2010 Baby Names (For Baffling Beer Man)




Why not just name the baby Baffling Beer Baby?

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I love these articles where parents name their Kids after movie characters and they write it as if it's never happened before.

I have cousins in their 20's, their names are Luke and Leia.... I doubt very much that I'd have to explain that to anyone here.

@Radmind - Justice Server
ClintarCOH - Twitter




Originally Posted by Radmind View Post
I love these articles where parents name their Kids after movie characters and they write it as if it's never happened before.

I have cousins in their 20's, their names are Luke and Leia.... I doubt very much that I'd have to explain that to anyone here.
My neighbors had twins about that same time. Named them Luke... and Laura. Some folks may need their moms to explain that one to them.

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
My neighbors had twins about that same time. Named them Luke... and Laura. Some folks may need their moms to explain that one to them.
Oh god. I have never watched any of the soaps and even I know that reference.



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
My neighbors had twins about that same time. Named them Luke... and Laura. Some folks may need their moms to explain that one to them.
A soap opera is also to blame for the billion Kaylas born twenty-ish years ago.

(Also, if you're wondering why "Jacob" is the number one boy name, just look at the number one girl name.)



When my wife and I were talking about baby names before we knew the sex we did check a lot of lists to make sure we didn't use any of those names.

My wife really wanted to use Isabella, (and yes she is a Twilight fan) but then I told her that if we have a boy I'm going to make sure his name is Vegeta.

That pretty much put an end to any names after fictional characters.

Now we have a healthy little boy who is named after his Dad and grandfathers.

@Radmind - Justice Server
ClintarCOH - Twitter




Jayden? I didn't think the most recent Karate Kid movie had that much impact.



Originally Posted by Vox Populi View Post
A soap opera is also to blame for the billion Kaylas born twenty-ish years ago.

(Also, if you're wondering why "Jacob" is the number one boy name, just look at the number one girl name.)
i recall that in my high school english class, we had no fewer than 6 ryans, and a rian who i later stole the name of for some video game. ryan o'neal was apparently big in the mid 70's. jennifer was heavily represented too, dont know what that was about.



A couple I know, both hardcore anime fans, gave their first daughter Mylene (from Macross 7) as her middle name. Don't remember if they were going to use Basara as a middle name if it was a boy.

And one of her first toys was a Haro (from multiple Gundam series).

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Originally Posted by Radmind View Post
My wife really wanted to use Isabella, (and yes she is a Twilight fan) but then I told her that if we have a boy I'm going to make sure his name is Vegeta.
If you thought the animated version was a poster child for anger management, imagine your kid in 15-20 years.

"No dad! I can't kill you with a chi attack. But that's what GUNS are for!" *BUDDABUDDABUDDA*

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It's always struck me as strange that we like to think of ourselves as unique individuals, yet our personal names are shared by thousands if not millions of others. Perhaps it's an admission that our supposed uniqueness is more or less a fiction?

The best comics are still 10�!
My City of Heroes Blog Freedom Feature Article: "Going Rageless?"
If you only read one guide this year, make it this one.
Super Reflexes: the Golden Fox of power sets!
WARNING: I bold names.



Perhaps it's a demonstration that our uniqueness transcends commonalities. I have a common first name. I'm caucasian. I have red hair. I'm short. There are probably hundreds of thousands of 'me' in the world by those exact criteria, yet not a single one sees the world exactly as I do because not a single one has lived my life to the last detail.

It's our perceptions of the world that makes us unique more than even our DNA.

So I'll take your 'supposed uniqueness' and raise you a 'more unique than even we realize'.

Being unique, however, doesn't guarantee any of us any kind of special privilege or rights or higher destiny. That's where the 'you are not a unique and delicate snowflake' comes in.

Weight training: Because you'll never hear someone lament "If only I were weaker, I could have saved them."






Yeah my son's name is Jar Jar.



Originally Posted by Kawkazn View Post
Yeah my son's name is Jar Jar.
...I have no responce to that!



Originally Posted by Kawkazn View Post
Yeah my son's name is Jar Jar.
Yes. And there's a special corner of Hell reserved just for you.

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Originally Posted by Daemodand View Post
It's always struck me as strange that we like to think of ourselves as unique individuals, yet our personal names are shared by thousands if not millions of others. Perhaps it's an admission that our supposed uniqueness is more or less a fiction?
It gets even worse than that: the universe is infinite but information isn't. Which means that somewhere in the universe there is another Earth that looks exactly like this one with exact duplicates of everything and everyone playing out the exact same way. No need for parallel universes any more!

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
It gets even worse than that: the universe is infinite but information isn't. Which means that somewhere in the universe there is another Earth that looks exactly like this one with exact duplicates of everything and everyone playing out the exact same way. No need for parallel universes any more!
Is that where the evil goatee-wearing doubles come from? What if I have a goatee already?


Kill 'em all. Let XP sort 'em out.



Originally Posted by Kawkazn View Post
Yeah my son's name is Jar Jar.
Seven of George Foreman's 10 kids are named George. The boys are all George, while the daughters are Georgetta and Freeda-George.

Some guy back in the 90s named all his kids -- even the daughters -- John.

While I admire African-Americans' ability to just put random syllables together to create a name, sometimes it gets a little odd. I was in a store about a decade ago with a black woman who had three daughters. She called them by name and I was surprised to hear the first one was named Mercedes, which is the definition of a classic old-school name. The second was Lexis, which I assumed was just a shortening of Alexis, going with the classic theme. But then she called the third one Infinity... and suddenly I realized she'd named them after luxury cars: Mercedes, Lexus and Infiniti. Poor girls.

And then there's this woman, who's real name is Marijuana Pepsi Jackson.

On the other hand, I knew a white girl named Crystal Chandra Lears, and sisters named Faith and Hope. (I asked them if they had a brother named Optimism. They didn't get it.)

When I was a kid, it seemed like one out of every four girls was named either Lisa or Lisa Marie. Turns out Lisa was the most popular name for girls for about a decade back in the 60s and early 70s. And Lisa Marie Presley is 43 years old. Interestingly, for the first time in 55 years, Elvis has dropped off the Top 1,000 Baby Names list.

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
On the other hand, I knew a white girl named Crystal Chandra Lears, and sisters named Faith and Hope. (I asked them if they had a brother named Optimism. They didn't get it.)
My mom's cousin's kids (I don't know what that makes them to me, other than "not an option") are named Faith and Hope. I always felt bad for them.


Kill 'em all. Let XP sort 'em out.



I recall my father telling me he had a professor in school named Ophelia Butts.

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