Ultimate Death of Spider-Man




Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
Problem with Nova and Starlord returning is that it's likely THANOS will be returning with them.
It's bound to happen sooner or later, might as well bring those two back now. Leave Thanos for the next Infinity/big cosmic brawl or whatever.
Still the door is open for them to come back. We never saw what happened and they did have a cosmic cube with them.
When I saw that my first thought was, "Wow, usually a writer would leave a much more vague possible way out for these sorts of events." This seemed to me like painting a big sign post that said, "Duh, we know they're coming back, hope whoever does it will use the most obvious thing that I practically painted a sign on it as I can."



After reading half the series I'm surprised he lasted as long as he did and I'm finding the whole secret identity thing as a load of BS because the reason he keeps his Secret ID is to protect the people he knows, but every villain he comes across that could use it finds it out rather rapidly... so there isn't a point to it and he's just making his life miserable.

That's been bugging me since i started reading it... and I have a feeling that it's going to impact the way i read the final arc...I mean, with everyone knowing, it doesn't have as much impact as a scene.



Originally Posted by Veritech View Post
not that they kill the character, but that they keep them dead. or that when they kill a character, they make a decent story out of it. They did, doesnt mean ill bother getting the next iteration of the series, or that im not irritated they did it.
Oh agreed. Like I've said in a previous post, there is only one Spider-Man, and it's Peter Parker! I think killing him off was a bad idea.

Though, it also seems to be they'll keep it permanent, though, didn't he still have clones running around?

Oooooh...is Spider-Girl (or Spider-Woman...I forget what his clone went by) still alive? They could have her take his place! That would be something for me to keep reading the series when I pick it back up (well the collected volumes...just need to wait a biiiiiiit longer before I can).

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Oh agreed. Like I've said in a previous post, there is only one Spider-Man, and it's Peter Parker! I think killing him off was a bad idea.
Or Ben Reily...

Oooooh...is Spider-Girl (or Spider-Woman...I forget what his clone went by) still alive? They could have her take his place! That would be something for me to keep reading the series when I pick it back up (well the collected volumes...just need to wait a biiiiiiit longer before I can).
Dunno where she is at the moment but as of Ultimate Spider-man Requiem she, Jessica Drew, Spider-Woman, was indeed still alive... as is some version of Gwen Stacy... this is as of issue 133. I doubt any of them died in the last 4-6 Death of Spider-Man arc so... I doubt they killed either given that they usually write 4+ arcs before they revisit a character/story arc that isn't Spider-Man and that only 3 arcs in between relaunch and his death...



Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
Or Ben Reily...

Dunno where she is at the moment but as of Ultimate Spider-man Requiem she, Jessica Drew, Spider-Woman, was indeed still alive... as is some version of Gwen Stacy... this is as of issue 133. I doubt any of them died in the last 4-6 Death of Spider-Man arc so... I doubt they killed either given that they usually write 4+ arcs before they revisit a character/story arc that isn't Spider-Man and that only 3 arcs in between relaunch and his death...
Now see...have it become Ultimate Spider-Woman! And last I knew the memories where never erased, so she should remember she was Peter Parker. That could be a series I could get behind! \o/

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Now see...have it become Ultimate Spider-Woman! And last I knew the memories where never erased, so she should remember she was Peter Parker. That could be a series I could get behind! \o/
Yes, she arose from the Clone Saga as the only clone to survive as far as known and she was about to have her mind wiped by madam webb, but Carnage/Gwen II escaped which released all the clones... She at the end of the saga decided to live as "Jessica Drew"/Spider-Woman even though she has all the memories and such of being Peter Parker up to the around the Carnage incident. Assumedly the sample comes from before the Carnage incubation and as such comes from sometime between when Conners asks for samples from Peter and when Conners escapes. So everything before issue 62 or 63 she knows, everything after she may know about.



Oh, joy.
How long is "permanent" these days?

Have to say... Killing the character who's popularity is largely based around his Everyman personality/life/troubles/worries is... Brilliant (not serious).
Replace him with a different person who shares that aspect so we can grow to know them and... Not enjoy them as much as we do Peter.
Great. Idea... Again.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



>.> I just learned there is supposed to be a animated show based on Ultimate Spider-Man...

the problem is it is set 1 year after he gets his power which places him right before ultimatum and his death by the mid point of the season >.> how do they plan to make this work i wonder.



Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
>.> I just learned there is supposed to be a animated show based on Ultimate Spider-Man...

the problem is it is set 1 year after he gets his power which places him right before ultimatum and his death by the mid point of the season >.> how do they plan to make this work i wonder.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
>.> I just learned there is supposed to be a animated show based on Ultimate Spider-Man...

the problem is it is set 1 year after he gets his power which places him right before ultimatum and his death by the mid point of the season >.> how do they plan to make this work i wonder.
Based on. Doesn't have to copy it exactly. Also, does this mean we'll see him dating Kitty Pride for awhile?

Do we get to see him make out with an older woman (Black Cat)? Not that I liked Black Cat being like 10 years older :/

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
>.> I just learned there is supposed to be a animated show based on Ultimate Spider-Man...
Keywords being based on there's nothing that states they have to follow the exaxt plots and details of the Ultimate Spider-Man series. It's probably going to be a very loose interpretation on the USM series.

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Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
Or Ben Reily...
Dead, and apparently only six or seven people even liked him as Spider-Man.

Personally, if we can't have Pete, give me Miguel O'Hara.



Originally Posted by Veritech View Post
Dead, and apparently only six or seven people even liked him as Spider-Man.

Personally, if we can't have Pete, give me Miguel O'Hara.
Seconded. Bring in Miguel O'Hara in a 'ultimate' version of his 2099 costume, and maybe I'll put USM back on my pull list. Until then, it looks like my books are Invincible and Green Lantern for quite some time...at least until another Atomic Robo series crops up.

"I may," he said with a grin that would have sent sane men scampering for the trees, "have been imagining it."



Originally Posted by Veritech View Post
Dead, and apparently only six or seven people even liked him as Spider-Man.

Personally, if we can't have Pete, give me Miguel O'Hara.
Which version? The original Miguel or the retconned Timestorm version where he's now a teenage kid?

Damn retcons.



Just finished all 160 issue of Ultimate Spider-Man...

I gotta say the whole "I'm Peter Parker" reveal thing was worthless with...

Norman Osborn
Harry Osborn
Gwen Stacy
The X-Men
The fantastic Four
The Ultimates
His Principle
JJ Jameson
Dr Octopus
Ben Reilly
Curt Conners
Aunt May
Eddie Brock
Felicia Hardy

All knowing his secret identity

The death was also undercut by his less epic in terms in how he went out but more so...so very much so more epic... in terms of world scale and with Requiem having that awesome JJ turn of character.

I also didn't like the jump after Requiem because we have no clue really what happened in the interim which could have been great stories with him coming back and apparently there was a break up randomly between Peter and MJ after they said they wanted to marry each other.

I also think the whole Ultimates/Avengers thing is lame, though i haven't read that yet. I mean come on. are you seriously try to tell me that both the Avengers and Ultimates wouldn't realize how severe the situation was, especially for Spider-Man and just leave him like that to continue with their BS? Or even without the Spider-Man aspect... they know those guys are essentially on the same side so they would have more likely realized to go after the escaped prisoners.

Also, the whole "we're gonna train you to be a good hero" ******** that Cpt. America and Carol Danvers pulls in the previous arc shows them as hypocrites in the last arc. And I don't like that especially after showing the respect that Stark and Thor at least had for him.

The whole last 27 issues were down on quality and seemed like it was all editorial mandate with too many loose ends hanging about. The first 133 issues all were excellent...where they weren't trying to reweave old stories in a new way... and I have to think that after Requiem there was/is too much editorial interference...

That being said... I'm conflicted... The Requiem ending is more or less satisfying while the 160 ending is not and all full of meh... at the same time Aunt May ROCKS and we would not have gotten that had those 27 issues not happened. They should make a new series... something like Aunt May's house of super orphans.

I also have to point out that I don't buy Spidey's death, nor hobgoblin's for that matter. We're to believe that Osborn used the same stuff on himself in a less stable form that would have given him less of a regen ability and we see him stabbed through the back with an iron girder, shot hundreds of times, and various other wounds less severe or more than a gun shot to the abdomen and we're supposed to believe the more adaptive, more regenerative one dies while the less one keeps coming back? I don't think so.



Wow just caught up with Ultimate Avengers vs New Ultimates... they're even more d-baggy. Not only do they just leave Spidey there, there is a full scale rescue thing that happens there and they just leave him to die... and they just go chill while those 6 prisoners kill Spidey...

There has to be a major backlash that happens in canon if Spidey stays dead.

ps... is it wrong that I'm considering reading all the Marvel Ultimate Universe books because it is less than 400 issues which is like less 10% of what I read to catch up for the Bat-family...



Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
Just finished all 160 issue of Ultimate Spider-Man...

I gotta say the whole "I'm Peter Parker" reveal thing was worthless with...

Norman Osborn
Harry Osborn
Gwen Stacy
The X-Men
The fantastic Four
The Ultimates
His Principle
JJ Jameson
Dr Octopus
Ben Reilly
Curt Conners
Aunt May
Eddie Brock
Felicia Hardy

All knowing his secret identity
I also have to point out that I don't buy Spidey's death, nor hobgoblin's for that matter. We're to believe that Osborn used the same stuff on himself in a less stable form that would have given him less of a regen ability and we see him stabbed through the back with an iron girder, shot hundreds of times, and various other wounds less severe or more than a gun shot to the abdomen and we're supposed to believe the more adaptive, more regenerative one dies while the less one keeps coming back? I don't think so.
What if it's a scam? No, not by Marvel to sell more comics. But, by Peter, Aunt May and her houseguests, and maybe Nick Fury and SHIELD? (Okay, maybe it's partly Marvel.) But all these espionage people around and nobody thinks to pull a public shell game like this?

Mark my words, there's more than just polybagged shenanigans going on here.



Originally Posted by ThePill View Post
What if it's a scam? No, not by Marvel to sell more comics. But, by Peter, Aunt May and her houseguests, and maybe Nick Fury and SHIELD? (Okay, maybe it's partly Marvel.) But all these espionage people around and nobody thinks to pull a public shell game like this?

Mark my words, there's more than just polybagged shenanigans going on here.
The series just wasn't set up like that. There have been no indications whatsoever that any sort of scam was in the works. It could be retconned that way, obviously, but I highly doubt that's been the plan all along.



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
So they kill off Peter?! Who's going to be Spider-Man?! And is it really Spider-Man without Peter?! OMG! I've been looking forward to getting caught up and now...*SIGH*
Harry Osborn or if they want to go with darker theme...Uncle Ben!



Originally Posted by Exodus_V View Post
Harry Osborn or if they want to go with darker theme...Uncle Ben!
The implication is that Pete is the "Uncle Ben" for the new Spider-man. That they were there, had powers, and chose not to use them, resulting in Peter's death. If it weren't for the fact that the new Spider-man is clearly a guy, I would've put my money on Gwen. She has a semi-meta background from when she was reconstituted from...Peter's blood. Which would be inherently spider-ized.

The question I'm asking is, "Who else has webs?"

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Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
The implication is that Pete is the "Uncle Ben" for the new Spider-man. That they were there, had powers, and chose not to use them, resulting in Peter's death. If it weren't for the fact that the new Spider-man is clearly a guy, I would've put my money on Gwen. She has a semi-meta background from when she was reconstituted from...Peter's blood. Which would be inherently spider-ized.

The question I'm asking is, "Who else has webs?"
Gwen's still a good option, if she regains control of Carnage, she should be able to mimic the appearance if she put her mind to it. Even if she isn't, I'd bet even money on a lot of people wondering if it is her when the new Spider-man comes 'round.



Originally Posted by ProcessedMeatMan View Post
The series just wasn't set up like that. There have been no indications whatsoever that any sort of scam was in the works. It could be retconned that way, obviously, but I highly doubt that's been the plan all along.
How much spare/off-camera time does Peter have within the (more probably the last half of the) event?



Ultimate Spider-Man's story is supposed to be about 2 years long.
He's 15 years old at the beginning of the series
At the end he's celebrating his 16th birthday...
The problem with that is that the story is obviously longer than that.
So we'll say that that was his 17th birthday

In between Ultimatum and relaunch was 6 months.

As far as Peter Clones or derivatives right now...

Gwen Stacy was killed by Carnage and then Carnage decided to use her as a template rather than Peter. When Eddie came back and the whole battle took place Gwen was separated from Carnage to fuse with Eddie... Eddie seems to be now a Venom/Carnage non-solid character...

Eddie Brock is technically a merge of Peter, Eddie, Richard Parker, Gwen Stacy, and like 3 other people genetically. Peter's DNA and Eddie's probably override all the others.

The Spider is in North Korea, i think, who is a Peter/Prof Xavier clone and will likely be dead or declared a villain before long

Scorpion escaped from the Fantastic 4 isolation stasis chamber thing and we haven't heard anything from him and we don't know how stable he is.

Jessica Drew, a female clone of Peter Parker, that runs as Spider-Woman right now

There is a possibility of them cloning more pretty easily...

As far as who could take his place...They just need...
Super Strength
Super Flexibility
Wall Sticking ability
Some sort of Spider Sense

The top 2 are fairly common...
The 3rd is very uncommon, but can be replicated by a suit
The 4th can be replicated by super senses or by a suit
The webs... it's a matter of how he gets the web shooters and the formula for the web fluid... not that hard to get considering the shooters are easy to makes once you see them while the fluid formula once you know about Peter you could likely find the formula on a chalkboard or his PC, which denotes some sort of hacking ability. Or he could get the formula from The Ultimates or one of the Clones... which denotes a connection of some sort.



Wasn't the idea (at least in the beginning) to have it so every 100 issues of USM equaled 1 year?

Well I know that was the idea in the beginning, did they nix it?

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



It's supposed to be from what I've heard in various places but i don't have a concrete source for that. It does seem though that is what they were going for...

You could theoretically go over all the issues and pick up all the time line information, but it's been something like 9 months as far as i can remember the last time caption before ultimatum and then 6 months after that is where Ultimate Comics: Spider-Man takes place.

The series starts with him as a sophomore at Midtown High and 15 and ends with him as Junior just celebrating his 16th birthday

If we follow the time captions the birthday is impossible while if we follow the birthday the time captions are impossible.

Also, I do believe in one comic it i mentioned that it is his birthday and because it wasn't an important element i simply forgot it...

So we are left with Peter having 2 birthdays in the course of 2 years and yet somehow at the end is 16.

In my opinion is that someone made a mistake, Bendis, and he's 17, not 16, by the end of the run.

Freshman year = 14-15
Sophmore year = 15-16 Peter Becomes Spider-Man
Junior year = 16-17 Peter dies at age 17
Senior year = 17-18

This makes sense with how it was written and Bendis simply couldn't keep anything straight in his writing post Ultimatum due to the 6 month shift