenades can keep people grounded. (making it harder for people to escape.) A well played taunter makes a much bigger difference than a melee character trying to be a damage dealer in PVP. (This applies to both pre and post Issue 13 PVP.)

Blaster keeps killin the squishies? Taunt him and he won't be able to.
Healer keeps healing the squishies?* Well then taunt him and the range of his heals drops dramatically, making it much harder for him to heal, and placing him closer to the action.

Sadly melee characters don't have a role outside of being a tauntbot in most types of PVP in this game. (This applies to both pre and post Issue 13 PVP.) Unfortunately though, melee characters are pretty much the most popular archetypes in this game. That's why fight club was invented though. Plenty of people enjoy standing still and wailing on each other. Just like in comic books. It's a very slow type of PVP. It's not dynamic in the slightest, and I find it to be incredibly dull. But people do enjoy doing it. People enjoy CHOOSING to do it.

More power to them if they want to do melee vs melee slugfests. That kinda thing can be pretty cool. But don't force every non-melee archetype to move slowly in an ATTEMPT to make all PVP like that. It doesn't help melee types; they're still marginalised by ranged damage dealers, they still don't really kill anything, they're still just glorified tauntbots.

As for you being able to kill people with a tank due to travel suppression. Well I have a few questions to help put your anecdotes into perspective:

-What travel powers do you have in these instances of you "killing people"?
-What travel powers do your opponents have in these instances of you "killing people"?
-What % of their health bar are you responsible for depleting in these instances of you "killing people"?
-Do you use any ranged attacks in these instances of you "killing people"?

*Let's pretend for the sake of argument that heal decay doesn't exist and people play healers.



Hah! Well that isn't a set up to you going "Well obviously you're playing it wrong/everyone you played sucks as I'd never die to that" is it? I'll pass, we don't need to turn this thread into me defending my experiences over yours. We both think PvP isn't very good now, I just think it wasn't very good before either.

I'm not an experienced PvP'er, I drop into it infrequently and give it a try, do okay(Ish) and then leave because it's still not doing it for me. This isn't that I hate PvP, god no. I love PvP in games and played the heck out of it in practically any one you care to name, but CoH is more focused on the Power Sets of the person than the actual fun parts of PvP.

I've tried it Pre I13. In fact I made a Thugs/Poison/Mace Mastermind just to PvP with and they did pretty good (Until people learnt to just go absolutely nowhere near me lest they be TP'd, webbed and killed). Post I13 they were even better but I was also able to try it out with my SS/WP tank or my Sonic/Rad Controller and have something resembling fun. Was I playing really bad people? Probably! The vast majority of any PvP community isn't very good and I'm sure I'm just as much of a hopeless newb as the rest.

I don't think the current system is great. It's still really kind of bad but it's more fun than everyone bouncing around like Mexican Jumping Beans firing off powers at range or diving down to gank the unlucky sod who got nicked with a Web grenade. So I'd prefer they didn't take a step backwards if they did anything at all to PvP. They need to make it more appealing to everyone, not just a small group of people who are keen enough to level up new characters everytime the FOTM of old is nerfed/changed/found to have a flaw.



And here in this thread we see that there ARE some folks who completly hated the style of pre-I13 pvp.

I don't think the devs can ever get pvp right as there will always be some who just fundamentally DO NOT like hopping around like a bunny on crack.

Also currently the counters to folks running away that Xan posted are completely loltastic in the age of "Phase shift and Hibernoob every time you take significant damage." All those counters only work on complete noobs.

With that said I still say Heal Decay and Travel Suppression need to go or at least be adjusted. I'm one of the ones that DO LIKE everyone running around like a bunny on crack. Why? Cause we are SUPERHEROES/VILLAINS. It should NOT be easy to kill us. You want a kill off a superpowered person, you need to WORK for it. If it were easy to kill us then we wouldn't be superpowered beings, we'd be regular joe schmoe. Pre-I13 movement ability and full healing made that realistic.

Travel suppression I can see being needed in SOME cases for the very reasons some folks posted. Heal Decay? NO, it was not necessary for any reason. It just took out healers from zone play. As was pointed out the time you are taking to "time out your heals" is time that your other team mates are dying and there is nothing you as a healer can do about it.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by Fanservice View Post
Hah! Well that isn't a set up to you going "Well obviously you're playing it wrong/everyone you played sucks as I'd never die to that" is it? I'll pass, we don't need to turn this thread into me defending my experiences over yours. We both think PvP isn't very good now, I just think it wasn't very good before either.
I'm not trying to sound like a pro or anything. But I wanted to put your experiences into perspective. You said travel suppresion helped you kill people. I was hoping we could get into a discourse where I demonstrated that wasn't the case. (I.e. that your tank would have been just as capable of killing those exact same tagets in Issue 13.)

If your tank is only capable of killing easy targets then i's not exactly fair to say that travel suppression is helping him do that. Easy targets are easy targets regardless of the system.

Originally Posted by Fanservice View Post
I don't think the current system is great. It's still really kind of bad but it's more fun than everyone bouncing around like Mexican Jumping Beans firing off powers at range or diving down to gank the unlucky sod who got nicked with a Web grenade. So I'd prefer they didn't take a step backwards if they did anything at all to PvP. They need to make it more appealing to everyone, not just a small group of people who are keen enough to level up new characters everytime the FOTM of old is nerfed/changed/found to have a flaw.
I don't understand this at all. People with superspeed/superjump are STILL jumping around like "mexican jumping beans". People without travel powers STILL can't keep up. Travel Suppression has not helped to alleviate this. So I find it very odd that you think it HAS.

Also, due to DR (diminishing returns) the list of viable character power combinations has decreased. What this means is that less builds are viable and that FOTM characters are much more prevalent now than they used to be. Simply put: in the old system there was a lot more variety on what you could play. Now? Not so much.

All of this is a separate discussion though. And it would be one i'd be happy to entertain once Travel Suppression and Heal Decay are removed. Comparing pre & post issue 13 PVp isn't helping anyone as both systems were not very good. One thing is painfully obvious though: Heal Decay and Travel Suppression need to be removed from the game.