How do you make the most out of your $15?




This week we are going to be talking about how players can make the most out of their CoH/CoV experience! Whether solo specialists or trial teamers, everyone seems to enjoy a different part of the game.

So this week we are asking: How do you make the most out of your $15?

For me, it's because of the ease of having Alts. I am, and always will be, an Alt-o-holic. I always have so many ideas, combinations I want to try, and even concept characters I like to play around with. Over the past several years, I beleive I have rolled more then 200 characters. of which only one has lived to see 50. I can't count how many times I've gotten a toon to around 30-45 only to delete it because it seemed "off".

And you know what? City of Heroes is the only game I have played where I didn't feel the dread of starting over again.



I only pay $14.99.

As long as I still get a good amount of fun & satisfaction out of CoH, it's money well spent.



Since my COH subscription is a flat fee, I'm able to relax and explore the game instead of, say, having to justify the purchase of additional content, grind gaming time to maintain my status, or ponder how to allot this month's membership points. Without the pressure to "optimize" my subscription dollar, I get a lot more fun out of the game.

At any rate, these days I'm rambling around different servers on new alts, especially the European ones, and getting to know their different communities. At a certain point, I'm going to get back into the new endgame content.



I make the most of it simply by playing the game. I used to burn through console games in a week/week and a half, then I'd be back at the game store seeing if there was anything interesting on the previously played rack. If nothing else, playing City of * has saved me a TON of money.

I love exploring zones, used to go around taking screenshots of storefronts, business signs, and bilboards I hadn't seen before (like that new 'super' energy drink one in Galaxy I saw last week- when did they put that one up?!). I've occasionally thought about writing up reviews of the places/products/shows being advertized, but just haven't had the time.

It's really easy to let little details of these beautiful zones slip by when you're just running from mission to mission. Take a stroll in the woods of Perez sometime (when you're high enough level to ignore the mobs) or check out some of the details on the skyscrapers in Steel (there's some really neat screenshot opportunites out there), and I love wandering around St. Martial at night around the casinos. The graveyard in Dark Astoria's really neat too. I gained a level on my main waaay back in the day just exploring that while I was in that level range.

I have alt-itis too, and have probably played every powerset to at least level 20something at one point or another. Understanding the sets can help you learn better play habits too, expecially how the different AT's work.

Try everything at least once or twice, regardless of how you initially feel about it or what others say. Who knows, you might like PvP, Base Building, making AE stories, and who cares what folks say about the Hollows, it's a neat storyline. Try it out! There's a lot of players out there who will tell new players 'avoid this' or 'that zone sucks' etc. having not enjoyed it themselves, or sick of it from the umpteenth millionth time running through it. New players that heed that advice will never have the opportunity to be sick of it, or enjoy it, themselves.

In that vein, Oroborous is your friend. I use that a lot. Leveling up a character and teaming has you miss out on a lot of storylines just jumping from one mission to the other, often times cycling through differnt teammate's missions. When nobody's on and I'm in the mood, I run Oroborous arcs. That gives me the advantage of seeing a story from beginning to end at my own pace, and build up merits for stuff I want. It's like having your own mini-TF's! There's a lot of old missions that hint and lead into stuff that has been added to the game, like the Midnighters, and the Path of the Dark.

Last, but not least, have different goals for different characters.

I have one character that runs only tip missions and moralities, another that I solo and have been slowly following all the storylines with.

One hero, villainside, that I run newspaper missions with and design story arcs based on what missions I take (He's trying to take back the Rogue Isles. I keep a journal for him).

I have a couple characters that I just built crazy to see what I can do with them. I have a Controller I play like a Scrapper, for example. He has Acrobatics, Fighting and Super Speed, and I plan on getting either Leadership or Presence depending on how endurance works out.

Or it could be just as simple as one character I have. I will stop to help any NPC in need on that character. For him, it's not about what the reward is, it's about doing the right thing. Sometimes it takes him a while to get across a zone to his missions

Characters like the Scraptroller or the Do-gooder above I solo. I'm not going to inflict those idiosyncrasies on anyone else. I just mentioned them as things I do to keep myself interested and entertained.

Hope these help!

"I play characters. I have to have a very strong visual appearance, backstory, name, etc. to get involved with a character, otherwise I simply won't play it very long. I'm not an RPer by any stretch of the imagination, but character concept is very important for me."- Back Alley Brawler
I couldn't agree more.



My play style has changed over the years. I started off a primarily solo and only-team-with-friends type player. But over the last few years I've made a transition to PuG's for all kinds of things. I find PuG's terrific over 90% of the time and look forward to meeting and fighting along side new people. And now and then I spend a lot of time soloing, as the mood suits me. I keep an eye on the different TF and LFG channels and jump on TF teams on a whim. Lots of fun!



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
With singles. It makes a bigger stack!
Haha Electric-Knight

Great responses everyone. Keep them coming!



Variety is my main enjoyment.

Those who know me, or have read such comments on the forums, may know that I spend an inordinate amount of time in the costume creator.
I may have fifteen minutes of time before I need to be elsewhere... So, I may just turn on the game to mess with some costume ideas for a quick bit.

These days, I usually only log in to really play (for more than 20 or so minutes) once, maybe twice, a week.
However, I still get my money's worth, as far as I am concerned.

Sometimes, when I do sit down to play, I end up messing with the costume creator for quite a while before logging in.

Other times, I hop on and do some base editing and designing.
This I can spend hours doing, when I feel like it (and, unfortunately, you basically have to spend so much time in order to do it... hehe).

And other times I hop on and join my wife, my friends and SGmates, or complete strangers and run some missions, TFs, Events or the Trials.

Often times, I enjoy running some missions solo. I also enjoy Duo-ing and teams of around 2-5 or so.

I've always enjoyed smaller teams, because it feels more like a superhero adventure, somehow. I like seeing what others on the team do and them seeing what I do.

Of course, whenever I play, I really enjoy role-playing as the character with other people doing the same.
I'm more into playing the game and just role-playing being a super hero (or villain) beating up the enemies, finding clues, solving problems, helping someone with their troubles and whatnot, more than hanging out and role-playing the other aspects of their lives (although, I certainly can enjoy that added in from time to time, no doubt).

I haven't had the time much, but I did enjoy creating story arcs related to my or other people's characters to have nice adventures defined around the characters running them.
And I have SGmates that have enjoyed doing the same.


Variety: Costume/Tailor Stuff, Base Editing/Designing, Role-Playing, Solo-ing, Duo-Ing, Small-Teaming, Big Teaming, Multi-Teaming...
I try and do whatever I feel like at that moment.
Or... drift in indecision for long enough that I've run out of time or get swept away in whichever way the wind is blowing...

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Well, mostly I just run around trying to organize things and throw in a little solo play, but what i usually do is plan for some big solo event. Recent one I planned to do was a solo LGTF with a Mastermind, but I never got around to it. New plan of attack is a solo Apex.



I PL alts to 50, get them hit point accolade then drop tons of IOs into them, then do it again.

Generally I select an alt that seems fun and go from there. I've tried starting new alts in Praetoria but...too many ambushes, just too many to make it worth doing more than once or twice.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



I keep a written journal of my various adventures in CoH. This makes me think about what I did each night: what worked and what didn't, what was fun and what wasn't, what were my proud moments and what were my embarrassing ones, and so on.

I feel like this gives me a better understanding of the game and how I like to play it, and on later nights, I remember to do more of the fun things, and less of the unfun ones.

@PW - Police Woman (50 AR/dev blaster on Liberty)
TALOS - PW war journal - alternate contact tree using MA story arcs
=VICE= "Give me Liberty, or give me debt!"



Make the most out of my $15?

I once spent a month doing nothing but editing a base, only to find that I needed to delete 3/4 of it and start over because I needed the next-largest control room AND one visual effect that I wanted required vaults, rather than decorative rooms. I did practically nothing in the game but that... and creating new cusswords... and I still considered it $15 well spent.



$.50 a day... and I can spend the *entire* day on Co* if I so choose, barring disconnects and breaks.

These days, though, if I only get on once or twice a week now, I'm happy. Still money well spent, as I still enjoy it immensely, 6.5 years later, when I get the chances to.

So I get the most out of it as I can, when I can, and that's the best answer I got.

August 31, 2012. A Day that will Live in Infamy. Or Information. Possibly Influence. Well, Inf, anyway. Thank you, Paragon Studios, for what you did, and the enjoyment and camaraderie you brought.
This is houtex, aka Mike, signing off the forums. G'night all. - 10/26/2012
Well... perhaps I was premature about that whole 'signing off' thing... - 11-9-2012



To keep things entertaining I will invent challenges or projects for myself.
My latest? To level entirely within the AE (no farming, just running arcs). I haven't done it before, and it's kind of neat. So far I've found that even without farming, AE leveling is MUCH faster from 1-10.

An ongoing challenge is that I will eventually have at least one Dom for every Primary at 50. So far I have created the following, only the first one is 50 as of this post (damn alti-itis):

Plant/Fire (my first 50)
Earth/Psi (can you tell I like Earth Control? )

I'll also occasionally create themed characters with friends. For example, one night we all decided to make up an army of ants. I was Pyre Ant, the Fire/Thermal corruptor.

I also have 2 SG bases I like tinkering with.

Basically I just do lots of varied things, and I never really let myself feel rushed with any of it.



Sometimes I dont play the whole month. But being able to if I want is worth it.



Often it's writing an AE arc, for me. That takes all sorts of pondering-time, writing and editing-time and then playtesting-time. Dunno what I'll do when I run out of arcs though... start deleting old ones I guess.



How I make the most of my money is by NOT making the most of it. The thing about money is that we value it so much we sometimes let it take control of us, whereas the exact opposite is kind of the entire point. Once I've paid for a month, I don't feel I "owe" the game any playtime, any achievement or even any spare thought. Sure, spending $15 a month to never log in may seem like a waste, but spending $15 and then doing something I don't want to do is a BIGGER waste. Not only have I wasted my money, I'm wasting my time for the illusion of making my money back. Sunk costs, however, have no positive connotation that I care for.

When I do play, by far the most important thing for me is to never feel like I HAVE to do anything unless I specifically want to go and do it. I'd say a fair few people need to remind themselves that we pay money for this game. We don't owe it anything. It owes us entertainment for the money we put into it. Once I'm in-game and know that I don't have to do anything I don't want, it's a pretty simple matter to do whatever it is I fancy at the time - kill some stuff, chat with friends, make costumes, run around the zones, write and re-write character descriptions, or really whatever comes to mind. And if what I fancy doing is playing another game, I can do that just fine without worrying I'm paying for services I'm not using.

A week ago I got a ridiculous bargain over Steam: all five of Ubi's Prince of Persia games, all for 16,25 Euro. That's less than ANY of the five costs normally, and that's what I've been doing for the past couple of days. Depending on how I feel when I'm done making this post, I may spend a couple more days doing that, and then we'll see. But I don't feel I'm missing out any of my paid time in City of Heroes because I wanted a break from the game anyway. I'm still subscribed, I can log in for as much as I want whenever I want, but I want it to be MY choice, not something I feel I HAVE to do.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Sometimes I don't log in for days at a time. I think the last time I logged in was a couple days after the Praetorian Surge. Badge get and off I go. I don't pay my fee every month anymore, even though that hurts my completionist side that wants all of the veteran rewards RIGHT NOW. I canceled last year and went six months without even thinking about City and it was actually the best medicine I ever "took". Finding a two-month sub card for $5 while GR was on sale for $10 meant I got three months and Going Rogue for $15 - a bargain at twice the price - I figured I'd give it a go, since the main reason I quit was forum-based and I can ignore the forum if the draconian rules start to aggravate me.

So I don't pay $15/mo, but when I do pay whatever it is I pay that month, I make the most out of it by logging in a few times, maybe playing with Wentworths for a bit, chatting in various global channels A LOT...basically I pay my money for a glorified chatroom with mobile, 3D avatars.

Paragon Wiki:
City Info Terminal:
Mids Hero Designer:
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



I just try to get enough out of my subscription dollars. I haven't really thought too much about trying to get *the most* out of my subscription dollars.

Min/Maxing in the game is not the same thing as min/maxing playing the game

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Even after a year of subbing, I still haven't gone through a lot of content and ATs. I'm addicted to speed SFs, and always like to try how fast I can accomplish something.
Stuff that I'm planning to try:
- all the villain ouro arcs
- Dev choice arcs in AE
- publish a story/puzzle-solving AE arc
- give hero side another try. My initial foray as a hero didn't pan out very well.
- complete more accolades

My typical weekday is something like:
- recruit for VG, promotions, and see if VG mates need some PL or mayhems
- marketing. I love the crafting part in this game and I love selling my overpriced stuff to AE babies.
- strikeforces and trials if any are forming
- tips

On the weekends, I try to do more organized stuff for the VG, like a strikeforce or mayhem marathon. Sometimes, I just run lowbie teams for several hours. Incarnate content is great, but new players won't see it until they get to 50, so I hope that my teams will help in that direction. Occassionally, I see a new player (no vet badges) and give them some start up inf.



*shakes fist* damn state tax...I pay like $16 and some change...

either way...I play at least 8 hours a month these days, which is still worth more than a trip to the movies or eating out. I spend most of it doing iTrials or the occasional TF.



Originally Posted by Mr. DJ View Post
*shakes fist* damn state tax...I pay like $16 and some change...
Well, you could pay bi-yearly or yearly and pay something like $12-$13 I don't, personally, since I'm seeing fewer and fewer reasons tie myself down to this title for such long periods of time, but it is an option. You'd still pay more than other yearlies, but you'd pay less than now overall

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by justice_electric View Post
So this week we are asking: How do you make the most out of your $15?
Teleporting loud mouth players with 50 billion builds into Police Drones.



How do I make the most out of my $15...

I play. *shrug* Really, that's what it boils down to - $15 gets me very cheap entertainment all month long. Haven't gotten tired of it yet - COH seems the easiest to keep going, really create my *own* character with, RP in (because I can create my *own* character instead of Orc 298734 with armor combo 10 and not so uber sword 6.)