Steampunk Booster Costume Ideas




Originally Posted by Diggis View Post
That cloth belt looks really good for that usage. Dev's Give it to the men too please!
Not before they give some of the Male costume pieces to Female characters!

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Originally Posted by bAss_ackwards View Post
Not before they give some of the Male costume pieces to Female characters!

How about an exchange of patterns between the Icon stores so the Serge can cut the men some cloth and clock belts and Lauren can add some nice jackets to her collection,



What IS the belt supposed to represent, anyway? I've never seen it as anything but the top of a boiler suit tied around the waist like what Chell did in Portal 2

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Googling victorian dresses gave a lot of very layerer dresses so I would assume it was an attempt at achieving this.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
What IS the belt supposed to represent, anyway? I've never seen it as anything but the top of a boiler suit tied around the waist like what Chell did in Portal 2
It's a matching clothing piece for the bustier and a top-layer for the skirt too. The thing itself even has layers to it. Yeesh.

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Originally Posted by bAss_ackwards View Post
It's a matching clothing piece for the bustier and a top-layer for the skirt too. The thing itself even has layers to it. Yeesh.
I don't see layers on it at all. I see folded cloth like what I'd get if I tied a t-shirt around my waist. Yes, it colours in two sections, but I just see that as an artefact of colouring more so than an artefact of layering. Then again, I know next to nothing about Victorian attire.

I'll be the first to admit that Steampunk is one of my least favourite thematics, so I don't know all that much about it. I'll be reusing the various costume pieces for other designs altogether.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



My goodness, I've always wanted a double-breasted vest, never imagined one might be created. It's almost good:

The first one is where I am today. I was hoping the women's sash-belt would be for men too, it would make a great cummerbund. I could avoid using that belt-with-eyeholes. The middle one looks good, even with the brown, except for the duplicate bowtie. The last one is too dirty by default to support white shirts (which were fairly common in the Victorian era), and has a duplicate cravatte, but is also very cool. Hopefully those ties can be converted to Chest Detail options like other ties - it could also make them tintable!

The chances of more double-breasted vests in future (ultimately of the kind like Pushkin's statue in a square in Moscow) would seem negligible, so hopefully some of these ones will come out right from the testing process. It's already such a huge step in the right direction!

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
It just bothers me that the artist put his or her own artistic vision ahead of customization and gave us pieces with very limited use for no real justifiable reason.
While I am also disappointed with the restriction on color options, I have a more charitable view of the reasoning behind it.

Take the Steampunk hat (bowler with steam pipe) example. You can color the hat and the band, but not the pipe or hair. This is pretty disappointing, but I realize that we only have the ability to apply two colors to any one piece. So, we were given the option of coloring either the hat or band. Sure, they can work around this where the pipe and/or hair would receive the same color as either the one for the hat or band, but that's not ideal, either.

It's like the Saxon helmet, I desperately want to be able to color the metal and fur separately, as well as the hair. But, that's not possible. So, I end up with an grey iron helm, with grey fur and then whatever hair color.

With the hat, I'm not sure how I'd feel about having the hair or pipes being colored the same as the hat. I've gone on too long, but basically, I think it is the two-color limitation that is the reasoning and not the ego of the artist.



Originally Posted by airhead View Post
The middle one looks good, even with the brown, except for the duplicate bowtie. The last one is too dirty by default to support white shirts (which were fairly common in the Victorian era), and has a duplicate cravatte
Yeah, I really wish they had worked the jacket pieces like most of the other jackets in game. We already have a wide cravat-style tie or else just include a new one within the jacket/chest option drop-down. Likewise, we already have bow ties so why did these need to have bow ties baked into them that we can't remove? And it just plain sucks that you can't use different shirt options under the new jackets except for the one coat. The smooth vest would make for a nice breastplate or something (it's even reflective; see my thief looking guy up thread) if it didn't have that bow tie forced onto it and the sleeve limitations.

After playing with it a lot last night, I'm still keeping my B grade but it's feeling more charitable than solid. The pieces themselves are great as singular items but some questionable choices really cripples them for out-of-the-box uses.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
What IS the belt supposed to represent, anyway? I've never seen it as anything but the top of a boiler suit tied around the waist like what Chell did in Portal 2
It is called a 'Bustle' and is a piece of cloth to make the bum look bigger while wearing wide skirts. A problem with the engine is that we cannot have the right skirts (yet). This pack is trying to simulate the dresses but we actually need tech that stops trying to simulate but actually can do them without too much clipping.

- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
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- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
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- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
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These are some awesome looks people, i love em all! Some of these ideas i would NEVER have thought of, main credit to Mystic Fortune on the 'Blood Trail' with clunker aura, and bAss_ackwards with the armor/cloth look. Just brilliant... brilliant.



Originally Posted by Diggis View Post
That cloth belt looks really good for that usage. Dev's Give it to the men too please!
yes that would be awesome, to use it on a MMA fighter looking character for males would make my day!!!! I got a DP/Traps Def i made and will post picks soon.



Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I seem to be getting more use out of this as a martial arts pack than steampunk.

What are the emotes on the right?

My pet peeve is people who refuse to acknowledge it when I tell them my character has unlimited power. If I rp attack them they are of course disintegrated beyond the ability of any hospital or magic to restore. Yet despite this they refuse to delete their characters and still keep playing them as if nothing happened. ~Mandu, 07-16-2010



Here's my Defender mentioned earlier and i mistyped earlier he's a FF/DP Def not Trap/DP.

Also I made a Female version of the MMA fighter I mentioned earlier. She's a MA/SR Scrapper

And here I'm using the Victorian Decor aura as an aura for her "Chi" Energy



Originally Posted by wei yau View Post
Take the Steampunk hat (bowler with steam pipe) example. You can color the hat and the band, but not the pipe or hair. This is pretty disappointing, but I realize that we only have the ability to apply two colors to any one piece. So, we were given the option of coloring either the hat or band. Sure, they can work around this where the pipe and/or hair would receive the same color as either the one for the hat or band, but that's not ideal, either.
While I agree with you that the hat works well if your character concept happens to include brown hair and indeed does offer freedom of a different kind, I still feel that for every piece which includes large uncolourable sections, a double should exist which is entirely and fully tintable, even if that means brushing several different details into the same hue.

Think of it in terms of the Stealth pieces: They come with one pattern where you colour the round areas and the angular lines, and then you have another colour pattern that's just the round area but not the lines.

That, and the base textures need to be greyscale, and they aren't always. I look for them in the piggs but couldn't find anything. I do have the following screenshot, however:

This is the Steampunk boiler backpack coloured white/white, and it's nothing like white at all. That's because the base texture is brown, like skin is. I'm not sure what aesthetic the artist was going for with this base texture, but I'm sure he or she had good reason to do so. However, another version of the backpack is NEEDED that has a greyscale base texture and colours entirely. That way the brass/copper/bronze fans get their rusty steampunk boiler but I get to sell it as a power generator for my futuristic robot who's clad in gunmetal grey and black.


And so as not to come off like a complete derailing dick, I promise the following: I'll have another few costumes coming up soon, probably two or three. Soon as I snag some screenshots and crop them.

Well, as soon as the Test server comes back up, anyway.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Ashtoreth_NA View Post
What are the emotes on the right?
Top right: /e stancevillain2 (GR Item Pack)
Bottom right: /e bringit (Martial Arts Pack)

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



I can see the argument for including a sash belt for men, and I'll be amongst those asking for it, just out of the sense there's no good reason not to include it for men. As for the bow ties and dress/bustle parts as well as the colors, well....I have to think that that's thematically appropriate. That's not invalidating people's desire to want the options to do other than what's there, but the very look and concept of Victoriana/Steampunk is pretty specific in nature.

The genre (which is an invention unto itself, really) is grounded in the Industrial Age and never was bright. Chitty Chitty Bang Bang is, as evidenced by the car, late into that period and more associated with the 20's and the flapper period along with the shift into petroleum over steam. Steampunk is a melding of the Victorian ideal and aesthetics of the period more than anything else. So you get men in suits and ties (nearly always), being dapper whilst wearing brass and steel (the concept of coloring them would've been offensive to some, let alone even concievable) and women wearing corsets and bustles.

Again, I'm not denying the desire to want to have the options, but this has always struck me as a genre where the gender lines are very clearly drawn. I'd want a skirt style like that for males included in some sort of Tribal/Native pack. That being said, the jackets and shirts shouldn't be denied to women because of the 'female adventurer' archetype of the period.

I'm sorry if I'm being particular here; my main influence from this period was Alan Moore's League of Extraordinary Gentlemen and Doctor Who, to a lesser extent.


Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse



Originally Posted by SuperOz View Post
...the very look and concept of Victoriana/Steampunk is pretty specific in nature.
I agree entirely. But the pack provides Victorian and Steampunk pieces, I hope it is not just the intersection of the two. Otherwise I'll be waiting for the "Victorian pack" for my clean and mix-matchable DB vest, which could be a long time coming.

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It is unfortunate about the baked in ties. I wonder why they didn't do it just like the baron coat... or any of the jackets for that matter. Why force a tie when there are plenty of separate shirts with ties under Chest?

As for the hats, I think it was crazy not to allow the two colors to be the hat and the hair. Lots of the existing hats force a band color on you, they should have kept that standard. Hair is a lot more important that hat bands in my opinion.

It's gone into test so late I suppose it is not going to get an edit. But it isn't like they haven't made tweaks to the packs after going live before.

I don't suppose they moved all the wings to the new Backpack category? That would completely solve the wings + bolero problem among other things. Maybe that will happen soon. I can only hope at this point since I accidentally erased my wings on my last bolero outfit.



Originally Posted by airhead View Post
I agree entirely. But the pack provides Victorian and Steampunk pieces, I hope it is not just the intersection of the two. Otherwise I'll be waiting for the "Victorian pack" for my clean and mix-matchable DB vest, which could be a long time coming.
It's like any other Booster or general costume piece. I don't think if you have a specific look in mind you'll always get it, because the aim is to go reasonably broad. I didn't even consider the double-breasted look you had in mind until you mentioned it, and that proves that you can only do so much, given how many pieces there are in this pack and across both genders.


Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse



Right, here we go. My soon-to-be-rolled-on-live toon;


And a new dress setup for one of my alts, Kayla Drake;

I'm loving this pack

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by SuperOz View Post
That's not invalidating people's desire to want the options to do other than what's there, but the very look and concept of Victoriana/Steampunk is pretty specific in nature.
But the look & concept of superheroes is not. It should be a superhero game booster first and a strict lesson in Victorian fashion second. The more people it can appeal to, the more successful it will be. And it's not as though we're lacking for bow ties and cravats in the game.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post

I won't be able to play with this pack until it goes live, but an armored (in some way) steampunk hero is on my to-do list. I really appreciate this as an example. Great design!



Originally Posted by Angelxman81 View Post
I cant recognize the yellow chest piece. Looks like a Carnie corset!
I believe it is, and judging by the costume items available on test, I'm afraid to say that I'm pretty sure that it's the result of a mod on the part of the person who posted the shot, and doesn't reflect what's actually in the pack. Love to be corrected if I'm wrong.

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Originally Posted by Jophiel View Post
But the look & concept of superheroes is not. It should be a superhero game booster first and a strict lesson in Victorian fashion second. The more people it can appeal to, the more successful it will be. And it's not as though we're lacking for bow ties and cravats in the game.
Well, that's just it. Steampunk was/is the forerunner of superheroes. All the derring do of terribly English explorers and their command of SCIENCE!

If the pack isn't conveying the theme that it's named for, then you may as well call it 'Generic superhero pack 5' or something. And people on this game from what I've seen want their genre-specific parts to be just that, specific. I'm only echoing that. The fact that by and large this pack has a large number of parts that are getting use in entirely different concepts is a testament to how they were made.

I'm not disagreeing with you, it's just how Steampunk was/is. It's a snapshot and reflection of a very specific time in a way the superhero genre is not, being an amalgam of many things. Again, I cite my primary influence of League of Extraordinary Gentlemen here. To quote the English, 'it's not how it's done, dear chap.'


Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse