50 of Each AT.....




I first saw City of Heroes in June 2004 sitting on a game stop shelf. I nearly bought it then but passed on it for another title.

October 10th 2005, after seeing that City of Villains was coming out and once again being very intrigued, I got home after work and was surfing the net to find out more about City of Heroes and Villains. I found that I could buy CoH on Direct2Drive and put it straight on my computer for 30$. I figured it was a great way to try the game before I decided on paying 60$ for City of Villains.

I remember being drawn in by the music, the sound effects, the descriptions of the ATs during the install screens, the interface was very comic book like and smooth. I was blown away by the number of AT and power choices then more blown away by the costume creator. I remember wanting to try each AT, wanting to toy with all the powersets.

The goal to get a level 50 of Each AT didn't pop into my mind until later on after I'd played a bit. I never thought I'd have that many level 50s since my first one took me 15 months to get ( I took a lot of breaks in that first year or so.)

But as of 3:12 Pacific time, June 16 2011, closing in on 6 years after I started playing the game, I reached my long time goal of getting a Level 50 of each AT!

The goal started a while back, I saw a couple others on the forums mention it was a goal of there's, at the time I had only a couple 50s and thought of it as a sort of nifty goal that I might work towards slowly. It wasn't until about the time going Rogue came out that I had enough 50s of various ATs that I realized the goal was reachable. After closing out my final Villain At, my Dominator last week, I've spent the last week and a half bringing my Warshade from 30 to 50 to finish my Hero ATs!

Just thought I'd share!

Anyway some fun facts of my CoH career....

-I started playing in I5. I remember having to ask people when they kept talking about I4, I5 and I6, what the hell any of that meant. People were more than happy to explain it to me.

- My very first character wore green and black tights, he was a Stone\Mace tanker. He didn't make it through tutorial because I thought the stone Armor was ugly.

- I played something like 5 days or maybe a full week in the game never joining a team, mostly because it was my first MMO and I was still feeling it out. Once I joined a team and saw how fun it was, I never went back.

- My second character ever was just something I created to mess around with a powerset I was curious about. An Assault Rifle\Devices blaster. She started as an experiment. She's been my main hero for years, with over 1100 badges and completely set enhanced with all Tier 4 Incarnate powers.

- I bought CoH to test it before I got CoV, which I really wanted. I ended up liking Hero side more.

- Between my 17 50s and my other alts, I've "Dinged" level up over 1000 times.

So I've reached my milestone. I still love this game, more than ever perhaps and I'm always excited for the future. I'm sure I20.5 will be amazing and I can't wait to see what's in I21. In the mean time I just wanna close my little milestone post with a thought:

When I first started playing this game, I'd invariably have a ton of questions just from what I saw people discussing in broadcast. I'd get stuck, or have problems with something or just out right curious about some things. I never had an issue finding an answer. When I posted a question in broadcast, or even asked some one, without fail I'd get an answer or get pointed to some one who had an answer. The learning curve in this MMO wasn't nearly so bad because of the community of people that were always happy to help. When I was pointed to the forums, that became even more true as the people here have given me tons of advice and help over the years. Add to that some fantastic experiences of Hero Cons, and Meet N greets and introducing my girlfriend to this game. It's been nothing but fun memories, from the wonderful, gracious hard working devs right down to all the people who I've teamed with or disagreed with, this is a fantastic community. I look forward to hopefully, 6 more years and my next milestone... Filling all of my 36 slots on Virtue with 50s. I've got 17 now so I'm almost half way there!

List of 50s!

Madam Justice - AR\Devices Blaster
Ice Wall - Ice\Ice Tanker
Adria Lightheart - Peacebringer
Lady Tranquility - Dual Blades \ WP Scrapper
Phil Connors - Grav\Storm Controller
General Anesthetic - Emp\Rad Defender
Nova Spectre - Warshade
Col. J Bradley - Energy\Energy Blaster
Special Agent Sigma - Broadsword \ Shield Scrapper

Lady Kayos - Claws\Ninjitsu Stalker
Lord MacBane - Bots\ Traps MasterMind
Saibot's Fury - SS\Invuln Brute
Phantom Huntress - Rad\Rad Corruptor
Arbiter Blood Widow - Widow (Night Widow and Fortunata)
Death Widow X-0 - Soldier (Crab Spider)
Winter-Bolt - Electric\Ice Assault Dominator
Saitenn - Katana\WP Stalker!

"Where does he get those wonderful toys?" - The Joker



Congratulations! And great story!




Did the same thing myself not too ... well, maybe it was last year, so more than a little while ago. Now I've got other projects - like one of each control set to 50 (almost there, Fire at 48, Elec at 23,) one of each tank primary, etc.

In fact, if you go to repeat-offenders.net you'll see all sorts of projects to get involved in (alone or grouped.)



Nice! ...and it isn't easy, at least for me, to stick with an energy blaster. I had one in the 40s that I eventually deleted because I hated the kb so much on teams, so you get extra kudos.

My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom



Very much conga rats on your accomplishment!

After 2 1/2 years of playing, I finally convinced my wife (who was getting bored with Guild Wars) to try out City of Heroes/Villains. After another year of playing, I still had only 4 level 50s (it's a journey, not a destination! ). My wife caught up and passed me with a vengeance; she now has at least 15 level 50 characters, and maybe the total is up in the 20s somewhere. I created a monster!

And lastly, whew! I came into this thread expecting the OP to say that he had finally reached a goal of having 50 level 50s of each AT.

M. Bison: For you, the day Bison graced your village was the most important day of your life. But for me...it was Tuesday.
-- Street Fighter (1994)

McClane: Hey, thanks for saving my daughter's life.
Farrell: What was I going to do?
McClane: That's what makes you "that guy."
-- Live Free or Die Hard (2007)




I think I'm only missing a Kheld. I should just suck it up and play the last 10 levels on my warshade but I have a really hard time getting into them.

Guides: Dark Armor and IOs | SS/DA | Crabbing | Fortunata



Took me almost 7 years to get 50s of all ATs. I started playing the game 1 month before Issue 1. The last 2 ATs that I took to 50 were a Stalker and a Warshade. I really didn't like both untill I stuck with my guns and finished them off. I will say I have some love for them both. Maybe I'll get another AT to 50... hint, hint? :P

Pinnacle: Hold my beer. Watch this!
Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else.
MA arc #117314!! Try it nao!!



My current goal is getting all of my Burnt Matchsticks to 50. I've gotten 3 out of a possible 13, I think I've still got a long ways to go. Congrats on meeting your own goal!



I dont have a Warshade or a Stalker. But here is my 50 List..

Sandstone-Dark/Stone ( dark powers colored to look like sand)

Rede Furashi-Elec/Shield

Airhammer Nrg/Nrg




Projectile-DualPistols/Trick Arrow

Photon-Peacebriger ( all human )

Arachnos Solder
Major Havokk- Crab Spider

***** Slade-Thugs/Traps
Skorpion-Merc/Trick Arrow


50's that died ( deleted )

Vertigo-Sonic/Psy Defender ( thinking about some kind of Sonic/Kin remake )

Kin/Elec Defender ( cant even remember his name right now )
Gigawatt-Elec/Kin Corruptor ( a remake of the defender who also later was killed )
Sadly I built them as sappers and by blaster was better at it than either of these two.
These two I never liked. Liked the Elec/Elec and Elec/Psi doms better

The Orginal Firewall-Earth/Thermal Contoller ( he became the Earth/Fire dom.. much better)

The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.

If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-



Very nice story. My story's not as exciting, and spread out over a longer amount of time (first character made in the last days of I2!), but I hope to get there someday as well. As of right now, here's my list, not including a few repeated ATs:

Explomadoza (Empathy/Electric Defender)
Patteroast (Claws/Invulnerability Scrapper)
Professor Orange (Mercenaries/Poison Mastermind)
Dr. Fejwol (Stone/Stone Tanker)
Asoposl (Fire/Radiation Controller)
Kiviuq (Ice/Ice Dominator)
Particle Accelerator (Energy/Energy Stalker)
Captain Kalamari (Triform Warshade)
Crater Jr. (Stone/Willpower Brute)
Operative Greyling (Night Widow Arachnos Widow)

Level 47 - Yetniy (Radiation/Kinetics Corruptor)
Level 35 - Set To Eleven (Sonic/Electric Blaster)
Level 35 - Fratricidal (Bane Spider Arachnos Soldier)
Level 24 - SpaceBot 8300 (Human-only Peacebringer)

My other personal goal is to play every powerset on each archetype at least once. In that endeavor I'm only missing Archery and Dual Pistols Corruptors, Dual Blades and Electric Melee Tankers, a Fortunata and a Crab Spider.

The most satisfying goals are the ones we make for ourselves. I wish you well in whatever you work on next!

Proud member of Everyday Heroes (Infinity Heroes), Dream Stalkers (Infinity Villains), Devil Never Cry (Freedom Heroes), Enclave of EVIL (Pinnacle Villains), Phobia (Infinity Villains), Les Enfant Terribles (Freedom Villains), Gravy Train (Virtue Heroes), and more!

Full, detailed character list




I did the 1 lvl 50 of each AT as well. Hated lvl'ing my PB up....hate, hate hate....

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



I swear... I don't get some people... a 50 in each AT? Oh come ON!

I will never understand why some people go out of their way to make silly and completely arbitrary rules to make a game harder than it has to be... I mean... do these bizarre goals actually give you some sort of pleasure?!

You people are FREAKS! You're insane and out walking the streets! There should be a place to lock people like us... NO!.. um... you... lock people like YOU up to keep the us normal people safe... I'm gonna (snerk) write my... (muffled laughter) write my congressman! They'll pass a... heh-heee... luh... luh... law to... law to....


heh... Sorry... couldn't resist.

Great accomplishment. I bow in abject homage to someone who can not only create arbitrary goals but actually reach them.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go back to praying Issue 21 won't cause a Tournament reset.

My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw



Congratulations Ice_Wall.

I've been playing this game since i4, and I've still only managed to get one lvl50 , so kudos to you for this achievement

Cheers, @RoboTank

Robotank Inv Tank
Cloudwalker MA Scrapper
Shadowcall Dark Stalker
Stone Death Stone Controller
Solaise Fire Blaster
Confession Dark Blaster

Sent from my HAL 9000



congrats man been here since hero prebeta(oh the days of the forums then rp threads everywhere) and have only leveled 3 to 50 one which I deleted and remade a stalker when rogue came out and have only been playing 1 of them for most of that time. Love my bs/regen scrap with a passion

Kaoru Nan'drak 50th seasoned Broad sword/regen werewolf scrapper Justice
Founder and leader of The Crimson Moon -justice-



Been playing since a couple of months after launch, have had my full set for a long time, I never really enjoyed MMs and that was my last one when demon summoning came out (a team of 5 demon MMs and 3 VEATs destroys stuff in ridiculous fashion, +3 renault with characters the right level no problem).

I currently have 63 50s, 13 of them tanks out of my 190 characters across all servers, but have now played pretty much all the combinations I want to play till there's more proliferation or new sets.

It's true. This game is NOT rocket surgery. - BillZBubba



I'll join that list eventually, both my khelds are in the upper 30s



Just finished this same challenge the other day. Stupid Warshade took forever to finish.

Proud member of [url=http://www.repeat-offenders.net/]Repeat Offenders[/url]
Global @Pyre Flasher



First off, well done! It would take me so much longer to achieve the same thing.

I thought this part was particularly sweet:

Originally Posted by Ice_Wall View Post
- My second character ever was just something I created to mess around with a powerset I was curious about. An Assault Rifle\Devices blaster. She started as an experiment. She's been my main hero for years, with over 1100 badges and completely set enhanced with all Tier 4 Incarnate powers.
My namesake was originally a character to test out i11 on the test server. Now he's at the center of my CoH presence.



Originally Posted by Ice_Wall View Post
Madam Justice - AR\Devices Blaster
Ice Wall - Ice\Ice Tanker
Adria Lightheart - Peacebringer
Lady Tranquility - Dual Blades \ WP Scrapper
Phil Connors - Grav\Storm Controller
General Anesthetic - Emp\Rad Defender
Nova Spectre - Warshade
Col. J Bradley - Energy\Energy Blaster
Special Agent Sigma - Broadsword \ Shield Scrapper

Lady Kayos - Claws\Ninjitsu Stalker
Lord MacBane - Bots\ Traps MasterMind
Saibot's Fury - SS\Invuln Brute
Phantom Huntress - Rad\Rad Corruptor
Arbiter Blood Widow - Widow (Night Widow and Fortunata)
Death Widow X-0 - Soldier (Crab Spider)
Winter-Bolt - Electric\Ice Assault Dominator
Saitenn - Katana\WP Stalker!
Grats, dude. You've been on my global friends list for about 4 years now (you and I used to team quite a bit when you were leveling Madam J and I was working on my TA/Arch 'Fender, Blackheart Bow [my global is @ZephyrWind]). We haven't teamed in quite a while but I still see you on global from time to time. Congratulations on making your goal!


Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
English does not borrow from other languages. English follows other languages down dark alleys, hits them over the head, and rifles through their pockets for loose grammar.



Nice work. I've got the same project in mind (sorta). I have no intention of ever bothering with a Peacbringer, so that's out.

Beyond that I'm pretty close. There's just my Mastermind to get from 45 to 50, and I'm done with a 50 in each AT (except PB). I just can't stand playing Masterminds, so the alt just sits there gathering dust.

The MM has been at 45 for over a year.

Too many alts to list.



Pretty awesome!

Shortspark: 50 Fire/Fire tanker
Emberblast: 50 Fire/Fire blaster
Jessie Inferno: 50 Fire/SD scrapper
a wizard: 50 Rad/Sonic defender
The Nemesis Plothole:
50 StJ/Reg scrapper



Congratulations on achieving a personal goal of yours on the game!

Some of the tidbits you mentioned also reminded me of the way I felt when I first started out on this game 7 years ago like the music. I can still remember getting chills down the spine after I loaded up into Atlas Park. I still get that feeling sometimes when I listen to the music.

Maybe I'll get around to doing the same thing you accomplished...

The Mentor Project - Because we were all new to the game at one time...



Congrats! That's quite a feat. I have been playing off and on since launch. I have several 50s but not one of each AT. I have been thinking of getting one of each to 50 mostly just to try new stuff. Though I'd counts VEATS as one AT, so either a PB or Warshade. Same for HEATS. Let's see... I still need a Brute, Tanker, Stalker, Dominator, Corruptor and Defender.

That's quite a few. At least I have a Defender, Dom, Corr and Brute(s) in progress.

@SBeaudway on Pinnacle, TaskForce Titans Supergroup.