Discussion: Prepare for the Praetorian Invasion on the live servers!




If it is confined to Freedumb and not having any toons on freedumb or the financial where with all to transfer to freedumb and then back, this will suck. I will just use this oppertunity to push other toons to the 50



Originally Posted by terrible_deli View Post
Second measure says..

"If you can't make it on the 27th or over the Memorial weekend, we will absolutely give you another opportunity to get the badge in a few months. If you DO get the badge this weekend, you’ll have some measure of exclusivity for a few months, maybe enough exclusivity to get you to log in real quick before you hit the hay or hit the clubs. And we want to ensure that this badge is prestigious, so the next opportunity will be a limited-time window as well, though longer than three hours to be sure."
Another opportunity, wohoooo!!! Another opportunity....for lag.
Seriously, were any of you on Freedom last night? From 4-10PM it was laggy in almost every zone except the transit areas. If this is taste of the invasion, I may wait for the second one



Eh, I'm skipping out till they make it the regular zone event in the new zone (speculation on my part).

I did make "Imhereforthebadge" 1-4 on my wife and I's accounts this morning on Freedom, so we should be covered.

"I saw my advantage and took it. That's what heroes do." - Homer Simpson.



Originally Posted by terrible_deli View Post
Eh, I'm skipping out till they make it the regular zone event in the new zone (speculation on my part).
The zone event for the new zone will be something else

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
The zone event for the new zone will be something else
Since you know so much, tell us. Otherwise, quit wasting our time.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Unless it's a new giant Warwalker, I doubt it'll be a new GM-only event.

The only other thing it could be is the Hamidon, and to blow their load on that, when there's assumed to be a better reveal elsewhere to be seen would be stupid.

"I saw my advantage and took it. That's what heroes do." - Homer Simpson.



Originally Posted by terrible_deli View Post
The only other thing it could be is the Avatar of Hamidon
The only other thing it could be?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Shiva or GTFO.

Psynder LVL 51 Fire/Fire/Scorpion Blaster
KnightWidow LVL 51 NightWidow
Shiver LVL 50 Ice X3 Dominator
Knight'Shade LVL 47 DP/Dark/NRG Corrupter
Currently Marking Out For: Chris Sabin, Player Dos, Daniel Bryan, Portia Perez, CM Punk



4-7pm Pacific is a bummer - I work until 630pm -not gonna get to experience much, if any.



Needs more Praetorian, less WarWok (even though that's mainly all they throw at us).



Originally Posted by caradoc001 View Post
If it is confined to Freedumb and not having any toons on freedumb or the financial where with all to transfer to freedumb and then back, this will suck. I will just use this oppertunity to push other toons to the 50

Badge is account-wide. Mooch with a level 1 and walk away. That's what I'm doing, I've no intentions to set foot near Farmdom for a long time, or at least for anything other than badge related content that the devs seem to want to push onto that server.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I made a poster for this today, to show off Tyrant's hardware

Nice effort, GG. Find out what this is event is really going to be. I feel like everyone's expectation for this is growing larger everyday but as far I can see this is appears to be an event no different than Rikti zone events or basically a zone2zone runaround event.



I'm not liking the setup for this.

For those of us in the states, we need a 9-5 job, or no job, and no family to deal with in order to get a good chance of participating. And we only get 1 day per server for 3 whole hours.


The only way I can participate on Virtue is by not sleeping today!!!

I can only participate AND sleep by playing on servers I have no characters on!!!

But more importantly, I've gotten a bit more lore out of y'all.



It's 6:10pm BST. Even Dictators can't get their invasions to run on time.

Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Is this meant to be the new server?

Cause if it is Freedom's test has not got a chance in hell. 100 people in AP on Union and it's pretty much fallen over.

ETA: Okay distinct improvement after more zones were created. AP2 is, at least, going reasonably well now.

| dave | onion | @davejb |



Just logged out of the Virtue invasion in disgust. Here's the event: GMs and mods bounce around invisibly, spawn a handful of baddies... and either they get shredded before you get there by the three hundred people who swarm in there, or you get killed because the lag is so horrific your powers arn't firing and you cannot actually see the enemies. This is assuming you can get into the zone, since the trains are barely running.

This is SERIOUSLY UNFUN. This isn't an event, we have no opportunity to do anything or feel epic. This is follow the bouncing rednames and get lagstomped.

Why couldn't we do something like the Rikti invasions or Zombie attacks? Those are fun. Those feel frantic and epic. This... this is just the mods running around spawning guys and stuff. Please, please, PLEASE never run an event like this ever again. Run events that are fun. I was all psyched up for this... but this is it? This sucks.

You want to know the secret of the world? It's this: Save it, and it'll repay you, every second of every day.
@Dr. Reverend - My DeviantArt Gallery
Crow Call - Gods of the Golden Age



welli got on for 25 mins . It was a super lagfest,70+sec for power activation,we were all standing still. rubber banding totally crazy, I will be ordering my COLE for King tee-shirt as we could not do anything to fight.

it really was bad, all kidding aside, if the rest of the events go this way, i will just login on 27 to get badge,then get the heck off the server.my time will be better served on my PS3.

Fluffy Bunny 1 Person SG
Rabid Bunny 1 Person VG
Both on Pinnacle
Hobbit's Hole 1 Person SG
Spider's Web 1 Person VG
Both on Freedom



If Virtue is any example, the new server code isn't ready for prime time. Talos didn't seem as crowded as you would see during a rikti invasion, but the lag was worse than I've ever experienced. Several minute delay to try to get on a train to switch zones, then another several minute delay when you switch zones before you can actually move. A minute or two to activate a power. Major rubberbanding while trying to move around the zone. I don't know how many people were in the zone or the server, but it definitely wasn't playable.

Charged Aegis, 50 Shield/Elec Tank- Virtue
Frozen Thunder, 50 Ice/Storm Controller- Virtue
Lex Talionis, 50 Bots/Traps MM - Victory



As described by the rest, horrible lag, powers not firing for minutes after que.
I honestly hope these invasions DO cause a meltdown of the servers, because that would force you to upgrade the hardware for the larger population servers like virtue.



Significantly worse than Union from the getgo. No letup in lag at all. The events don't appear to being spread out anything like as much as they were, there don't seem to be more zone instances.

And Leagues are... or perhaps to be fair the people in them... are USELESS. Not being able to change people around when everyone runs off to different zones ugh ugh ugh.

ETA: Unplayable. Left just after 1. Last one I'll be trying out.

| dave | onion | @davejb |



Here's my review of the event thus far

Logged into virtue (character was logged out in city hall)
Walked over to the door and clicked it, nothing happened for over a minute
I'm standing back where I started
walked over to the door and clicked it, the door opened, I stood there for over a minute, screen goes back
restart and log in, find myself outside city hall
broadcast that I'm lft
get invite
click accept
log back in, and try again, this time I actually find myself on a league, took 2 steps and turned to my right
freeze.......... crash...........
log back in, get on another league, manage to get close to an walker and get off one attack
try to get off a second, freeze, I'm cemented in place for what feels like 5 minutes, walker is down before second attack fires
someone says "over here" I turn to locate them
freeze...... crash........
restart and log in to find no one around, frankly I've had enough, I turn to head back to city hall....... jump...... freeze...... crash.......
all I want to do is get back into city hall to log out
restart, log in, haven't moved, this time I make it to the doors of city hall, click.... freeze..... crash.......
restart..... click door..... freeze..... black screen.... crash.....
restart, log in, I'm inside, THANK GOD..... log off.....

Maybe there's a good movie on....

Great event. Looking forward to the next one.



So, you DO plan on actually TESTING future events of this magnitude, right? Rikti invasions, Zombie invasions, Banner events...laggy, but nothing terrible like this. Whatever you did differently...don't do it again.