Change Lady Grey TF
It makes NO sense for the Psi Clock to attack Penny. It's, like...hello? She's the ENTIRE reason for them being there.
I agree with the second part, too. Heck, I'm sure someone carries a spare med-tag or two. And I'm sure Infernia and Glacia would rather have a last hoo-rah at beating Dra'Gons face in before going back for RnR. It'd also make the mission much more fun.
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Like most tf's and arc's this one could be looked at.
- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!

While you may not like failing missions, I'm sure a great many more people don't like trying to find and rescue all the captives on an extremely large map.
I haven't seen any issues with Penny not making it to the door, but all the runs I do someone's always using the "Recall Team" power. It's usually a very short mission.
But if you're going to ask that LGTF is changed, at least ask for something that's been bugging the majority of players, and that's the Honoree's obviously broken Tier 9.
Kill 'em all. Let XP sort 'em out.
I'm against changing any of the missions to be unfailable unless you also address the reason why these missions are failed so much. First mission, because you have to drag Penny all the way back to the entrance, third mission, because you have to find sixish hostages hiding in corners all around an enormous map. Make the missions less tedious and you have a point.
Issue 16 made me feel like this.
Warning: This poster likes to play Devil's Advocate.

While I don't try to fail fact last LGTF I ran, I lead both Glacia and Inferna out solo, just because I didn't like to see them just be killed off
I do agree though, make them rescue and then follow instead of rescue and lead out.
Penny. Agreed, doesn't make since for them to attack her, but it could just as easily be the games way of saying "Clockwork are trying to capture her".
Though on many teams, I never see her die, as someone uses Recall Team to get her out safely, so not as big of a concern imo (this also seems to be the fastest way imo, as a lot of times, trying to get her killed can take forever).
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
But if you're going to ask that LGTF is changed, at least ask for something that's been bugging the majority of players, and that's the Honoree's obviously broken Tier 9.
I'm against changing any of the missions to be unfailable unless you also address the reason why these missions are failed so much. First mission, because you have to drag Penny all the way back to the entrance, third mission, because you have to find sixish hostages hiding in corners all around an enormous map. Make the missions less tedious and you have a point.
It's a bit strange that these missions haven't been addressed when these shortcuts are very reminiscent of the old Katie Hannon speed tricks.
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Maybe I'm evil, but I say, keep 'em fail-able, and if they does the TF. The end. No rewards. Too bad, you suck. Insert coin and try again. Also, ideally, they should change the TF in this way, but not say so in the patch notes when they go live with it.
Maybe I'm evil, but I say, keep 'em fail-able, and if they does the TF. The end. No rewards. Too bad, you suck. Insert coin and try again. Also, ideally, they should change the TF in this way, but not say so in the patch notes when they go live with it.
Never surrender! Never give up!
Help keep Paragon City alive with the unofficial City of Heroes Tabletop Role Playing Game!
Maybe I'm evil, but I say, keep 'em fail-able, and if they does the TF. The end. No rewards. Too bad, you suck. Insert coin and try again. Also, ideally, they should change the TF in this way, but not say so in the patch notes when they go live with it.
If you want to do this TF in a specific way, then make your OWN group and cherry pick who you invite. Tell them up front how you intend to do the missions.
The only thing this task force needs changed is to have the Rikti Crotch Shot cinematic removed.
Maybe I'm evil, but I say, keep 'em fail-able, and if they does the TF. The end. No rewards. Too bad, you suck. Insert coin and try again. Also, ideally, they should change the TF in this way, but not say so in the patch notes when they go live with it.
No. *Hell* no.
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
It always gets a chuckle out of me that the (unintended) most efficient way to run that coop TF is to be a villain, compared to the rest of the coop content being so hero-centric, but I have to agree that it's bad design. This suggestion definitely makes sense.
I really don't think any change in the TF is required. The INTENT of the task force is not .. let's get people killed. That is simply a result of the growing trend toward SPEED TFS. I personally prefer to rescue Penelope and get her back safe and sound. It also annoys me that the majority of teams are perfectly willing to skip the potential XP, INF, salvage and recipe drops in mission 3 and just get Infernia and Galacia killed. There is an AV in that mission and at level 50 anything you defeat has the potential to deliver a purple recipe.
I have been on teams that even sped through the Rider mission,, someone zipping ahead and tping everyone to each set of riders rather than fighting there. And of course teams even shorten the Hamidon mission by taunting the Rikti gaurding the pylons in so that hamidon and the Mitros kill them.
Its a shame because this TF offers so many different things...
XP if you are below 50
INF no matter what level you are
Salvage /Recipes.. to either buff yourself more or sell (See note on PURPLE recipe above for getting a LOT of INf in a very short amount of time).
Reward Merits which can also be used to purchase salvage/recipes
Vanguard Merits which can be used for specialty items in the vanguard base.. INCLUDINg one type of incarnate component
and Incarnate Shards
Aside from the reward merits all these other things increase or the chance for them increases with the more things you DEFEAT but everyone is in a BIG BIG hurry so screw the other rewards just get me to the end and let me move on to the next TF I can speed through.
The insane thing, in my opinion, is that this has now even started on the incarnate trials.. Lambda SPEED RUNS.. actually involve defeating JUST enough troops to open the facility and then the league rushes in to defeat the security guard and start collecting acids and grenades. I go stuck on two of these so far and the first one involved actually hopping over the walls and just defeating the troops on the inside along with the gun turrents... that made getting back from the hospital quite an adventure
The second involved defeating JUST enough stuff on the street to get to the front door and then battling some stuff inside until the facility opened... we left the gun turrents active. 15 or 16 Elite Bosses passed up completely for speeds sake.
The best part is I have done Lambda trials where we took out everything in the street, the courtyard, the guns and even defeated stuff while we were collecting acids and grenades and the whole trial took about 30 minutes... BUT heaven forbid that's not FAST enough for the growing army of speed freaks.
And trust me they do this same stuff with everything.. STF, ITF, KAHN, etc etc. Frankly I hate speed runs and have quit a couple when the leader didn't bother to advertise it and just assumed that EVERYONE wants to skip tons of potential drops etc and just finish FAST.
�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon
It makes NO sense for the Psi Clock to attack Penny. It's, like...hello? She's the ENTIRE reason for them being there.
I agree with the second part, too. Heck, I'm sure someone carries a spare med-tag or two. And I'm sure Infernia and Glacia would rather have a last hoo-rah at beating Dra'Gons face in before going back for RnR. It'd also make the mission much more fun. /Signed |

I'm against changing any of the missions to be unfailable unless you also address the reason why these missions are failed so much. First mission, because you have to drag Penny all the way back to the entrance, third mission, because you have to find sixish hostages hiding in corners all around an enormous map. Make the missions less tedious and you have a point.
Well first of all there is a way around dragging Penny anywhere in mission one.. All you need is one player with ATT or recall friend at the front door after you rescue Penny and POOF she is rescued. Then you can actually defeat the Clockwork king (an AV worth considerable XP to anyone under level 50) instead of failing the mission.
Now on mission three if they wanted to change the rescue and lead out to a simple RESCUE I could see it.. takes away the chance of failure since Infernia rants on so long that half the time the first Ambush has arrived before she will move. As for the other rescues.. Are you honestly telling me you have never done any other mission with multiple glowies/task spread out over an large map?
Without even going to the wiki to look .. The Defend the War Wall Badge mission invloves preventing Rikti from destroying three objects and rescuing 5 or 6 captured scientists .. and THEN you still need to defeat the Raid Leader.
I did the LGTF on a KILL all team a while back and when i say KILL ALL i mean it.. We even stuck around after defeating the Clockwork King and took out all of the ambushes. Rescued both Infernia and Galacia and battled our way, not stealth/tp, to the final chamber to take out the Honoree and finish the TF. In all it took us 1 hour and 42 minutes .. I was several million richer, without selling any salvage, etc, I had close to 100 more Vanguard Merits and my slavage, recipe and enhancement trays were full.
�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon
[QUOTE=Wicked_Wendy;3694897]Well first of all there is a way around dragging Penny anywhere in mission one.. All you need is one player with ATT or recall friend at the front door after you rescue Penny and POOF she is rescued. Then you can actually defeat the Clockwork king (an AV worth considerable XP to anyone under level 50) instead of failing the mission.
Now on mission three if they wanted to change the rescue and lead out to a simple RESCUE I could see it.. takes away the chance of failure since Infernia rants on so long that half the time the first Ambush has arrived before she will move. As for the other rescues.. Are you honestly telling me you have never done any other mission with multiple glowies/task spread out over an large map?
Without even going to the wiki to look .. The Defend the War Wall Badge mission invloves preventing Rikti from destroying three objects and rescuing 5 or 6 captured scientists .. and THEN you still need to defeat the Raid Leader.
I did the LGTF on a KILL all team a while back and when i say KILL ALL i mean it.. We even stuck around after defeating the Clockwork King and took out all of the ambushes. Rescued both Infernia and Galacia and battled our way, not stealth/tp, to the final chamber to take out the Honoree and finish the TF. In all it took us 1 hour and 42 minutes .. I was several million richer, without selling any salvage, etc, I had close to 100 more Vanguard Merits and my slavage, recipe and enhancement trays were full.
I will gladly join you on kill all TFs for Wendy.
Though I admit, I love to skip CoT on the STF and go straight for the vines. >_>
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
Well first of all there is a way around dragging Penny anywhere in mission one.. All you need is one player with ATT or recall friend at the front door after you rescue Penny and POOF she is rescued. Then you can actually defeat the Clockwork king (an AV worth considerable XP to anyone under level 50) instead of failing the mission.
I remember being surprised that she can be teleported around. Most NPC allies are immune to teleport, to prevent just that sort of shortcut.
It would be pretty kool if tfs had choices between good and evil in them. Or alternatively voluntary tip missions players would receive after TF completion. The tip mission would relate to the TF story and the player could also receive alignment points depending on how they complete the tip mision. Sorta like an encore where you could pick between a happy ending and not-so-happy ending lol.
Also I prolly shouldn't be telling this, but there's a glitch in the LGTF where you can actually kill penny yourself lol. If you have stealth and Penny is not following anyone after she gets rescued, her targeting reticule will turn from blue to orange. When you attack her (with ranged attacks of course) she will attack you and will be hostile towards you. I think this is de facto, the fastest way to complete the first mission, because average player can kill Penny in couple of seconds.
I agree, I hate "killing" off key people in that tf just to speed run it. The should just shorten the map down in the Dra'gon map, let them fight if they must, but if they fall along the way, so what. As for the other captives, the story states:
"The Rikti have been kidnapping latent human psychics in order to utilize their energies to re-stabilize the portal between our world and their own.
They must be prevented in this, for if they should succeed they will be able to muster the full force of their military might against us. Now is the time to stop this plan before it may grow bitter fruit by recovering the captured psychics!"
Why not just place all of the captives in the boss room at terminals, we just beat the mobs protecting them, they are saved then Dra'gon shows up. Seems like a fairly easy fix.
While I find nothing wrong with wanting to kill all on any TF, your blanket statement really lacks insight. There's plenty of people running speed TFs because they want to get in as much game content as possible on limited play schedules. It's one of the things CoH is known for, being casual friendly.
I think the problem can be equally blamed on people not asking if the TF they joined is a speed run or not, since they can quit out if they don't like the answer. If you don't like the way a team operates, form your own. I'm not being callous, just pragmatic. We all have different preferences, there's no need to take away from others when you can make a solution for yourself.
Kill 'em all. Let XP sort 'em out.
The reason me and my pals started speeding was because back in the day merits were worth more money, so we would run ITF-LGTF-LRSF for merits a couple of times a day. We just found speeding more challenging and fun, plus we didn't want to spend too long on TFs we already knew inside and out.
However when a new TF is introduced, I run them legit without speeding to understand the maps and objectives better.
Then there are also few missions that have such epic feel to them that I have no interest speeding them, for example the final mission on Silver Mantis. Too bad TFs/SFs like that are rare.
However there's absolutely no reason to be rude and dismissive of other player's chosen playstyle.
I don't play speed runs because I'm particularly impatient. I play them because I find it more fun and challenging to play beat the timer.
As for which is more lucrative, I'd say that running 2 TFs quickly in 45minutes is equal if not superior in terms of drops and XP than spending an hour+ in a kill all run. At the very least they're a wash, so you're not going to win the argument about making more money/drops/xp from kill alls.
In the end, play the way you like. Don't assume people who don't play the way you are are drooling impatient idiots though. Particularly don't rant in a tone that makes it seem like you think that if you don't.
"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill
I don't really have an issue with the third mission as it stands. It's been some time since I've done Lady Grey, but I don't recall it being that tedious. Especially since you're given two helper NPCs to help blow through the map.
By letting them die, the mission can last 5-15 minutes (depending on where they are and how long it takes them to die). By escorting them out, that mission can be extended by as much as an 60-90 minutes (defeat all). That is time I can use to:
- Sleep.
- Spend on another trial, TF, SF.
- Do something else in or out of game.
My benchmarks:
- Speed LGTF - 40 minutes or less.
- Regular (extract Penny with Assemble the team & let the sisters die) - 40 to 80 minutes (usually around 60 minutes).
- Long LGTF - 80-120 minutes.
- Full Plow LGTF - 2+ hours.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters
This is the one TF that I really despise - basically because the most "efficient" way to complete the TF is to fail missions. 90% of the LGTF's are speed, and this is the way it's done.
From my perspective:
1. I hate failing missions.
2. It's not very heroic to purposefully let people die.
- Make Penny Yin a "non-follow" captive. You rescue her, she's rescued and goes on her merry way. Then you fight the clockwork king, end of mission.
- Either make Infernia/Glacia "non-follow" captives, or make their deaths irrelevant. I think you should have to defeat the end-boss ( Dra-gon ).
Yes, I'm sure the TF speeders will disagree with the 2nd item, but a stealth TP to the end boss with a smackdown shouldnt take more than an extra couple minutes.
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