50 of Each AT.....




Congratz Ice,

The hardest one for me was a Stalker. Finally made a BS/Regen Stalker and got him to 50 2 months ago. That was it the last one I didnt have. Its quite a goal, and a great adventure to get a 50 of each.

I started in I2, and my first was a BS Regen Scrapper, (funny just thought about it, started with one and ended with same sets) took me 3 months to get her to 50, my second took 3 weeks solo (an ill kin) and the rest have taken anywere from 6 hours to months but ave. about 1-3 month.

The only piece of advice I can give anyone is the wilder the combo of powers and the more it looks like it wont work the more fun that toon seems to be.

Side note: Thank you so much for the Great Guides Evil Geko. With out them it would of been a much harder fight designing them.

Broomhilda BS/Regen/BM Scrapper, Fiddle Faddle Shield/ElecM/BM Tank,
And many others..
Dev's With all the Great new content, Please!! dont forget to fix the bugs with the old content. There is a storm a brewing because they are not getting fixed. If its a problem that no one is reporting them? Well Maybe you need to look at your tech support then..



Congrats! I finally finished the same goal like a week or two ago, so I know you're probably feeling pretty accomplished right now. It's always nice to see people reaching their goals.

Wild Streak - Lv. 50(+3) Beast Mastery/Sonic Resonance Mastermind, Amnesty - Lv. 50 Staff Fighting/Dark Armor Stalker



Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post

I did the 1 lvl 50 of each AT as well. Hated lvl'ing my PB up....hate, hate hate....
I did the same. My advice to any who wish to try it is to do the PB before you fo the WS. The WS spoils you...

That blue thing running around saying "Cookies are sometimes food" is Praetorian Cookie Monster!
Shoot on sight, please.



You are all troopers. 51 months in and i have 2 50's, both tanks, lol.



Congrats. I'll prob never have a 50 of each because I hate the hero epic ATs and find the villain ones not to my particular playstyle. I also dislike Stalkers. I have 50s of everything else, tho.

Anyway, congrats!

If you're looking for your next character, you could do it randomly. I think my signature has a link to my random AT generator thingy, for when you are feeling indecisive but you need a new alt.


Random AT Generation!
"I remember... the Alamo." -- Pee-wee Herman
"Oh don't worry. I always leave things to the last moment." -- The Doctor
"Telescopes are time machines." -- Carl Sagan



Originally Posted by spaceninjax View Post
Just finished this same challenge the other day. Stupid Warshade took forever to finish.
Originally Posted by Crashed View Post
Congrats! I finally finished the same goal like a week or two ago, so I know you're probably feeling pretty accomplished right now. It's always nice to see people reaching their goals.

Grats both of you!

I started this thread just cuz I had to document it and share a bit, I'm surprised an appreciative of the number of people who have congratulated me (and one was a red name to boot!), one more reason I love this community. Thank you all, now I feel a little more special and that's always nice. (I don't get the feeling that often.)

As for the PB WS. Yeah I struggled a bit with the HEATs, the VEATs too a bit but not as bad. My PB was really hard, especially on end management early on. It wasn't until the 40s that I really started getting a handle on her and enjoying playing her. Now she's one of my 7 incarnates, fun toon but I stick to human form mostly. She has a Nova\Dwarf form build but I don't use it as much.

my WS.... I know some people love the WS's and maybe I need some help figuring out how to optimize him but man I can't figure out why people love them so much. I love the look of the powers, but play wise I just didn't enjoy him as much as others. Unlike my PB I pretty much only do Dwarf\Nova form with him.

Anywho, thanx again all for the posts!

Side note: Zephyr, hit me up any time and let's get some our big red numbers on!

"Where does he get those wonderful toys?" - The Joker



It's good to see some other people with the same goal. I still need to finish a Dominator and a Mastermind to have a full set. Both are in their 30s now.

'I don't like the look of it at all,' said the King: 'however, it may kiss my hand if it likes.'
'I'd rather not,' the Cat remarked.
'Don't be impertinent,' said the King, 'and don't look at me like that!' He got behind Alice as he spoke.
'A cat may look at a king,' said Alice.



I've only recently got all ATs to 50. Some were a challenge. Stalker, PB and Dominator were the hardest for me to play to 50. MM to 50 was easy, but the AT doesn't do well in the "speed" TF mentality. Pet mobility being the biggest problem.

The last 50 was an Arachnos Soldier. Pretty easy to level and fun to team with and play.

A few I won't play anymore.

PBs just have too much KB for a "team" AT.
Stalkers just get ignored for team requests. Give up too much hide and AS and most of their good stealth can be duplicated easily.
MMs can't keep up on speed teams and too many "pet unfriendly" issues.

Buff/debuff is very OP when you have lots of it. Probably why I have many Controllers, Corruptors and Defenders.

Not a big fan of Dominators. Although I do like my Fire/fire/fire.

Brutes and scrappers for solo fun. I love the versatility of Brutes.
Tanks, not so much because I prefer brutes.

WS, not bad with enough recharge and IOs.
Widow - yeah lots of fun.

H: Blaster 50, Defender 50, Tank 50, Scrapper 50, Controller 50, PB 50, WS 50
V: Brute 50, Corruptor 50, MM 50, Dominator 50, Stalker 50, AW 50, AS 50
Top 4: Controller, Brute, Scrapper, Corruptor
Bottom 4: (Peacebringer) way below everything else, Mastermind, Dominator, Blaster



Kudos guys!

I accomplished that a little over a year ago and I know how hard it can be. Especially when you get down to those last ATs and you realize why you never built them..... heh.

Anyway, some of my memories include:

-Wanting to play this game before I even had internet and getting internet just so I could play this game. (I joined right after issue 7 was released)

-Making my first toon a Katana/ SR scrapper and joining a sewer team for the first time. Since it was my first MMO I got stuck and basically was broadcasting in the sewers "How do you get out of here?" While trying not to die. (Which is inevitably how I got out)

-Hitting lvl 50 for the first time and taking a screen shot of it. I still have the screen shot accompanied by a few more as I try to catch one every time I hit 50 on a character.

-Badge Hunting and spending 3 MONTHS leaving my toon in RV just to kill that ONE outcast every hour until I got the isolator badge. Used to joke "Everytime an outcast in RV is killed, a little bell goes off in the Dev's offices and they snicker in sadistic glee."

-The ups and downs of each AT. I found that though I liked the melee classes, stalkers were simply too blacklisted from teams to enjoy. Peacebringers need Lots of love from the Devs. And the one I haed the absolute most to play were Dominators. While I liked controllers, Dominators had too many click powers for my tastes.

-Finally my first regular play group. There were four of us at that time. The team basically was 2 scrappers, an emp defender, and a FF defender. Needless to say it was a very good team. Unfortunately they all moved on since then.

So anyway.... My list of 50s in no real particular order:
(* are still played often toons)

TigerKnight - *Scrapper Katana/ Super Reflexes
Tiger Knight - (Remake) *Scrapper Dual Swords/ Super Reflexes
Leonin Pride - *Scrapper Claws/ Willpower
Vixen Foxfire - *Scrapper Martial Arts/ Fire Aura
Aegis Avenger - *Scrapper Electric Melee/ Shield
Sgt. Kevlar - Tank Invulnerability/ Super Strength
Shadow Gorger - *Tank Willpower/ Dark Melee
Eternal Esper - *Blaster Archery/ Mental Manipulation
Kelvyn Helsing - Blaster Energy/ Energy Manipulation
Detective Brimstone - Blaster Fire/ Energy Manipulation
Daystorm - Peacebringer
Dark-Dweller - Warshade
Breathtaking - *Defender Kinetics/ Electric
New Age Angel - *Defender Empathy/ Sonic
Nayla Nocturn - Controller Illusions/ Force Field
Freedom Forged - Controller Fire/ Kin
Misty Hannon - Controller Earth/ Rad
Doctor Illuminatus - Illusion/ Empathy
Time-Zone - Corruptor Dual Pistols/ Kinetics

Cool Emissions - Corruptor Rad/ Kinetics
Evil-ution - *Mastermind Robotics/ Traps
Arachnosassin - *Solider of Arachnos
Arbiter Eros - *Fortunata
Hivemind Project - Dominator Mind/ Thorns
Mister Graves - *Brute War Mace/ Stone
Burning Pride - Brute Fire Melee/ Fire Armor
Stormforger - Electric Melee/ Super Reflexes
Sk'ar - Stalker Energy Melee/ Willpower
Little Plaything - *Tank Ice Armor/ Ice Melee

29 level 50 toons...... 1421 dings in all

The petition link to Save CoH:



Congratz on this task, and I'm one who's done this myself... finishing up about a year ago with the Peacebringer (shudder).

It's a shame about the Hero Epics being so... undesirable? I will agree that at least Warshades are a little fun.

I'm kinda surprised by the few dislikes of Stalkers here, as I love both of my 50 Stalkers (Dual Blades/Energy Aura and Spines/Ninjitsu)... but guess we all have different tastes.

Dominators, I have 3 of... and while they're slow to grow... man do they get powerful.

Anticipating my next 50... thinking maybe a... Time Manipulation/Sonic Attack Defender... because that's my favorite AT!

Again, congratz!




I'm still working on getting a Dominator and a Widow to 50. If I get those to 50, I'll still be missing an Arachnos Soldier, Kheldians, and a Corruptor. I just can't get motivated to play those characters, especially the Warshade.



well so far here are my chars
mm merc/force
def empathy/energy
mm aerial asualt merc/storm
those r 50s here r ones im working with

brute SS/WP
scrapper MA/Dark




I had much the same plan but a bit more aggressive (antisocial?).

I have soloed every AT to 50. I haven't got all of the varieties of Villain EATs to 50 yet but I did get both Heros epic AT to 50. Would have got spiders to 50 (in 30s now) too but got distracted by, well lots of things. lol

You can't please everyone, so lets concentrate on me.