Discussion: RESCHEDULED MAY 10! Global Server Access is nigh!




Originally Posted by SinergyX_NA View Post
serious that server is empty
That's creepy then - who am I running all those TFs and Trials with on Defiant when it's late at night in Europe?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



I can't wait! I'll probably make new toons on each of the "new" servers. My French is a little rusty...and I can read it easier than respond to it...but I'm still gonna. Yes, yes...I am an alt-o-holic. Why do you ask?

"Certain it is and sure: love burns, ale burns, fire burns, politics burns, but cold were life without them." - Romulan proverb

My Characters



Originally Posted by Coin View Post
I know it's a week, but it starts the same time as the global list merge, meaning people with duplicated EU/NA account names will not get chance to change the NA global in adance, as we were originally promised by Zwillinger.

I think it will be possible to fix things, as I posted earlier, but will be a lot more awkward.

My point stands, we were told we would get the reactivation weekend in advance of the global merge, no we are not.

I cannot fathom why they aren't throwing the Reactivation switch today instead, unless they don't want to have a downtime in the middle of it.

The whole point of the reactivation was to give people a chance to tidy up their own accounts. The approach they're going with seems destined to generate a lot more CS work for NCSoft next week post-merge.



I'll be trying union and defiant, seeing whose awake during aus play times.

I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.

Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.

So sad to be ending ):



According to the Dev USTREAM, I believe the reactivation is on now...
Try logging into your inactive account and see what happens.

Nuff Said...
Coolio Wolfus leader of Coolio�s Crusaders on Union.
Tekna Logik leader of Tekna�s Tormentors on Defiant.
AE arc 402506, 'The Rise and Demise or Otherwise of Tekna Logik...'.



This is news of a stonkingness hitherto unheard of in Paragon.

I maybe able to play this as an MMO now instead of a single player game.


@SteelRat; @SteelRat2
"Angelina my love, I'm a genius!"
"Of course you are darling, that's why I married you. Physically, you're rather unattractive"



This is pathetic.

So, if I'm reading this right - and I believe I am, despite having an account since just after EU Launch and associated Global from the day it launched in the region, a US Player can register literally days before the switch over for server lists and snipe my global handle and account name?

Simply by virtue of being a US Subscriber?

That's bull. I'm lucky, my main account shares a global with my US account so I can fix it myself, but for everyone else that's absolutely awful. Why aren't you guys using account seniority rather than "Oh hey well the EU guys don't have as many subscribers so we can shaft them!"?



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
That's creepy then - who am I running all those TFs and Trials with on Defiant when it's late at night in Europe?
We're all just figments of your imagination, GG. Who would've believed an MA Scrapper could solo BAF and Lambda like that?

Arc#314490: Zombie Ninja Pirates!
Defiant @Grouchybeast
Death is part of my attack chain.



So...i played in the US some years ago and then my EU global was taken so I presume it still is.
So even if this US account has been inactive for years it still trumps my EU one?

"Extremists LOVE to fish to get us annoyed so we break the forum rules."
"The origin of life wasn't planned either, should all life be declared a bug and wiped out?"
"You know me.Ever the realist"



Originally Posted by Coolio View Post
According to the Dev USTREAM, I believe the reactivation is on now...
Try logging into your inactive account and see what happens.
Nope, just installed the US version and checked, not working, so as it stands I'll need to be VERY careful on Tuesday so as not to mess up my own global.

Of course, given how often the devs and mods say that the majority of players don't read the forums, I can see a lot of angry people who didn't know getting their globals scewed

We built this city on Rock and Roll!



This is likely not the right place to ask this. I'm thinking about creating some characters on the French and German language servers. I had 1 year of bad high school French and 3 semesters of okay college German, both of which have largely faded from memory. I'm not comfortable trying to communicate in either language, but I'd like to work on my reading comprehension in both, and this seems a reasonable way to go about it.

It is stepping on toes for mostly unilingual American who intends to solo to just show up and do so?

I know, most of the folks who might read this are playing on the English-speaking servers, but I hoped someone might have some feedback. I'd go post in the French or German forums, but see paragraph number 1 for the problem there.



Originally Posted by kviri View Post
Actually, I just noticed that the 50% off server transfers promotion ends the day before the scheduled date for Global Server Access... is there any chance of getting that extended by a day or two?
Ack if thats the case it really needs to change! I was going to transfer four characters to Union and I was actually looking forward to using the discount.



Originally Posted by Pattern Walker View Post
This is likely not the right place to ask this. I'm thinking about creating some characters on the French and German language servers. I had 1 year of bad high school French and 3 semesters of okay college German, both of which have largely faded from memory. I'm not comfortable trying to communicate in either language, but I'd like to work on my reading comprehension in both, and this seems a reasonable way to go about it.

It is stepping on toes for mostly unilingual American who intends to solo to just show up and do so?

I know, most of the folks who might read this are playing on the English-speaking servers, but I hoped someone might have some feedback. I'd go post in the French or German forums, but see paragraph number 1 for the problem there.
I've considered doing the same on Vigilance (4 years of high school French, barely used since then). If I do, I intend to prepare a few carefully translated "canned" responses as keybinds -- things along the lines of "I'm sorry, I only know a little bit of French, and am using this server in an attempt to teach myself a little more. It's probably best if I play solo for now." (Probably with a "Thank you for the invite, but" prepended if I can tell they're inviting me to team.)



Originally Posted by Coin View Post
I know it's a week, but it starts the same time as the global list merge, meaning people with duplicated EU/NA account names will not get chance to change the NA global in adance, as we were originally promised by Zwillinger.

I think it will be possible to fix things, as I posted earlier, but will be a lot more awkward.

My point stands, we were told we would get the reactivation weekend in advance of the global merge, no we are not.
May I give you some advice? Seeing you have both a NA and EU account:
  • During the reactivation week, log into your NA account.
  • Change the global name of that account.
  • Log into your EU account.
  • Change your EU in game global.
  • Congratulations you've parked your global name.
You get a full week to do this.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
May I give you some advice? Seeing you have both a NA and EU account:
  • During the reactivation week, log into your NA account.
  • Change the global name of that account.
  • Log into your EU account.
  • Change your EU in game global.
  • Congratulations you've parked your global name.
You get a full week to do this.
Heh, you might want to scroll up, Globe, I already said all that in my first post

I appreciate it's doable, but it's not what I was expecting. I was hoping to be able to go into my old US account before the global merge and get it cleared up and sorted out.

My worry is that I don't know if there's a time limit on how long a global stays "active" after being changed. I seem to remember that a character name was tied to an account for an hour after being deleted before anyone else could get it, but I could be wrong on this. Just concerned it could happen with a global name as well.

I know this reactrivation week will work, it's just not what we were told was going to happen by Zwillinger, I can't understand why they don't want to start it a couple of days early so people can get their names and toons sorted out earlier. The only reason I can think of is to prevent griefing with numpties stealing global names for kicks, but with trials not couting anymore, i can't see that being an issue anymore.

On a seperate thing, it might have been a good idea to include things like the info about trials not being included in the original post to help allay any worries people have. players shouldn't have to sit through 90 minutes of video footage of the Ustream to find this out.

We built this city on Rock and Roll!



One other thing, might be worth getting the info about the upcoming Global Merg on the Launcher, numerous people in game tonight knew nothing about it as they don't visit the forums.

Could well come as a shock for any poor player who logs in on Tuesday to find their global name all kinds of screwed up

We built this city on Rock and Roll!



We considered allowing for the reactivation before the actual date of the Global auth merge, but realistically it doesn't make it any easier because we're issuing the Global renames during the downtime (it requires downtime to issue them). We decided that this is the most straightforward approach as it's utilizing already scheduled downtime rather than adding additional.

Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios



Originally Posted by Coin View Post
Nope, just installed the US version and checked, not working, so as it stands I'll need to be VERY careful on Tuesday so as not to mess up my own global.

Of course, given how often the devs and mods say that the majority of players don't read the forums, I can see a lot of angry people who didn't know getting their globals scewed

Players only have themselves to blame if they don't take advantage of the forums. Letting people start threads about whatever pops into their head is only one function they serve. They can argue that they didn't know, but they should have.

Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.



Due to difficulties encountered during the testing process we are postponing the launch of Global Server Access. At this time we do not have an ETA for launch. We will keep everyone notified of any updates as they develop.

Thanks and our apologies for the delay.

- Z

Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios



Originally Posted by Coin View Post
Heh, you might want to scroll up, Globe, I already said all that in my first post
I take it that you actually mean this post (not your first in this thread):
Originally Posted by Coin View Post
If I'm reading this right, loking at the times, I have to

1. Log out of the EU account (my normal one) on the right character for my Global Name before the servers go down at 12pm,

2. Wait for the servers come back up at 7pm that night

3. Log in to my US account and change the Global Name (I'm presuming I've still got one global name change?)

4. Log out of that and log back in to my normal EU account and all being well I should keep my normal Global Name?
If it is, then no, what I said wasn't the same. I made no mention of logging out of the "right" EU character. I'm taking the developers at their word that everyone is getting a global rename token so your 3rd point is accurate.

Your 4th point may not be accurate from what I understand. However if points 1 and 4 are accurate, then your EU account will have a rename token in reserve for future use. If not, then your EU account will have a global chat handle rename for you to use immediately.

Originally Posted by Coin View Post
My worry is that I don't know if there's a time limit on how long a global stays "active" after being changed. I seem to remember that a character name was tied to an account for an hour after being deleted before anyone else could get it, but I could be wrong on this. Just concerned it could happen with a global name as well.
To my knowledge, the global chat handles aren't reserved when they change.

Originally Posted by Archy View Post
So...i played in the US some years ago and then my EU global was taken so I presume it still is.
So even if this US account has been inactive for years it still trumps my EU one?
Yes. On the other hand, you can use the free reactivation to change that old account's global chat handle.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
I take it that you actually mean this post (not your first in this thread):
I think we're arguing the same thing from a different angle now

the reason I added the bit about logging out on a specific character was from the FAQ where it states...

All European players with a global chat handle name collision will have their global handle changed to the name of the last character they log out with before Global Server Access is enabled
hence me wanting to log out on the correct character to keep the global name.

the principle is the same, log in to US account first, change the global, then change to EU account. If all goes well, which toon I logged out of shouldn't make a difference, but it would make it easier to spot an issue if I did it that way.

Seems the point is moot for a while now anyway.

We built this city on Rock and Roll!



Originally Posted by White Hot Flash View Post
Players only have themselves to blame if they don't take advantage of the forums. Letting people start threads about whatever pops into their head is only one function they serve. They can argue that they didn't know, but they should have.
I agree to a degree. It would be better if players checked the forums regularly, with such a short lead in time, the devs might want to put the plan on the launcher so players know to check for something like this.

Devs and Mods have often said that the forums are not a good place for updating players on things, seems unusual for such a mammoth undertaking it's not on the Launcher as well.

Hopefully when this does eventually go live, they will add it to the one thing that ALL players see every time they log in.

We built this city on Rock and Roll!



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
Due to difficulties encountered during the testing process we are postponing the launch of Global Server Access. At this time we do not have an ETA for launch. We will keep everyone notified of any updates as they develop.

Thanks and our apologies for the delay.

- Z
How's it coming on the City Vault, by the way?

I kid, I kid


"We must prepare for DOOM and hope for FREEM." - SirFrederick



Originally Posted by Quasadu View Post
How's it coming on the City Vault, by the way?