Ultimate Death of Spider-Man




Hope this isn't a double thread...

I had to write because I was surprised at how much I liked this issue. I was jaded going in. Marvel's mantra of a "death a quarter" just sickened me to the core. So I expected trite poop.

I was, frankly, amazed at how much I dug this puppy. The core elements of Peter's fundemental....goodness...shone through to me more than anything else. I think in essence, it's what I have just plain always loved about Peter/SM for more than three decades now. He's good.

Yes, I know the 'death' is a transitory thing and nothing more than fodder for future retcons. But I was touched, and that's something that rarely happens for me these days when I open a comic.

@Portland Underground



Some people don't like Bendis's (Bendis'?) work, for whatever reason, but I've generally found him to be a good writer, especially on Ultimate Spiderman.

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Originally Posted by Kasoh View Post
Some people don't like Bendis's (Bendis'?) work, for whatever reason, but I've generally found him to be a good writer, especially on Ultimate Spiderman.
I liked his early work on Ultimate Spider-Man, but I was underwhelmed by his take on the Avengers and thought his writing on Alias was overrated. I did pick up the first trade of Powers and the hardcover of the first full arc of his on Daredevil and liked those, however. I've also ordered Ultimate Doomsday, which I heard good things about and should be here today, so I hope it's good.

- CaptainFoamerang

Silverspar on Kelly Hu: A face that could melt paint off the wall *shivers*
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Originally Posted by Kasoh View Post
Some people don't like Bendis's (Bendis'?) work, for whatever reason, but I've generally found him to be a good writer, especially on Ultimate Spiderman.
I loved the first few years of Ultimate Spider-man, but you can tell that the past couple of years, Bendis' heart just hasn't been in it. He should have given the title over to someone else instead of killing Peter Parker.

Also, I loved the original run of Powers, but at this point, looking at his Avengers books and all the other stuff he's doing for Marvel, I'm afraid that Mr. Bendis is running on fumes. But a paycheck is a paycheck, and I'm sure he'll be glad to take on a few more titles to hack out every month.

But as far as the Death of Spider-Man goes, I'm done with the title. I don't care who else is in the costume. And the issue itself (USM# 160) lost a lot of it's emotional impact because Pete had been dying for like two issues already. It was too dragged out. Like a really bad death scene in a really bad movie.

I give it a D-

I really wish he hadn't done it at all.



Does anyone want to share how he eventually passed?

Did he get thrown into a display of RAID at a local Wal-mart?



Originally Posted by Clouded View Post
Does anyone want to share how he eventually passed?

Did he get thrown into a display of RAID at a local Wal-mart?
Died from the wound he received in Ultimate Avengers vs. New Ultimates# 3. Pretty much bled to death fighting Norman Osborn and protecting Aunt May, Mary Jane, Gwen Stacy and his whole neighborhood from Norman's rampage.

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Twitter: @Alpha_Ryvius





*walks out of house with a case full of weapons to erase a Marvel employee every quarter*

Quesada, you go last. And it will be slow.

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Originally Posted by Heroid View Post
Also, I loved the original run of Powers, but at this point, looking at his Avengers books and all the other stuff he's doing for Marvel, I'm afraid that Mr. Bendis is running on fumes. But a paycheck is a paycheck, and I'm sure he'll be glad to take on a few more titles to hack out every month.
Marvel loves grabbing the hot writer and having them write as much as possible. I'm really not surprised he's suffering from a certain amount of burnout.



Originally Posted by Heroid View Post
I loved the first few years of Ultimate Spider-man, but you can tell that the past couple of years, Bendis' heart just hasn't been in it. He should have given the title over to someone else instead of killing Peter Parker.
Considering how the alternative was to hand it over to Loeb, I think we got off lucky.

Branching Paragon Police Department Epic Archetype, please!



So they kill off Peter?! Who's going to be Spider-Man?! And is it really Spider-Man without Peter?! OMG! I've been looking forward to getting caught up and now...*SIGH*

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



I'm going to read Ultimate Spiderman... I still don't agree with a lot of marvel but whatever, I like spiderman and i've heard nothing but good things about Ultimate SPiderman so I might as well...



Originally Posted by Nightphall View Post


*walks out of house with a case full of weapons to erase a Marvel employee every quarter*

Quesada, you go last. And it will be slow.
Remember when I promised I'd kill you last? I lied.



And with the passing of Ultimate Peter Parker ends my desire to continue really paying for any Spider-Man featured product from Marvel. The damage done by OMD is complete. After that storyline, Quesada told fans "hey, you want to read about a married MJ and Peter? read Spider-Girl!" (cancelled less than 3 months later) so that left me with a virtually untainted Ultimate version of the web slinger. (Death of Spider-Man! hey it's not 616, but he's been around for 11 years, so killing him actually has a real impact without farking the sales!)

Not blaming Bendis, for all my complaints on his style, his work on Ultimate Spidey has continually been some of his best work and im sad to see it end. After ultimatum, USM was the only title worth picking up, and now i don't even want to bother with the new SM, and i sure as hell dont want to shell out money for the wretched 616 version that's swinging around.

Frak you Marvel.



Originally Posted by Veritech View Post
Frak you Marvel.

And for those of you catching up on Ultimate Spider-man and wondering if it's worth bothering with now -- yes, it is. Just like I'm reading through the b&w Essential Spider-man books that cover the 60's through 80's. I hate, hate, hate post-OMD, but the stuff that came before is still good. So it will be with Ultimate Spider-man. But for me, the series -- and the Ultimate Marvel Universe -- is dead now. I won't buy anything new concerning it.



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
So they kill off Peter?! Who's going to be Spider-Man?! And is it really Spider-Man without Peter?! OMG! I've been looking forward to getting caught up and now...*SIGH*

Maybe it's the asian Spider-Man that appeared in New Ultimates vs. Ultimate Avengers #5

Paragon Unleashed Forums
Twitter: @Alpha_Ryvius



Originally Posted by Unknown_User View Post
Maybe it's the asian Spider-Man that appeared in New Ultimates vs. Ultimate Avengers #5
That issue confused the crap outta me. The way the frames were drawn made North Korean Spidey and all the other Korean supers seem 80 feet tall, when only a couple of them were. Bad drawing all around that issue.



Honestly I haven't read a Marvel book since Thanos Imperative: Aftermath, and I won't be back til he's back......



Originally Posted by Dr_Illuminatis View Post
Honestly I haven't read a Marvel book since Thanos Imperative: Aftermath, and I won't be back til he's back......

Problem with Nova and Starlord returning is that it's likely THANOS will be returning with them. Still the door is open for them to come back. We never saw what happened and they did have a cosmic cube with them.

Or if someone can get their hands on the Reality Gem of the Infinity Gauntlet then Nova and Star Lord can be easily brought back....



Originally Posted by Nos482 View Post
What? They really killed him?
There goes the last Marvel series I was interested in.

So seriously...
The only problem I'm seeing with this line of thinking is...isn't this what people have said they wanted? If they're going to kill off the hero, REALLY DO IT!

Now, do I think it's stupid that they did it? Oh hell yes. Peter Parker is Spider-Man. However, at least they REALLY did it when they said they would.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Nightphall View Post


*walks out of house with a case full of weapons to erase a Marvel employee every quarter*

Quesada, you go last. And it will be slow.
Come on.

Do you really have to get that angry over a comic book?

I would like to issue a plea on behalf of Paragon's diminutive protectors, please watch where you step. We're four feet tall in a six foot tall world, we've been cast adrift in a sea of butts. -Pillbug



And Peter Parker goes out proving that he's officially the most heroic hero in the Ultimate Marvel Universe. Suck on that, Captain America!

There is an art, or, rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. --The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy



Originally Posted by Hazmatter View Post
And Peter Parker goes out proving that he's officially the most heroic hero in the Ultimate Marvel Universe. Suck on that, Captain America!
And to think Captain America and Iron Man were asked to give him lessons on being a hero.

Paragon Unleashed Forums
Twitter: @Alpha_Ryvius



Originally Posted by Magpie_Mouse View Post
Come on.

Do you really have to get that angry over a comic book?
Please. You might get angry over things that I would consider silly, but whatever.

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Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
The only problem I'm seeing with this line of thinking is...isn't this what people have said they wanted? If they're going to kill off the hero, REALLY DO IT!
not that they kill the character, but that they keep them dead. or that when they kill a character, they make a decent story out of it. They did, doesnt mean ill bother getting the next iteration of the series, or that im not irritated they did it.