ahhhh.. ok ...
well ... ahhhh grats????
Yeah, vague post is vague.
Trying not to think about how much I've spent building a km/regen scrapper, since I'll likely duplicate that on one or more brutes once this comes out. Heh.
Hmm.. ss/? sword? claws? where to start ... :P
Thing is, Willpower stole its thunder.
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Super Reflexes: the Golden Fox of power sets!

WARNING: I bold names.

This. You get bigger heal and regen numbers than scrappers get bigger heal and regen numbers than scrappers.
![]() |
I suspect a regen brute will get close/very close to capping hitpoints, perma with some effort, and that's a BIG DEAL.
If you have the patience to micromanage your survivability, regen can be TOUGH.
SS/Reg or Energy/Reg, can't decide. I've tried really hard twice now to love Energy/ and failed (energy/dark to 36 & energy/stone to 40ish), so maybe this will finally be the right fit? I've already got ss/dark & ss/fire at 50 (plus stone/ss & ice/ss at 50) so I should be saturated on SS by now. But... tempting.
Guides: Dark Armor and IOs | SS/DA | Crabbing | Fortunata
I think an IO'd SS or DM /regen brute is gonna be pretty frickin beastly.
Perma +3k hp with dull pain
Only countin hp boosts from accolades I'm guessing 100hp a second regen with dull pain
Hyooge regen with instant healing.
20% up time with Moment of Glory
Combined with Rebirth and you have 2 uber hp regen clicks.
Plus roughly 15-20% defense to all. Pop a single luck and when you have 3k hp, regen 100hp a second and have +30% defense you are going to be hard to kill. Pop Instant healing or rebirth and practically impossible to kill. If somehow even that is not enough you have MoG.
How is this not powerful on a brute?
Granted /regen will never have the layered defenses of /Willpower, /Inv or the capability to create as good a layered defense system like most sets, but for a reactive player I think it will definitely be a viable set.
I'm just wondering how/if they are going to add a taunt aura. Integration is a good choice, but I'm wondering if they might reverse stalker WP and scrap Recon and add Rise to the Challenge.
I dunno.....
I suspect a regen brute will get close/very close to capping hitpoints, perma with some effort, and that's a BIG DEAL. If you have the patience to micromanage your survivability, regen can be TOUGH. |
Given the amount of overkill that DP has on an io'd scrapper with spiritual alpha, I'm betting that hitting HP cap will be the hallmark of /regen brutes.
/regen is definitely micromanagement, and loosing Smeld breaks a bit of that uber survivability cycle you can get with a scrapper. Even still could be quite beastly.
It's expensive, but not difficult to get to the 32.5% s/l defense mark (at least with km/regen I am almost done buying the bits to make that happen). Of course there will be the standard drawbacks, no ddr, no -rech resist, no -regen resist (unless that gets fixed during the port).
Still stoked. I haven't really done much with SS, and will probably do swords with something less clicky (less redraw, I know, I'm silly) - this might just be it.
I'm just wondering how/if they are going to add a taunt aura. Integration is a good choice, but I'm wondering if they might reverse stalker WP and scrap Recon and add Rise to the Challenge.

I'm not sure they would want to combine RttC and Integration (unless they dropped the +regen portion and just made it a mez toggle) in a set that also has IH. /energy doesn't have a taunt aura and iirc /sr doesn't either. I guess regen could go either way at this point. Ideally either skip it or add it to Integration. Can't think of a reason to go changing the powers around. ![]() |
And it comes pre-nerfed!
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Seriously... regen? WTF. I am a little disappointed. I can't see why anyone would choose regen over wp personally. But hey, that's just me. I am happy that more options are available for those that want them.
Words to the wise aren't necessary- it's the stupid ones that need them.
"You're right...I forgot...being constantly at or the near the damage cap is a big turn off. Definitely not worth it."
- Vitality
I foresee a bunch of Regen Brutes being made when i21 launches, and then seeing them disappear into obscurity as people return to their WP Brutes.
True, but the Devs did give SR a taunt aura in Evasion when it was was ported to Brutes, and Energy Aura is getting one in the EA revamp for i21. It seems like Brutes have Taunts in the post Freedom game.
And :P to all your (collective) /wp snobbery. Don't care.

Regen + Katana = "I'm Duncan Macleod of the clan Macleod" Another Regen+katana enters "I'm Connor, same clan, different vintage"
Regen + Broadsword = Kurgan
Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
Hellish Thoughts Fire/PSI Dominator
Thank You Devs for Merits!!!!

Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
Hellish Thoughts Fire/PSI Dominator
Thank You Devs for Merits!!!!

Ok then tell me how you gonna survive an av if everything is on cool down? For the record we are talking about SO builds not some crazy over the top gimmick with IOs or incarnate powers. I am just thinking of how bad something like the LRSF is going to be tanking on a regen. People need to wake up, this set is a shadow of a shadow of shadow of a shadow of its former self. I remember the glory days when a single regen could tank hami but those days are gone. This set will be very poor for tanking capped hp or not.
Guess we'll just have to wait and see

Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
Hellish Thoughts Fire/PSI Dominator
Thank You Devs for Merits!!!!

Ok then tell me how you gonna survive an av if everything is on cool down? For the record we are talking about SO builds not some crazy over the top gimmick with IOs or incarnate powers. I am just thinking of how bad something like the LRSF is going to be tanking on a regen. People need to wake up, this set is a shadow of a shadow of shadow of a shadow of its former self. I remember the glory days when a single regen could tank hami but those days are gone. This set will be very poor for tanking capped hp or not.
A: Talk about SO builds all you want, but any character I bother to get to 22 is probably going all the way to 50. Any toon I take to 50 is getting an IO build, period. Even leveling from 25 (sometimes as low as 10) on up I'm running common IOs at worst. (Bear in mind I don't have a ton of toons, and tend to obsess over one or two at a time) Call me a snob or whatever, but there it is. Let's be honest though, outside of a few builds here and there I imagine the numbers mavens aren't really living exclusively in the SO world.
B: Click timing is really important with /regen, if they are all down at once something isn't right. I already mentioned that brutes won't get the benefit of smeld, but I don' think that's a deal breaker.
C: Who cares if it's not old school uber-rediculous regen of yore? I've already had /regen scrappers described as "tanky" so I don't see how my brutes will be any different.
D: "People need to wake up?" :lol: It's a game Francis, settle down. Maybe you missed the part where I declared I don't care if X Y or Z is "better." Or the part where I pointed out some obvious disadvantages. I'm just stoked to finally have it ported.
Im with Iggy and Mayor on this, your average regen brute may not be able to tank no, but i can on my IO'd scrapper, and there'll be much better players who will do much better things. Perma Dull Pain, and defense of any numbers makes all that HP hard to dispose of before Reconstruction comes round again. I think they'll do fine, and hell forbid you dare mix Regen with Katana and stack Divine Avalanche.....
And if we're being picky, Brutes werent supposed to tank anyways, just cause they do, Masterminds where made for that bit....
@one and only
Devil Claw lvl 50 Claws / Regen Scrapper
DC MK4 lvl 50 Granite / Energy Melee Tank
Devil Claw Awoken lvl 50 Human / Dwarf PB
Brutalise-DC lvl 50 Elec / Dark Brute
I don't care if Willpower is probably goingto be better. Willpower is henously tedious to play, because it's just there. Ten seconds of action when you turn it all on, and that's it for the night.
Well, let's see here...
If both Katana and Regen gets ported over as is...
Here's what mine would look like...
- Lethal/Melee softcap with 1x DA
- Range at 34% / AoE at 31%
- HP close to 2k with out DP (close to 3k with)
- regen at around 600% before IH (1632% with for 200+ hp/sec with DP)
- 23.5 s/l resists
- capable of running DN full time
- hasten close to perma, 50% uptime on IH, 70 seconds recharge on MoG (90% res to all but psi when up), 16 seconds recon, DP on a 99 seconds recharge
Yeah it's Katana...
We finally get it.
And I, for one, am freaking stoked. Anyone else?
Yeah, there are downsides (no smeld for brutes, so no cycling the two 'godmodes' like you can on a scrapper, for example), but I've wanted this set ported to brutes for a while now. So yeah, still stuck on the upsides, heh.