Possible clue to next boosterpack?




80's fashion: unique, but awful.
80's music: mix between horrid and brilliant.
80's cartoons: nothing but half-hour toy commercials, but they were awesome.
80's TV: Oooh, FOUR networks now! I... cable? Wussat?
80's comics: adolescent with spurts of growing up.
80's movies: regarded as classics today, even the bad ones.
80's social/political climate: Communism is EVIL! Drugs are EVIL! Strangers are EVIL!
80's technology: I can fit an entire 20-page report on this 5-inch floppy! ...why are you snickering?
80's video games: Plunk quarters into an arcade game or play insanely hard 8-bit games at home. Many are considered classics today.

Overall, i'd give an 80's booster pack a 50/50 chance of being epic vs Fail.


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



I don't understand some of the hate I've seen here for the '80s. The best music came out of the '80s.



Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
I don't understand some of the hate I've seen here for the '80s. The best music came out of the '80s.
**insert echoey singing and overly loud drums drowning out melody here**



I can't believe nobody posted the "In the 80s" video yet...



Originally Posted by MaHaBone23 View Post
I'd almost rather see a 1950's retro B-movie booster pack, with classic "discombobulator" blasters, old Flash Gordon style jet packs, astronaut "bubble helmets", lots of kooky alien skins and heads, Jacob's ladder antennae, Tesla coils, Cadillac fins, beehive hairdos, antigravity belts, etc etc etc...
don't forget Deloreans with white-walled tires.

Actually, for an 80s pack, I'd like the down vest jacket Marty McFly wore. And around 1981 to '84, preppie & argyle were all the rage. Argyle socks, sweater vests, gator shirts, over-the-shoulder sweaters and knit ties. Just the thing for your classic Jimmy Olsen-types and other nerdy secret identities.



I remember teaming with someone called something like 80's Girl years ago. All her random chat messages were 80's song lyrics. I thought it was a neat concept at the time.

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components

Tempus unum hominem manet



Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
I remember the 80's there was very little good about it, and NOTHING worth making into a booster pack.

Forgotten how bad the 80's were? Watch Hot Tub Time Machine.
Speak for youself, I grew up in the 80's!

Knight Rider, Air Wolf, Red Dawn, Terminator, A-Team, G-Force, Star Blazers, Robotech, Better off Dead, One Crazy Summer, Feris Bueller's Day Off, Wall Street I, The Cold War was on the way out, you could still watch classic TV and Cartoons without subscribing to a cable channel (even the racially charged and sexist stuff like Mighty Mouse, the Flintstones, and Bugs Bunny) it was the dawn of the video game, arcades were still a cool place to hang out, the hole in the ozone just showed up. Reagan with the help of Gorbachev and glasnost eventually did what a stupid war in Vietnam couldn't. MTV actually played music videos, Skinimax was worth watching, Jenny's number was everywhere, Safety Dance, Whip It, et al. You could buy a car that got 50+ mpg for less than 10 grand new, gas was getting cheap again because of a glut do to an abundance of light weight fuel effcient cars on the road (I remeber regular going for less than a dollar a gallon). D&D was big, et al.

No global climate change, no war on terrorism, no stock market collapse, no global economy, no past peak oil, no devaluation of the dollar, no every household in the US owes 540k as part of its debt), No SS and Medicare bankruptcy, no TV turning into a 24/7 reality show on every channel, No bankrupt Hollywood desperately remaking every movie it can, Baby Boomers where still working and not retiring.

The only downside I can think of in the 80's where all the "repsonsible" adults who did all the fun stuff in the 60's and 70's trying to tell you with bloodshoot eyes, rock hard livers, confectioner's sugar caked around thier nose with a straight face you shouldn't do that kind of stuff which bascially led to an entire generation of kids who grew up with a complete disregard for authority.

And comic books didn't blow!

------->"Sic Semper Tyrannis"<-------



Originally Posted by SilverAgeFan View Post
Silver age is mostly 60's 70's. Reasonable arguments could say it starts sometime in the 50's. But either way, the silver age occurred when superheroes re-emerged as a focal genre for comics after crime, war, horror, western and romance comics had grown to dominate the medium in post war America. There was also a very distinct limited color palette throughout the silver age and offset plates were printed at a lower LPI resolution to limit spoilage. These factors could be credited as much as the era's fashion and mainstream culture for the distinct bold style of silver age hero and villain costumes.

This changed in the 80's as color separation technologies advanced, making photo separation increasingly affordable for the medium which was eventually replaced by photo-digital and 100% digital separation during the 90's. At the time, the 1980's was considered to harbor the second golden age of comics when these more detailed graphic styles, broader color palettes (heavy with subtle earth tones) became coupled with grittier revisionings of classic silver and golden age characters. The second golden age is more commonly referred to now as the diamond age and if I'm not mistaken also includes most of the 1990's.

The history is obviously more complex than this when one includes the rolling influence of underground comics that always seems to lag the mainstream comics by at least a decade. i.e. themes in underground comics in the 1960's not making their way into mainstream books till the 1970's. But that's a horse of a different color.

Short of it: silver age is definitely 1960's & 1970's.
I thought the 80s style was now called the Dark Age (for the grittiness as well as the darker colors), although at the time we all called it the Iron Age. Diamond Age might refer to whenever Diamond Distributors got their monopolistic stranglehold on comic distribution, effectively stifling a lot of indie comics gaining wide release and notice, and as such be somewhat derogatory.

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
What music were you listening to? That doesn't describe '80s music at all.

Here's a couple of my favorites for a better idea of what I'm talking about.

Musically, the 80s were all over the place. It seemed like every couple years there was a new fad taking hold.

The synth pop stuff like what you posted was pretty much done by the mid 80s. The hot trend was then hair metal bands and then rap and club music. By the late 80s it was pretty much a free-for-all, with no one style dominating the public's attention. One might argue in favor of the pre-packaged boy bands, because they got their start then, but it didn't seem to be a true musical fad until the early 90s.

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



Originally Posted by Seldom
**insert echoey singing and overly loud drums drowning out melody here**
Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
What music were you listening to? That doesn't describe '80s music at all.

Here's a couple of my favorites for a better idea of what I'm talking about.

Tell me you were being ironic...



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
I thought the 80s style was now called the Dark Age (for the grittiness as well as the darker colors), although at the time we all called it the Iron Age. Diamond Age might refer to whenever Diamond Distributors got their monopolistic stranglehold on comic distribution, effectively stifling a lot of indie comics gaining wide release and notice, and as such be somewhat derogatory.
Could be right. My interest and knowledge in the flow of contemporary comics (outside of some exceptional graphic novels and true life comics) has really waned in the past couple decades. Like heroes season 2 and beyond did for heroes season 1 for me--the 1990's pretty much destroyed everything I enjoyed about superhero comics.

I briefly dipped back in to check out some things like civil war and the marvel ultimate reboot. But the prices they are asking for books these days could not be justified. And as a much older grown up, all the cross overs and tie ins felt like blatant manipulations and money grabs. (They may have been back in the day as well, but I was too naive and hungry for the material to notice or care I suppose!)

/e crotchety



Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
An entire booster pack of nothing but shoulder pads and big hair?
Yes, but:

None of the hairstyles will correctly attach to Huge males, and instead float an inch above their heads like Resistance hair, which is still not fixed.
None of the hairstyles will recolour correctly, forcing yellow, black or grey, like the new Steampunk goggle hat.
All of the hairstyles will cause Huge male skulls to collapse during idle animations, like every single hairstyle since launch.
No belts with belt loops will be added. No idea why belt loops are so difficult.
No belts which can be worn with jackets will be added.
Jean jackets will be added, but their sleeves will not match and they will give Huge males a 15 inch waist, like the Steampunk pack. But, maybe they will have back emblems (very 80s punk).



Originally Posted by ThatGuyThere View Post
For what it's worth, "The Eighties" had a pretty distinctive ("dark and gritty", supposedly) style in comic books, too, that had not-much to do with Hammer Pants or big hair.

...not that I'm any more in for a Rob Liefeld booster pack than a MC Hammer booster, but I do think the first is more likely than the second.
MC Hammer and parachute pants were early 90s.



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
Musically, the 80s were all over the place. It seemed like every couple years there was a new fad taking hold.

The synth pop stuff like what you posted was pretty much done by the mid 80s. The hot trend was then hair metal bands and then rap and club music. By the late 80s it was pretty much a free-for-all, with no one style dominating the public's attention. One might argue in favor of the pre-packaged boy bands, because they got their start then, but it didn't seem to be a true musical fad until the early 90s.
As you point out, like any decade, it was highly varied. The heavily marketed stuff for the most part stank. But a lot of good stuff did come out of the 80's that folks don't necessarily associate with that decade:

A few examples of bands that came out of the 80's but people forget came from the 80's:
Front 242
Jane's Addiction
Stone Roses
Operation Ivy

As well as some acts that very much represent the decade, but still have something to offer:
Cyndi Lauper
Michael Jackson
Van Halen
Public Enemy
New Order
Big Audio Dynamite
Duran Duran
LL Cool J
Bow Wow Wow
Minor Threat

and those that worked before, through and after the decade:
Siouxsie & the Banshees
the Cure
the Clash
the Cramps

So yeah, despite being the decade that gave us yacht rock, Huey Lewis and late career Dolly Parton duets, there was some decent stuff on the airwaves if you knew where to point your analogue radio dial.

Edit to add: and the Dead Kennedys fit somewhere into that mix. But they formed in '78 and broke up mid 80's--so not sure which list. And none of this touches the truly oddball stuff that was underground then and has remained underground since. From the De La Soul to the Dwarves, the decade did have a lot to offer.



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
Although we have the feet down.

*cries T_T*
It includes a news run animation that causes a rock or small explosion to appear every time your feet would need to touch the ground.

That plus the switchable left and right foot costume pieces for those times it really just doesn't matter.



Originally Posted by Seldom View Post
I'm tone deaf, or a troll.
Oh, I got it now.



Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
Oh, I got it now.
*shrugs* or just disagree. I find the percussion of the songs you linked to overdone, something I find problematic with music of that time in general. And the mad world link has the echoey singing I'd mentioned.

I simply thought both links had elements of what I took issue with, so I thought the inclusion of them might be ironic. Obviously I misread.

I understand the criticisms I brought up are 'problematic' only in my own view, please do not take this personally.



Originally Posted by DireAngelus View Post
I can't believe nobody posted the "In the 80s" video yet...
Actually, I'm more disappointed that no one posted this one:


Well, 'til now.

Regarding an actual 1980's booster pack, I dunno -- only if we get a MacGuyver power, Electric Boogaloo dance emotes, a villain mish or SF where we kill the Breakfast Club, and maybe a Brazil power . . . though I'm not sure how an 'insanity as self defense' power would work in-game.

One forum name, two members: Molly Hackett & Heliphyneau.

AE arcs:
27327 - Enter the Homunculi
176837 - Homunculi 2: Tectonic Boogaloo -- UPDATED



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
You looked all those references up, didn't you?
I LIVED those references sir.

Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios



Oooh I want:

A Mr. T emote where you Pity the fool!
A Transformers costume change emote
A Power of Greyskull He-man costume change emote
The Greatest American Hero 'flight-of-no-control' Travel Power

An ALF Shoulder Pet that randomly talks trash to your enemies
A "Who Shot JR" T-shirt
Converse with colored laces options
New Lore slot unlockable pets : KITT and Air Wolf

Cobra Kai Chest Emblem
A Save Ferris T-Shirt
And Finally we are all given one(1) Flux Capaciter...Use it wisely!

*Edit Forgot that when you purchase this Booster pack, Your total possible character slots increases to 72 per server!
Now how can you say this wouldn't make an Epic 80's Booster pack!



The 80s weren't that bad:

Prince, Michael Jackson, Janet Jackson, Madonna, LL Cool J, Run DMC, Beastie Boys, 2 Live Crew, the many incarnations of New Edition, (lol, Rappin' Reggie), the Fat Boys, Yo MTV Raps

Schwarzenegger, Van Damme (No Retreat, No Surrender baby), Stallone, Eddie Murphy, Dan Akroyd, Chevy Chase, John Candy (SNL cast in movies in general), Mel Brooks, Tim Burton (and Danny Elfman), John Hughes

The Simpsons, Magnum PI, Knight Rider, Airwolf, Fantasy Island, The Love Boat, Threes Company, Miami Vice, GI Joe, Transforms, GoBots, Thundercats, TMNT, HeMan/SheRa, Silver Hawks

Magic Johnson, Larry Bird, McEnroe, Sugar Ray

Coke vs. Pepsi, Max Headroom, Cable TV, Spuds McKenzie, Skinemax, VHS (BetaMax), Cassettes, Dungeons and Dragons, Atari (Sears Video Arcade), Commodore, Arcades, Professional Wrestling, STTNG and Trek movies, MTV

Wolverine, Punisher, Psylocke, X-Calibur, Strikeforce: Morituri, MacFarlane, Legends of the Dark Knight, Who's Who

More sex, more drugs, more rock and roll and All Hail Family Guy (and its many 80s references)

If it were summed up in a dance emote: Poplocking, Robot or Moonwalk

Costume Change: Something with a trenchcoat

Costume pieces: Hair with the high front (perma bangs for the ladies), big shoulder jackets (w/rolled up sleeves), Thriller jacket, parachute pants, track pants, kangols, pumas, filas, jheri curls and the mullet

Apparently, I play "City of Shakespeare"
*Arc #95278-Gathering the Four Winds -3 step arc; challenging - 5 Ratings/3 Stars (still working out the kinks)
*Arc #177826-Lights, Camera, Scream! - 3 step arc, camp horror; try out in 1st person POV - 35 Ratings/4 Stars



Originally Posted by Angelxman81 View Post
I would rather see lots of spandex classic 80 superhero looks.
Lots of new patterns, new cool textures for spandex tight, tight with skin streamlined, lots of superheroic leather and spandex belts, boots and gloves.
Also new classic masks with textures and 80s hairstyles.
Classic 80s superhero stuff.
I think the classic superhero costume pieces need an update badly.

this X 1000000000!!!!!
the older "generic" costume bits are showing their age, and could use a nice going over, with some simple additions.

but if they are going for an 80's booster, lets not forget the obligatory boy george head, and the hair style from the guy from the cure....what's his name? meh, don't care, but we would definitely need his hair!

Oh yeah, that was the time that girl got her whatchamacallit stuck in that guys dooblickitz and then what his name did that thing with the lizards and it cleared right up.

screw your joke, i want "FREEM"



Originally Posted by SilverAgeFan View Post
As you point out, like any decade, it was highly varied. The heavily marketed stuff for the most part stank. But a lot of good stuff did come out of the 80's that folks don't necessarily associate with that decade:

A few examples of bands that came out of the 80's but people forget came from the 80's:
Front 242
Jane's Addiction
Stone Roses
Operation Ivy

As well as some acts that very much represent the decade, but still have something to offer:
Cyndi Lauper
Michael Jackson
Van Halen
Public Enemy
New Order
Big Audio Dynamite
Duran Duran
LL Cool J
Bow Wow Wow
Minor Threat

and those that worked before, through and after the decade:
Siouxsie & the Banshees
the Cure
the Clash
the Cramps

So yeah, despite being the decade that gave us yacht rock, Huey Lewis and late career Dolly Parton duets, there was some decent stuff on the airwaves if you knew where to point your analogue radio dial.

Edit to add: and the Dead Kennedys fit somewhere into that mix. But they formed in '78 and broke up mid 80's--so not sure which list. And none of this touches the truly oddball stuff that was underground then and has remained underground since. From the De La Soul to the Dwarves, the decade did have a lot to offer.
I'm not sure one could categorize NWA as a forgotten corner of the 80s. Maybe to kids too young to remember the brouhaha stirred up by them because at a certain age politics and similar controversies go over your head. I'd also put Van Halen and Michael Jackson in the last list, since they are definitely products of the 70s. That said, they did have their biggest hits in the 80s, which is why they're associated with that decade. Plus the videos cements things in people's minds.

The moment of the late 70s to early 80s was definitely an experimental one, with various forms of street music (punk from the UK, rap from the US) alternately fighting and uniting, art rock changing into "alternative" (Talking Heads, etc.), disco changing (almost imperceptibly) into Club music and roots rockers coming back to the charts (Mellencamp, Springsteen). For me, '77 to '79 were some of the greatest years ever for music. The sheer variety and awesomeness of the stuff released was tremendous.

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction