So, Time Manipulation

Adeon Hawkwood



I'm hoping for a lot of PBAOE toggle/clickie effects, with a couple clickie debuffs (AOE or ST)

For one, because I want to beable to solo and not pick a power were I can't use it on my own toon (Shield sets, SB, ect come to mind).

Also no annoying strobe effects (ala World of Confusion...Id use that power if it wasn't for it's strobbing effect...I don't mind Sonics or others...but WoC's just...well I can't play it long )

Clickie AOE Heal or Toggle Regen Power

Stealth + Positional Defense Toggle (no typed defense...none) with a huge Slow Resist (maybe other things, don't know) or something akin to Dispersion Bubble, so no stealth effect, but still just Positional Defense and no Typed Defense.

A +RCH toggle power would work with the theme too. Probably wouldn't want it on par with thinking 25%

Basically I'm thinking a lot of "Stay within the Time Bubble aka stay near me" type of buffs.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



What we know from the interviews so far is that there are two powers, likely the first and second, so you have no choice about them... They are only minor single target buff/debuff, but have a secondary effect of greatly increasing the effect of all your other buffs on the target buffed by the ST power.

As a mechanic, I like it, but it doesn't leave much room for other really unique powers.

All that is planned fails. All that is born dies.
All that is built crumbles. This will always be true.

But memories remain, And that is beautiful.



Originally Posted by BigBoss Eyepatch View Post
I think a freeze time option would be absolutely wicked. You set it off and every enemy within the AOE is hit, while they are frozen in time, they can be punched, and defeated. They are unable to attack, nor can they regenerate health or stamina and their attacks stop recharging completely.
I do think that is the best idea I have heard for a long time. Of course, it is a smidge overpowered, but as long as the recharge is on a long timer, it would be pretty cool.

And of course, since you are a time manipulator, I know that you would be able to greatly reduce the recharge time. This would make me rave all about.

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"You're right...I forgot...being constantly at or the near the damage cap is a big turn off. Definitely not worth it."
- Vitality



I hope it isn't based on -recharge for mitigation/control. That's the worse kind of mitigation.



Fire/Time Manipilation! The fire burns you faster than can move!

My bet for the set would be:

Ally Buffs:

Enemy Buffs:

What I would like to see is a power that doubles the dmg to DOTs or a power that raises dmg because you move faster and build more momentum.

Maybe a set that strongly increases your damage but completely increases your endurance consumption.

There are so many ways this can work and I'll be damnned if I get another Kinetics clone!



1) Quick Healing - Clickie AOE Heal (20ft Radius otherwise equal to Healing Aura)

1) Time Bubble - Toggle (20ft Radius, 25% +RCH/+SPD, 25% Slow Resist)

2) Slow Crawl - Targeted AOE Debuff (-90% Run/Jump Height/Jump Speed/Fly, -5 to Max Run Speed, -50% RCH. -10% Defense 20ft Radius)

6) Rewind Time - PBAOE Rez (Useable on defeat only, rezs you and everyone within a 20ft Radius - 15second untouchable phase)

8) Temporal Mastery - Toggle (20ft Radius +7.5 - 10% Positional Defense, NO Typed Defense, 60% Slow Resist, 20% S/L/Energy or Psi Resist with Stealth Component...OR instead of Damage Resists, Hold/Immobilize/Disorient Mez Protection...Stealth Component added on with the Mez Protection MAYBE. Basically something in the vein of Shadowfall, Arctic Fog, Steamy Mist, or a smaller Dispersion Bubble)

12) Time Jump - Clickie (A combination of Phase Shift + Fly, duration of 15-20 seconds on Phase + Fly Time, with a 5 second Hover Speed, 1 second Recharge of Power doesn't stack. This is essentially a Travel Power)

18) Temporal Disruption - Toggle (Single Target, -300% Regen, -15% Recovery, -50% Spd/RCH - SPECIAL All Other Debuffs on Target are magnified/enhanced)

26) Temporal Breakdown - Toggle (20ft AOE, -20% DMG, -20% RES, pretty similar to Enervating Field, but slightly larger AOE to keep with the Time Bubbles being a 20ft area)

32) Temporal Empowerment - Clickie (PBAOE 20ft Radius, +10% Positional Defense, +100% Regen, +50% RCH, 25% Slow Resist, +Perception SPECIAL All Other buffs on targets are magnified/enhanced...2minute duration with 6minute Recharge...recharge is a fixed rate.)

There we go! Using a few things we know so I added them in there. Didn't do the Time Double, because I figure it won't be in there, even if they just do a Double with Limited Access to Time Mastery Abilties (if even if it's just 1 or 2 of them) and Random Range power set (they are from a different Timeline after all).

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



So, since we know there are the two base powers for the set - one buff and one debuff - that will enhance the other powers, how will those likely work? I really only see 3 possibilities, one of which I think is unlikely.

#1 bubble style - formerly would be kept up on everyone by recasting, but soon to be area. I don't see this as likely for several reasons. Why bother with the new mechanics if the usual person you cast it on will only be getting one set of the modifiers? If they are bothering to make two sets of effects, then they likely expect a good mix of people who do and don't have the base, enhancing effect on them.

#2 forge/fortitude style - long recharge short duration buffs. This way, you can build for recharge to get it on as many people as possible. Still, for most of the game, you have to decide who in the group is getting the enhanced effects.

#3 toggle - simple enough, pick one champion/main target, and they get the best and worst of your buffs/debuffs, everyone else gets the second best effects.

I see 2 or 3 being more likely. That even allows the other effects to tend more towards area abilities, as they can offer significant boosts to one other character without being overpowered when applied to a whole group.



Originally Posted by rsclark View Post
So, since we know there are the two base powers for the set - one buff and one debuff - that will enhance the other powers, how will those likely work? I really only see 3 possibilities, one of which I think is unlikely.

#1 bubble style - formerly would be kept up on everyone by recasting, but soon to be area. I don't see this as likely for several reasons. Why bother with the new mechanics if the usual person you cast it on will only be getting one set of the modifiers? If they are bothering to make two sets of effects, then they likely expect a good mix of people who do and don't have the base, enhancing effect on them.

#2 forge/fortitude style - long recharge short duration buffs. This way, you can build for recharge to get it on as many people as possible. Still, for most of the game, you have to decide who in the group is getting the enhanced effects.

#3 toggle - simple enough, pick one champion/main target, and they get the best and worst of your buffs/debuffs, everyone else gets the second best effects.

I see 2 or 3 being more likely. That even allows the other effects to tend more towards area abilities, as they can offer significant boosts to one other character without being overpowered when applied to a whole group.
I think I showed how they could be One a toggle and one a clickie.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



I confess I haven't digested the details, but I guess a new melee set is going to incorporate the ability to speed up animation times. Would be a very cool, unique buff for a time control set, I must say.

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Originally Posted by Deacon_NA View Post
I confess I haven't digested the details, but I guess a new melee set is going to incorporate the ability to speed up animation times. Would be a very cool, unique buff for a time control set, I must say.
It would, but then they'd have to make alternate (or cut) animations for every power int he game. With this new set, it comes ready with that.

At least, that's the only way I could see it working.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



We know that the dev team does not seem to like clicky buffs that can be made permanent. So, chances are that the really powerful buffs/debuffs in the set will be immune to recharge or gradually decay over time the way Destiny buffs do. Combined with the fact that you need to apply your basic buff/debuff power first to get the full effect (i.e. an animation time/endurance penalty), the set is very likely to be subpar.



Originally Posted by Laevateinn View Post
We know that the dev team does not seem to like clicky buffs that can be made permanent. So, chances are that the really powerful buffs/debuffs in the set will be immune to recharge or gradually decay over time the way Destiny buffs do. Combined with the fact that you need to apply your basic buff/debuff power first to get the full effect (i.e. an animation time/endurance penalty), the set is very likely to be subpar.
I don't know. What I posted as to what I'd do, with the few things we know of the set, I don't think the set would be sub par.

Yeah, the Tier 9 would be on a fixed time/recharge [EDIT: on my list, not sure what the devs are doing] , but it also just increased the effectiveness of everyones self buffs (toggle/clickie/passive shields) as well for two whole minutes.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Reiterating please god don't let it be mainly slows, and don't let it have a phase power.



I personally have high expectations for this power set. I think that Time Manipulation will be the most unique power set to date...

Think about it, all the other powersets in the game are based off of concepts that we as people, not in game but in real life, understand. Things like Kinetics and Gravity are physics or even concepts like Empathy and being able to control thermal energy. It's all science and knowledge. However, the one things that the human race still has a lot of theories on is the ability to manipulate time. It's something that we as a race have not been able to accomplish.

So, as I said. This should be a very unique powerset that is not a bunch of copy/paste effects from other abilities in the game. I hope to see original thinking outside integrating current theories of time alterating and basic physics that are simple to understand.

My Global Chat Handle: @The Dreaming Shadow



Originally Posted by Emberly View Post
Reiterating please god don't let it be mainly slows, and don't let it have a phase power.
I hope you mean an enemy phase >_> I like the idea of a phase travel power.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Dreaming_Shadow View Post
I personally have high expectations for this power set. I think that Time Manipulation will be the most unique power set to date...

Think about it, all the other powersets in the game are based off of concepts that we as people, not in game but in real life, understand. Things like Kinetics and Gravity are physics or even concepts like Empathy and being able to control thermal energy. It's all science and knowledge. However, the one things that the human race still has a lot of theories on is the ability to manipulate time. It's something that we as a race have not been able to accomplish.

So, as I said. This should be a very unique powerset that is not a bunch of copy/paste effects from other abilities in the game. I hope to see original thinking outside integrating current theories of time alterating and basic physics that are simple to understand.
People have been doing Time Manipulation with plenty of other sets currently available.

I think it'll have to be good for the reasons that if it isn't free to everyone (F2P players as it seems this will be a free to VIPers but I'm not 100% sure) and it's found to be sub par, then people may just not buy it.

We know iit'll have two new effects we havent seen yet (which kinda seem like basically a PBU type of effect) which could be awesome, but won't mean much if people think the sets is lacking or lousy to play or what have you (look at Sonic, not an often seen Powerset).

Now I'm sure there will be people who say "Okay I have to reroll my already currently live Time Manipulating concept" whether the sets good or not, but they nay just say "Meh" and go back to their original.

If you have to buy it, then early reviews of the set will likely play a big factor too.

Now I'm sure many will buy it either way. But if they want everyone to buy it, it'd better be awesome.

If it's free to all no matter what, with i21, well...we could be sad kittehs. But then people can always ditch the set and go back to their other sets they use as a Time Manip set.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Hey guys, I just got back from January and I wanted to let you know that you will love it - after the first patch...




Originally Posted by Merope View Post
Hey guys, I just got back from January and I wanted to let you know that you will love it - after the first patch...

Dammit. So you're saying it'll suck at first and they'll quickly have to buff it?

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Dammit. So you're saying it'll suck at first and they'll quickly have to buff it?
Well, you really wouldn't have to time travel to know that, now would you?



Originally Posted by Merope View Post
Well, you really wouldn't have to time travel to know that, now would you?
So tell close was I to the design? >_> You can tell me. I won't cry.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
So tell close was I to the design? >_> You can tell me. I won't cry.
Let's just say the future is constantly changing, especially when one knows what the future is to hold. So, to give you any more information than that could risk paradox, and I'm already in trouble for the whole Taco incident.



Originally Posted by Merope View Post
Let's just say the future is constantly changing, especially when one knows what the future is to hold. So, to give you any more information than that could risk paradox, and I'm already in trouble for the whole Taco incident.
Paradox...Smaradox. I want to know noooow!


Issue 20.5 just went live, can I start testing i21 now?


BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by theduke24 View Post
Imagine what a time/kin duo could do...

*Villain* No! Please! Just toss me into the factory full of gasoline soaked, running chainsaws with a suitcase nuke shoved, sideways, up my *** and set it off please!

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Hmm, debuff, +rech, a clone(I hope). Anyone thinking a thug/time. Two sets of 6 pets and 2 gang wars that's 32 pets!

I would like to see a 20 to 30ft some type of AoE, 5 to 15sec 1000 mag hold like the T9 one in poison. Called freeze frame or hammer time (I was beat to that one). Give it a 10min rech. So it can't be parma but can get it to 3 or 4 min

Jake Doom - lvl 50 thug/poison - mastermind
Rock Hitman - lvl 50 stone/super strength - tanker
on Freedom and Protector