So, Time Manipulation

Adeon Hawkwood



I've gotta say I'm NOT a fan of the recharge/duration on Farsight**. Even fully slotted with SOs it's only a 66.6% uptime? Bleh. I DO however like that Chronoshift can be perma'd. I guess I'll be making another Recharge IO build for the character I inevitably roll.

I'm honestly a little surprised at how strong the Regen debuff in Time Crawl is.

All in all it looks like a fun set.

**But I will give it a go on Beta because drawing any final conclusions.

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



Originally Posted by Oathbound View Post
I've gotta say I'm NOT a fan of the recharge/duration on Farsight**. Even fully slotted with SOs it's only a 66.6% uptime? Bleh. I DO however like that Chronoshift can be perma'd. I guess I'll be making another Recharge IO build for the character I inevitably roll.

I'm honestly a little surprised at how strong the Regen debuff in Time Crawl is.

All in all it looks like a fun set.

**But I will give it a go on Beta because drawing any final conclusions.
Yup, keep in mind the date of this might already be a bit out of date, though it doesn't look too imbalanced to me. Certainly, my Psi/Time Corruptor is looking forward to it. Massive amounts of -Recharge and a single-target -Regen. Probably decent for AV fights.

I see what you're saying about Farsight, but I think that 66% uptime will be fine for it, as it does look like it does a lot. I think of it like Recovery Aura, but better.

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus



Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
Yup, keep in mind the date of this might already be a bit out of date, though it doesn't look too imbalanced to me. Certainly, my Psi/Time Corruptor is looking forward to it. Massive amounts of -Recharge and a single-target -Regen. Probably decent for AV fights.

I see what you're saying about Farsight, but I think that 66% uptime will be fine for it, as it does look like it does a lot. I think of it like Recovery Aura, but better.
True enough.

Really I do understand why they wouldn't want it perma-able on just SOs, this is the first set that really combines a good deal of Healing with a sizable AoE Defense buff, so I can see that they're balancing them against one another. I'm just a bit neurotic about part time buffs. My only IO build to date is my Widow because I just couldn't stand Mind Link not being always on.

I'll just end up doing the same thing here. I'm sure I'll enjoy the set.

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



Hmmm, weird idea, but let's say my buddy and I decide to make a Time Manipulation duo. If we hit each other with Temporal Selection, are we still buffed extra by each of our own Time Manipulation effects as well?



Originally Posted by Lazarillo View Post
Hmmm, weird idea, but let's say my buddy and I decide to make a Time Manipulation duo. If we hit each other with Temporal Selection, are we still buffed extra by each of our own Time Manipulation effects as well?
That is a good question. I would think yes, because it just sets the flag and says that you have the buff. However, I haven't tried it.

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus



Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
Is it kosher to post the powers now that it's in open beta?
It does technically hit open beta at 7pm eastern, but considering how often red names come here on their own you should be good.



First, I'm glad I followed my hunch and bought those Membranes.

Second, +recharge without +recovery is gonna hurt.



Having read the list, I'm still trying to figure out what sets would be a good match for it.



Originally Posted by Amy_Amp View Post
Having read the list, I'm still trying to figure out what sets would be a good match for it.
For Defenders and Corruptors, I think any set without redraw, possibly Rad Blast or Elec blast will work well because of their PBAoE attacks. For Controllers, I think that Elec control would work well, due to similar melee-draining/debuffing goodness. For MMs, any Melee pet set.

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus



Wow, that's definitely a set I'm going to have to try.

The Only Token Black Guy

Originally Posted by Murdok View Post
Your mom's real name is Castle.



I really wanna roll a time/sonic... but Sonic is all cones. I might roll a time elec, because ive always wanted to try an elec. So far i can see some synergies between the 2:

  • Both melee oriented
  • Have 2 single target holds and an aoe hold
But im still hesitant to roll a /elec... because i feel like its a somewhat low damage, low utility, low debuff powerset...

The Only Token Black Guy

Originally Posted by Murdok View Post
Your mom's real name is Castle.



Originally Posted by theduke24 View Post
I really wanna roll a time/sonic... but Sonic is all cones. I might roll a time elec, because ive always wanted to try an elec. So far i can see some synergies between the 2:
  • Both melee oriented
  • Have 2 single target holds and an aoe hold
But im still hesitant to roll a /elec... because i feel like its a somewhat low damage, low utility, low debuff powerset...
How is it you're forgetting Ice Blast!? I would think it would pair well with its 2 Holds, Various Slows and Rain Patches that mobs won't be moving away from very fast. Psi Blast is also looking like a winner here with stacking slows and - recharge.

I won't hate on Electric Blast (I have a retired TA/Elec and Elec/MM Blaster) but I don't recall seeing any -recovery in Time Manipulation. If I missed that, forgive me.

When there is no room left in Hell, the Dead shall walk the earth.



Originally Posted by Organicide View Post
I won't hate on Electric Blast (I have a retired TA/Elec and Elec/MM Blaster) but I don't recall seeing any -recovery in Time Manipulation. If I missed that, forgive me.
Time doesn't have any direct end drain but I still think the synergy is still decent. Electric Blast has pretty good sapping on its own with Short Circuit providing -recovery and strong end drain. The synergy comes from the fact that both Time and Electric work well in melee range and Time has tools to keep you (relatively) safe while you move in to spam Short Circuit. That being said, I'm planning to make a Time/Elec Defender and will almost certainly take either Electrical Mastery or Mu Mastery to get Power Sink for additional sapping (and a third single target hold).

How is it you're forgetting Ice Blast!? I would think it would pair well with its 2 Holds, Various Slows and Rain Patches that mobs won't be moving away from very fast. Psi Blast is also looking like a winner here with stacking slows and - recharge
The problem with both of these pairing (at least in my opinion) is that they provide to much of the same. TM already floors the speed of pretty much any enemy and will floor the recharge of even con enemies (althoguh higher level enemies will do more. At that point adding more slows doesn't really do much. Cold is probably still a decent choice due to the holds and the damage from Ice Storm but the secondary effects from both sets aren't going to be doing a huge amount.

In terms of a set with good secondary effects synergy I'd actually be looking at Dark Blast. The -to hit values Aett gave above are higher than what's on the Open Beta Server (I guess his numbers are older) so adding more to hit debuffs seems like a good choice. Of course the problem with Dark (and also AR and Sonic) is that the reliance on cones doesn't work hugely well with Times Junction.



Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
In terms of a set with good secondary effects synergy I'd actually be looking at Dark Blast. The -to hit values Aett gave above are higher than what's on the Open Beta Server (I guess his numbers are older) so adding more to hit debuffs seems like a good choice. Of course the problem with Dark (and also AR and Sonic) is that the reliance on cones doesn't work hugely well with Times Junction.
My favorite fender blast sets are /dark and /son... and i really wanted a time/son. I could do it but i feel like itd be to much work, and plus ive always wanted a /elec. Time works well with /elec because it gives you time to sap them dry, the slows, -tohit, +defense, and the holds help to slow down the damage they throw at you, and the +recharge in the set helps you spam -end/recov. Now that i think about it, im really looking forward to time/elec :P



Some of the numbers are off on the list of effects.

In particular Time's Juncture was reduced in effectiveness and some of the later powers had their recharge reduced.




Originally Posted by theduke24 View Post
My favorite fender blast sets are /dark and /son... and i really wanted a time/son. I could do it but i feel like itd be to much work, and plus ive always wanted a /elec. Time works well with /elec because it gives you time to sap them dry, the slows, -tohit, +defense, and the holds help to slow down the damage they throw at you, and the +recharge in the set helps you spam -end/recov. Now that i think about it, im really looking forward to time/elec :P
My Beta character was/is Time/Elec and the synergy is pretty nice, although not for the reasons you might think. Tesla + Time Stop will hold a Boss.

All the effects work well for a character that needs to be in melee range especially, but what really is nice is the -res debuff makes Electric blast feel more offensive. I did not even need to sap things to survive.

Time suffers from one of the same difficulties as RAD in that a mezz will drop Time's Juncture and you will get hurt afterwards. Farsight, however, is a tremendous Buff that will help you survive that eventuality.

Time manipulation is very heavy on endurance usage, so, much like Forcefields, needs to invest in good recovery sets and recharge for Chrono-Shift.




Originally Posted by Biospark View Post
My Beta character was/is Time/Elec and the synergy is pretty nice, although not for the reasons you might think. Tesla + Time Stop will hold a Boss.

All the effects work well for a character that needs to be in melee range especially, but what really is nice is the -res debuff makes Electric blast feel more offensive. I did not even need to sap things to survive.

Time suffers from one of the same difficulties as RAD in that a mezz will drop Time's Juncture and you will get hurt afterwards. Farsight, however, is a tremendous Buff that will help you survive that eventuality.

Time manipulation is very heavy on endurance usage, so much like Forcefields, needs to invest in good recovery sets and recharge for Chrono-Shift.
I respect the choice of Electric Blast, I just don't think it's for me. I've got my heart set on TM/Ice.

When there is no room left in Hell, the Dead shall walk the earth.



Originally Posted by theduke24 View Post
Now that i think about it, im really looking forward to time/elec :P
Originally Posted by Biospark View Post
My Beta character was/is Time/Elec and the synergy is pretty nice, although not for the reasons you might think. Tesla + Time Stop will hold a Boss.
Dang it, I was planning to roll a Time/Elec. If you all do so as well then I won't be a special snowflake .



Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
Dang it, I was planning to roll a Time/Elec. If you all do so as well then I won't be a special snowflake .
Dont worry Adeon, I played one on test, but I am certain that I will not be playing one on live. Most likely I will be making a Time/??? Defender that is NOT elec, but I am keeping to myself for now which powerset. hehe




I did some sampling of Time/rad. I wanted to try Time/beam, but I couldn't get the store to unlock to play it. Time crawl isn't an every foe power. Save it for the hard targets that you can layer the other debuffs is my best estimate. It reminds me of sonic siphon. I do want to report that for a level 4 defender power, time juncture is BIG. It's to-hit debuff and damage debuff both; it's very similar darkest night except the anchor is YOU! . I took down a group Arachnos 7 or 8 minions and a lieutenant. It was almost scary. Temporal mending while not the best heal is useful as a slow debuff like winter's gift without the corresponding snow beasts.

Triumphant Defenders Forever
Psylenz FF/Psi, ArticQuark Storm/Rad, Symon BarSisyphus Bots/psn, Max VanSydow Thugs/Dk, Cyclone Symon Bots/stm, Blue Loki Ice/Cd, Widow 46526
HelinCarnate:OMG it is so terrible. I have the option to take 3 more powers but no additional slots. Boo F'ing hoo.



I didn't catch all the new power settings, but Chrono Shift seems to be on a 600 second recharge with a 90 second duration.

Surprised no one has mentioned Time/Fire Blast (or Fire/Time Corr).

MM's look to be awesome with the set if they stay in melee range of enemies. -tohit/-dmg/slow resist AOE toggle? AOE Heal? PBAOE +Defense/Regen? What's not to like?

Going DP/TIME myself. A set that will help with DP's lower damage, and help survive in melee?! YES PLEASE!

A bit clickie for a weapon set, with all powers being click except for one, but I think few of the powers will be used often in regular content.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



I posted my opinions on the Mastermind Forum, but I'll sum them up here;

It's a very busy set. It robs attention of the complimenting set, be it Primary or Secondary. The Endurance Costs for Masterminds are brutal with out Incarnate Support, which always screams to me as a Bad Set.

It plays like a Hybrid Set. It has no real strengths or weaknesses, as expected of one. It's a good farmer and has good AV merit, but doesn't specialize in either.

I don't think it will steal Trap's title of Best MM Secondary for AV and Teaming Shenanigans, but it's got it's merit. Although people calling it the "New OP for Masterminds" are freaking stupid. The greatly nerfed, but deserved, Time's Juncture is to note for the whole "You should be in Melee with this set!"

Time's Juncture is a wide enough PBAoE to catch many enemies, but enemies outside of it, if you were foolishly relying on it for a pseudo soft cap, are going to make your life a bit agonizing. That aside, for Masterminds? The reduced numbers and Mastermind Increased Endurance Costs make it a good addition to the Secondaries list, but it probably won't trump any of the Big Three (Thermal, Dark, Traps).

Mastermind sets want debuffs, and stacking defensive powers, be it healing, resistance, or defense. Time Manipulation has all of these, but not in the high numbers Masterminds look for. It's not a bad set, however. I might end up playing it, but Masterminds need so much micromanaging as it is, it's hard to really give Time Manipulation the attention it craves.

PS: Beam Rifle/Time Manipulation is going to be the funniest FoTM since Dual Pistols/Mental Manipulation. Both sets require so much attention and focus to them that you're not utilizing their special traits if you go with both. Time needs a set that doesn't need heavy amounts of focus to do it's job. And anyone who does DP/Time is probably the same type who thought DP/Mental had any true synergy. DP isn't a "Melee Set", because I'm sorry to the Defenders who think so? One PBAoE does not make a melee set.

Ho Hum~



It seems that TM is much a Jack-of-all-trade similar to Will Power.



No, no. Willpower, with IOs, is probably the single strongest defensive set in the game, with very few holes to speak of. It might start off as a "Jack of all Trades", but it quickly becomes a "Master of All". Except bonus damage, but eh.

Time Manipulation is honestly what Trick Arrow WANTED to be, but failed. Well, not quite. Time Manipulation technically has no damage power.



I've been using Bots/Time, myself. It's not a god tier MM set but it is VERY good for folks with a "facepull / provoke" tankermind play style. Everybody slowed and sometimes mezzed + bot burn patches = fun times.

In fact, that's my worry for this as a Defender / Corruptor set; it's very oriented towards overlapping your Time Juncture with your Distortion Field for maximum shenanigans. Everything it does is PBAOE... Temporal Mending, Chrono Shift, Far Sight. You can't fight from the back row with a set like this and claim to be effective.

It's a terrible match for Beam Rifle, I agree there. A few friends of mine have been having some success there but there's so much micromanaging and clicking (who's Disintegrated right now? who's Slowed? who's Accelerated? Where should I be standing to make the most of this?) that it'd probably drive you batty eventually.

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