Green Lantern - CaH/VC reactions (Please preface with SPOILER if you're going to add SPOILERS)
Enjoyed the living heck out of it. Real fun movie even in 2D. greta effefcts definately a movie made possible in live action by CGI something that even 10 years ago would have been incredibly difficult to do live action as opposed to animation.
The cast fits nicely Reynolds was fine as Jordan and didnt over do the role like another green hero in a recent film did. Sinestro was well played and Blake Lively was attractive and passable as Carol Ferris.
The action and effects were amazing and the highlight of the film. for purists the story stays reasonably close to canon Gl with some minor changes that make a reasonable sense and can be forgiven.
Definately worth a matinee afternoon, and will own it on DVD.
So you mean you'll put down your rock, and I'll put down my sword; and we'll try and kill each other like civilized people?
Dubbed first knight of pep-istan by her majesty Queen Pepcat. first catmonaut to walk onna moon.
Thanks fellas, and thanks for not giving any spoilers. I plan on seeing it this weekend.
Confirmed altaholic with 70+ alts in coh and cov...yes i know thats alot! Playing coh since beta test phase.
So many hardcore nerds were at my theater complaining. They were just...awful.
I just got back from seeing it. I have no idea what has the critics in hissy fit mode. Yes, this wasn't on the level of Iron Man or Dark Knight. Nobody in their right mind should expect that level for all superhero movies. This was a perfectly acceptable movie. The story was reasonable, the acting was good, and the directing was solid. Hell there wasn't even any cringe worthy dialog.
The main problem of the movie was that it was rushed. There is a lot of story and background to be told to introduce Green Lantern, and to jam it all in while including a confrontation with a major foe meant they just had to ram things along at times.
I'll buy it when it hits Blu Ray. I have no regrets seeing it at the evening price.
Too many alts to list.
So posting a thread for those who've seen this movie to post their reviews. |
Glad to see there are plenty of folks that like this movie, even ones that are comic geeks. I'll be seeing it this weekend. Might even spring for the 3D this time (didn't with Thor).
Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.
... In particular the 3D ( not that I think that's a selling point, but they actually USED 3D to a good portion of its potential).
For me, I saw 3D in the title card, the end credits and exactly *two* other spots, lasting about 12 seconds. There was absolutely no discernable 3D for about 99.9% of the movie.
Anyhow, I liked it. Now, this isn't Hal Jordan as I remember him, but that's probably good, because this Hal seems to have a broader appeal. I thought it managed a good balance between story and action and I loved Sinestro.
My only complaint is that the final battle with Parallax seemed anti-climactic. It was good, but not great. Trying to avoid spoilers... Without giving anything away, Hal's final blow to Parallax could have/ should have been repeated a few times; a good one-two-three would have been nice.
Certainly worth seeing, even though it cost me almost 50 bucks for me, my wife and our son. I prefered Thor (likely because I prefer Thor as a character), but this was perfectly enjoyable in it's own right.
Est sularis oth Mithas
The movie sucked...
All the action was boring
All the characters were wrong
Almost all the story details were wrong with who and what the various things are and how the characters act.
There were a few "heh" moments and it wasn't "atrocious" in terms of what brought to the table, but when you are that poor to mediocre with the rich history and Monetary backing that GL has. Heck i don't even like Hal Jordan, but he is one of the few Superheroes that have had their origin story rewritten and changed by a lot and both versions are good...but instead of taking either of those they subject you to bland crap
This is probably the worst...or close to worst Superhero film of the recent past...and after seeing this don't see why people would ever want to get into the DC universe...
Enjoyed it a lot. Top 5 CBM? No. But I'd put it in my top 10. Anyone who thinks Ryan Reynolds can't play the Hal as he is currently portrayed in the comics need to watch the final battle again. So much potential for the sequel.
Oh and the only way my mind found the movie tolerable to keep watching was that about 15 mins in i realized the movie was more or less what you get if...
Someone who knows what GL is all about told someone trying to convince them to like GL and then they told someone else about a geek who tried to get them into their comic thingies and then that person came and tried to tell people what GL is actually about and what the story is about
Saw it last night and i dug it. Good pace, fun action, good action and definitely did not drag at all. There were a few spots the CGI was a bit jarring, but they didnt last and it doesnt really bring the movie down. I was down more with the secondary villain than Parralax (im hoping that's not too much a spoiler there), but i was never fond of the fear entity stuff to begin with. Seriously, i think the only reason folks are kvetching is because they WANT to hate this movie.
The adaptation was solid, the details they did change weren't that bad, and i think Reynolds sold himself as Jordan pretty well (though again, there are a few spots where he's just playing to type, but it meshes back pretty quick).
Good flick, go see it, and know there are at least two GL fanboys (myself and the friend i saw it with) who totally dig the movie and are definitely going to add this to our DVD shelf when the time comes.
Just got back from watching it and I loved it.
Also, I am a MASSIVE GL comics fan, especially Hal Jordan.
Really don't understand the critics. Why do they expect every movie to be some in-depth character study with hidden meaning and deeper subtext? It's a bloody Superhero movie for heavens sakes, not to mention it's a 2 hour film based on about 50 years of comic book history. How much can they realistically get in to a film and expect people to understand it?
I thought it was great fun, a perfect summer blockbuster movie for just kicking back and enjoying. LOVED how many different ring constructs were used, not just energy beams like we got in the JLU series, proper GL constructs using his imagination
Can't wait for the sequel
We built this city on Rock and Roll!

Looks like $21 mill on Friday so it will put in a pretty decent weekend. Not sure what the budget was but the marketing aspect had to be huge.
Nearly forgot, my fave bit?
When Carol recognised Hal almost instantly.
FINALLY!!! No more casual ignorance for the sake of the mythos, this made so much more sense
We built this city on Rock and Roll!

TONS OF SPOILERS: (although its just the same lantern story we have seen 100 times)
I saw it last night and I have mixed feelings for sure. While I could accept RR as a young brash Hal Jordon there were a few times where it was almost too much, Ive always seen Hal as a mans man, one of the only truly "grown up" heroes. I know that he is hard to control, but childish is never a word you use in the same sentence as Hal Jordon (thats Gardners job).
I felt that some of the most important parts of the movie were so rushed that they lost appeal. The scene where the ring seeks out Hal and brings him to to the crashed ship took maybe 3 seconds, and just seemed like it was thrown in to save time. Plus the dramatic meeting of the master GL and the newly chosen Hal just lacked the emotion that it should have had. This scene is pivotal and while I dont think they wrecked it, they should have done a better job.
Hals training was covered in about 3 minutes, and where a simple time passing training montage would have worked wonders and explained his time away they instead gave him a short crash coarse and sent him off to die lol. They completely skipped his time with Sinestro and the growth of theyre relationship and put in a short fight scene instead. I think the thing that excited me the most about this movie was I thought it would be a lot of screen time with Hal and Sinestro building the relationship and making the audience care about him so that when he was inevitably kicked out of the GL corp and came back for revenge they would feel for him and at the same time be a little scorned that he had fallen so far. That being said Sinestro was the standout actor of the movie, every line delivered to perfection. I could not have asked for a better pick to play my favorite villain.
I really liked the take on Paralax too, the former guardian explanation and the broken pillar were nice touches and make more sense than the story we all know about him. Though him being a giant space poop cloud kinda blows, and the fact that NO WAY IN HELL could he ever be defeated like that. If it was that easy they would have done it before.
Also while hinting at the yellow ring was kinda cool, it completely ruined the deep and awesome backround story of Sinestro and pretty much turned it from fallen hero to power hungry disobedient d-bag.
I hope we get a second film and I hope it doesnt take 5 years cause honestly my main reason for seeing this was my love of Sinestro lol.
Psynder LVL 51 Fire/Fire/Scorpion Blaster
KnightWidow LVL 51 NightWidow
Shiver LVL 50 Ice X3 Dominator
Knight'Shade LVL 47 DP/Dark/NRG Corrupter
Currently Marking Out For: Chris Sabin, Player Dos, Daniel Bryan, Portia Perez, CM Punk
Basically, the film could have been vastly improved if you swapped out Hector Hammond's scenes with Sinestro taking Hal out on a few "calls" as part of his GL training and the creative team stopped everyone once in a while and asked themselves whether they were letting Hal cross the line between cocky and dorky.
And it would have helped if you got the sense that any of the creative forces involved felt they were putting their best effort forward and looking to some of the best examples of the genre as something to aspire to instead of something to dismiss as a possible goal.
- CaptainFoamerang

Silverspar on Kelly Hu: A face that could melt paint off the wall *shivers*
Someone play my AE arc! "The Heart of Statesman" ID: 343405
Perhaps, but i think the 'training day' scenario will work best in the second film. (and i hope there is one) In this one they basically established that Sinestro IS a leader among the Corps and that Jordan is more than capable of being a GL all on his own (if a bit rough around the edges). im glad that sinestro didn't take the fall right into the villain side in this movie. With the origin out of the way, a second movie could take time to build a friendship and watch it hit the rocks without rushing it.
I agree Sinestro could mentor Hal more and Hal could be shown to see Sinestro like a drug addict slowly changing as he uses the yellow ring more and more before finally stopping him.
I want to add to my review also I do agree that one of the few complaints is that the movie does feel a little rushed at times, not especially jarring but it could use another 10-15 of training and build up with the corps.
So you mean you'll put down your rock, and I'll put down my sword; and we'll try and kill each other like civilized people?
Dubbed first knight of pep-istan by her majesty Queen Pepcat. first catmonaut to walk onna moon.
Saw it, loved it. Though I do think RR would've been better as a Kyle Raynor GL than Hal.
Little bits that I liked...the mass gathering of Lanterns. That was neat seeing all those different aliens. Though if Arisa, Katma and Jade had been shown, I would've like it a bit better.
I was glad that they managed to get the distinction between male and female Guardians. You wouldn't notice it unless you were looking for it, along with the subtle facial distinctions.
I really liked the energy constructs. They...felt...real rather than the fakey, 'you can tell the actor is on a green screen rather than with the item' trend like in Star Wars Ep 1.
The 3D for this film was completely, 100% unnecessary. Along with the surcharge for it. There was more 3D in the credits than in the majority of the movie.
The only real way that I imagine someone could "hate" this movie is if they are already predisposed to dislike the summer blockbusters. If they are people that think the best movies involve clowns cooking pancakes while horses dance with each other in background and a radio cries a single tear, then they aren't going to like this movie.
Edit - Oh ya...the Portal Corp thing. Totally saw the resemblence. Even to the little widget going around the main circle.
Edit 2 - As for the whole Parallax being a cloud thing...unlike in Fantastic Four, that cloud had meaning. If you looked close enough at it, you saw that it wasn't just a cloud.
It was the souls of those who had been devoured by Parallax. You could see faces, body parts, etc.
Ok, I havent seen the movie, but I wanted to ask... is there any mention of an almost god-like member of the Justice Society yet is unknown to the other JSA members of his existence within the movie's plot?
Triumphant Defenders Forever
Psylenz FF/Psi, ArticQuark Storm/Rad, Symon BarSisyphus Bots/psn, Max VanSydow Thugs/Dk, Cyclone Symon Bots/stm, Blue Loki Ice/Cd, Widow 46526
HelinCarnate:OMG it is so terrible. I have the option to take 3 more powers but no additional slots. Boo F'ing hoo.
No reference to any other super, iirc. They refer to Abin Sur as the first alien encountered by humans.

Triumphant Defenders Forever
Psylenz FF/Psi, ArticQuark Storm/Rad, Symon BarSisyphus Bots/psn, Max VanSydow Thugs/Dk, Cyclone Symon Bots/stm, Blue Loki Ice/Cd, Widow 46526
HelinCarnate:OMG it is so terrible. I have the option to take 3 more powers but no additional slots. Boo F'ing hoo.
Remember, Warner has yet to do a unified DC universe. Heck I'm guessing they never will.
Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components
Tempus unum hominem manet
So posting a thread for those who've seen this movie to post their reviews.
So last night took my son to go see this at a midnight showing. Fun flick. dug it much better than Thor. In particular the 3D ( not that I think that's a selling point, but they actually USED 3D to a good portion of its potential) Liked the Pacing, dialouge and action. My only complaint is that this could have been in two movies instead of one but they made it work.
OH and I only stayed through the first portion of the credits, there is something hinting towards what he next movie is going to be about. Didn't stay to the second half of the credits.